Meet Me in St. Louis is only partly a Christmas movie. The musical follows the Smith family of St. Louis from the summer of 1903 until...
With “Gladiator II,” Ridley Scott returns to the bloody world of his Oscar-winning swords-and-sandals epic. Starring Paul Mescal as Lucius, a young prisoner turned gladiator, this...
For representative purposes. | Photo Credit: Getty Images Earlier this week, the Tamil Film Active Producers Association (TFAPA) filed a writ petition in the Madras High...
Disneyland is turning 70 next year, and the theme park has never missed an excuse to throw a nostalgia-fueled party. The coming months will be no...
Film NightbitchDirector: Marielle HellerAnnapurna PicturesIn Theaters: 12.06 I turned 50 this month, and you don’t do this without starting to think seriously about bucket list items...
Queen guitarist Brian May has regained use of his left arm after having a stroke over the summer, according to his wife, British actor Anita Dobson....
(Credits: Far Out / A24) Thu 5 December 2024 11:00, UK Luca Guadagnino – ‘Queer’ review Nobody has had a better year than Luca Guadagnino –...
Demi Moore has drawn the most focused awards attention of her career for her bold performance in “The Substance” as actor and fitness guru Elisabeth Sparkle,...
To say Magnus von Horn’s The Girl with the Needle is hard to watch may be the understatement of the year. Even when its harrowing sound...
Theater director Martin Benson, who co-established the Tony Award-winning South Coast Repertory and served as its founding artistic director for 46 years, has died. He was...