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Milwaukee, WI

MSNBC's Rachel Maddow, other top anchors not in Milwaukee for RNC, using LED screen to appear they're on site



MSNBC's Rachel Maddow, other top anchors not in Milwaukee for RNC, using LED screen to appear they're on site

Rachel Maddow and other top MSNBC hosts have been using an LED screen to cover the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee from the liberal network’s studio in New York City, according to a report.

Maddow, who has been leading the network’s coverage of the GOP convention this week, has repeatedly appeared on air with the backdrop of the convention behind her, leading casual viewers to assume she was on the ground in Milwaukee. But Maddow and many of her colleagues, including Nicolle Wallace, Jen Psaki, Joy Reid and other MSNBC anchors have not been inside the convention hall or even in the same city, the New York Times reported Wednesday.

“Instead, they were broadcasting from a studio in Midtown Manhattan, as a live feed of the convention floor was projected onto an LED screen behind them,” the Times report reads.



Rachel Maddow appears to the casual viewer to be anchoring RNC coverage live from Milwaukee this week, but she and several other hosts have been broadcasting from New York City. (Screengrab: MSNBC)

“The arrangement — which several veteran television news producers described as unorthodox — has created something of a trompe l’oeil effect. A casual glance at the screen would suggest that MSNBC’s top anchors were covering the convention in person,” the article continues, using a French phrase referring to highly realistic-looking but visually deceptive artwork.

MSNBC did previously announce last week that Maddow and other top political anchors would not travel to Milwaukee for the convention. Instead, the network sent Stephanie Ruhle, who hosts “The 11th Hour,” and daytime host Katy Tur, per the Times.


A number of reporters and correspondents from NBC News were sent to Milwaukee for live reporting, including “Today” host Savannah Guthrie, “Nightly News” host Lester Holt and correspondent Jacob Soboroff, who clashed with Donald Trump Jr. during an interview on the convention floor in an exchange that went viral. MSNBC is NBC’s left-leaning cable arm.


While the New York City-based MSNBC anchors did not tell viewers that they were in Milwaukee during live broadcasting, “they have mentioned their location sparingly throughout many hours of evening coverage,” according to the Times report.

maddow msnbc panel rnc

Rachel Maddow sits with a panel of colleagues on night two of the RNC.

An MSNBC spokesman told the Times that at “the top of every broadcast, hosts identify themselves as being in New York or at MSNBC headquarters.” But critics say the live video feed of a bustling convention behind them sends a different impression to viewers tuning in throughout the night.

“News organizations need to be very careful and very transparent about what they represent and how they represent it,” former CNN Washington bureau chief Frank Sesno told the Times. “It can feel like a frivolous thing — oh, well, gee, we’re just using the pictures behind them — but there’s something profoundly important here. If news organizations don’t represent where they are clearly, then how is the audience to have faith and confidence in the actual content of the reporting?”


Maddow began the 7 p.m. ET broadcast Monday saying that she and her colleagues were “at MSNBC headquarters. About two hours later, she told a correspondent that ‘we say hi here from MSNBC HQ in New York.’ On Tuesday at 8 p.m., Chris Hayes welcomed viewers by saying, ‘Good evening from New York,’” the report stated.


At one point Monday, a side-by-side box on NBC of Guthrie and Psaki, on the parent network to give analysis, suggested to viewers that both were on-site, but only Guthrie was actually in Wisconsin.

The MSNBC spokesperson replied “no” when asked by the Times whether he feels the LED screen could be misleading.

Screengrab: Rachel Maddow and Jen Psaki cover the GOP convention on MSNBC

Screengrab: Rachel Maddow and Jen Psaki covering night two of the GOP convention on MSNBC.

While the Times does not attribute the anchors’ absence at the convention to financial constraints, it did note the steep price tag that comes with covering the event live and how several networks cut back on their convention coverage plans compared to 2016.

Former President Trump will officially accept the 2024 Republican nomination on Thursday.



MSNBC did not immediately respond to Fox News Digital’s request for comment.

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Milwaukee, WI

Milwaukee Republican National Convention adds extra security



Milwaukee Republican National Convention adds extra security

American Flag/

There is extra security at this year’s Republican National Convention in Milwaukee. Indiana State Police troopers have been called in to help.

State Police Sergeant Matt Ames says about 70 troopers will be in Wisconsin to secure the convention and related events. They will also handle security at convention protests and stay in Milwaukee through Friday.


“The troopers that we have sent have special training that they’ve received for handling large gatherings,” Ames said. “Those troopers have special equipment to deal with those situations.”

Ames said these plans were made well before the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump. He noted that the main role of the Indiana State Police is to support the Milwaukee Police Department, which is responsible for securing the city.

“Milwaukee Police Department will logistically figure out what parts of their city needs to have additional coverage,” said Ames. “And they will speak with the department heads from each agency to make sure that they have everything covered.”

Indiana State Police have arranged schedules to ensure local communities receive full coverage. Troopers will work overtime to fill any gaps.

Ames said the troopers assigned to the RNC will be back by Friday.


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Milwaukee, WI

Milwaukee Shipped in 4,500 Cops From Across the US to Suppress Protest at RNC



Milwaukee Shipped in 4,500 Cops From Across the US to Suppress Protest at RNC

Contestations over the Republican National Committee’s efforts to foreclose avenues for lawful protest outside this week’s Republican National Convention (RNC) were already heated months before GOP delegates started booking their flights to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, for the convention.

So it was something of a victory for free speech that, after months of mobilizing and negotiations — and in the unexpectedly heightened state of policing following the July 13 assassination attempt on Donald Trump — some protesters managed to demonstrate close enough to the RNC to be seen and heard by its attendees.

The path leading up to that point was filled with uncertainty over whether protest rights would be subordinated to GOP demands. Ahead of the RNC, downtown Milwaukee became a labyrinth of closed streets, vehicle checkpoints and even maritime restrictions on the Milwaukee River. For months, the GOP negotiated over the boundaries permitted for protest. It was clear that the Republican National Committee was trying to engineer a world in which delegates could attend the entire RNC without ever seeing a protester.

To the protesters, of course, this was unacceptable. In the months leading up to the convention, the Coalition to March on the RNC engaged in continuous negotiations with RNC authorities determined to sideline protests and reduce visibility. After the Secret Service established an initial boundary, the Republican Party demanded an even larger exclusion zone, a demand to which the Secret Service partially acceded. Less than a month before the convention, the City of Milwaukee consigned all protesters to a set march route that came, at its closest, four and half blocks from the Fiserv Forum where the nomination would be held. The ACLU of Wisconsin sued on behalf of the Coalition to March on the RNC, arguing that the protest restrictions unduly limited the exercise of free speech rights. A judge denied the injunction on the grounds that, because the mandated protest route applied to every group equally, no First Amendment concerns were implicated. Exercising remarkable deference to the Secret Service and City of Milwaukee protest restrictions, the judge wrote that the “Court will not second guess their judgements, particularly with respect to complex issues like the security needs for a large convention.”


In the aftermath of the ruling, the Coalition to March on the RNC reiterated a commitment to conducting a protest “within sight and sound” of the main venue. Just days before the convention, the coalition remained in negotiations with the city.

On July 12, Milwaukee city’s communications director Jeff Fleming commented to NBC News, “Mayor Cavalier Johnson has said the protesters want to be on the stage at Fiserv Forum, and the Republicans want the protesters to be on the moon.” In the end, the City of Milwaukee resisted the pressure to put protesters on the moon; on July 12, the coalition announced that it had come to a “handshake agreement” with the city about the march route.

In addition to the Secret Service, as many as 4,500 officers from 85 police agencies from 24 states and Washington, D.C. were deployed to Milwaukee.

On July 15, the opening day of the convention, hundreds of protesters gathered in Red Arrow Park, a few blocks from the fora where delegates checked in for the major events of the afternoon, including Donald Trump’s official nomination as the Republican candidate for president. The protesters represented a broad spectrum of causes, from generic opposition to the GOP to comparatively narrower issues, with Palestine and abortion rights most heavily represented.

In defiance of the city’s distant designated “parade route,” the march proceeded along the coalition’s planned route, with the exception of nixing planned transit through Pere Marquette Park, which had been subsumed into the Secret Service’s credentialed perimeter. The protest chants reflected the diversity of causes under the coalition’s umbrella. As protesters surged over vehicle road closure barriers toward the Fiserv Forum, they chanted, “Up and down, Milwaukee is a union town,” as well as, “From Palestine to the Philippines, stop the U.S. war machine,” and “Donald Trump, KKK, no fascist USA.”


Chants in favor of reproductive rights, including “Keep abortion safe and legal” and “Abortion is a miracle” also featured prominently, particularly after coalition protesters encountered an anti-choice group (also outside the city-designated parade route) demanding that the GOP platform include a total ban on abortion.

As pushed for by the coalition, protesters chanted outside the Fiserv Forum, just outside the Secret Service credentialed perimeter, as a handful of RNC delegates went through the security checkpoint. Police assigned to the protest cleared a corridor, but otherwise refrained from interference with the protest. (Though, it’s worth noting, I observed police allowing a solitary protester with a large sign reading “Trump for Israel, Biden for Hamas” to block one of the entrances to the security checkpoint.)

While few police officers were assigned to the fringes of the protest crowd, police from across the country monitored the protest from every street corner. In addition to the Secret Service, as many as 4,500 officers from 85 police agencies from 24 states and Washington, D.C. were deployed to Milwaukee. To deal with lodging for that large number of incoming police, Milwaukee requested 4,000 dorm rooms at five local colleges and universities.

A day after the protests, on July 16, five Columbus Police Department officers shot and killed Samuel Sharpe Jr., a Black man, over a mile from the RNC.

With the sheer number of agencies present, Milwaukee decided against holding other police departments to certain city policies, including those requiring body-worn cameras, a critical transparency measure aimed at providing the public with an unbiased record of incidents of misconduct. No additional training was required for RNC assignment, though the Milwaukee Police Department ordered incoming agencies to follow the Milwaukee Police Department’s standard operating procedures on use of force, crowd control and rules of engagement. Ahead of the RNC, the Milwaukee Police Department stated that it intended to assign outside officers to nonpublic facing positions, such as traffic control.

Police presence on the ground told another story. In addition to the Milwaukee Police Department officers on every corner (including seven on horseback), Truthout sighted five other agencies along the protest route. One agency, the Columbus Police Department, clearly took part in policing the protest, intermixing at the margins of the crowd and separating out the occasional pro-Trump provocateur wading into the left-wing coalition crowd.


Columbus Police Department officers wore vests reading “dialogue,” and one officer told Truthout that the unit received special First Amendment training. Later in the march, Milwaukee Police Department officers also entered the crowd. One officer, asked about the Milwaukee Police Department’s role in the crowd relative to that of the Columbus Police Department, said he “didn’t know.”

Along the march route, in addition to the presence of dozens of the estimated 1,600 Milwaukee Police Department officers assigned to the RNC, I observed a public-facing presence from the Columbus Police Department and four other agencies. Eighteen police officers on bikes from a police department in North Carolina circled the protest at one point along the route. Officers from the Carroll County, Maryland, sheriff’s office deployed at several points. One officer stated that, though their role was to conduct security at the RNC, they were also policing protest. Outside the Fiserv Forum and at vehicle security areas, nearly as many Indiana State Police officers as Secret Service staffed checkpoints and watched from street corners. Approximately 20 police officers from Green Bay, Wisconsin, watched over part of the protest. All this policing was backed up by an extensive surveillance apparatus. Ahead of the (in the end, mostly virtual) DNC in 2020, Milwaukee acquired new surveillance cameras, facial recognition technology and unmarked surveillance vans equipped with drone launch sites, equipment likely deployed for this year’s RNC security. And after the July 13 assassination attempt on Donald Trump, the Milwaukee Southeastern Wisconsin Threat Analysis Center, part of a network of fusion center intelligence agencies created after 9/11 with a focus on counterterrorism, issued a joint assessment with the FBI, Secret Service and Milwaukee Police Department based on intelligence gathered.

Despite the Republican National Committee’s calls to exile protesters and the City of Milwaukee’s decision to banish protesters to a distant official “parade route,” determined protesters marched within a block of the Fiserv Forum.

With the host of agencies brought in to support RNC policing, Milwaukee created a volatile situation. A day after the protests, on July 16, five Columbus Police Department officers — the same department policing the protest — shot and killed Samuel Sharpe Jr., a Black man, over a mile from the RNC. The shooting was unrelated to any RNC security purpose, and validated fears from community members about the risks to community safety posed by the thousands of police officers inundating the city. “To be honest, this was the biggest fear that we had about the RNC,” Eva Welch, co-founder of the community organization Street Angels, told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

At Monday’s march, protesters were able to demonstrate under close watch but without arrest or direct confrontation. But the events could easily have gone in another direction. Several of the agencies pulled in to assist with RNC security have track records of egregious misconduct in policing protest, as my colleagues at Defending Rights & Dissent documented in an analysis of lawsuit settlements for police misconduct during the 2020 George Floyd protests. Among the police departments deployed to the RNC were some of the worst offenders in 2020, including the Michigan State Patrol (which fired hard projectiles and tear gas at journalists), Charlotte Police Department (which trapped hundreds of protesters between buildings downtown and then showered them with pepper balls), Austin Police Department (which deployed bean bag rounds to horrific effects, shattering one protester’s jaw), and Denver Police Department (which flouted use-of-force policies to fire “less lethal” weapons at protesters’ heads, necks and groins).

Austin Police Department was forced to pay out over $20 million to protesters over their 2020 misconduct; Denver Police Department over $25 million. With protests expected in a highly securitized area, and with potentially volatile conflicts between left- and right-wing protesters possible, the City of Milwaukee should have exercised extreme caution in deciding which police departments were permitted on the ground in possible confrontation with protesters.


At the end of the day, Monday’s protest was a victory for First Amendment rights. Despite the Republican National Committee’s calls to exile protesters and the City of Milwaukee’s decision to banish protesters to a distant official “parade route,” determined protesters marched within a block of the Fiserv Forum, where they could be seen and heard by RNC attendees. Proximity matters, as does freedom from police repression. Protest’s purpose is to speak up and speak loud — and that’s exactly what protesters did outside the RNC.

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Milwaukee, WI

Milwaukee Public Market; sampling the best Milwaukee has to offer



Milwaukee Public Market; sampling the best Milwaukee has to offer

The Milwaukee Public Market was recently voted “Best public market in the nation in USA TODAY’s 10 Best Readers’ Choice Awards” and there are plenty of reasons why that’s true. Brian Kramp is at the Milwaukee Public Market checking out all they have to offcer. 


St. Paul Fish Company is one of only three vendors inside the Milwaukee Public Market that’ve remained since opening in 2005 and they’re still one of the most popular. 


Looking for a sweet treat in downtown Milwaukee? Freese’s Candy will satisfy that sweet tooth with everything from classic favorites to handcrafted delights. 


Sausages are a must in Milwaukee and the team behind Foltz Family Market knows how pack the flavor into their links. 

The Milwaukee Public Market was recently voted “Best public market in the nation in USA TODAY’s 10Best Readers’ Choice Awards” and there’s plenty of reasons why that’s true. 

Need a souvenir from Milwaukee but don’t know where to go? The Public Market is a great place to shop for all things Milwaukee. 


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