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What really happened to Nika Shahkarami? Witnesses to her final hours cast doubt on Iran’s story | CNN



What really happened to Nika Shahkarami? Witnesses to her final hours cast doubt on Iran’s story | CNN


A black-clad Iranian woman stands on prime of an overturned rubbish bin, waving her scarf as it’s engulfed by flames, amid chants of “loss of life to the dictator.”

A second later, video reveals, she crouches to gather one other scarf, from a pal, which she will even set on fireplace in entrance of the protesters.

The woman was 16-year-old Nika Shahkarami, from Tehran. Just a few hours after these scenes have been recorded on September 20, in movies solely obtained and verified by CNN, Nika went lacking. ​And a couple of week later, her household discovered that she was lifeless.

​Iranian authorities claimed Nika’s physique was discovered in the back of a courtyard on the morning of September 21. ​Her mom wasn’t given entry to determine her till 8 days later. CCTV footage launched by the authorities timestamped simply after midnight ​as September 20 ​grew to become September 21 ​confirmed the determine of a masked particular person they mentioned was Nika coming into a constructing ​that was uninhabited, and nonetheless underneath development in Tehran.


Nika Shahkarami seen burning a headband on the protests on September twentieth. Eyewitnesses mentioned she didn’t appear afraid of the riot police standing close by. Credit score: Obtained by CNN

​A Tehran prosecutor initially mentioned she died after being thrown from the constructing’s roof, and that her loss of life “had no connection to the protests” of that day​, however regardless of apparently declaring her loss of life a murder, he didn’t say whether or not there have been suspects underneath investigation. State broadcasters reported that she “fell,” however didn’t present proof to help the declare it was an accident.

On Wednesday, after CNN requested the federal government to touch upon the proof on this investigation, an Iranian media report quoted a Tehran prosecutor as saying that Nika’s loss of life was a suicide. Iranian authorities nonetheless haven’t responded to CNN’s repeated inquiries about Nika’s loss of life.​​

​Authorities by no means defined why Nika would enter that constructing on her personal, and Nika’s mom has mentioned she doesn’t consider the masked particular person is Nika. Her mom has mentioned she believes Nika was killed by the authorities, however the authorities have by no means mentioned whether or not Nika was of their custody at any level.

However dozens of movies and eyewitness accounts obtained solely by CNN point out that Nika seems to have been chased and detained by Iranian safety forces that night time. One key eyewitness, Ladan, informed CNN she noticed Nika being taken into custody ​on the protest by “a number of large-bodied plainclothes safety officers” who bundled her right into a automobile.


Moments earlier, this witness, whereas caught in Tehran visitors, filmed a video that purportedly reveals Shahkarami ducking behind a white automobile and yelling “tekoon nakon, tekoon nakon” – which suggests “don’t transfer, don’t transfer” – to its driver earlier than operating away from the temporary shelter it gave her.

Seven individuals who knew Nika and spoke to CNN confirmed it was her. The identical footage, filmed at 8.37 p.m. on September 20, additionally reveals anti-riot police on bikes, patrolling the world.

“I needed to save lots of her, however I couldn’t,” mentioned Ladan. “There have been about 20 or 30 Basijis on bikes on the sidewalk​,” she mentioned, utilizing the native identify for the paramilitary group that has been on the forefront of the state’s crackdown on protesters.

​”Shahkarami was throwing rocks at them. I used to be scared and I even went previous her and mentioned, ‘Watch out expensive!’ as a result of there have been plenty of plainclothes police within the streets going by way of the vehicles searching for her.

“Fifty meters forward they obtained her,” Ladan added.


Ladan got here ahead to CNN after realising that {the teenager} she had filmed and spoken to was the one whose loss of life had been reported days later. CNN solely spoke to a number of witnesses who have been on the Tehran protest on September 20 with the assistance of activist group 1500Tasvir.

Different movies, together with the scarf-burning ones, are proof that Nika was on the forefront of the protests earlier within the night time, earlier than the crackdown began – fearlessly main chants and throwing rocks, in keeping with a number of testimonies.

That will have made her a goal for safety forces, together with members of Iran’s feared Basij militia, as they began to descend into the world across the College of Tehran and Keshavarz Boulevard the place many of the protesters gathered that night, witnesses mentioned.

“I keep in mind how courageous she was as a result of she would go up on the rubbish bin and wouldn’t come down. She additionally burned her head scarf,” mentioned Najmeh, a protester who was with Nika on the demonstration.

CNN is utilizing pseudonyms for all the witnesses quoted on this investigation, as a result of danger to their security.


College students had gathered close to Laleh Park round 5 to six p.m. on September 20 to protest the loss of life of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old Kurdish-Iranian girl who died final month ​in state custody after being detained by the nation’s morality police​, allegedly for the way she was dressed.​

The scene was one which has grow to be acquainted in Tehran in current weeks: younger folks, principally ladies, chanting “loss of life to the dictator,” burning headscarves and throwing rocks towards safety forces.

Nika Shahkarami is seen on the frontline of the protests, throwing rocks at riot police additional down the road. Credit score: Obtained by CNN

At one level, a trash bin was introduced over and overturned to dam the highway. Nika hopped on prime together with a few others, video footage confirmed.

“She burned her head scarf and waved it. I informed her to not wave it since you may burn your self, simply maintain it till it burns,” mentioned Nima, who was additionally on the protest and noticed the occasions unfold. “Then she took the headscarves of the 2 associates who have been along with her and burned these as properly.”


In different movies ​from that night geolocated and verified by CNN, Nika is proven hurling rocks at anti-riot police forces. She’s carrying a particular CAT rucksack and carrying a black masks and hat on her head. ​Sounds that seem like gunshots might be heard.

From 7 to eight p.m., the safety forces’ crackdown intensified, witnesses mentioned. “They have been firing tear fuel and pellet photographs and grabbing protesters. Virtually all of us have been confronting them and operating away,” mentioned Reza, one other witness.

As anti-riot police and Basij forces stuffed the streets, protesters began to maneuver in all instructions to flee the crackdown.

One other witness, Dina, who spent a number of the protest strolling alongside Nika, informed CNN she noticed Nika in entrance of a fuel station not removed from the College of Tehran, the place the group of protesters had gathered after fleeing tear fuel launched by the safety forces. Others managed to seize on video these being detained by what seemed to be plainclothes officers.

Reza added: “I noticed with my very own eyes safety forces hitting ladies with batons, and so they grabbed lots of them and took them to police vans.”


It’s on this context of utmost repression of the protest that Nika ​was final seen by the witnesses who spoke to CNN – and 9 extra days would cross earlier than her household was given official phrase of her whereabouts. Movies verified and geolocated by CNN show that the woman, within the final witness footage offered to CNN displaying her alive, was hemmed in by safety forces on three sides.

“I believe Nika obtained caught that night time once we have been operating away. As a result of she was very younger,” Dina mentioned.

Whereas Iranian authorities insist Nika died ​on the grounds of that uninhabited constructing, her mom Nasrin informed Etemad, an unbiased Iranian newspaper, in an interview printed on October 10 that she believes her daughter “was on the protests and killed there.”

Iranian safety forces arrested eight individuals who have been employees within the constructing which Nika allegedly entered ​a number of hours after eyewitnesses noticed her on the September 20 protests, state-aligned information company Tasnim reported on October 4. Tehran’s prosecutor Ali Salehi mentioned a judicial prison case had been launched and expressed his condolences to Nika’s household, state run IRNA mentioned.


The final identified video of Nika, filmed at 8:37 p.m. She is seen hiding between vehicles to keep away from the riot police. Credit score: Obtained by CNN

Mohammad Shahriari, the pinnacle of prison prosecution of Tehran province, initially mentioned Nika’s accidents corresponded with ​having been “thrown down,” citing an post-mortem that exposed a number of fractures within the space of the pelvis, head, higher and decrease limbs, arms​, toes ​and hip, Tasnim reported.

He added that “an investigation confirmed this incident had no connection to the protests. No bullet holes have been discovered on the physique.”

CNN has repeatedly sought remark from the Iranian authorities on whether or not Nika was detained on the protests that night time and whether or not different ladies have been assaulted and put in police automobiles. CNN additionally requested the Tehran prosecutor’s workplace concerning the standing of the prison investigation into Nika’s loss of life. No responses have been acquired previous to the publication of this story.

​On Wednesday, the web information outlet Mizan, which is affiliated with Iran’s judiciary, printed a report saying that Nika’s loss of life had been a suicide, citing a prosecutor from t


Nevertheless, a loss of life certificates first seen by BBC Persian and verified by CNN states that Shahkarami died from a number of accidents attributable to blows with a tough object.

Within the Etemad interview, Nasrin mentioned she had spoken by cellphone with Shahkarami many occasions on the day she disappeared. The background noise through the calls indicated she and the opposite protesters have been fleeing from safety forces, Nasrin added. ​

Nika additionally talked about a number of areas she was in – Enghelab Sq., Keshavarz Boulevard and Valiasr road – in keeping with Nasrin, which match the movies geolocated by CNN.

Nasrin final spoke along with her daughter simply earlier than midnight, she mentioned, and after that, all her makes an attempt to name Nika indicated that Nika’s cellphone had been disconnected. Nika’s Instagram and Telegram accounts have been deleted, in keeping with Nika’s aunt and a number of other protesters who spoke to CNN.

For days, her household says they went to police stations, jails, and hospitals searching for traces of her, all to no avail. Lastly, on September 30, Nika’s mom and brother have been requested to determine Nika’s corpse, she informed BBC Persian. ​


​On October 6, in an interview with Radio Farda, Nasrin claimed that whereas she and different family members have been searching for Nika within the days after her disappearance, one particular person gave her Nika’s nationwide ID quantity and informed her “the IRGC obtained her, they needed to slowly interrogate her.”

That matches what Shahkarami’s aunt, Atash, told BBC Persian quickly after she disappeared. “An unofficial supply from the IRGC themselves obtained in contact with me and mentioned, this child was in our custody per week in the past, and after we have been carried out interrogating and constructing the case file, 1 or 2 days in the past ​(she) was transferred to Evin jail,” Atash mentioned.

Atash and Nika’s uncle, Mohsen, have been subsequently arrested by Iranian safety forces and compelled to make a false assertion, in keeping with BBC Persian​, citing a supply near the household. Following the BBC’s reporting, when reached by CNN, Atash requested to not be contacted once more, citing security issues.

Whereas the household searches for solutions, the individuals who have been with Nika on that day are additionally nonetheless reeling from her loss of life.

“The scenario was very scary, and everybody considered escaping,” Dina mentioned. “I can’t forgive myself for Nika’s loss of life. She was a toddler.”



New Jersey gamer flew to Florida and beat fellow player with hammer, say police



New Jersey gamer flew to Florida and beat fellow player with hammer, say police

An online gamer from New Jersey recently flew to Florida, broke into the home of a fellow player with whom he had feuded digitally but never met in person, and tried to beat him to death with a hammer, according to authorities.

The allegations leveled by the Nassau county, Florida, sheriff’s office against 20-year-old Edward Kang constitute an extreme example of a phenomenon that academics call “internet banging” – which involves online arguments, often between young people, that escalate into physical violence.

As Bill Leeper, the local sheriff, told it, Kang and the man he is suspected of attacking became familiar with each other playing the massively multiplayer online role-playing game ArcheAge.

The Korean game is supposed to no longer be available beginning Thursday, its publisher announced in April, citing a “declining number of active players”, as ABC News reported. But prior to the cancellation, Kang and the other player became locked in some sort of “online altercation”, Leeper said at a news briefing Monday.

Kang then informed his family that he was headed out of town to meet a friend he had made through gaming, Leeper recounted. The sheriff said Kang flew from Newark, New Jersey, to Jacksonville, Florida, and booked himself into a hotel near his fellow gamer’s home early Friday morning.


He had allegedly bought a hammer and a flashlight at a local hardware store, receipts for which deputies later found in Kang’s hotel room.

By early Sunday, Kang purportedly had put on black clothes, gloves and a mask, and he went into his target’s home through an unlocked door. He waited for the victim to get up to take a bathroom break from gaming – and then battered him with the hammer, Leeper said.

The alleged victim managed to wrestle Kang to the ground while screaming for help. The victim’s stepfather woke up after hearing the screams, rushed to his stepson’s side, helped take Kang’s hammer away and restrained him until deputies were called and they arrived, according to Leeper.

Deputies found blood at the home’s entrance and in the bedroom of the victim, Leeper added. The sheriff said the victim was brought to a hospital to be treated for “severe” head wounds while deputies jailed Kang on counts of attempted second-degree murder and armed burglary.

Leeper accused Kang of telling deputies that he carried out the violent home invasion because he believed the target to be “a bad person online”. Kang also allegedly asked investigators how much prison time was associated with breaking and entering as well as assault.


Attempted second-degree murder alone can carry up to 15 years. Leeper quipped that his only answer to Kang was: “It will be a long time before you play video games.”

Striking a more serious tone, Leeper urged people to be vigilant about and report to authorities any suspicious online behavior aimed at them. He also mentioned the importance of locking one’s home.

“This … serves as a stark reminder of the potential real-world consequences of online interaction,” Leeper said.

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Central banks urged to keep pace with ‘game changer’ AI



Central banks urged to keep pace with ‘game changer’ AI

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Iowa floodwaters breach levees as even more rain dumps onto parts of the Midwest



Iowa floodwaters breach levees as even more rain dumps onto parts of the Midwest

A tornado is seen near Cedar Rapids, Iowa, on Tuesday. More severe weather was forecast to move into the region, potentially bringing large hail, damaging winds and tornadoes in parts of western Iowa and eastern Nebraska, according to the National Weather Service.

Nick Rohlman/The Gazette/AP

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Nick Rohlman/The Gazette/AP

DES MOINES, Iowa — Tornado warnings, flash flooding and large hail added insult to injury for people in the Midwest already contending with heat, humidity and intense flooding after days of rain.

The National Weather Service on Tuesday afternoon and evening issued multiple tornado warnings in parts of Iowa and Nebraska as local TV news meteorologists showed photos of large hail and spoke of very heavy rain.

Earlier on Tuesday, floodwaters breached levees in Iowa, creating dangerous conditions that prompted evacuations.


A vast swath of lands from eastern Nebraska and South Dakota to Iowa and Minnesota has been under siege from flooding from torrential rains since last week, while also being hit with a scorching heat wave. Up to 18 inches of rain have fallen in some areas, and some rivers rose to record levels. Hundreds of people were rescued, homes were damaged and at least two people died after driving in flooded areas.

Onlookers take in the catastrophic damage to the Rapidan Dam site in Rapidan, Minn., on Monday. Debris blocked the dam, forcing the heavily backed up waters of the Blue Earth River to reroute along the bank nearest the Dam Store.

Onlookers take in the catastrophic damage to the Rapidan Dam site in Rapidan, Minn., on Monday. Debris blocked the dam, forcing the heavily backed up waters of the Blue Earth River to reroute along the bank nearest the Dam Store.

Casey Ek/The Free Press/AP

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Casey Ek/The Free Press/AP

The sheriff’s office in Monona County, near the Nebraska border, said the Little Sioux River breached levees in several areas. In neighboring Woodbury County, the sheriff’s office posted drone video on Facebook showing the river overflowing the levee and flooding land in rural Smithland. No injuries were immediately reported.

Patrick Prorok, emergency management coordinator in Monona County, described waking people at about 4 a.m. in Rodney, a town of about 45 people, to recommend evacuation. Later Tuesday morning, the water hadn’t yet washed into the community.

“People up the hill are saying it is coming our way,” Prorok said.

Rachel Morsching sits Tuesday on the flooded porch of her father Dean Roemhildt's home in Waterville., Minn. Waters from the nearby Tetonka and Sakatah lakes have encroached on the town amid recent heavy rains.

Rachel Morsching sits Tuesday on the flooded porch of her father Dean Roemhildt’s home in Waterville., Minn. Waters from the nearby Tetonka and Sakatah lakes have encroached on the town amid recent heavy rains.

Casey Ek/The Free Press/AP

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Casey Ek/The Free Press/AP


As new areas were flooding Tuesday, some cities and towns were cleaning up after the waters receded while others downstream were piling sandbags and taking other measures to protect against the oncoming swelled currents. Some normal, unassuming tributaries ballooned into rushing rivers, damaging homes, buildings and bridges.

“Normally, this river is barely a trickle,” 71-year-old Hank Howley said as she watched the Big Sioux’s waters gush over a broken and partially sunken rail bridge in North Sioux City, South Dakota, on Monday. “Really, you could just walk across it most days.”

South Dakota state geologist Tim Cowman said that the five major rivers in the state’s southeastern corner have crested and are dropping, albeit slowly. The last of those rivers to crest, the James, did so early Tuesday.

Heavy rains in recent days have submerged farmland near Vermillion, S.D., on Tuesday. Flooding has devastated communities in several states across the Midwest.

Heavy rains in recent days have submerged farmland near Vermillion, S.D., on Tuesday. Flooding has devastated communities in several states across the Midwest.

Jake Hoffner/AP


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Jake Hoffner/AP


In a residential development along McCook Lake in North Sioux City, the devastation became clear Tuesday as floodwaters began to recede from Monday, exposing collapsed streets, utility poles and trees. Some homes had been washed off their foundations.

“Currently, there is no water, sewer, gas or electrical service in this area,” Union County Emergency Management said in a Facebook post.

President Biden approved a major disaster declaration for affected counties in Iowa on Monday, a move that paves the way for federal aid to be granted.

To the south in Sioux City and Woodbury County, Iowa, officials responded to residents’ complaints that they had received little warning of the flooding and its severity. Sioux City Fire Marshal Mark Aesoph said at a news conference Tuesday that rivers crested higher than predicted.

“Even if we would have known about this two weeks ago, there was nothing we could do at this point. We cannot extend the entire length of our levee,” Aesoph said. “It’s impossible.”


Water had spilled over the Big Sioux River levee, and Aesoph estimated hundreds of homes likely have some internal water damage.

Homes on the south side of Spencer, Iowa, near the Little Sioux River are unlivable as water has reached the main floor, resident Ben Thomas said. A lot of people in town are facing a “double whammy,” with homes and businesses affected.

Officials in Woodbury County said around a dozen bridges over the Little Sioux River had been topped by flood water, and each would need to be inspected to see if they can reopen to traffic.

Forever Wildlife Lodge and Clinic, a nonprofit animal rescue, in northwest Iowa has answered over 200 calls since the flooding started, said licensed wildlife rehabilitator Amanda Hase.

Hase described the flooding as “catastrophic” for Iowa wildlife, which are getting washed out of dens, injured by debris and separated from each other. She and other rehabilitators are responding to calls about all kinds of species, from fawns and groundhogs to bunnies and eaglets.


“I’ve never seen it this bad before, ever,” she said.

Floodwaters rush over a collapsed railroad bridge over the Big Sioux River near North Sioux City, S.D., on Monday.

Floodwaters rush over a collapsed railroad bridge over the Big Sioux River near North Sioux City, S.D., on Monday.

Josh Jurgens/AP

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Josh Jurgens/AP

Further to the east in Humboldt, Iowa, a record crest of 16.5 feet was expected Wednesday at the west fork of the Des Moines River. Amid high temperatures and humidity, nearly 68,000 sandbags have been laid, according to county emergency manager Kyle Bissell.

Bissell told reporters Tuesday that there was no water on the streets yet, but flooding had begun in some backyards and was reaching up to foundations. Humboldt is home to nearly 5,000 residents.

More severe weather was forecast to move into the region Tuesday, potentially bringing large hail, damaging winds and even a brief tornado or two in parts of western Iowa and eastern Nebraska, according to the National Weather Service. Showers and storms were also possible in parts of South Dakota and Minnesota, the agency said.


In Michigan, more than 150,000 homes and businesses were without power Tuesday morning after severe thunderstorms barreled through, less than a week after storms left thousands in the dark for days in suburban Detroit.

The weather service also predicted more than two dozen points of major flooding in southern Minnesota, eastern South Dakota and northern Iowa, and flood warnings are expected to continue into the week.

Many streams, especially with additional rainfall, may not crest until later this week as the floodwaters slowly drain down a web of rivers to the Missouri and Mississippi. The Missouri will crest at Omaha on Thursday, said Kevin Low, a weather service hydrologist.

North of Des Moines, Iowa, the lake above the Saylorville Dam was absorbing river surge and expected to largely protect the metro area from flooding, according to the Polk County Emergency Management Agency. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers projected Tuesday that water levels at Saylorville Lake will rise by more than 30 feet by the Fourth of July.

Jared Gerlock (left) and his son, Robbie, carry a bin of water-logged stuffed animals out of the flood-damaged basement of their home on East Second Street in Spencer, Iowa, on Tuesday. Officials said about 40% of properties in the city were affected after the Little Sioux River flooded.

Jared Gerlock (left) and his son, Robbie, carry a bin of water-logged stuffed animals out of the flood-damaged basement of their home on East Second Street in Spencer, Iowa, on Tuesday. Officials said about 40% of properties in the city were affected after the Little Sioux River flooded.

Tim Hynds/Sioux City Journal/AP


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Tim Hynds/Sioux City Journal/AP


Outside Mankato, Minnesota, the local sheriff’s office said Monday that there was a “partial failure” of the western support structure for the Rapidan Dam on the Blue Earth River after the dam became plugged with debris. Flowing water eroded the western bank, rushed around the dam and washed out an electrical substation, causing about 600 power outages.

Eric Weller, emergency management director for the Blue Earth County sheriff, said the bank would likely erode more, but he didn’t expect the concrete dam itself to fail. The two homes downstream were evacuated.

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz on Tuesday cautioned against rebuilding too fast, instead emphasizing more sustainable repairs that could prevent or mitigate future flooding.

“Nature doesn’t care whether you believe in climate change or not,” Walz said. “The insurance companies sure believe in it. The actuarials sure believe in it, and we do.”

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