The race for state representative in Massachusetts’ 13th Norfolk District, representing parts of Needham, Medfield and Dover, comes with a political novelty attached. Josh Tarsky won...
Severe fall drought conditions in Massachusetts have worsened, expanding across communities that have been stricken by stubborn wildfires in recent days, according to the latest data...
After Thursday, hundreds of Stop & Shop customers will have to find a brand new place to get their groceries. The supermarket chain is closing several...
Heavy machinery is used to cut trees to widen an existing Central Maine Power power line corridor to make way for new utility poles in 2021,...
PORTLAND, Maine — Three Massachusetts utilities and Central Maine Power’s parent company have agreed that Massachusetts ratepayers must shoulder $512 million in additional costs caused by...
Read housed Yannetti, Jackson, Little, and herself in the same hotel throughout the trial so they could maximize preparation time. She paid $1.2 million leading up...
Communities take new precautions as wildfires burn in Massachusetts – CBS Boston Watch CBS News Wildfires forced some classes and activities to be shut down. WBZ-TV’s...
Massachusetts remains subject to a brush fire warning, the Department of Fire Services said Tuesday, as hundreds of acres burn across the state and a smoky...
Nonprofit provides underwear to at-risk kids around Massachusetts – CBS Boston Watch CBS News The Cocotree kids help at-risk kids in Massachusetts. Be the first to...
MIDDLETON – Brush fire smoke could be seen for miles as it gripped the Middleton community. Firefighters said it could take days to fight the fire...