The Snapdragon X Plus is Qualcomm’s entry-level laptop chip. It has 10 cores, 42MB of cache, a maximum multithreaded frequency of 3.4GHz, and an NPU with...
Tesla might be dropping Steam support on some new deliveries of Model X, according to a message from the company shared by a Reddit user who...
They’re not your typical office workers. Standing at 5 feet tall and cruising through the corridors at a leisurely 3 mph, these robotic guards are the...
The social network formerly known as Twitter has officially adopted for all its core systems. That means typing in your browser will now redirect...
Using a relay device, car thieves can amplify the signal from your wireless key fob, even if it is inside your house, and use it to...
On Thursday evening, many iPhone owners (including some here at The Verge) saw the “not delivered” flag when trying to send texts via iMessage. People reported...
If you’re one Facebook argument away from lighting your social media accounts on fire, I don’t blame you. Before you log out for good, I’ve got...
Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut debuts on PC today, and it’s the first game to feature Sony’s new PlayStation PC overlay and shared Trophies system. I’ve...
With vacation planning, most people fall into two camps: those who love planning and those who hate it. Artificial intelligence tools like GuideGeek, developed by Matador...
Fujifilm has just announced a pair of new cameras at the company’s X Summit Sydney event. There’s the medium format GFX100S II, which frankly falls outside...