Story: Sindhu (Vedhika), a young woman, finds herself spiralling into a world of fear and paranoia after her boyfriend, Sampath (Arvind Krishna), travels for work. Strange...
Story: Sai (Dharma), a wealthy orphan whose life spirals into alcoholism following the demise of his parents. His days are consumed by drinking and unruly behaviour,...
‘Cunk on Earth’ (2023), a mockumentary series on BBC, was hailed for its laugh-aloud mockery of pretentious documentaries and Morgan’s razor-sharp comedic timing — British droll...
After watching Christy Hall’s Daddio earlier this year and Halina Reijn’s Babygirl out this month, it’s clear that Hollywood has moved on from #metoo to conventional...
In the opening scene of A Conflict of Love Interest, Scarlett (Hedy Nasser) walks out of a man’s apartment as he pleads for her number. Her...
Peter Sarsgaard captures the right pitch for this type of role: a soft-spoken single-mindedness that can quickly shift to outrage or bewilderment. Photo: Paramount Pictures Tight...
The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus. This article is written by a student...
Ralph Fiennes in The Return. Photo: Bleecker Street Anyone who saw Ralph Fiennes onstage in Straight Line Crazy, David Hare’s 2022 play about the career of...
Tamil Film Active Producers Association (TFAPA) filed a writ petition in Madras High Court seeking a ban on movie reviews for three days from release on...
The makers have made Moana 2 a visual spectacle but failed to add depth to the emotions of the characters as the film is marred by...