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Pennsylvania's Most Hazardous Job Sectors Revealed – MyChesCo



Pennsylvania's Most Hazardous Job Sectors Revealed – MyChesCo

PENNSYLVANIA — A recent study has highlighted the most dangerous job sectors in Pennsylvania, with agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting topping the list. The data, derived from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), reveals that these sectors have the highest fatality rates, shedding light on the inherent risks in these occupations.

Workers’ Compensation Attorneys at Hansford Law analyzed fatal injury rates from BLS data across various sectors in Pennsylvania. The results were calculated by comparing the number of fatal injuries to the total hours worked in each sector.

Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, and Hunting

This sector is the most perilous, with a fatality rate of 14.0 per 100,000 workers. Jobs in this category involve growing crops, raising livestock, and gathering timber. Despite the risks, workers in these fields earn an average salary of $43,987 annually. The high fatality rate spotlights the dangerous nature of working with heavy machinery, livestock, and hazardous conditions.

Transportation and Utilities

Ranked second, the transportation and utilities sector reports 13.5 fatal injuries per 100,000 workers. Professionals in this sector transport passengers and cargo, handle electrical work, and manage gas and sewage removal. The sector’s complexity and the high stakes of dealing with utilities contribute to the elevated risk.


Construction occupations rank third with a fatality rate of 7.4 per 100,000 workers. This category includes carpenters, electricians, and plumbers, who earn an average of $40 an hour nationally. The construction industry is notorious for its physical demands and the dangers of working at heights or with heavy equipment.

Other Services, Except Public Administration

This sector, which includes jobs in pet care, religious organizations, and personal services like hairdressing, has a fatality rate of 3.8 per 100,000 workers. While not as high as other sectors, the risks in these jobs are still significant.

Professional and Business Services

With 3.3 fatal injuries per 100,000 workers, this sector encompasses a wide range of roles, including management and accounting. Salaries in this sector range from $47,000 to $65,000 annually. The relatively lower fatality rate reflects the less hazardous nature of office-based work.

Wes McDaniel from Hansford McDaniel Workers’ Compensation Attorneys commented on the findings: “Safety in the workplace is vital, and employees should feel confident that they can carry out their jobs without harm. It is saddening to see the amount of people who have lost their lives due to their occupation, and it is important to remember that these are individuals, not just numbers. This data aims to show which roles need to be approached with care and to encourage employers of these occupations to reevaluate safety standards.”

Enhancing Safety in High-Risk Sectors: A Call to Action

The study’s findings emphasize the need for improved safety measures across these high-risk sectors. Employers in agriculture, transportation, and construction must prioritize worker safety to reduce these alarming fatality rates. Enhanced training programs, stricter safety protocols, and better protective equipment can go a long way in mitigating risks.


For policymakers, these insights highlight the sectors that require more stringent regulations and oversight. Ensuring that safety standards are not just implemented but also enforced can protect workers and save lives.

Ultimatly, while certain jobs will always carry inherent risks, understanding where these dangers lie is the first step toward making workplaces safer. The findings from this study serve as a crucial reminder for both employers and policymakers to take proactive measures in safeguarding the workforce.

For the latest news on everything happening in Chester County and the surrounding area, be sure to follow MyChesCo on Google News and Microsoft Start.

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Mackenzie Named Government Leader of the Year by Pennsylvania Defense Institute



Mackenzie Named Government Leader of the Year by Pennsylvania Defense Institute

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 A photo of Mackenzie and PDI’s incoming president, Daniel Twilla, is attached. Photo credit: Della Watters of WattersWorks.

HARRISBURG – Rep. Ryan Mackenzie (R-Lehigh) has been named by the Pennsylvania Defense Institute (PDI) as its “Government Leader of the Year.”

“I was honored to attend the Pennsylvania Defense Institute’s annual conference, where I was presented with the ‘Robert C. Keaton Government Leader of the Year’ award. The award is presented to lawmakers who focus on policies that have a direct impact on the legal defense of Pennsylvania residents. I am incredibly humbled by this recognition and will continue to work diligently to uphold the values this award represents.”

Mackenzie received the award earlier this month during PDI’s annual conference at the Omni Bedford Springs Resort in Bedford County.



Information provided to TVL by:
Andy Briggs

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Pennsylvania Lottery payouts back on track after computer system upgrades



Pennsylvania Lottery payouts back on track after computer system upgrades

MIDDLETOWN, Pa. (WHTM) — The Pennsylvania Lottery says it is back on track when it comes to payouts after a computer upgrade caused delays in May.

Lottery Spokesperson Ewa Swope said timelines are back to normal.

She said the Lottery hadn’t upgraded their computer system in 16 years.

“We just wanted to thank players for their patience and kindness throughout the whole process,” Swope said. “We’re all caught up now.”


The Lottery’s computer upgrade included vending equipment, improved technology, and new features to improve the Lottery playing experience. A hold has been put in place on processing claims during the transition.

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Pennsylvania Democratic Party Chair: Some PA delegates believe Biden shouldn’t run



Pennsylvania Democratic Party Chair: Some PA delegates believe Biden shouldn’t run

(WHTM) – Pennsylvania Democratic Party Chairperson and State Senator Sharif Street says there is concern in the Democratic Party and some members do not want to see President Joe Biden leading the ticket going into the Democratic National Convention.

“I haven’t done a tally but there are people that believe that,” said Street (D-Philadelphia) when asked how many people in the Pennsylvania delegation going to Chicago for the convention want the 81-year-old President to step aside.

“It’s hard to say,” said Street when asked about the likelihood of Biden still being atop the party’s ticket. “Whether he’s the candidate or a different Democrat, we can look at the policies of the Biden-Harris administration have been extremely successful, very few people question that. What they question is first, President Biden’s health and that’s something he has to make an evaluation of.”

Nationally Democrats are concerned that a poor performance by the President on Election Day could affect Congressional and local races. Senator Bob Casey has remained steadfast in his support of Biden and Governor Josh Shapiro, rumored to be a potential replacement, told reporters Friday “I think it is super unhelpful to engage in any hypothetical. The president has made clear he is running, I support the president. I think there is a clear contrast in this race.”


Street says there are some in the party feeling concerned about potential issues down-ballot seeing that Pennsylvania has a contested Senate seat and a narrow majority in the State House.

“I don’t know if nervous is the word, but I can tell you we are concerned,” said Street. “We’re not taking anything for granted.”

Street added that there weren’t many who believed Democrats could flip the State House, as well as win a U.S. Senate seat, the Governor’s Mansion, and other local races that year.

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