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Suzanne Akhras: 2024 candidate for Illinois House District 82



Suzanne Akhras: 2024 candidate for Illinois House District 82

Suzanne Akhras is a Democrat running for Illinois House District 82.


Party: Democrat


Office Sought: Illinois House District 82

City: Burr Ridge

Age: 52

Occupation: Nonprofit leader

Previous offices held: Never held public office before


How should the state respond to the influx of migrants bussed here from Southern states?

I have been involved in immigration reform since the early 2000s, and I have seen the failures at the national level in setting fair policies. In 2015, when the U.S. Refugee Program, agreed to allow Syrian refugees to resettle in the U.S., I took immediate action. I organized a group of diverse volunteers and the Syrian Community Network was formed to help refugees with a warm welcome, jobs, registering kids at school, after-school programming, legal immigration support and so much more.

During the Afghan refugee resettlement in 2021, I helped organize the Afghan Refugee Taskforce to bring community members together to address the influx of refugees and help secure jobs, housing, and schooling.

As the president of the board of the Illinois Community for Displaced Immigrants, we provide services for migrants coming to Chicago from Southern states. We must focus on helping migrants find housing and jobs which can lead to stability and safer communities. Federal immigration reform is key.

Are you satisfied with the state’s existing ethics policies for senators and representatives? If so, what about the policies should reassure Illinoisans that elected leaders abide by high standards? If not, what changes need to be made?


Illinois has ethics laws and regulations to ensure that elected officials conduct themselves properly. As a first-time candidate, I still have a lot to learn about this subject. I believe that elected officials should be transparent and accountable to their constituents, and I support legislation that makes it possible.

Elected officials work for their constituents, and we have seen in Illinois our fair share of corruption cases where elected officials have been involved.

Would you support a requirement that election petitions include a line asking candidates for their campaign email address?

I do not see a problem with such a requirement. I believe candidates and elected officials should be accessible to their voters and constituents. At the same time, we need to make sure that petitions are accessible to everyone who wants to run for office.

How well do you think criminal justice reforms made in recent years are working? What, if any, changes need to be made?


Criminal justice reforms are necessary to improve the fairness of the criminal justice system. I am in support of funding our law enforcement and first responders, so they can help keep communities safe.

I also believe that establishing relationships between our community members and our law enforcement can enhance trust and cooperation, thus leading to crime prevention. We all have to take a part in keeping our communities safe and empower our youth to make good choices.

Investments in education, accessible youth programs, and access to social services (especially mental health services, and substance abuse treatment) can also help prevent and reduce crime in our communities.

Criminal justice reforms work well when those implementing them are trained and understand how to perform their duties in a manner that respects everyone. We must address sentencing reform, policing reform, and rehabilitation for individuals leaving prison when talking about criminal justice reform.

We now have an assault weapons ban in Illinois. What if any changes should be made to the law? What more can be done to improve gun safety?


Gun violence is the leading cause of death for children and teens in the United States. Every single day we see in the news horrible stories where kids bring guns to school, and toddlers who kill family members because guns in the house have not been stored away.

Responsible gun owners agree that weapons should be secured from being accessed by children, teens, and unauthorized people in their households.

Illinois passed an assault weapon ban, and we need one at federal level. In addition to a federal weapons ban, we need to pass legislation such as secure storage to protect families with children from gun-related injuries and deaths.

I received the Gun Sense candidate distinction from Moms Demand Action and I will work tirelessly to make sure we live in communities free of gun violence.

Illinois is the only state in the nation that mandates regular behind-the-wheel tests for senior drivers. Do you support any changes?


Research shows that Illinois has a reduced crash rate in older drivers compared with other states and behind-the-wheel testing requirements may be a factor. At the same time, this practice could be considered discriminatory against older adults.

I would need to have more data points in order to make a decision on whether I would support any legislative changes to the current mandate. We want our senior members of the community to be mobile and independent, we also want them to be safe.

I would trust the advice and date points from experts when making decisions on whether to change or not the behind-the-wheel tests for seniors in Illinois.

What personal qualifications do you bring that would make you an effective legislator?

I have a Master’s Degree in Organizational Leadership and I completed Nonprofit Management and Executive Education course. I have received numerous awards and recognitions for my community impact and humanitarian efforts.


I believe in the power of volunteerism and public service. I have served on executive boards of various nonprofit organizations, addressing needs such as mental health services, youth programs and immigration reform.

In 2015, I founded the Syrian Community Network (SCN), a nonprofit organization that supports refugees and immigrants in navigating new systems and provides them with services to attain economic security. I am also the chair of the board of Directors of the Illinois Community for Displaced Immigrants and serve on the Council of Leaders of DuPage Federation on Human Services Reform.

Through my nonprofit work, I learned how to work with people who come from diverse backgrounds, how to find funding for programs, how to improve processes.

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Jackie Williamson: 2024 candidate for Illinois House District 47



Jackie Williamson: 2024 candidate for Illinois House District 47

Jackie Williamson


Party: Democrat


Office Sought: Illinois House District 47

City: Wheaton

Age: 36

Occupation: Benefits specialist

Previous offices held: Outreach Officer for the Democratic Party of Milton Township


How should the state respond to the influx of migrants bussed here from Southern states?

As I’ve been knocking on doors, I hear a lot of different opinions and perspectives — including a range of thoughts on immigration issues. But not one single person believes busing people across the country like cargo for political gain is a solution.

People in our communities want to focus on what we can control. Illinois cannot change border policy or the international factors that are driving migration.

The federal government can and should act, but a bipartisan border bill was derailed by MAGA politicians who again wanted to create problems to score political points, rather than solve problems.

Meanwhile, what Illinois can control is whether our communities have the resources they need to deal with the governor of Texas’ reckless games. I want to work with our community leaders, compassionate service organizations, and law enforcement to ensure they have all the resources they need from the state, so none of these costs are passed on to homeowners already facing high property taxes.


Are you satisfied with the state’s existing ethics policies for senators and representatives? If so, what about the policies should reassure Illinoisans that elected leaders abide by high standards? If not, what changes need to be made?

My background in Human Resources has given me a keen understanding of ethics and how important it is that the people we trust to represent us, hold themselves to a higher standard. We’ve seen at the local level, state level, and federal level how some bad actors will always look to exploit loopholes in the system for their own benefit. We need to identify and close those loopholes before we read about them in the paper.

Ultimately, real meaningful change and building trust has to come from elected officials themselves. People want to feel like those representing them actually care. That starts with showing up to community meetings, being accessible to folks, and continually meeting and talking to community stakeholders. Every day in my current role and on the campaign, I am doing those things to ensure that the people I work for and with, know that I will always have their best interests in mind.

Would you support a requirement that election petitions include a line asking candidates for their campaign email address?

I would support this initiative. I believe that those seeking office should be accessible to voters.


How well do you think criminal justice reforms made in recent years are working? What, if any, changes need to be made?

First and foremost, any criminal justice legislation must include input from communities, law enforcement, and all other important stakeholders. We need to ensure our police have the tools they need right now to keep us safe, while also funding the resources that address the root causes of crime.

But too often politicians want to talk tough about crime during election years and then find a tired excuse to vote against funding for our police, for mental health, and for violence prevention when it’s time to put their money where their mouth is. Our safety isn’t a political game to me.

That’s why I’m going to support efforts to put more officers on our streets and keep our great officers on the job. That’s why I’m also going to prioritize education, mental health, and resources that build strong, safe communities.

We now have an assault weapons ban in Illinois. What if any changes should be made to the law? What more can be done to improve gun safety?


It seems like almost every day we hear another tragic story of someone affected by gun violence. This IS a preventable issue and there are still a number of ways we can improve gun safety in Illinois.

I strongly support the assault rifle weapons ban that Illinois recently passed and believe that to continue to stop the threat of gun violence in our state, we need to pass Karina’s Bill, which would protect victims of domestic violence from gun violence. We again must also address the root cause of what would lead people to violence. I know that if we invest in our communities, we will see a reduction in gun violence.

Illinois is the only state in the nation that mandates regular behind-the-wheel tests for senior drivers. Do you support any changes?

Ensuring our streets are safe for drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians is paramount. I know that this is an issue that has come up frequently in the past legislative session. I would like to talk to all stakeholders in the conversation and ensure whatever we do does not put a burden on our seniors and also keeps everyone safe.

What personal qualifications do you bring that would make you an effective legislator?


My professional background is in human resources. In a nutshell, I listen to folks and work with them to find solutions every day. I hear directly from hardworking individuals about issues affecting their lives, such as limited access to health care, high food and gas prices, and insufficient paychecks.

Being a part of these conversations is what inspired me to run to represent our DuPage County communities. Listening to how my employees are struggling has brought me to want to bring my skills to the state legislature to listen to folks and find solutions that help the community.

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Illinois Predictions: Purdue at Illinois


on Predictions: Purdue at Illinois

After bad transitioned to worse last weekend at Wisconsin, Purdue now heads to Illinois, where the Illini are enjoying a strong season.

Our staff predictions …


Overall Thought: New play-caller last week. New quarterback this week. Ryan Browne takes over quarterback duties since starter Hudson Card is sidelined by an injury. Can the struggling offense find some firepower to jumpstart the season? Browne will be throwing to the same receivers who struggle to find open spaces but may be featured more in the run game. 

*The* Key To The Game: An early touchdown and lead might be the boost the Boilermakers need.


Your Pick To Click (offense): Reggie Love III. Facing former teammates provides a spark.

Your Pick To Click (defense): Kyndrich Breedlove. Staying with the hot hand.

Spiciest Take: Would Purdue fare any better in the “Project Rudy” league? 

Predicted Score: Illinois 31, Purdue 11


Overall Thought: You know how they say “things are never as bad as they seem”? Well, they are as bad as they seem.


*The* Key To The Game: How about just competing for four quarters? That would be a start.

Your Pick To Click (offense): C Gus Hartwig. The “Admiral” is one Boilermaker you know will show up.

Your Pick To Click (defense): CB Kyndrich Breedlove. Have to pick someone. Let’s go with Mr. 2 INTs.

Spiciest Take: Bret Bielema won’t take a knee late, opting to add an unnecessary TD. Why? Because he can.

Predicted Score: Illinois 45, Purdue 0. 



Overall Thought: An unprecedented bad stretch for Purdue football gets no easier as its team leader and quarterback will not play.

*The* Key To The Game: Starting fast. Rinse and repeat on this, but Purdue needs something good to happen to it in the first 15 minutes. Illinois is going places this season and owes the Boilermakers a spanking after last year’s blowout loss to the Gold and Black. I can’t imagine many scenarios where this is competitive in the fourth quarter.

Your Pick To Click (offense): Reggie Love III. He will be extra jacked up for his return to home territory. With quarterback Ryan Browne at the helm, one would think Purdue will push to run the ball.

Your Pick To Click (defense): Kydran Jenkins. He can make big plays on the defense. He may get lots of opportunities late Saturday afternoon. 

Spiciest take: Purdue will reach the red zone on its first offensive possession? I don’t have much in the spiciest take department.


Predicted Score: Illinois 34, Purdue  14


Overall Thought: Players and coaches love to claim they ignore outside noise, but there’s simply no ignoring it when it’s this loud. After four straight losses of 59, 17, 18 and 46 points, how much juice does this Purdue team have left?

*The* Key To The Game: Purdue cannot play from behind. Will the pressure get to Illinois if Purdue can create an early spark? Illinois has defeated Purdue just once since 2015.

Your Pick To Click (offense): Reggie Love III. He’ll get the chance to face his former teammates, and he’d undoubtedly love to rip off a big run or two.

Your Pick To Click (defense): Dillon Thieneman. Purdue desperately needs big plays. After he picked off six passes as a freshman, he still awaits his first of 2024. He gets it on Saturday.


Spiciest Take: The Big Ten moves to an NFL-style injury report in the next few years. It’s inevitable.

Predicted Score: Illinois 38, Purdue 13


Overall Thought: How quickly this has all fallen apart has been shocking and there will be no sympathy from the Illinois sideline, If you don’t think recruiting or staff transactions get personal, think again.

*The* Key To The Game: As shockingly fast as this team and season have fallen apart, the games have been a microcosm of the broader theme. I say every week something positive has to happen early, but it might be more like something terrible not happening.

Your Pick To Click (offense): Drew Biber. Purdue’s trying to use its tight ends creatively. Maybe they come up with something to generate plays for someone other than Max Klare, the only skill player who should command any respect. Shorter throws for Ryan Browne would probably be a good idea.


Your Pick To Click (defense): Joseph Jefferson. Someone has to make a bunch of tackles. May as well be him.

Spiciest Take: When we’ve got dudes here picking the damn center as their pick to click, that means we should probably stop doing this.

Predicted Score: Illinois 31, Purdue 6.


Just trying to make sure we are more interesting …

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Illinois-Purdue Football Point Spread Shifts Significantly in Favor of Illini



Illinois-Purdue Football Point Spread Shifts Significantly in Favor of Illini

Illinois, the No. 23 team in the country, opened as a 17.5-point favorite against lowly Purdue. Anyone who has followed the Illini for any length of time knows it’s practically unheard of for this program to go into any Big Ten game with such a perceived advantage.

Yeah, well, this was one huge spread that apparently wasn’t close to being huge enough. Early betting ballooned the line all the way up to 22.5 by midweek, easily making it one of college football’s biggest Week 7 movers.

The biggest mover was in the UAB-Army game; Army opened as an 18.5-point favorite, but a few days later the number was all the way up to 26.5. No. 1-ranked Texas opened as an 8.5-point favorite against Red River rival Oklahoma, but soon enough it was at 14.5. The Cincinnati-USF, Air Force-New Mexico and Appalachian State-Louisiana spreads also changed by at least four points.


Why the Illini? It might not be bettors’ confidence in them that moved the needle so dramatically. The Boilermakers are so bad – and the atmosphere surrounding coach Ryan Walters so negative – that perception of arguably the Power 4’s worst team is getting worse by the day.

Illinois vs. Purdue: Week 7 Odds, Ends and Prediction

Purdue Coach Ryan Walters Returns to Champaign: A Tough Journey Back

Big Ten Football Week 7 Power Rankings: Illinois Stays in Place After Bye

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