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Senate expected to vote to block controversial DC crime bill | CNN Politics



Senate expected to vote to block controversial DC crime bill | CNN Politics


The Senate is predicted to vote on Wednesday to go a Republican-led decision to dam a controversial Washington, DC, crime invoice that opponents have criticized as weak on crime.

The trouble has divided Democrats and highlighted the troublesome stability the get together is trying to strike as Republicans accuse them of failing to deal with the difficulty of crime. A lot of Senate Democrats now plan to assist the decision to rescind the DC crime invoice after President Joe Biden introduced he wouldn’t veto it – a transfer that stunned and upset members of his get together as many imagine Congress mustn’t intrude within the political affairs of the district.

The decision of disapproval to dam the DC crime invoice has already handed the Home. If the Senate passes the measure as is predicted, it might subsequent go to Biden’s desk.


Democrats management a slender 51-to-49 majority within the Senate, the place most laws requires not less than 60 votes to go to beat a filibuster. The decision of disapproval to dam the DC crime invoice, nevertheless, requires solely a easy majority vote within the Senate.

The DC Council chairman has tried to withdraw the laws from congressional assessment after it grew to become clear the decision of disapproval was on observe to go the Senate with widespread assist. However that tried withdrawal has not stopped the Senate vote from transferring ahead.

The vote marks the most recent effort by Republicans to place susceptible Senate Democrats on the spot and expose divides inside the get together over politically charged points.

Earlier this month, the Senate handed a decision to overturn a Biden administration retirement funding rule that Republicans declare pushes a liberal agenda on People and can damage retirees’ backside traces. Democrats have countered, saying it’s not about ideology and can assist traders, and the administration has stated the president will veto the measure.

Biden’s announcement that he wouldn’t veto the hassle to dam the DC crime invoice caught many congressional Democrats off guard – and got here after the administration had earlier put out an announcement saying it opposed the decision of disapproval. “Congress ought to respect the District of Columbia’s autonomy to manipulate its personal native affairs,” the assertion stated.


The Home handed the decision in February earlier than Biden’s veto announcement, with 173 Democrats voting in opposition to it. On the time, the understanding amongst Democrats was that Biden opposed the invoice – in no small half due to the White Home assertion saying it opposed it.

In an obvious effort to stipulate his rationale, Biden tweeted in early March, “I assist D.C. Statehood and home-rule – however I don’t assist a few of the adjustments D.C. Council put ahead over the Mayor’s objections – reminiscent of decreasing penalties for carjackings. If the Senate votes to overturn what D.C. Council did – I’ll signal it.”

The controversial crime invoice was initially vetoed by DC Mayor Muriel Bowser, a Democrat, with Bowser saying in an announcement on the time that the invoice “doesn’t make us safer.” In a letter to the DC council chairman, Bowser expressed concern that “the council considerably decreased penalties for robberies, carjackings and residential invasion burglaries.”

The council, nevertheless, voted to override the mayor’s veto. “Many years of dramatic will increase in incarceration haven’t been an answer to rising crime,” a launch from the council stated on the veto override.

As Republicans accuse Democrats of being weak on crime, GOP backers of the Senate decision have referred to as the DC crime invoice harmful and irresponsible.


“Congress is tasked with overseeing Washington, D.C.—a federal district the place individuals ought to be protected to stay and work. The district ought to set a nationwide instance by enacting laws that makes its residents and guests safer—not much less protected,” Republican Sen. Invoice Hagerty of Tennessee, a lead sponsor of the decision within the Senate, stated in an announcement.

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Washington, D.C

Israeli defense chief heads to D.C. as Hezbollah escalates threats



Israeli defense chief heads to D.C. as Hezbollah escalates threats

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant is set to arrive in Washington on Sunday for meetings with U.S. officials, as the threat of a war between Israel and the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah continued to escalate.

Gallant will meet with Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, Secretary of State Antony Blinken and other officials in D.C., Gallant’s office said in a statement. Gallant will discuss developments in Gaza and Lebanon and efforts to return the remaining Israeli hostages held by Hamas, the statement said.

“The United States is our most important and central ally,” Gallant said before departing on Saturday night, according to the statement. “Our ties are crucial and perhaps more important than ever, at this time.”

In a video message released Saturday night, Hezbollah threatened to attack crucial Israeli buildings if a full-scale war were to break out in Lebanon. The video appears to display coordinates near a central Israeli airport, two power plants, a nuclear research center, a cargo port and a gas field.


The video features a clip of a speech that Hasan Nasrallah, the head of Hezbollah, delivered Wednesday: “If a war is imposed on Lebanon, the resistance will fight without restraints, without rules, without limits,” he said in the clip.


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U.S. officials have long urged Israel and Hezbollah to avoid a war, a message U.S. special envoy Amos Hochstein reiterated to Israeli and Lebanese leaders in the Middle East last week.

Gallant’s trip, which his office said was at Austin’s invitation, also comes five days after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused Washington of delaying weapons shipments to Israel, comments White House National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby later called “perplexing.” Defending those comments at a cabinet meeting Sunday, Netanyahu said: “My job is to do everything to ensure that our heroic fighters receive the arms they need.”

Gallant last visited D.C. in March, days after Blinken and Israeli leaders debated whether Israel should expand military operations in Rafah, which Israeli officials said was necessary to defeat the remaining Hamas battalions. Israel’s military advanced deeper into Rafah last month, and last week, it said it was close to achieving its goals in the southern Gaza city.


But Israel could face more fighting against Hezbollah, which caught Israel off guard last week when it published drone footage of an Israeli military base at the port of Haifa. The video the militant group released Saturday lists multiple targets, including Israel’s main airport, Ben Gurion, power plants in Ashkelon and Hadera, a plutonium-based facility in Dimona, the Leviathan gas field, a large natural gas field in the Mediterranean Sea, and Ashdod, a city that houses one of Israel’s main cargo ports.

Gallant said that discussions regarding the war during his D.C. visit are “particularly important and impactful at this time.”

“We are prepared for any action that may be required in Gaza, Lebanon, and in additional areas,” Gallant said, according to his office.

The actions of Israel’s military spurred controversy in a separate region, the Wadi Burqin area of the West Bank, on Saturday. Footage that was widely circulated and verified by Reuters showed a man strapped to the hood of an Israeli military vehicle during a raid in the area. Two witnesses told The Washington Post that the man was an injured Palestinian detained during a Saturday raid.

The Israel Defense Forces said in a statement that a suspect was injured in an exchange of fire during IDF “counterterrorism operations” in Wadi Burqin. Forces took the suspect while he was tied atop a vehicle, the IDF said, adding that those actions were “in violation of orders and standard operating procedures.”


The IDF said the person was transferred to the Palestine Red Crescent Society to receive medical treatment, but the humanitarian organization said in a statement that its crew was initially prevented from providing first aid to the injured person.

At least 38 people were killed in Israeli airstrikes on four neighborhoods in Gaza City on Saturday, the Gaza civil defense force said. Video from the Shati refugee camp in western Gaza City, verified by Storyful, showed entire blocks destroyed by the strike. In a statement, the IDF said its fighter jets “struck two Hamas military infrastructure sites in the area of Gaza City,” without elaborating.

The Israeli military’s daily 11-hour pause on an aid corridor in southern Gaza has not helped deliver more resources to the area, Cindy McCain, the executive director of the U.N. World Food Program, told Al-Monitor. “We’ve been shot at, and we’ve been rocketed. So as far as we can tell, there’s no difference at all,” McCain told the news outlet. The military announced its plans for limited “tactical pauses” along the road from the Kerem Shalom crossing last week.

Massive crowds of demonstrators turned out in Tel Aviv on Saturday night to call for the ouster of Netanyahu and demand that Israel reach a cease-fire deal with Hamas to free the remaining hostages in Gaza. Prominent Israeli author David Grossman, speaking at the rally, issued a call for Israelis to fill the streets. “Now’s the time to fight, men, women. Now’s the time to fill the roads and streets,” he said.

At least 37,598 ​​people have been killed and 86,032 injured in Gaza since the war started, according to the Gaza Health Ministry, which does not distinguish between civilians and combatants but says the majority of the dead are women and children. Israel estimates that about 1,200 people were killed in Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack, including more than 300 soldiers, and it says 313 soldiers have been killed since the start of its military operations in Gaza.


Mohamad El Chamaa and Alon Rom contributed to this report.

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Washington, D.C

DC pools offer a splashing good way to avoid the heat



DC pools offer a splashing good way to avoid the heat

WASHINGTON (DC News Now) — There was no shortage of people who took the plunge at the Ridge Road Pool to stay cool during the heat wave on Saturday.

Many families packed the pool often, and early, having no problem getting in the water. Not everyone could say that, however.

“It’s hot,” said Tia Benson, which also described her mood.

She and her family were among those who could not get in the outdoor pool, as supervisors had to limit entry once it reached capacity.


“it’s unfair that we can’t enjoy the water because they say it’s overcapacity when it’s not,” Benson said. “It’s enough for everybody to come and get wet.”

People found other ways to cool off with water even if they didn’t have a pool.

“We own about ten,” said Toussaint Burns, as he and his family bought another case of water. “We get a case every two days.”

It’s a scene that repeated itself around the District.

“Well, as long as you stay hydrated, you should be fine,” said Gabriel Williams, as he stocked his car with more water he received from work.


As for those who seek relief in the water, District outdoor pools are now open six days a week.

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Washington, D.C

Full moon beams above D.C. to start day of historic heat



Full moon beams above D.C. to start day of historic heat

A full moon crossed the skies in the D.C. area Saturday morning, setting the stage for what would be a day of historic heat.

Restlessness, heat-induced inability to sleep or a mere desire to greet the dawn was rewarded around 5:30 a.m. Saturday by the sight of the moon, round and orange, descending toward the western horizon.

It had been perfectly, astronomically full only a few hours earlier, and to the unschooled eye, still appeared spectacularly so as it prepared to vanish from sight with the coming of the dawn.

The sight of the moon has always been imbued with meaning, playing an important role in myth and legend. On Saturday, it could have been viewed as especially portentous, a glowing prelude to daylight hours of history-making heat.


The official reading for the District was 100 degrees, one degree short of the record for the date. However, it was the first time since 2012 that 100 degrees had been reached in D.C. in June, according to the National Weather Service.

At Dulles International Airport, Saturday’s high was 101 degrees.

It broke the Dulles record for the date, which was 99 degrees, reached in 1988. At Baltimore-Washington International Marshall Airport, the mercury reached 100 degrees, breaking a record of 99 set in 1988.

It was the first Saturday since the June 20 solstice, and even without the dramatic guest appearance by the moon, it seemed to live up to expectations for a summer day in the Washington region.

It offered a helping of hot-weather discomfort, but some grounds for enjoyment as well.


Temperatures in the triple digits, even if only briefly, made it indisputably hot. If it wasn’t always 100, it was in the upper 90s for much of the afternoon.

It was also humid, with enough water vapor floating around to frustrate the body’s efforts to cool itself.

It raised feels-like temperatures to 105 in Washington and at BWI.

And the third “h” in the infamous summertime triumvirate also showed itself. It was hazy.

Summer’s vapory haze blurred the shapes and shadows of distant vistas, and imparted a vaguely gray-blue tinge to the sky.


The same haze seemed to join with a sea of clouds in moderating the full fierceness of Saturday’s sun. It was not clear how much less comfortable it might have been otherwise.

On the small scale, far from the movements of great masses of air and strong atmospheric currents, conditions seemed to vary from place to place and from moment to moment.

Comfort, at least of the relative sort, could be found in the shade of a leafy tree. In addition, the outdoor experience became instantly more endurable when a cloud drifted across the face of the sun, producing a widespread shadow.

And a breeze stirred on occasion, whipping at the edges of the blanket of humidity that often could be encountered when the air was still.

To add to the historic nature of the day, and to enhance its memorability quotient, nature seemed to present the moon as a consolation prize to those prevented by the heat from sleeping soundly.


Beaming through the summer haze, it was the very moon that has become legend in American popular culture, for giving romantically inclined songwriters a word to rhyme with June. And spoon and swoon.

It will be close to full again above the D.C. area on Sunday morning.

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