Despite Ravi Teja’s relentless energy, the drama is bogged down by tedious emotional beats, observes Mayur Sanap. Ravi Teja is a formidable star within the Telugu...
The Vaccine War leans towards stoking nationalistic fervour but that shouldn’t stop you from watching a film that is solemn about the Indian scientific community’s achievement,...
Bambai Meri Jaan features horrific massacres and violence so brutal that it ought not to be seen on a home entertainment platform, warns Deepa Gahlot. Mainstream...
This tangled tale of good versus evil could have been far more intriguing, observes Mayur Sanap. Cinema is often regarded as a tool for social commentary...
Rocky Aur Rani delivers a king-sized entertainer that blends old charm with fresh ideas.It is a win for Karan Johar whose conviction works big time to...
Thematically riveting, but inept execution lets Kafas down, complains Mayur Sanap. Rarely do we view content that deals with child molestation and its implications. Kafas, a...
Even the worst movies have a song, a scene, or a performance that makes all the effort of making a film worthwhile.This one should have been...
DC is keen on rebooting its superhero universe, and by all means, The Flash is a decent step in that direction, notes Mayur Sanap. When Barry...
Jee Karda is a dish with a lot of garnish, but no flavour, observes Deepa Gahlot. A teacher tells his schoolroom of brats, ‘You are not...
Yeh Meri Family is rescued by the actors.All of them have delivered on the warmth and crankiness of a close-knit family without putting on any hum...