Without offering a quality education, Kentucky will continue to graduate students who lack the job placement tools and a deeper understanding of civic and social awareness...
Online school in Arizona adopts fully AI-taught curriculum for 2025 An online-based school in Arizona is handing off teaching duties entirely to artificial intelligence with a...
Public education in Georgia will likely see sweeping changes in 2025, as the Georgia Promise Scholarship, a program that allows families to divert public education funding...
Psychologist provides simple tips to manage ADHD and symptoms Dr. Ali Mattu explains how efforts like making checklists or being physically active can help manage ADHD....
When Morrow ran for school board in 2022, she referred to public schools as ‘indoctrination centers.’ Now she wants to control North Carolina’s education system as...
My passion for public education has been, let’s say, exacerbated by the actions of our state legislators. Dianne Prichard | Guest columnist Recently I had the...