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What Muscles Do Pull Ups Work: Explaining Bodybuilding Properly



What Muscles Do Pull Ups Work: Explaining Bodybuilding Properly

Pull ups primarily engage our latissimus dorsi, or ‘lats’, but their impact extends well beyond them. Other muscles like the biceps, trapezius, infraspinatus, pectoralis, brachialis, and even your abdominal muscles share the workload. By activating these multiple muscle groups together, pull ups encourage a harmonious union of strength, promoting functional fitness, and contributing to overall body symmetry. Through this workout, you’re not just sculpting these specific muscles but also paving the way towards greater body stability and improved performance in other exercises.

Defining Pull Ups Exercises and their influence on Muscles

Pull ups, as we know them today, are a popular calisthenic move that engages multiple muscle groups. A traditional pull up involves holding onto a bar or handles suspended overhead, pulling oneself upward until the chin is level or above the bar, and then descending back to the original hanging position. People embrace this exercise for the combination of strength, control, and stamina it demands, and the holistic and functional muscle development it provides.

The actions and strength required for pull ups mirror those needed in climbing, so it’s not surprising to see traces of its roots in our early ancestors who had to climb trees for survival. However, the formal adoption and development of pull ups as we perceive them today have evolved mostly in the last few centuries. They gained recognition as a crucial exercise for building body strength and endurance in military training routines across the globe.

The history of competitive pull ups traces back to the late 19th century and early 20th century, when gymnastic activities, including various forms of pull ups, started to be included in Olympic events. In more modern contexts, pull ups have become a benchmark exercise in physical fitness tests in various sectors such as the military and law enforcement agencies. This exercise’s power was uplifted due to its effectiveness in preparing individuals for physically demanding tasks involving upper body strength.

While pull ups have traditionally been associated with fitness enthusiasts and athletes, they’ve broken boundaries and made their way into mainstream fitness in the past few decades. Today they are a quintessential part of most fitness routines, irrespective of a person’s fitness level. Home exercise programs and public fitness zones in parks can often be seen incorporating pull up bars. They are cherished for their versatility, requiring minimal equipment and offering maximum benefits.


Though pull ups have a long-standing history and a well-deserved reputation, they can be intimidating for beginners. The struggle of lifting one’s body weight can seem unsurmountable. Yet, with progressive training methods, and respecting individual pace, achieving a pull up is a feasible goal. Pull ups have always been about individual strength and perseverance, and they continue to inspire a legion of fitness enthusiasts to push past their limitations.

Here’s how pull ups can help your body get stronger each day:

 How 10 Pull Ups Every Day Will Completely Transform Your Body

How to Do A Proper Pull Up for proper Muscles work

Pull ups are an efficient and effective workout, done right, they can elevate your fitness levels significantly. But diving right in without understanding the proper form can make them seem more challenging than they truly are, and ultimately, may lead to injuries.

First and foremost, your grip is your foundation. Grasp the bar with your hands a bit wider than shoulder-width apart, palms facing away from you. This is known as the overhand or pronated grip, the standard grip for pull ups. Your grip strength plays an integral part in doing pull ups, accompanied by the power in your back muscles and biceps.


The initial stage of the pull up entails hanging from the bar with your arms fully extended. Keep your shoulders down and back to ensure your lats are engaged, and prevent any unnecessary strain on your neck. This position, known as the “dead hang,” forms your starting point for every repetition.

Now comes the upward pull – the core action of the exercise. While maintaining control, use your back and arm muscles to steer your body upward. Your aim is to get your chin over the bar without craning your neck. Remember, your lower body and core should be tight and engaged, but it’s your upper body doing most of the heavy lifting here.

Lowering yourself back to the dead hang position is just as vital in a pull up as the upward motion. Don’t just release and drop down immediately after reaching the top. Instead, go for a slow, controlled motion while lowering yourself. Extending your arms fully, yet not losing your grip on the bar, reaffirms your starting position for the next repetition.

Practicing with proper form is key to improving your pull ups and reaping their maximum benefits. It’s not a race, so never compromise on form for more reps. Over time, this exercise will not only build your upper body strength but also reinforce the power of discipline, perseverance, and gradual progress in your fitness journey.

Various Pull Up Exercise Variants with different types of Muscles

Pull ups, in their classic form, are a staple in fitness routines. Still, their variety and adaptability genuinely give them an edge. Different pull up variants can target different muscle groups or adjust the challenge level, catering to individuals at diverse stages of their fitness journey.


The chin up is a prevalent variant. With an underhand or supinated grip, the hands are shoulder-width apart. Chin ups engage more biceps compared to the standard pull up, giving your guns a worthy workout in the process. This type is often used as an intermediary step for beginners progressing towards a full pull up.

Neutral grip pull ups offer another alternative. In these, you grip parallel handles and pull yourself up while maintaining this ‘neutral’ alignment. By involving both biceps and back muscles in a balanced manner, neutral grip pull ups present an interesting compromise between the traditional pull up and chin up.

Wide grip pull ups are an upgrade to the challenge level. By placing your hands more extensively apart on the bar, the motion range decreases. However, the wider grip reinforces the demand on your back, especially the lat muscles, further promoting strength and stability. These often become the go-to pull up variant for intermediate gym-goers.

Lastly, the close grip pull up puts your hands closer together on the bar. This variant accentuates the role of the arm muscles more than the standard pull up. It also allows for a greater range of motion, thereby increasing the duration your muscles are working. It is another excellent alternative for overall upper body strength.

These variants add diversity to your workouts, allowing you to break through plateaus, intensify your sessions or focus on specific muscle groups. As you gain strength and confidence, you can experiment with advanced versions or even incorporate gym tools such as resistance bands, weighted vests or grip aides. However, be mindful that no matter the variant, maintaining the correct form and control is non-negotiable for reaping the benefits and avoiding injuries.


Pull Up Muscles: What Exactly This Works With

Pull ups have built a reputation in the fitness community for their multifaceted ability to work several muscles simultaneously. This bodyweight exercise primarily targets the upper body, providing a comprehensive workout and fostering functional strength.

At the helm of the muscles worked during pull ups are the latissimus dorsi, most commonly known as the lats. Considered the broadest muscle in the back, it plays a pivotal role in the upward pull, contributing to the ‘V’ shape often associated with a well-rounded and powerful upper body. But while the lats might lead the action, they’re far from being the solitary contributors.

Biceps brachii, located on the upper arm, are key players in the pull up exercise. Pull ups, especially their underhand variant – chin ups, heavily recruit the biceps, making it a favored exercise for those looking to build arm strength and size. The brachialis, situated underneath the biceps, also aids in the pulling maneuver and contributes to the overall appearance of stronger arms.

Your back gets more than just lat workout from pull ups. Infraspinatus, a part of your rotator cuff muscles, and the rhomboids, located in the upper back, both assist during pull ups. They play an essential role in shoulder stability and health, enhancing upper body strength while promoting excellent posture.

Despite often being overlooked, the muscles of the lower body and the core are also engaged during pull ups to stabilize the body. Your abdominals, hip flexors, and even quads require activation to maintain the body straight and controlled throughout the exercise. This inclusive engagement results in an exercise that offers strength training, stability improvement, and posture correction all at once, making pull ups truly an all-encompassing upgrade to your fitness experience.


Pull Up vs Chin Up Muscles

The pull up and chin up are classic upper body exercises, often used interchangeably in conversations. However, the potentially subtle difference in grip style equates to a slightly different set of muscle engagements during the exercises. Both workouts pack a punch in terms of their overall efficiency, but understanding the muscles more explicitly strengthened by each can provide valuable insight to tailor your workout regime.

Pull ups performed with a pronated or overhand grip primarily target the muscles in your back, specifically the latissimus dorsi. While the biceps also actively contribute to the movement, the lats carry a more significant load and get a substantial workout during pull ups. The wide grip pull up, in particular, places a higher demand on the lats.

Chin ups, on the other hand, utilize a supinated or underhand grip, engaging the biceps more significantly than pull ups. Though the lats still participate, the altered grip positions the biceps as the primary movers during the exercise. Thus, chin ups tend to be an excellent choice for those prioritizing bicep development.

Infraspinatus and rhomboids, part of the rotator cuff and upper back muscles, respectively contribute significantly to both exercises. These muscles help sustain shoulder stability and health, enhancing overall upper body strength. Grip width can further influence which muscles are most engaged, providing additional layers of customization to each workout.

While both pull ups and chin ups provide an effective upper body workout engaging multiple muscles, the specific muscles you aim to develop could steer you towards one or the other. Thankfully, you don’t have to choose between them. Including both pull ups and chin ups in your routine can contribute to a more balanced and comprehensive upper body strength training regimen.


If you want to learn more about doing pull ups, check this video out on Youtube by typing ” Pull Ups & Dips with Muscular Analysis”

The Benefits of Pull Ups for Muscles Grow

Pull ups are widely considered among the upper echelons of bodyweight exercises, and for good reason. This challenging yet rewarding exercise offers an array of benefits that can significantly enhance your fitness journey.

One of the shining attributes of pull ups is their ability to work several muscle groups concurrently. While many exercises focus on a specific muscle, pull ups engage your back, shoulders, and arm muscles altogether. This comprehensive engagement offers a more efficient route to building upper body strength, making pull ups an excellent time-saver in your workout routine.

The benefits of pull ups extend beyond muscle development. They also foster functional strength, a type of strength that supports everyday activities. Pulling your own body weight not only translates to more power when lifting objects but also boosts bodily control and balance. You’re likely to find climbing stairs, carrying groceries, or any lifting action in daily life becoming noticeably easier.

Sticking to pull ups improves grip strength too. Maintaining a firm hold on the pull-up bar requires and, over time, enhances the power in your hands and forearms. This amplified grip strength facilitates daily tasks, from opening jars to hauling heavy bags, and proves beneficial in various sports and physical activities like rock climbing or martial arts.


Moreover, pull ups provide a cardiovascular workout. Performing pull ups at a steady, controlled pace keeps your heart rate up, improving cardiovascular health in the process. They also aid in weight management, as pulling your own body weight requires considerable effort, which burns calories.

With several high-value benefits packed within one bodyweight exercise, pull ups stand deservedly popular among fitness enthusiasts. Like any exercise, starting might seem tough, but with perseverance and practice, the gains in strength, functionality, and overall fitness are well worth the sweat.

Muscle Workouts That Work Well with Pull Ups

Pull ups, with their capability to engage multiple muscle groups, make a robust addition to various workouts. Their adaptability allows them to pair well with many exercises, developing comprehensive and balanced fitness routines.

Push-ups are an excellent match to coincide with pull ups. While pull ups focus on your back and biceps, primarily requiring a pulling motion, push-ups place more emphasis on your chest, triceps, and anterior shoulder muscles, incorporating a pushing movement. Blending them creates a balanced upper body routine, covering various muscles and incorporating both pulling and pushing motions.

To engage the lower body, squats pair well with pull ups. As an outstanding lower body exercise, squats target your quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. Adding squats into a workout routine that includes pull ups ensures that your lower body doesn’t feel left out.


Deadlifts, while more advanced, can also complement pull ups nicely. Deadlifts work your lower back, glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps, essentially tackling most of the posterior chain – the muscles on the backside of your body. Combining pull ups with deadlifts can create a potent full-body workout, maintaining the balance between upper and lower body strength.

Lastly, integrating core exercises, like planks or bicycle crunches, can complement the indirect core engagement during pull ups. Adding dedicated core exercises ensures that your midsection doesn’t miss out on the strength-building action. The inclusion of these exercises can create a well-rounded workout, targeting major muscle groups proportionately.

While pull ups themselves are a powerful exercise, blending them with these workouts can ensure a comprehensive routine, covering the breadth of muscles in your body. But remember, the value lies in doing these exercises with proper form and control. That way, you’re sure to see progress in your strength and overall fitness.

Mistakes to Avoid When Doing Pull Ups: Do not damage your muscles!

Pull ups might seem like a pretty straightforward routine, but mistakes in your approach can majorly undercut your gains and may even risk injury. A mindful understanding of common slip-ups can help enhance your pull up performance.

The first mistake people often make is using a wrong grip. It’s important to remember that the power in pull ups comes from your back and not just your arms. Gripping the bar too tightly or predominantly relying on your arm muscles disrupts the accuracy of the exercise. Instead, focus on pulling through your elbows while maintaining a steady grip.


It’s common to see momentum or body swinging being used to aid the upward movement in pull ups. This habit, known as ‘kipping’, not only minimizes the actual work your muscles do but can also increase the risk of injury due to uncontrolled movements. Aim for controlled, steady movements through each pull up, engaging only the muscles that should be working.

Another common error is not going through the full range of motion. Simply flailing up and down halfway does not cut it. The best approach is to start from a full hang with straight arms, pull yourself up until your chin is over the bar, and then lower yourself down back into full hang. This ensures all the desired muscles get a good workout.

Finally, bringing your elbows out wide to the sides is a mistake often driven by a misguided notion that it works the chest more. This technique doesn’t do your chest any favors and can potentially put undue stress on your shoulders. When you’re pulling up, aim to tuck your elbows in slightly and pull them down.

When you perform pull ups, make sure to avoid these common missteps and focus on proper form and technique. It might mean fewer pull ups initially, but remember that quality over quantity rings true with exercises. Thus, preserving the exercise’s integrity will serve you better in terms of rewards and keeping those nasty injuries at bay.

Conclusion about pull ups effect on muscles

In the end, when we talk about fitness exercises, pull ups garner quite the limelight for all the right reasons. They are an efficient way to work out multiple muscle groups, build functional strength, boost grip power and increase cardiovascular health. A workout routine that includes pull ups can undeniably chip in significantly to your fitness objectives.


Perfecting your pull ups and making the most out of them is no mean feat. But, pairing them with other exercises such as push-ups, deadlifts, squats, and core-focused workouts can create a well-rounded routine. It somehow ensures that every part of your body partakes in the strength-building journey, maintaining the right balance for overall fitness and health.

Though it may be difficult in the beginning, learning to do pull ups efficiently and incorporating them into your workout routine can prove to be a game-changer. The benefits of this remarkable exercise stretch far beyond the immediate muscle-building effects, contributing significantly to your daily life functionality and overall health.

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Updated: 14 Sep 2023, 06:29 PM IST

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How This Self Proclaimed Night Owl Transformed Herself Into A Morning Workout Person



How This Self Proclaimed Night Owl Transformed Herself Into A Morning Workout Person

There are two types of athletes: the 4 a.m. warriors, and those who would rather carry dumbbells all day than work out in the morning. If you asked me three months ago, I would have chosen the latter. But now, over halfway through marathon training and several 6 a.m. alarms later, I’ll admit it: I’m a changed person.

As I planned out my marathon training schedule, nothing sounded worse than waking up with the sun to run 16 miles—especially on a Saturday. I’ve learned to not only embrace the challenge but thrive under it. And I have never felt stronger and healthier, both as a runner and human being. I credit the transformation to one small change: a morning workout routine.

Dreading that morning sweat? Here are five benefits to an a.m. workout that will get you out of bed in the morning, plus exactly how to get started, from experts.

Meet the experts: Alexa Noban, CPT, is a fitness coach in New York City. Lindsay Pantaleon, CPT, is a trainer at DOGPOUND. Calyn Brooke, CPT, is a trainer in Arizona. Lisbeth Jennings, PT, DPT, is a physical therapist in New York City. Claire Rifkin, MS, RDN, is a dietician based in New York City.

Benefits Of A Morning Workout Routine

1. It contributes to better sleep quality.

    Exercise in general can help improve various aspects related to sleep which can lead to improved wellbeing, increased energy, reduced stress, and simply feeling well-slept, according to a 2024 study in Scientific Reports. Older research looked specifically at early morning exercise and found that it led to a decline in nighttime blood pressure, which contributed to better sleep.


    “Morning exercise, especially if done outdoors, helps regulate your circadian rhythms,” says Alexa Noban, CPT, a fitness coach in New York City. “Exposure to morning light tells your body that it’s time to be awake and alert, which sets the stage for better sleep at night. This rhythm makes it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep, leading to improved recovery and overall health.”

    2. It boosts your mood.

    Nothing feels better than checking off a workout before a busy day ahead. Exercise releases endorphins, the “feel-good” hormone that helps you achieve a post-workout high. Think of it as a natural energy boost sans caffeine. “You’ll feel more energized throughout the day because physical activity increases blood flow, delivering more oxygen and nutrients to your muscles and brain,” says Noban.

    3. It could help you to be more productive.

    Morning exercise is good for both your body and brain. “You’ll find that you’re sharper and more productive throughout the day because your body has already gotten moving,” says Noban. “Studies have shown that exercise can improve memory and problem-solving skills, so that morning sweat session is also a mental workout.”

    4. It may help with weight loss.

    Sticking to a workout schedule is key when it comes to fitness gains and weight loss, if that’s what you’re going for. Consistent morning exercise in particular may help you make it a habit, and lead to more overall exercise, according to a 2020 review in Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews. And that’s a good thing for any goal!

    5. It plays a key role in injury prevention.

    By getting active early, your muscles will be primed for optimal performance the rest of the day—and that may decrease the risk of injury, says Lindsay Pantaleon, CPT, a trainer at DOGPOUND.


    Pro tips for getting started with a.m. workouts

    If you’re not a morning person, getting your head off the pillow to start breaking a sweat can be tough. These pro tips can help:

    1. Define your “why.”

    Whether your motivation is mental or physical, having a clear idea as to why you want to get out of bed in the morning is crucial. “It’s so easy to skip a workout when you face even the smallest inconvenience, like taking time off for vacation, getting bad sleep, or when your gym buddy bails,” says Noban. “If your ‘why’ is strong, it’ll push you through those tough moments and keep you going, even when you really don’t feel like it.”

    Personally, my “why” is to feel strong both mentally and physically. I started running during the pandemic, when my mental health was suffering, and running gave me a new passion and purpose. Since then, it has been a source of strength for me and a major mood booster.

    2.Put a plan in place.

    Choosing a workout in advance helps avoid wasting time figuring out what to do once you’re awake, per Noban (and morning exercisers everywhere). No workout class, no problem. Check out the Women’s Health workout finder for personalized workout and plan recommendations.

    Always have a plan as a Women’s Health+ member. Join today.


    3. Prepare the night before.

    To avoid the hassle of getting your gear ready in the morning, lay everything out the night before. Noban recommends getting workout clothes and sneakers ready, and even a healthy breakfast in the fridge (expert reccos below!).

    Trainer Calyn Brooke prepares a cup of coffee to kick off her morning. “I love a good cup of coffee and need that ‘me time’ before I start my workout,” says Brooke. “Years ago, I invested in a coffee maker that I set the night before to brew at a specific time in the morning. Having that hot cup of coffee waiting for me as soon as I get up has been a game-changer for my morning workouts.”

    4. Have someone hold you accountable.

    Noban suggests making a plan to work out with a friend you don’t want to flake on, join a running club, or enroll in an online fitness company. “If you prefer working out alone, maybe sign up for a class where you have to show up to avoid a fee,” Noban suggests.

    5. Never hit the snooze button.

    The snooze button is the greatest enemy to a morning workout. To avoid an endless loop of extra sleep, Noban says to put your phone across the room, so you have to get out of bed to turn off your alarm. If you really want to get moving, don’t let yourself press “stop” until you’ve made your bed.


    6. Try “habit stacking.”

    If you find yourself dragging your feet, attach your workout to a habit you already enjoy. For example, Noban suggests pairing a workout with a podcast, audiobook, or playlist to stay engaged. Planning a reward—like a post-class smoothie—ahead of time can also help, as can simply planning to run through your favorite park rather than on the treadmill.

      Frequently Asked Questions

      How do you stay safe running outdoors before sunrise?

      Meeting a friend in the mornings will not only hold you accountable but provide safety in numbers. If you run alone, make sure to tell someone your route and estimated run time, and bring your phone.

      Apple Apple Watch Series 10

      The WatchOS11 update has a Check In feature that allows you to let friends and family know when you start and finish a workout, directly from the Workout app. It’s great for feeling safer while out on morning runs. 

      If you listen to music, lower the volume so you can hear your surroundings, or only use one headphone. Physical therapist Lisbeth Jennings, PT, DPT, suggests wearing bright-colored clothing and accessories, and considering a headlamp, light-up vest, and something reflective. Carry a form of ID, and if you wear an Apple Watch or other fitness tracker with the feature, program emergency contacts into it.


      Should you eat before or after a morning workout?

      Ideally, both. If you’re working out right after you wake up, try to eat something small with easily-digestible carbs to avoid getting an upset stomach, especially if you’re going on a run. A banana fits the bill and you might consider adding a little almond butter, which Claire Rifkin, MS, RDN, says is a source of fat and protein that will help keep you full and sustain your energy throughout your workout. Other suggestions from Rifkin include oatmeal with honey and chia seeds or apple slices with a handful of pistachios.

      If you’re awake for one to two hours prior to getting a workout in, you’re safe to eat a normal breakfast. Afterwards, prepare a balanced meal with protein, carbs, and fats to refuel.

      How do you ensure your morning workout doesn’t make you tired the rest of the day?

      Make sure you’re getting roughly eight hours of sleep the night before (and ideally every night). Hydrate well and ensure your dinner has a mix of protein, carbs, and fat. If you aren’t a morning person, Jennings recommends gradually setting your alarm earlier over a few days to warm up to waking up early. And remember to fuel before and afterwards to replenish your energy stores for the day.

      Morning Workout Inspo

      “I personally think the best type of exercise to do in the mornings is the one that you’re most likely to get up and feel excited to do,” says Jennings. “If the thought of a run motivates you to get out of bed, schedule your runs in the morning.” If you’d rather lift or do a class, do that.

      That said, if you’re looking for more direction, Pantaleon recommends a functional strength workout since these movements mimic the ones you’ll do throughout your day, helping to warm up your muscles and joints. Grab a pair of dumbbells or kettlbells and try this total-body routine she curated.


      Instructions: Compete 3 to 4 sets of 8 to 12 reps of each of the following exercises. Choose weights ranging from 10 to 30 pounds based on your experience. If you’re new to exercise, try the moves with just your bodyweight first, and consider consulting with a personal trainer to master form.

      Goblet Squat

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      Suitcase Deadlift

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      Farmer’s Carry

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      Overhead Press

      Image no longer available

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These Recumbent Exercise Bikes Are Easy on Your Joints



These Recumbent Exercise Bikes Are Easy on Your Joints
5 Best Recumbent Exercise Bikes 2024, According to Fitness Pros

Versatile and effective, stationary exercise bikes make a fantastic addition to any home gym. That’s because they provide a solid low-impact workout while boosting cardiovascular fitness. Recumbent bikes are a type of stationary bike that puts you in a more comfortable reclined position to support your back as you exercise. This position distributes the rider’s weight more evenly, in turn providing better support for your back and reducing strain on your neck and wrists.

Seniors, those just getting started on their fitness journey and individuals who have knee and joint pain may especially appreciate recumbent bikes as a way to stay active. Our fitness and engineering experts in the Good Housekeeping Institute have evaluated exercise bikes for over a decade, looking at all different options at a variety of price points to help you find the best solution for your fitness needs. When researching recumbent exercise bikes, we looked for highly rated options with adjustable features, a wide range of resistance, a clear display and durable materials. Our top picks offer something for every rider, whether you’re new to fitness or a seasoned pro.
