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Missouri attorney general is investigating providers of gender-affirming care to youth



Missouri attorney general is investigating providers of gender-affirming care to youth

A state investigation into the Washington University Transgender Center at St. Louis Children’s Hospital has expanded to target therapists and social workers who may have minors seeking gender-affirming care.

Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey is seeking redacted or lightly redacted medical records of patients who received care at the facility. The state investigation of the center is one of many currently underway, including one by U.S. Sen. Josh Hawley.

The move left the state’s trans and healthcare communities with concern over future access to gender-affirming care for transgender youth in the state, the Missouri Independent reported.

“The attorney general has created a hostile environment for medical providers where they are afraid to stay and practice medicine,” Katy Erker-Lynch, executive director of PROMO, an LGBTQ+ advocacy group in the state, said.


Bailey is reviewing the records at the Missouri Division of Professional Registration which oversees the state’s medical licensing as part of the investigation. He had earlier targeted Planned Parenthood Great Plains and Children’s Mercy, a hospital in Kansas City.

Bailey has reportedly interviewed 57 healthcare professionals in connection with the investigation.

Licensed clinical social worker Kelly Storck spoke with senior investigator Nick McBroom as part of the investigation.

McBroom confronted Storck, who brought an attorney with her to the meeting, with a file of letters she had written to Washington University Transgender Care in support of patients seeking gender-affirming care at the facility. Some of the letters had been scrutinized, with many showing some sentences were underlined in green.

When McBroom asked Storck to detail in writing her process for recommending gender-affirming, she refused. The case was subsequently closed, but Storck still has questions and concerns about the investigation.


“I still have a lot of distrust about who initiated it and who was in my documents,” Storck told the Independent.

The Center earlier turned over a spreadsheet providing information regarding patients seeking gender-affirming care, including visits, medications, and other normally private information.

The mother of one patient who received care at the Center, a 17-year-old trans boy named Levi, described the investigation as “invasive” and said it was causing unwarranted disruption in their lives.

“The state has already basically disrupted our lives,” Becky Hormuth told the Independent. “They’ve disrupted our families, our children’s lives with the legislation that has passed. Then for him to continue going on is even more invasive and damaging.”

After Missouri passed a ban on gender-affirming care for minors last year, Bailey issued an emergency rule banning similar care for trans adults as well. In the document laying out the policy, he said these treatments “lack solid evidentiary support” and “pose very serious side effects.” He withdrew the rule when state lawmakers acted. Missouri Gov. Mike Parson, a Republican, signed the ban into law in June. It was quickly challenged in court, but a judge allowed it to go into effect.


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MAGA Rapper Sinks to New Low After ‘Ratchet’ Rant



MAGA Rapper Sinks to New Low After ‘Ratchet’ Rant

Listen to this full episode of The New Abnormal on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon, and Stitcher.

Valentina Gomez—who’s running for Secretary of State of Missouri—has come under fire for her online trolling, homophobia, attacks against transgender people, and racism.

This week as the U.S. celebrated Juneteenth, which marks the end of slavery, the 25-year-old Colombian immigrant and real estate investor struck a new low when she called the holiday “ratchet” and suggested that Black Americans leave if they want to complain.

“Reparations from slavery and Black victimization is about to be shoved down our throats for the most ratchet holiday in America. BLM raised millions but what did they do for Black lives? It is outrageous to see people asking for reparations even though they never went through slavery. These grateful people should be celebrated because they were born in the greatest nation to ever exist. Here’s a tip. You don’t like America. Get the fuck out.”


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The New Abnormal co-host Andy Levy said that Gomez had clearly studied the MAGA playbook to get attention.

“She’s one of those people that looked around and said, ‘Oh, I have to say the most outrageous things possible to get attention.’ And that’s what we’re giving her,” he said. “She’s just one of a million right-wing clones and there’s nothing special about her. And she probably has no friends.”

“I can tell you what kind of friends she doesn’t have,” The New Abnormal’s co-host Danielle Moodie said. “She may in fact have friends, but I can tell you the kind of friends she don’t have.”

Plus! The New York Times bestselling journalist Jeff Goodell joins the podcast to talk about his new book, The Heat Will Kill You First: Life and Death on a Scorched Planet.


Listen to this full episode of The New Abnormal on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon, and Stitcher.

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World's Greatest 3-Layer Cookie Has Suddenly Invaded Missouri



World's Greatest 3-Layer Cookie Has Suddenly Invaded Missouri

I thought I knew every cookie trick in the book, but I was obviously very wrong. The self-proclaimed world’s greatest 3-layer cookie chain has suddenly invaded Missouri and I’m already a big fan.

I just saw Yahoo Life share this morning some of the best cookie news that Missouri has had in awhile. They say that a cookie chain that was born in Arizona has made it’s way to the Show Me State and this is what they do.

Dirty Dough via YouTube

Dirty Dough via YouTube

They call themselves Dirty Dough Cookies and they now have a location at 2515 S Campbell Ave Ste 100 in Springfield, Missouri. These people make cookies that you likely have never seen with this many layers.


Unlike some specialty shops that are only open for a few hours each day, Dirty Dough’s Springfield, Missouri place is open 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday through Saturday and from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday. Impressive.

Do you need to eat these cookies with a fork? Asking for a friend.

Dirty Dough Cookies via YouTube

Dirty Dough Cookies via YouTube

Would I vacation in Springfield, Missouri just for an epic cookie? Probably not, but I’d make it a stop when I was in that part of the state. Nice to see new cookie options make their way to Missouri. The more layers the merrier I suppose.

A Lonely Walk Through Another Nearly Dead Missouri Mall

Gallery Credit: NorthCdogg22 via YouTube


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Southeast Missouri State University Board of Governors to hold two-day session next week



Southeast Missouri State University Board of Governors to hold two-day session next week

CAPE GIRARDEAU, Mo. — The Southeast Missouri State University Board of Governors will hold a two-day session Monday and Tuesday, June 24 and 25, to include a board retreat Monday and a meeting Tuesday.

The agenda for the meeting is as follows:

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