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Louisiana Delegates Urge Unity at RNC Following Attempt on Trump’s Life



Louisiana Delegates Urge Unity at RNC Following Attempt on Trump’s Life

MILWAUKEE, W.I. (KLFY)- Louisiana delegates at the Republican National Convention (RNC) are calling for a change in the country’s political climate.

“When you start trying to take a previous president out, the country needs to reset,” said Tim Breaux, Deputy Chairman for the LAGOP. “We’ve got to come together, both parties, and fight this because this is not acceptable.”

Breaux said the divisive political nature in the country right now is very toxic. He said the last time he saw threats of violence at a Republican Convention was in 2016. “In 2016, we had a lot of protesters on the perimeter,” said Breaux. “They were throwing stuff at the delegates. That was pretty hostile.”

Joyce Linde, a first-timer to the convention, initially had concerns for her safety, but this feeling didn’t last long. “We went to an event last night,” said Linde. “They checked our bags, which some of us used to resent, but we didn’t last night for sure. And then we saw a lot of presence of law enforcement on every level, from the ground to the rooftop.”


Despite the violence against former President Trump, Louisiana delegates feel a responsibility to be at the convention. “If President Trump can be putting himself out there, the least we can do is to be here to support that,” said Charlie Buckles, Deputy Chairman of Lafayette LAGOP.

Today was the LAGOP’s first breakfast gathering for the RNC. As the convention kicks off, delegates are eager to hear and see President Trump for the first time since his life was threatened on Saturday. Many of them are looking forward to his speech, expecting it to emphasize unity and perseverance.

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In Louisiana, new unemployment claims decline



New unemployment claims in Louisiana are down by nearly 22% for the week ending July 6.

Some 1,634 people made initial insurance coverage claims, down 2,090 the previous week ending June 29. That’s also a nearly 15% decline from the same period in 2023, when 1,916 initial claims were filed. 

That also brought the four-week moving average of initial claims down―to 1,944 from the previous week’s average of 2,083.

On the flip side, unemployment insurance continued weeks claimed for the week ending July 6  rose slightly to 14,349, up from 14,231 the week before. Even so, the continued weeks claimed were below the comparable figure of 15,239 for the same period the year before.


The four-week moving average of continued weeks claimed increased to 14,069 from the previous week’s average of 13,739. 

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Northeast Louisiana residents react to Trump rally shooting



Northeast Louisiana residents react to Trump rally shooting

MONROE, La. (KNOE) – Many Northeast Louisiana residents have expressed their thoughts following Donald Trump’s Saturday Pennsylvania rally where an assassination attempt was made on his life.

When asked about the shooting, one local said that this violent act shows just how much politics has divided the nation.

“Oh, politics – that’s the main thing for division. You know? I feel like that sparks division. You got the red and the blue, right versus wrong, the evil versus evil versus good, all that.”

One resident who watched the shooting live is blaming those in charge of security.


“When the fundamentals get overlooked, you know that building right there, they should have had someone there on the building. You know there’s no excuse for that.”

However, one local is hoping that everyone will come together as a nation.

“. . . I want to say God bless the situation as a whole. However, though everybody had their own opinion – Mr. Trump has his own beliefs and those who were involved have their own beliefs – so I think the world should just get along and be a better place and try to work together.”

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Louisiana senators react to assassination attempt and call for answers



Louisiana senators react to assassination attempt and call for answers

LAKE CHARLES, La. (KPLC) -Louisiana’s congressional leaders are calling for swift action to investigate the attempted assassination of former President Trump and the murder and injuries of others.

Besides understanding how it happened they want to know how to prevent such violence in the future.   what we are hearing from our federal elected officials.

As one pundit suggested there are three wars in the world, Israel vs. Gaza, Ukraine vs Russia and Americans vs. Americans.

Louisiana’s elected officials agree a full investigation into the circumstances is needed and that violence has no place in the American political system.


“Attempting to change the course of the nation, by assassinating or trying to assassinate attempting to assassinate a president or presidential candidate is the worst form of violence there is. It doesn’t just affect the person who was shot, it affects us all,” said Senator Bill Cassidy, R-Louisiana.

Senator John Kennedy, R-Louisiana, social discontent and disagreement are inevitable but must not degenerate into hatred and violence.

“All Americans care deeply about their families, and they care deeply about their country.  I don’t have an answer for why, but what I will respectfully suggest is that we wait and try to figure out why together,” he said.

“Don’t make assumptions, don’t jump to conclusions. I’ve already heard some people saying the shooter was left wing or the shooter was a right winger, it was all political. Maybe he wasn’t left wing or right wing. He was just a broken wing,” said Kennedy.

They want the investigation and an upcoming hearing to identify the failure to stop the gunman.


“We need to find out why he was apparently climbing up on top of a building with a rifle and no one went after him,” said Cassidy.

“We’ll figure all this out together. In the meantime, let’s respect each other’s humanity,” said Kennedy.

The Senate Committee on the Judiciary has been asked to hold a hearing on the Trump assassination attempt.

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