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Pro-transgender activists eat pages from Bible to protest Matt Walsh appearance at University of Wisconsin



Pro-transgender activists eat pages from Bible to protest Matt Walsh appearance at University of Wisconsin

Professional-transgender activists ate pages from a Bible as they protested an occasion that includes Matt Walsh and his controversial documentary “What’s a Lady?” on the College of Wisconsin-Madison.

Conservative commentator Walsh, who’s in the midst of a school tour, arrived on campus Oct. 24 for a screening of his movie and was greeted by a clutch of livid college students.

The Younger America’s Basis posted video of a red-haired scholar shoving pages from a torn-up Bible in her mouth.

In one other video, protesters are filmed screaming into megaphones that white individuals are “f–king racist” and that they have been there to “collectively chase Nazis off the U-W campus.”


The protesters chanted “trans proper are human rights” whereas being led by a girl draped in a rainbow flag.

YAF intercut the protest video with a clip the 400 folks contained in the auditorium the place Walsh was set to talk showing to welcome him warmly to the stage.

The Younger America’s Basis posted video of a red-haired scholar shoving pages from a torn-up Bible in her mouth.
Younger America’s Basis

“I wish to thank additionally the leftist crybabies for the free promoting spray-painted throughout campus,” Walsh mentioned previous to the screening of his film.

Then he addressed the heads of the college, referencing a message the college had despatched out earlier than his arrival warning college students {that a} speaker whose views “we consider are dangerous towards our trans group” was slated to look.

“To the UW-Madison administration: you ought to be ashamed of yourselves. You’re disgraceful, self-debasing cowards, and also you spineless, gutless clowns owe me an apology.”

"What is a Woman?" was released earlier this year.
College of Wisconsin-Madison mentioned that Walsh could possibly be dangerous to the trans group.
Younger America’s Basis

In response to the video, Walsh tweeted: “Nicely, you may be on the aspect that eats the Bible and castrates youngsters, otherwise you may be on actually any aspect however that one. Your selection, America.”

“What’s a Lady?” was launched earlier this yr. It examines gender and transgender points whereas contending that womanhood is decided by biology.

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Wisconsin playmaking linebacker joins Bison Class of 2025



Wisconsin playmaking linebacker joins Bison Class of 2025

FARGO — Gavin Sell has been on the North Dakota State football radar for the last year.

Sell decided to make Fargo his home, committing to the Bison after spending the weekend at their annual individual camp.

“I had zero offers coming into this weekend but managed to pick up two from NDSU and Augustana.” Sell said. “This camp is like no other in the whole country, you get to get coached by the best coaches in the midwest and you get to for three days straight and you really create a bond with them.”

Sell hails from Baldwin, Wisconsin. He’s 6-foot-3, 200 pounds and was a two-way playmaker for the Blackhawks. He had 49 receptions for 982 yards and 11 touchdowns as a wide receiver this past season. Sell was an honorable mention all-state selection at wide receiver.


He starred on defense as well, racking up 66 tackles and two interceptions from the linebacker spot. It’s there where the Bison see Sell at the next level.

“Ever since i was younger, I’ve always seen myself as a playmaker but it just so happens to be the Bison like a playmaker on defense and I love it.”

“The position is like no other in sports, you get to hit, you get to cover, you get to do it all, and that’s what I love in football.”

Baldwin sits about 45 minutes east from Minneapolis. The Blackhawks posted a 10-3 record last season, falling in the state semifinals.

Sell becomes the second known commitment out of Wisconsin for the Class of 2025. Grafton offensive lineman James Nellis committed to the Bison back in May.


Sell’s commitment brings NDSU to a total of eight commitments for the incoming class.

“My commitment meant everything to me, I’ve dreamed of an offer like this since I was a little kid. I knew once they offered me that I was going to commit to the Bison.”

They have such a great coaching staff and especially Coach (Grant) Olson really stood out to me. Our connection felt like no other and I can’t wait to play for him.”

Dom Izzo is the Sports Director at WDAY-TV. He began working for WDAY in 2006 as the weekend sports anchor and was promoted to Sports Director in 2010.


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Wisconsin woman shares the signs and symptoms of a stroke



Wisconsin woman shares the signs and symptoms of a stroke

MILWAUKEE — Sarah Martis is a busy working mom, who serves as the executive director of the Milwaukee Bar Association.

“What we’re focused on is providing those attorneys support they need to do their jobs well,” said Martis. 

Martis is focused on helping others. She was never used to asking for help herself until a major health scare in her 30s. 


What You Need To Know

  • Sarah Martis had an “ischemic” stroke 
  • An ischemic stroke is when a blood clot goes in a blood vessel and blocks the blood flow to a certain area of the brain
  • Thanks to her husband calling 911, Martis had no severe brain damage 

“It’s really kind of surreal that it even happened to me because I don’t feel like I had a stroke at all,” said Martis. “I feel like just how I did before.”

Martis experienced what’s called an “ischemic” stroke in the middle of the night. Her husband woke up shortly after and was able to call 911.

“From the time he found me to the time I was on a table at Froedtert was about 45 minutes, which is super lucky,” said Martis. “The longer that you sit there with the blood on your brain. This side of my brain was covered in blood and totally deprived it of any kind oxygen.”

Doctors were able to intervene before any permanent damage was done. What exactly led to Martis’ stroke is unknown, but she did gain some insight from genetic testing.

“I do have a genetic mutation which causes me to clot more than an average person,” said Martis.

Dr. Hatim Attar, a vascular neurologist at Froedtert and the Medical College of Wisconsin, described what an ischemic stroke is.


“Strokes are when a blood clot goes in a blood vessel and blocks the blood flow to a certain area of the brain,” said Attar. “That’s what we call ischemic strokes. You can also have hemorrhagic when there’s bleeding in the brain.”

He said the level at which you’re affected by a stroke depends on its location and severity and how fast you get treatment.

An important acronym he uses to recognize signs of a stroke is BE FAST:

  • B stands for balance: recognizing changes in balance or trouble walking
  • E stands for eyes: trouble seeing out of one or both eyes
  • F stands for face: facial drooping or uneven smile
  • A stands for arm: noticing arm or leg weakness or numbness
  • S stands for speech: slurred speech or difficulty talking or understanding
  • T stands for time: call 911 and get to a hospital as soon as possible

Martis said she is forever thankful for her husband’s quick response. She has no major side effects but gets checkups more often now.

“It’s just a part of what you do for yourself, for your family,” said Martis. “So that you can stay around and to not be scared of things.” 

As a young survivor, she’s added a new role to her life in advocating for stroke awareness and prevention.


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How 5 Colombian girls discovered their American father in Wisconsin



How 5 Colombian girls discovered their American father in Wisconsin

My mother’s romance with her second husband hardly looked promising at first due to their language barrier. He was from Wisconsin and spoke only English. She was from Colombia and spoke only Spanish.

Yet in 1986, shortly before I turned 11, they married. Overnight, Glenn Hovde, a carefree bachelor who enjoyed playing golf, became a father to five girls, ages 4 to 19. Only my two oldest sisters spoke English, because they had each spent a year in the United States with our aunt. It was while visiting her sister that my mother first met my future father.


Adriana Mateus

Early on, Mom and Glenn resorted to sign language and a dictionary to communicate. My sisters and I helped each other connect with our new father, translating and using nonverbal cues as we adjusted to a new home and culture in Madison. But Glenn’s warmhearted personality, in providing the support and protection we craved, quickly won us over.


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So did our newfound liberation. Colombia in the 1980s was challenging and, at times, violent. Glenn, dressed casually and padding around in Birkenstocks, encouraged us to ride bikes, swim in the lake near our home and play tennis in the park.


During that first year, Glenn did most of the cooking. New aromas and scents became familiar, including the lightly spiced sloppy joes that made frequent appearances at our dining room table. Another item had an unusual flavor. “It’s just potatoes,” I suspect Glenn told us when we inquired. Colombia has a variety of potatoes, including ones used in many traditional dishes. While I was not a potato connoisseur, I was disappointed to learn they came from a Betty Crocker box.

Glenn Hovde and family

Glenn Hovde, center, is surrounded by his large family in 2006. They include, back row from left: Lucia Mateus, Andrew Hovde and Elizabeth Guzman. In the middle row, from left, are Adrian Mateus, Myriam Hovde, Hovde and Constanza Mateus. Cristina Daza is in front.


By the time our maternal grandmother, whom we called Lita (from Abuelita), joined us after her immigration papers were complete, we had a good grasp of English, though we still spoke Spanish to Mom and, of course, to Lita. She and Glenn, too, used nonverbal language as they bonded over cooking and eating, caring for family and laughing at funny mistakes, such as when Glenn purchased the wrong ingredients Lita had tried to tell him she needed.

In 1995, a few years after the birth of our baby brother, and when we had outgrown the gray family van, Glenn bought a bus. He had it turned into an RV and painted military green. One of our first destinations was the Black Hills of South Dakota to visit historic Mount Rushmore.



Glenn Hovde sits at the wheel of the “Patagonia,” a bus named for the place his mother-in-law threatened to move their large family became too much to manage.

Mom was initially against buying the bus, but Glenn insisted it was the only way we could travel comfortably as a family. We dubbed the bus “Patagonia,” a name inspired by the place Lita threatened to move to if we became too much to manage. We had the time of our lives on those bus trips — no small feat given that my sisters and I were tidy, girly and not outdoorsy.

Not that Glenn didn’t try to change that. He insisted we take golf lessons and go hunting. And he refused to cave to our squeamishness about creepy-crawly things. Once, when I spotted a bug in my bedroom and called for help, Glenn came to the rescue. He whacked the bug with a newspaper, making it bounce. He then popped it in his mouth, saying, “It tastes pretty good.” I screamed in horror and remained mad at him for days after learning that he had put a sunflower seed on the carpet simply to freak me out.


After an inchworm fell on Lita’s plate of eggs and bacon during a bus trip to upper Michigan, our camping days ended. But not our family time. Often, we gathered around the piano that had belonged to Glenn’s mom or played board games. When we performed modeling and dancing shows in the living room, our dad was always an enthusiastic audience, cheering and applauding.

Glenn always met our challenges with calm and encouragement. I arrived in the U.S. as a talkative fifth grader who loved to tell stories, but I became much quieter given my limited English. The first school my younger sister and I attended didn’t have a program for English as a second language. But thanks to the advocacy of a family friend, we were quickly transferred to a school with an excellent program.

It was reassuring when I won my school’s spelling bee less than a year after our arrival, going on to compete at the Madison All-City contest. Thanks to my mom’s influence, I was an avid reader but, of course, mostly in Spanish. Even after being elected high school class president for four years or accepted to my dream journalism school, nothing seemed to matter as much to Glenn as that spelling bee.

I think it was because he wanted us to feel at home. Glenn’s siblings and other relatives visited frequently as we were growing up. We five enthusiastic girls always joyfully welcomed them with open arms, which Glenn’s less demonstrative Norwegian family happily embraced. Glenn’s dad, Grandpa Inky, lived nearby and resided with us briefly, regaling us with stories about fishing, hunting and some of his near-death experiences.

For years, Glenn referred to himself as the family chauffeur, driving us to different schools and extracurricular activities. When we became citizens and were old enough to vote, he insisted we do so and that we stay updated on local news. For years, our family volunteered at Fourth of July community and fireworks events near our home.


My father will turn 80 this July 4, and he no longer believes, as his father told him when he was growing up, that the fireworks displays are to celebrate him. I am thankful to live close enough to visit him and Mom frequently in Madison. They continue to bask in the love and laughter of a larger family with spouses and grandchildren sit around the dining room table sharing stories in English, Spanish or Spanglish.

Of the many gifts my siblings and I have received from our father, I am most grateful for his sense of humor and how he uses it to teach us important life lessons. Moreover, I am thankful for his graciousness and patience as he helped integrate our families and cultures, welcoming cousins who lived with us for months at a time so they, too, could learn English. It never ceases to amaze me how our blended bicultural family came together, and how Glenn has never ceased to be the dependable, selfless father we can count on in times of joy and in times of need.

Mateus is a writer who lives in Fitchburg.


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