Chithha Movie Synopsis: A small town where cases of missing women and sexual abuse are on the rise. A young man who dotes on his niece....
Pizza 3: The Mummy Movie Synopsis: A restaurant owner experiences mysterious activities in his kitchen, only to discover a connection with the ghost haunting his place....
Dinosaurs Movie Synopsis: An ambitious youngster, who wants to stay away from violence, gets entangled in a conflict. Will he be able to solve things in...
Paayum Oli Nee Yenakku Movie Synopsis: A man with partial blindness embarks on a journey to find the reason behind his father’s death. Can he solve...
Thandatti Movie Synopsis:A constable, takes up a case that requires him to find a pair of gold earrings that belonged to a dead woman. Will he...
Bell Movie Synopsis: A blind man, who is also the descendant of an ancient saint, tries to safeguard the medicinal secrets of nature from a greedy-yet-influential...
Kather Basha Endra Muthuramalingam Movie Synopsis: An arrogant yet righteous man decides to get married to a woman, who has been suffering at the hands of...
Kazhuvethi Moorkkan Movie Synopsis: Circumstances put the lives of two friends from different sections of the society in a turmoil. Can they survive despite caste-based politics?...
Theerkadarishi Film Synopsis: A stranger retains calling the police management room to trace about numerous crimes and accidents which can be about to happen within the...
Tamilarasan Film Synopsis: Pissed off with a grasping hospital, an trustworthy cop takes its coronary heart surgeon hostage to save lots of his son.Tamilarasan Film Evaluation:...