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Jockeying begins over Vance's Senate seat after Trump nominates running mate



MILWAUKEE – The behind-the-scenes jockeying for who would replace Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, in the Senate has already begun just hours after former President Trump nominated the first-term lawmaker as his running mate.

Names already being floated include Rep. Mike Carey, R-Ohio, former Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy, and Ohio Lt. Gov. Jon Husted, Fox News Digital is told. The choice will be up to Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine, who would appoint someone to finish Vance’s term.

Carey, who has strong relationships with both Trump and DeWine, reached out to DeWine shortly after Vance was selected, a source familiar with the discussion said. They also met last week on a separate matter.

That source pointed out that Carey had a voting record that lines up with DeWine’s principles but was also endorsed by Trump for re-election.



Former President Trump picked Ohio Sen. JD Vance to be his running mate on Monday (Win McNamee/Getty Images)

A spokesperson for Carey said in response to the speculation, “From his decade serving in the military to the day he was sworn into office, Congressman Carey has been dedicated to service. He remains focused on representing Ohio’s 15th district in Congress.”

DeWine, widely regarded as part of the establishment wing of the party, is likely to face pressure from Trump loyalists to appoint a candidate in line with Trump’s agenda and former presidential candidate Vivek Ramswamy has been floated as a possibility.

Ramaswamy indicated he was interested in the potential vacancy when reached by Fox News Digital.

“I have rock-solid conviction that JD will be an outstanding VP for President Trump. The only negative is this leaves our side missing one of our best fighters in the Senate. If asked to serve, I would strongly consider the position and would discuss with President Trump which path makes the most sense for our country,” Ramaswamy said.


Ohio GOP State Sen. Matt Dolan, who was endorsed by DeWine in the Senate race against Bernie Moreno earlier this year, is also believed to be in the running to replace Vance, a GOP Senate campaign strategist told Fox News Radio.


Mike Carey with hands folded

Rep. Mike Carey, R-Ohio, is one of the names floated as a possible replacement if Trump and Vance win.

Dolan congratulated Vance in a social media post shortly after Trump’s announcement and said the decision is “great news for Ohio and America.”

DeWine would not give any indication of his thinking when Fox News Digital pointed out he had a choice to make.

“We have to win first,” DeWine told Fox News Digital on the floor of the Republican National Convention (RNC).


In a statement to Fox News Digital, DeWine Press Secretary Dan Tierney said, “I do not anticipate the Governor will comment on the appointment process until there is an actual vacancy after Election Day.”

“The Governor has said his focus through November will be on helping elect this ticket, our Senate candidate Bernie Moreno, and the Republican slate of Ohio Supreme Court candidates.”


 Vivek Ramaswamy pointing while speaking

Former Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy also indicated he was interested.  (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)

Husted, who delivered a speech at the RNC before Vance took the stage as Trump’s running mate, is also a possible pick for DeWine.


The state’s attorney general, Dave Yost, told Fox News Digital in an interview that he believes Husted would be an “excellent choice.”

Another possible contender could be Rep. Warren Davidson, R-Ohio, who was briefly considered as a possible challenger to Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, in this year’s elections before announcing he would instead seek another term in the House.

Fox News Digital reached out to Husted, Carey, and Davidson for further comment.

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Detroit, MI

90 Giant African Land Snails found in passenger's bag at Detroit airport



90 Giant African Land Snails found in passenger's bag at Detroit airport

A total of 90 Giant African Land Snails have been seized by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s (CBP) Office of Field Operations in Detroit from a passenger arriving from Ghana, authorities said.

The incident occurred on June 30 at Detroit Metropolitan Airport when the massive haul of live snails was discovered “after a passenger arriving from Ghana was referred for a secondary examination after declaring various fresh food items,” according to a statement released by CBP on Tuesday.

“During the baggage inspection, a tied, woven bag with an odd odor caught the attention of agriculture specialists,” the statement said. “Inside the bag were Giant African Land Snails ranging from 3 to 6 inches in length. Prior to the luggage being opened, the passenger began declaring other prohibited items, such as beef skin and fresh peppers, but there was no mention of the snails, which are considered an invasive species in the U.S.”

The snails were subsequently seized and humanely euthanized as a means to ensure they did not enter the ecosystem and cause havoc to U.S. agriculture, officials said.


“These snails are an invasive species that could negatively impact our economy,” said Acting Port Director John Nowak. “Our agriculture specialists are always keeping a watchful eye out for harmful plants, animals and insects.”

A cache of live snails discovered by CBP at Detroit Metropolitan Airport after a passenger arriving from Ghana was referred for a secondary examination after declaring various fresh food items. The snails were humanely euthanized as a means to ensure they did not enter the ecosystem and cause havoc to U.S. agriculture.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection

CBP officials said that even though the Giant African Land Snails were intended for consumption, they have a “voracious appetite and cause major crop damage when they escape into the environment.”

“They can also pose a public health threat to humans,” authorities said. “The snails can grow up to 8 inches and feed on a wide variety of plants, including many economically important crop plants, and cause structural damage by using stucco on houses to meet their calcium requirement for shell growth.”


CBP officials did not say if there would be any immediate repercussions for the traveler entering the United States but they did take the opportunity to encourage those entering the United States to “learn more about current regulations before attempting to bring food items into the United States to avoid penalties, seizures, and even arrest.”

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Milwaukee, WI

Man arrested with AK-47 near Republican convention in Milwaukee



Man arrested with AK-47 near Republican convention in Milwaukee

A man was arrested near the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee after an AK-47 pistol was found in his backpack, according to local and federal officials. His intentions, if any, were not immediately clear.

The incident happened at around 1 p.m. on Monday when U.S. Capitol Police observed a suspicious person with a ski mask and a large tactical backpack in the 1200 block of N. 11th Street, just a few blocks from the convention.

“Capitol Police performed a subject stop and it was determined that the suspect was concealing a firearm in his backpack,” police said in a statement on Tuesday. “The suspect does not have a legal CCW [Concealed Carry Weapon] permit in Wisconsin or any other state.”

Federal law enforcement sources told CBS News and Fox News that the backpack contained an AK-47 pistol, a full magazine and a ‘Scream’ mask. His intentions, if any, were not immediately known.


Milwaukee Police said charges are pending a review by the Milwaukee County District Attorney’s Office.

Security at the convention is high after the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday. Trump was shot in the ear, one person in the audience was killed and two more were injured.

Milwaukee police boat patrolling the waterways near the Republican convention

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Minneapolis, MN

Anger grows among striking Minneapolis Parks and Recreation workers: “How are you supposed to make ends meet?”



Anger grows among striking Minneapolis Parks and Recreation workers: “How are you supposed to make ends meet?”

Striking Minneapolis Parks and Recreation Board (MPRB) workers

The strike by Minneapolis Parks and Recreation Board (MPRB) workers in Minnesota continued into its 13th day Tuesday, following a July 10 announcement that the walkout would be extended indefinitely, after initially being proposed for just one week. The strikers are members of the Laborer’s International Union of North America (LIUNA) Local 363, which covers roughly 300 full and part-time workers. Workers voted by a 94 percent margin to strike last month.

The strike is the first in the park system’s 141-year history, an expression of the militancy among park workers and the growth of the class struggle internationally. Workers are demanding substantial improvements to safety, healthcare and wages. The Minneapolis parks system is regularly ranked among the top in the US, while the workers who make it run struggle to afford rent and basic necessities.

“How are you supposed to make ends meet?”

During picketing on Sunday, a striker with six years working for the MPRB told the WSWS, “I can tell you what my key points are and what I’m interested in getting out of this strike. It’s a fair starting wage for new people to come in.

“Right now, the starting wage is $18 an hour. I used to do this job with the park board as a summer job while I was a teacher. I quit teaching and did this job for three years and was rewarded with a promotion to full time with a $3 an hour pay cut. I didn’t appreciate that.


“They also told me I would be off weekends within a year and a half. And they lied to me about that in the interview. Instead I was going to be on weekends for a minimum of five years. I’ve worked on every holiday, except Labor Day for the last two years.

“The park maintenance people in the suburbs surrounding Minneapolis make about $8-$10 an hour more than we do. In the forestry department in Minneapolis, our top pay is $2 an hour less than the starting wage for the St. Paul forestry department. That’s a substantial amount of money.

“Again, for me, the biggest thing is the starting pay for new employees. With the cost of renting an apartment $1,500 a month, how are you supposed to make enough for that? I have a wife and two kids. How are you supposed to make ends meet?”

Democrats accelerate efforts to shut down strike

Closed-door negotiations between LIUNA 363 and MPRB continued into Monday and Tuesday. On Tuesday afternoon, MPRB presented a new “final” offer, demanding it be brought to a vote by Friday, according to local news reports. The proposal would include a 10.25 percent wage increase over three years—an effective cut to real wages given the sharp rise in prices in recent years.

LIUNA 363 negotiators stated they accept the wage proposal, but object to other elements of the offer. LIUNA Business Manager AJ Lange said Tuesday that he was “open” to bringing the contract to a vote but said “the board doesn’t dictate the internal procedures of the union and how we conduct our votes.”


The striking Minneapolis park workers are employed by the state government, placing them in a direct fight against the Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party, as the state Democratic Party is known in Minnesota. The DFL controls all nine MPRB commissioners, the MPRB superintendent, and the mayor.

The DFL park board has used the fact that property and commercial real estate taxes have fallen as a reason to impose this burden by slashing workers’ living standards. The Democrats’ refrain that there is insufficient money to provide workers a good standard of living and decent working conditions is a lie. The Biden administration and both parties in Congress are squandering tens of billions of dollars on its proxy war in Ukraine, and on arming and funding the Israeli government in its genocide against the Palestinians in Gaza.

There are growing indications that the Democratic Party is accelerating its efforts to shut down the strike and impose an austerity agreement. Democratic officials are particularly concerned to prevent the strike from becoming a catalyst for a broader upsurge of working class struggle, particularly in the midst of the explosive political crisis and instability in the run-up to the 2024 US elections.

Minneapolis Democratic Mayor Jacob Frey is “working with both sides to reach an agreement,” the mayor’s office said. LIUNA 363 officials have repeatedly appealed for Frey—a chief political representative of the Twin Cities corporate interests—to intervene.

Also on Tuesday, the city council passed a toothless resolution “supporting” the striking parks workers, while signaling that the walkout should be brought to an end. Appearing at a joint press conference with LIUNA 363 officials, city councilperson Aurin Chowdhury (whose candidacy was backed by the pseudo-left Democratic Socialists of America) stated, “We need to push for the end of this strike and that’s through a fair contract so we can return service to our constituents.”

The endless appeals by LIUNA 363 officials to the Democratic Party and the MPRB are a dead end. Any deal emerging from closed-door discussions with the city’s big business political representatives will inevitably be a betrayal of what workers have been striking for.


The most urgent task of workers now is to take the strike into their own hands through the development of rank-and-file committees. An urgent appeal should be made to other workers throughout the Twin Cities and the region to join and expand the walkout.

Striking Minneapolis Parks and Recreation Board (MPRB) workers during the scheduled MPRB public meeting on July 10

The arrogance of the MPRB board officers and their outright refusal of workers demands has provoked growing indignation, including at a July 10 MPRB public meeting.

Park Board Superintendent Alfred Bangoura opened the meeting reading from a prepared text declaring he would return to the bargaining table, “but only after 363 leadership allows membership to vote on the last offer.”

The hall erupted with boos and a worker shouted, “We already did! How many votes do you want!”

Pointing to Bangoura, a 10-year veteran park worker took the microphone and said, “He shouldn’t be saying that he knows Local 363 members are telling him that we don’t want to strike. Well? We’re here!”

“And that’s not his call. That’s our call. If he’s got that much power, we’re just slaves then. Because that’s what slavery is… and that’s what you’re all treating us like. And the community won’t stand for it.”


The worker skewered Bangoura about the fact that he pays a mere $1,300 a month on a $210,000 salary to live in a large, refurbished 19th century house located on Lyndale Farmstead Park. He compared that to the $2,000 a month that he has to pay.

“You pay my rent and I’ll pay yours. And I’ll feel better. Because $1,300 sounds way better than my $2,000. And you make way, way more than I do.”

“A general strike—straight across the board”

Asked about the role of the DFL in the park board strike, the parks worker on the pickets Sunday referred back to the 1985-1986 strike by UFCW Local P-9 at the Hormel meatpacking plant in Austin, Minnesota.

“This is a more peaceful strike as opposed to the Hormel Strike when the Governor [Rudy Perpich-DFL] brought in the National Guard. I was a young man back then. And I felt like the union got squashed there and the workers lost their rights, they lost their working conditions, they lost their pay and they lost their jobs.

“We have the right to strike. Just like anybody else, I need my pay check. But here I am. I’m sticking with these guys. I’m sticking with the people that are fighting for us as opposed to the management people that are fighting against us.

“With that being said, I love this job. I want to continue with it, but I want to see new people coming into the job and having a fair chance in life. You’re not going to get that at $18 an hour.


“If you unite all the city workers together, that would really shut the city down. People would be aware of how important everybody working together would be; a general strike—straight across the board.”

However, LIUNA and the AFL-CIO have done nothing to mobilize the power of the city’s working class behind the strike and will not do so.

Local 363 has based its campaign on the perspective of pressuring the Democratic Party to compromise. But at the July 10 monthly park board meeting, the commissioners and the superintendent sat stone-faced and unmoved through a raucous meeting of angered strikers. Finally, board president Meg Forney broke in and told strikers, “… I need, as I indicated, to close open time and go about our business,” and the board walked out of the meeting.

The strike can be won, but a new strategy is needed.

A rank-and-file strike committee should be formed by parks workers to open communications with other sections of workers and coordinate their struggles.


Parks workers must turn to and fight to mobilize the power of the entire working class. Strikers should go to the worksites of other city workers, lobby teachers, postal workers, healthcare workers, railroad workers, airport workers, utility workers and construction workers, not only in Minneapolis but throughout the Twin Cities metro region. A special appeal should be made to college students who have been protesting the Biden administration’s support of Israel in carrying out genocide against the Palestinians in Gaza.

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