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Ransomware attack paralyzes thousands of car dealerships nationwide into July



Ransomware attack paralyzes thousands of car dealerships nationwide into July

Cybercriminals paralyzed car dealership software provider CDK Global with back-to-back ransomware attacks. The result has car dealerships reverting to paper and pens to work out many of their computerized functions.

The first attack caused CDK to take its two data centers offline, and once it was recovering from the attack that affected thousands of car dealerships across the U.S., the hackers struck again.

The second attack occurred on June 19, again forcing CDK to shut down its systems.


A BMW car dealership (Kurt “CyberGuy” Knutsson)


What you need to know about the CDK cyberattack

The cyberattacks on CDK Global didn’t only impact the company but also its thousands of customers and regular folks who were planning to buy new automobiles.

CDK Global is a SaaS provider to clients in the auto industry. It provides car dealerships with software to handle operations like financing, inventory, back office, payroll and more. CDK’s services are used by over 15,000 car dealerships across North America. The company also employs thousands of people.

Timeline of the attacks

Cybercriminals targeted CDK twice. The first attack occurred this month, and while CDK Global didn’t reveal details, Bleeping Computer reported it was related to the company’s always-on VPN.

Car dealerships use a special kind of VPN connection that’s always on to connect to CDK’s data centers. This lets their dealership software, installed on their computers, access CDK’s platform. Since the CDK software has permission to update itself (like admin privileges) automatically, it makes sense why CDK recommended disconnecting from their data centers during the security incident.


CDK reported restoring some services on June 20 and told CyberGuy that its systems were again offline due to another cyberattack.

“Late in the evening of June 19, we experienced an additional cyberincident and proactively shut down most of our systems. In partnership with third-party experts, we are assessing the impact and providing regular updates to our customers,” said Lisa Finney, senior external communications manager at CDK Global.

“We remain vigilant in our efforts to reinstate our services and get our dealers back to business as usual as quickly as possible,” Finney added.

CDK Global announced on June 24 that the breach was, in fact, a ransomware attack, meaning the company’s systems won’t be back online until it pays the hackers a ransom. CDK’s software remains down as of this writing, and Reuters reported that it won’t be back online until the end of June. 

Bloomberg reported that a hacking group called BlackSuit is behind the cyberattack on CDK Global, demanding an extortion fee of tens of millions of dollars.

BMW lot

BMW sales car lot (Kurt “CyberGuy” Knutsson)


How are dealerships responding?

Car dealerships across the U.S. are feeling the pinch from the CDK cyberattack. But some dealerships are showing their resourcefulness. Employees are taking to social media, like Reddit, to share how they’re keeping things going with spreadsheets and sticky notes. This allows them to handle smaller sales and repairs, but for now, bigger transactions are on hold.

Big names like Honda, Toyota and Hyundai are closely monitoring the situation to see how badly the outage is hurting dealerships. Honda even went further, telling affected dealerships to use alternative tools and processes to keep business running smoothly while CDK gets its systems back online.


How does the CDK cyberattack impact you?

Car dealerships rely on CDK’s software to manage various aspects of their operations, including financing and inventory management. When these systems are down, it can delay the process of purchasing a car, affecting those who are in the market for a new vehicle.


If you’re seeking services from dealerships, such as maintenance or repairs, you may experience delays or disruptions because the dealership’s management systems are offline. CDK’s software also helps dealerships manage financing and leasing agreements. The cyberattack has disrupted these processes, leading to delays in securing loans or leases for customers.

A toyota dealership

Toyota dealership (Kurt “CyberGuy” Knutsson)


Cybersecurity lessons you can learn from the CDK global attack

The CDK Global cyberattack serves as a stark reminder of the vulnerabilities inherent in our digital world and the far-reaching consequences of such breaches. This incident underscores several key security considerations you should take into account:

1. Ransomware awareness and prevention

The revelation that the attack involved ransomware highlights the ongoing threat posed by this type of malware. It’s a reminder that you need to be vigilant about the security of your personal devices. Here are some steps you can take:

Regular backups: Ensure that you regularly back up important data to an external hard drive or a secure cloud service. This can help you recover your data without paying a ransom if your device is compromised.


Update software: Keep your operating system, antivirus software and all applications up to date to protect against known vulnerabilities.

Email caution: Be wary of unsolicited emails, especially those with attachments or links. Phishing emails are a common method for delivering ransomware. The best way to protect yourself from clicking malicious links that install malware that may get access to your private information is to have antivirus protection installed on all your devices. This can also alert you of any phishing emails or ransomware scams. Get my picks for the best 2024 antivirus protection winners for your Windows, Mac, Android and iOS devices.


2. Strong authentication and access controls

While the CDK attack involved always-on VPN connections, the principle of strong authentication applies to you as well. Protect your accounts with:

Two-factor authentication (2FA): Enable 2FA on all accounts that offer it. This adds an extra layer of security beyond just a password.


Unique passwords: Use unique, complex passwords for different accounts. Consider using a password manager to keep track of them.

3. Incident response and personal data protection

The prolonged outage and its impact on dealership operations underscore the need for you to have your own incident response plan:

Know your recovery steps: Familiarize yourself with the steps to take if your device is compromised, such as disconnecting from the internet, running antivirus scans and restoring from backups.

Protect personal information: Be cautious about sharing personal information online. Use privacy settings on social media and be mindful of the data you share with various services.

4. Regular security audits

Just as businesses need to assess their security regularly, you should also:


Review account activity: Regularly check your bank and credit card statements for any unauthorized transactions.

Security settings: Periodically review and update the security settings on your devices and online accounts.

By taking these proactive steps, you can significantly reduce your risk of falling victim to cyberattacks. The CDK Global incident serves as a powerful reminder that cybersecurity is not just a concern for businesses but for you and everyone in our increasingly digital world.

Kurt’s key takeaways

When a company of CDK’s scale is affected by a ransomware attack, it disrupts the whole market, which is something we are witnessing right now. Many dealerships in the U.S. use CDK Global’s software, meaning their business is paralyzed unless they can find another alternative. The company should work on tightening its security systems and hurry to deal with cybercriminals to minimize the losses suffered by dealerships.


What role should government and regulatory bodies play in supporting businesses affected by ransomware attacks? Let us know by writing us at

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This new Mac app uses animated flies to tell you when to take out the trash



This new Mac app uses animated flies to tell you when to take out the trash

I don’t think I’m going out on a limb when I say that not everyone agrees on the best way to handle their computer’s trash directory. Some folks like to let it go until their computer yells at them about storage, while others empty it every single day. I’m somewhere in the middle, but I do try not to let it go too far. And I think I found the best tool for that job a couple of days ago: Bananabin.

When the data kept in your Trash folder passes a certain threshold, Bananabin surrounds with buzzing, animated flies that you can shoo away with your mouse. That’s it. That’s the app.

I’m sure the novelty will wear off at some point.
GIF: Wes Davis / The Verge

You can configure the fly threshold from the app’s icon in the menu bar; the three options are Janitor Mode (10MB), The Recycler (1GB), and Garbage Hoarder (10GB). The app free right now, while it’s in beta. Leon Schrijvers, one of Bananabin’s developers, said in an email to The Verge that they’re still working out some bugs (heh). The flies won’t show up if you keep for an iCloud Trash bin, nor will it if you keep the folder an external drive. Also, it only works for macOS Sonoma at the moment, though they’re looking into adding support for macOS Ventura later.

Something to note: Bananabin requires accessibility and full disk access permissions to work. The app’s site says this lets it find the Trash directory and check to for when it’s full. That seems plausible, but it’s something to know, in case it’s a dealbreaker for you.


If that’s fine by you, you can try the app by heading to Bananabin’s website (here’s the link one more time). You have to provide an email address to get a download link.

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Abandoning doggy doo? DNA will sniff you out and expose you



Abandoning doggy doo? DNA will sniff you out and expose you

Hey there, pet owners. Do you have a furry friend who likes to leave “surprises” on the ground? 

Well, you had better start scooping up after them because DNA testing is coming to sniff out the culprits.

A couple walking a dog  (Kurt “CyberGuy” Knutsson)

The poop scoop on DNA testing

You read that right. Some apartment complexes and homeowners associations are now requiring residents to have their dogs’ DNA tested. The idea is to create a database of doggy DNA profiles. So, if any unscooped poop is found on the premises, they can connect it to the guilty party and issue a fine.



It might sound a bit extreme, but let’s be real. Nobody wants to step in a steaming pile of dog doo on their way to the mailbox. And for property managers, dealing with unclaimed dog waste is a real headache (and a smelly one at that).

woman walking dog

A woman walking her dog  (Kurt “CyberGuy” Knutsson)


The pioneers of poop policing

This DNA testing trend isn’t brand new, but it’s definitely gaining traction. In 2019, some apartment complexes in Denver were already on board with a service called PooPrints. Catchy name, right?

The way it works is simple. Residents register their dogs and provide a cheek swab for DNA testing. Once the database is set up, any rogue piles can be matched to the offending pup, and the owner gets slapped with a fine. In some places, that fine can be as high as $250, a pretty penny for not picking up your pet’s pennies, if you catch my drift.


Man walking dog

A man walking his dog  (Kurt “CyberGuy” Knutsson)


The bark spreads nationwide

Fast-forward to today, and PooPrints (or similar services) have spread to communities across all 50 states. Utah, in particular, has embraced the idea with many apartment complexes hopping on the DNA doggy doo bandwagon.

And now it seems like the Oak Meadows complex in Connecticut is the latest to join the ranks of poop policing. Residents there will need to get their dog’s DNA tested in July or face a daily $25 fine for non-compliance. Yikes. While some residents view it as an invasion of privacy, others support it as a way to curb the problem of uncollected dog waste.


A dog being walked on a leash  (Kurt “CyberGuy” Knutsson)



Kurt’s key takeaways

Look, I get it. Having to DNA test your dog just so you’ll clean up after it seems a bit over the top. But, at the same time, leaving dog poop around is just plain inconsiderate (and gross). Maybe these DNA measures are what it takes to finally get some pet owners to be responsible and scoop that poop. After all, nobody wants to live in a community that’s littered with canine landmines. So, dear fellow dog owners, do us all a favor and carry some doggy bags on your walks and pick up after your pup. That way, we can avoid this whole DNA drama altogether and keep our neighborhoods clean and green (and stink-free).

Do you view mandatory pet DNA testing as an invasion of privacy or a reasonable measure? Let us know by writing us at

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How to watch Summer Games Done Quick 2024



How to watch Summer Games Done Quick 2024

It’s summer, which means it’s time for sun and speedruns. The 2024 edition of Summer Games Done Quick (SGDQ), the annual speedrunning marathon for charity, kicks off on Sunday and runs until July 6th. This year’s lineup is once again packed with runs for some of my favorite games, including Balatro, Alan Wake 2, Elden Ring, Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 1, 2, 3, and 4 (all in one run), a glitchless Baldur’s Gate 3 Honour Mode run, and a shipless Outer Wilds run (how???).

But my most anticipated run is a live speedrun from Peanut Butter, the shiba inu who performed a remote run of the NES game Gyromite at Awesome Games Done Quick in January. At SGDQ, Peanut Butter will be live at the event playing Ken Griffey Jr. Presents Major League Baseball for the Super NES. Peanut Butter’s goal is to win a game in 30 minutes. The run is scheduled for July 4th at 8:43PM ET.

SGDQ’s first run, Yoshi’s Story, happens today at 1PM ET. You can stream the entire event from the Games Done Quick Twitch channel, and Games Done Quick typically posts runs after they happen on its YouTube channel. The event, which will be streamed from Minneapolis, is raising money for Doctors Without Borders.

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