Dear reader,
Local news matters now more than ever. Research shows that when local news organizations disappear, communities become more divided, elections are less competitive, and financial waste and corruption increase. By investing in local journalism, VTDigger protects Vermont’s democracy and serves the public interest.
But we can’t do this work without your support.
For a limited time, every donation will be matched dollar for dollar by two generous board members up to $15,000. That means your gift will go twice as far to sustain the fearless, independent journalism Vermont needs.
Become a $15/month sustainer and your gift will be matched for the first year, plus we’ll send you a free 15th Anniversary t-shirt!
In an era of AI and aggregation, there’s still no replacement for a reporter picking up the phone or hitting these dirt roads. VTDigger’s journalists do this work every day, making our stories freely accessible to all — including to more than a dozen community newspapers. But original journalism takes resources to produce.
Your donation powers the trusted, public-interest reporting that Vermonters rely on. Please help us meet the match before midnight on Saturday.
Thank you for standing with VTDigger and sustaining this essential public service.
Paul Heintz
Editor-in-chief, VTDigger