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Trump disqualification case from Colorado faces headwinds of Supreme Court doubt – Rhode Island Current



Trump disqualification case from Colorado faces headwinds of Supreme Court doubt – Rhode Island Current

Trump disqualification

Read more from our reporting on the Trump 14th Amendment case here.

An “unmanageable situation.” A “pretty daunting consequence.” A “troubling potential disuniformity.”

Although the justices of the U.S. Supreme Court differed in the words they chose to describe it, they were largely united in using their questions during oral arguments Thursday to fret over the potential repercussions of upholding the Colorado Supreme Court’s historic decision to bar former President Donald Trump from the state’s primary ballot under a Civil War-era insurrection clause.


The case began last year as a lawsuit filed by six Republican and unaffiliated voters against Trump and Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold. Backed by the liberal nonprofit Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington and armed with a legal theory endorsed by a handful of prominent legal scholars, the plaintiffs argued that Trump’s actions in relation to the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol disqualify him from office under the 14th Amendment to the Constitution. Section 3 of the amendment prohibits someone who took an oath to support the Constitution and then “engaged in insurrection” from holding office again.

Though the clause has been invoked in only a small number of cases in the last 150 years, a challenge brought by CREW successfully led to the 2022 removal of a county commissioner in New Mexico who had participated in the events of Jan. 6. Colorado was singled out by CREW as a “good venue” for a challenge against Trump’s candidacy because of provisions in its election code that explicitly bar candidates who are ineligible to assume office from appearing on the ballot.

How a Colorado lawsuit against Trump’s eligibility went from ‘long shot’ to the Supreme Court

A 4-3 majority of the Colorado Supreme Court, writing that it was “cognizant that we travel in uncharted territory,” ruled on Dec. 19 that Trump was ineligible, though it stayed its decision pending a highly anticipated U.S. Supreme Court appeal.

“We are here because, for the first time since the War of 1812, our nation’s Capitol came under violent assault,” Jason Murray, an attorney representing the plaintiffs, told the court during Thursday’s oral arguments. “For the first time in history, the attack was incited by a sitting president of the United States to disrupt the peaceful transfer of presidential power.”


Very little of Thursday’s two-hour hearing, however, was devoted to the specifics of what transpired on Jan. 6, 2021. Justices instead focused at length on two key legal issues raised by Trump in his defense: the question of whether Section 3 can be enforced by a state in the absence of legislation from Congress, as well as a theory holding that the clause’s reference to “officer(s) of the United States” doesn’t include the president.

Griswold, a Democrat and outspoken Trump critic, took no position on Trump’s eligibility during trial proceedings last year, but has since said the Colorado Supreme Court “got it right,” and formally urged the U.S. Supreme Court to affirm the decision.

“We’ll follow the Supreme Court’s decision. What their decision will be, we can’t say at this point,” Griswold said in an interview following the hearing. “I think it would be a dangerous and sad day for the United States if Trump’s arguments were upheld.”

‘Pervasive national interest’

Echoing the views expressed by many commentators and Republican state officials in the weeks since the Colorado decision, members of the court — where Republican-appointed justices hold a 6-3 majority — raised the specter of a series of retaliatory disqualifications and a chaotic patchwork of standards at the state level if the ruling is affirmed.

“If Colorado’s position is upheld, surely there will be disqualification proceedings on the other side, and some of those will succeed,” Chief Justice John Roberts said. “I would expect that, you know, a goodly number of states will say, whoever the Democratic candidate is, you’re off the ballot. And others, for the Republican candidate, you’re off the ballot. It’ll come down to just a handful of states that are going to decide the presidential election.”


Justice Elena Kagan, a member of the court’s liberal minority, appeared to agree, referring to the court’s previous recognition of a “pervasive national interest in the selection of candidates for national office.”

“It’s a broader principle about who has power over certain things in our federal system,” Kagan said. “There are certain national questions where states are not the repository of authority. … What’s a state doing deciding who other (states’) citizens get to vote for for president?”

Trump himself addressed the ballot case in a brief appearance Thursday morning outside his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida.

“It’s unfortunate that we have to go through a thing like that,” Trump said.  “I consider it to be more election interference by the Democrats.”

Colorado in the spotlight

Alongside oral arguments by Murray and Trump attorney Jonathan Mitchell, Colorado Solicitor General Shannon Stevenson briefly answered questions on Griswold’s behalf during Thursday’s hearing, telling the court that Colorado’s election laws had worked as intended.


The evidentiary record used by the Colorado Supreme Court to determine that Trump had engaged in insurrection — including hundreds of pages of testimony and video footage collected by the select U.S. House committee that investigated the Jan. 6 attack — was produced during a five-day trial in Denver District Court beginning Oct. 30.

“Nothing in the Constitution strips the states of their power to direct presidential elections in this way,” Stevenson said. “This case was handled capably and efficiently by the Colorado courts under a process that we have used to decide ballot challenges for more than a century.”

This case was handled capably and efficiently by the Colorado courts under a process that we have used to decide ballot challenges for more than a century.

– Shannon Stevenson, Colorado solicitor general


Although the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision thrust the Centennial State into the national spotlight, few prominent Colorado Democrats have eagerly embraced the ruling.

“I think we have to beat Donald Trump, if he’s the Republican nominee, in an election,” Gov. Jared Polis said in response to questions about the case in a Fox Business interview last month.

In a statement Thursday, Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser did not refer directly to Trump or the insurrection clause but called on the court to “uphold Colorado’s election laws and our state’s right to exclude from the ballot any candidate who is ineligible for the office.”


Norma Anderson, the 91-year-old lead plaintiff in the Colorado case, is a former Republican Colorado House speaker. She was present along with other plaintiffs in the Supreme Court chambers on Thursday, and said afterwards that the justices were “hard to read.”

“I think it’s 50-50,” Anderson said. “They were very inquisitive. I think what they were trying to figure out is, ‘Is this really my job to do?’”

Among the hundreds of people present in the court’s crowded chambers Thursday were Carlos Samour, a Colorado Supreme Court justice who wrote a withering dissent from the majority’s ruling; Gerard Magliocca, a scholar of 19th-century constitutional law who provided expert testimony on Section 3 during the Denver trial; Seth Barrett Tillman, a conservative scholar who helped popularize the theory that the president is not an “officer of the United States”; and Dave Williams, the chair of the Colorado Republican Party.

Williams, a Trump loyalist who denies the legitimacy of the 2020 election, said in an interview that he was confident the court would rule in Trump’s favor, regardless of the grounds on which it bases its decision.

“I guess I don’t have a specific way for them to resolve it,” Williams said. “Ultimately my interest is in ensuring people can vote for Donald Trump. However they get there makes no difference to me.”


Griffin’s case

The nation’s highest court has never directly weighed in on the application of Section 3, and the long dormancy of the clause has given the justices little recent case law from which to draw.

Much of the technical legal analysis in Thursday’s oral arguments concerned an 1869 ruling known simply as Griffin’s case, which arose when a Virginia man challenged his criminal conviction on the grounds that the judge who oversaw his trial should have been removed from office under the 14th Amendment, ratified the previous year.

Supreme Court Chief Justice Salmon P. Chase, acting as a lower-court judge while “riding circuit,” sided against the petitioner, ruling that disqualified officeholders weren’t removed “by the direct and immediate effect” of Section 3, but that “legislation by congress is necessary to give effect to the prohibition, by providing for such removal.” A year later, Congress passed the Enforcement Act of 1870 to do just that, including a so-called quo warranto measure authorizing civil actions to remove disqualified officeholders.

“The holding of Griffin’s case (says) that a state is not allowed to implement or enforce Section 3 of the 14th Amendment unless and until Congress enacts implementing legislation allowing it to do so,” Mitchell said.

Supporters of Trump’s disqualification say that Griffin’s case was wrongly decided. In an influential 2023 paper on Section 3, conservative legal scholars William Baude and Michael Stokes Paulsen called Chase’s opinion “full of sleight of hand, motivated reasoning and self-defeating maneuvers.” The Griffin decision also directly conflicts with a separate circuit-court opinion authored by Chase regarding the treason prosecution of former Confederate president Jefferson Davis, in which he reached the opposite conclusion.


“Griffin was not a precedential Supreme Court decision,” noted Justice Sonia Sotomayor. “It was a circuit-court decision by a justice who, when he becomes a justice, writes in the Davis case, he assumed that Jefferson Davis would be ineligible to hold any office, particularly the presidency, and treated … Section 3 as executing itself, needing no legislation on the part of Congress to give it effect.”

Norma Anderson, a former Republican Colorado House Speaker and one of the plaintiffs in a lawsuit against former President Donald Trump’s 2024 ballot eligibility, speaks to reporters outside the U.S. Supreme Court following oral arguments on Feb. 8, 2024. (Chase Woodruff/Colorado Newsline)

But many of the justices expressed concerns about the implications of ruling that Section 3 is “self-executing,” allowing states to enforce it without congressional action. Responding to questions from Justice Samuel Alito, Stevenson said the country has “institutions in place” to prevent a tit-for-tat series of legal battles over candidate disqualifications.

“I think we have to have faith in our system, that people will follow their election processes appropriately, that they will take realistic views of what insurrection is under the 14th Amendment,” Stevenson said. “Courts will review those decisions. This court may review some of them. But I don’t think that this court should take those threats too seriously in its resolution of this case.”

“You don’t think that’s a serious threat?” asked Alito. “We should proceed on the assumption that it’s not a serious threat?”

In visible contrast to other justices, Alito, a hardline conservative appointed to the bench by former President George W. Bush in 2006, maintained a relaxed posture throughout much of Thursday’s hearing, and could frequently be seen reclined and rocking in his chair during questioning.


At one point, Alito probed Murray with pointed questions about whether Section 3’s disqualification for officeholders who have “given aid or comfort to the enemies” of the United States could be used to disqualify a president who acted to “release funds” to “a country that proclaims again and again and again that the United States is its biggest enemy” — a reference to a far-right talking point positing that President Joe Biden could be disqualified for issuing certain economic sanctions waivers in the course of diplomatic negotiations with Iran.

“You’re really not answering my question,” Alito told Murray when he tried to respond. “It’s not helpful if you don’t do that.”

Though Trump was impeached by the Democratic-led U.S. House of Representatives shortly after the events of Jan. 6 for “incitement of insurrection,” he was acquitted after leaving office when all but a handful of Republican senators voted against his conviction. Last year, he was indicted by federal prosecutors who allege that his “pervasive and destabilizing lies” about the 2020 election “targeted a bedrock function of the United States federal government.”

That case is still pending, and Trump’s attorneys have asked courts to dismiss it on the grounds that he is immune from prosecution for actions he took in his official capacity as president. After the U.S. Court of Appeals turned down that argument this week, Trump could soon appeal the presidential immunity claims to the Supreme Court.

Federal statute has lacked a clear civil enforcement mechanism for Section 3 disqualification since the relevant portions of the Enforcement Act of 1870 were repealed in 1948. A criminal penalty exists under a law known as Section 2383, and anyone convicted under that statute faces a prison term of up to 10 years and disqualification from “holding any office under the United States.”


Justice Brett Kavanaugh, one of three members of the Supreme Court appointed by Trump himself, also appeared to be satisfied with the Griffin’s case precedent during Thursday’s arguments, and said that Congress could enact Section 3 enforcement legislation similar to the criminal penalty under Section 2383 if it wanted.

“Just to be clear, under (Section) 2383, you agree that someone could be prosecuted for insurrection by federal prosecutors and, if convicted, could be or shall be disqualified then from office?” Kavanaugh asked Mitchell.

Mitchell’s answer sent a ripple of murmurs through the crowded court chambers.

“Yes. But the only caveat that I would add is that our client is arguing that he has presidential immunity,” he said. “So we would not concede that he can be prosecuted for what he did on Jan. 6 under (Section) 2383.”

Colorado Newsline is part of States Newsroom, a network of news bureaus supported by grants and a coalition of donors as a 501c(3) public charity. Colorado Newsline maintains editorial independence. Contact Editor Quentin Young for questions: [email protected]. Follow Colorado Newsline on Facebook and Twitter.




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Rhode Island

Aetna Bridge Co. awarded state contract to demolish westbound Washington Bridge • Rhode Island Current



Aetna Bridge Co. awarded state contract to demolish westbound Washington Bridge • Rhode Island Current

The Warwick-based company that previously worked on the westbound Washington Bridge before its sudden closure last December is the state’s choice to tear it down.

The Rhode Island Department of Transportation’s (RIDOT) public bid portal Friday afternoon revealed Aetna Bridge Co. was awarded a tentative contract to demolish the bridge by March 2025.

Aetna was one of two vendors that responded to RIDOT’s request for proposals. The other bidder was Manafort Brothers Inc., headquartered in Plainville, Connecticut, but has an office in Cumberland.

Manafort will receive $100,000 as part of the state’s incentive to attract bidders.


Aetna estimated the cost to demolish the bridge was $45.8 million — over $5 million more than the state’s price tag. Manafort’s bid was for $43.8 million. The overall cost to demolish and rebuild the westbound highway over the Seekonk River is tagged at over $400 million.

A technical review group found that Aetna’s plan was overall a better value and at they indicated they could do the work in 50 days fewer than the bid request asked for, said RIDOT Communications Director Liz Pettengill.

“Secondly, they are assuming all the risk,” she said.

The demolition process is divided into four parts: the Gano Street ramp, west end of the bridge, east cantilever spans, and east end of the structure. The initial RFP noted that the existing substructure “shall remain in place for the potential repair and reuse” in the reconstruction of the bridge.

RIDOT plans to impose a $30,000 daily “disincentive” if Aetna misses the March 20, 2025 completion date. Meanwhile, the department is still soliciting bids for the roughly $368 million contract to rebuild a new bridge by August 2026.


Final bids are due July 3.

Aetna had previously worked on the now-canceled $78 million rehabilitation of the Washington Bridge as part of a design-build team led by Barletta Heavy Division. The project came to a stop after engineers last December discovered broken anchor rods that put the westbound lanes of I-195 at risk of collapse.

The company was also one of 12 contractors that received a letter from lawyers for Gov. Dan McKee’s administration notifying them that they may be sued over Washington Bridge work. 

“Aetna Bridge Company is proud to be identified as the ‘apparent best value respondent’ by the Rhode Island Department of Transportation,” Aetna spokesperson Frank McMahon said in an emailed statement.

“With over 79 years of experience in bridge construction, repair, and demolition, our team is ready to get to work on this critical transportation infrastructure project for the State of Rhode Island,” he continued 


Aetna is also working on the ongoing rehabilitation of the Gold Star Memorial Bridge linking New London and Groton, Connecticut, via I-95. That project is expected to be completed June 25, 2025, according to the Connecticut Department of Transportation.



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Rhode Island

Rhode Island women’s basketball conference schedule unveiled. Here’s a look



Rhode Island women’s basketball conference schedule unveiled. Here’s a look

There will be a lone scheduled rematch of last year’s Atlantic 10 women’s basketball title game, and the University of Rhode Island will play it on the road. 

The Rams will visit Richmond at a date and time to be determined. That’s courtesy of conference schedule pairings that were released Thursday afternoon. 

The Spiders and VCU should offer a pair of rugged road tests after finishing a combined 31-5 in league play last season. URI also visits Davidson, Fordham and St. Bonaventure for single contests. Jim Crowley enters his second year of this stint with the Bonnies – he returned to Olean for 2022-23 after seven seasons at Providence. 

Saint Joseph’s sets up as a headlining single home game for the Rams. The Hawks closed 15-3 in league play last year and have played in two straight postseasons. Dayton, La Salle, George Washington and Loyola Chicago will also visit Kingston. 


More: URI men’s basketball faces rough road schedule in 2023-24

URI’s home-and-home opponents include a pair of teams who contended for a conference title last season. George Mason closed 14-4 and Duquesne was one game behind at 13-5. Saint Louis and regional rival Massachusetts both finished in the bottom half of the standings – the Minutewomen struggled to a 2-16 mark after Tory Verdi qualified for three straight postseasons and left for Pittsburgh. 

The Rams never quite hit full stride prior to March last season, finishing 21-14 overall and 10-8 in league play. A home win over No. 25 Princeton was followed by road losses to Providence and St. John’s, two defeats that damaged URI’s postseason chances. The Rams took out Dayton, Saint Joseph’s and Saint Louis in the conference tournament before suffering a 65-51 defeat to Richmond in the title round. 

URI and the rest of the league will return to the Henrico Sports & Events Center from March 5-9 for the second straight edition of the league championship. The facility secured hosting rights after two previous years at Chase Fieldhouse in Delaware. 


On X: @BillKoch25 

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Rhode Island

Immigration policy fought over by Biden and Trump in Atlanta debate • Rhode Island Current



Immigration policy fought over by Biden and Trump in Atlanta debate • Rhode Island Current

Immigration occupies center stage in the 2024 presidential campaign and also was a major focus during the first presidential debate Thursday night between President Joe Biden and the presumptive GOP nominee, Donald J. Trump.

Immigration is a top issue for voters and for Trump, while the Biden administration has struggled to deal with the largest number of migrant encounters at the southern border in 20 years.

Biden during the 90-minute debate at CNN in Atlanta defended his administration’s handling of immigration and blamed Trump for tanking a bipartisan U.S. Senate border security deal.

Biden and Trump trade insults, accusations of lying in acrimonious presidential debate


Biden also pointed to that deal as a reason he should be reelected, because the White House was able to forge the agreement in the first place.

“We worked very hard to get a bipartisan agreement,” Biden said.

Senate Republicans rejected the bipartisan border security deal earlier this year, siding with their House colleagues and Trump. The agreement would have significantly overhauled U.S. immigration law by creating a temporary procedure to shut down the border during active times and raising the bar for asylum claims.

Trump in the debate argued that Biden did not need legislation to enact policy changes at the southern border because “I didn’t have legislation, I said close the border.”

In early June, Biden made the most drastic crackdown on immigration of his administration, issuing an executive order that instituted a partial ban on asylum proceedings at the southern border.


Trump called that action “insignificant.”

The debate came the day after U.S. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas gave a briefing from Tucson, Arizona, about a decline in migrant encounters following Biden’s executive order.

He said the Tucson sector has “seen a more than 45 percent drop in U.S. Border Patrol encounters since the president took action, and repatriations of encountered individuals in Tucson have increased by nearly 150 percent.”

“Across the entire southern border, Border Patrol encounters have dropped by over 40 percent,” Mayorkas said.

‘Remain in Mexico’ policy

Trump cited his prior policies that he felt were successful and criticized Biden for rolling them back, such as one that required migrants to remain in Mexico while they awaited their asylum cases.


Biden slammed Trump’s “zero-tolerance” policy that separated parents from their children in efforts to deter unauthorized immigrants at the border.

“When he was president he was … separating babies from their mothers and putting them in cages,” Biden said.

And, without citing evidence, Trump blamed immigrants for crime, calling it “migrant crime.”

Overall violent crime in the country is down by 15%, according to recent FBI statistics, and researchers have found that immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than U.S. citizens.

Trump brought up the death of a Georgia nursing student, Laken Riley, and blamed Biden’s immigration policies.


“All he does is make our country unsafe,” Trump said.

In late February, Riley, a 22-year-old nursing student at Augusta University, was reported missing by her roommate when she did not return home after a run on the campus of the University of Georgia at Athens.

Local police found her body and shortly afterward arrested a 26-year-old man from Venezuela for her murder — an immigrant previously arrested in Georgia on a shoplifting charge who entered the country without authorization in 2022, according to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. U.S. House Republicans in reaction passed the Laken Riley Act.

Trump was asked by debate moderators how he would carry out mass deportations, but he did not go into detail.

He has repeatedly claimed he would carry out a mass deportation campaign of undocumented immigrants by utilizing local law enforcement, the National Guard and potentially the U.S. military. He’s done so on the campaign trail and during a lengthy interview with Time Magazine. 


“We have to get a lot of these people out and we got to get them out fast because they’re destroying our country,” Trump said during the debate.



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