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The Right Way To Lose Weight



The Right Way To Lose Weight

If your best efforts at losing weight aren’t panning out, you’re far from alone.


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One poll discussed in Psychology Today suggests that, on average, people try 126 fad diets in their lives. And each attempt averaged just six days.

You can’t blame people for not keeping it up. A lot of those diets touted by celebrities and endorsed on social media encourage cutting out whole food groups, eating inordinate amounts of specific foods or severely cutting back on foods to the point of near starvation.


You just can’t keep up that kind of lifestyle. And your body deserves to be treated better than that.

So, how do you do it? How do you lose weight and keep it off?

We talked with registered dietitian, exercise physiologist and psychologist David Creel, PhD, about how to lose weight the right way.

The truth about weight loss

Carrying excess weight isn’t ideal for your health. Obesity is connected to a host of health conditions that can severely affect your well-being. That includes:

So, losing weight and achieving a healthy body mass index (BMI) can be a noble goal for people who are at risk for these conditions and others.


But there’s a lot of advice out there about how to lose weight. (A whole heck of a lot, really.)

Here’s the simple truth: For weight loss to be successful, you need to develop healthy habits that you can live with and be happy with for the long-term.

Because losing weight and keeping it off is a commitment. It will take time. You’ll have bumps in the road. And that’s OK.

“Losing weight isn’t a linear experience. You’ll have ups and downs. But if the overall trend is downward, that’s when you know you’re having success,” Dr. Creel shares. “That’s why we have to think about how to lose weight as a lifestyle.”

In a nutshell, healthy, successful weight loss goes something like this:

  1. Set reasonable goals.
  2. Expend more calories than you take in.
  3. Eat nutritious foods that give your body all the nutrients it needs, with less of the stuff it doesn’t.
  4. Get your heart pumping with aerobic exercise.
  5. Maintain or build muscle to help your body burn calories at rest.
  6. Explore the ways emotions affect your eating and physical activity.
  7. Get enough sleep to allow your body to function at its best.
  8. Expect that you’ll need to make adjustments.

Dr. Creel walks us through each of these steps so you can create a weight-loss plan that’ll work for you.

1. Set weight loss goals

Although losing weight can be exciting and encouraging, Dr. Creel suggests staying focused on actions more than outcomes.

Setting reasonable and manageable lifestyle goals means paying attention to what we have the most control over — our behaviors. You may hear it referred to as a SMART goal — specific, measurable, attainable, relevant to the things that are most important to you and time-bound.

You might set goals to walk 30 minutes five times per week, include vegetables with dinner and stop eating after 7 p.m. Concentrate on the areas that will impact your health and weight the most.

“It can depend on your starting weight and your lifestyle, but these modest changes often lead to one to two pounds of weight loss per week,” Dr. Creel notes. “Weight loss is likely to taper off over time, but if you pay attention to the non-scale victories — like better sleep, more energy and improved fitness — you’re less likely to get discouraged.”

2. Understand how weight loss works

Weight loss is, at its core, a matter of burning more calories than you take in.


“We’re all unique beings, and our bodies have different needs,” Dr. Creel points out. “But at the end of the day, the most basic concept of losing weight is that you need to achieve a calorie deficit.”

Here’s what that means.

Our bodies use calories from the foods we eat to power our systems, giving us energy to do everything from running a marathon to digesting our food and pumping our hearts.

When you take in excess calories, your body stores them as fat.

But when you eat fewer calories than you use, your body starts to take energy from your stores. That’s a calorie deficit. That’s when you start to lose weight.


Take in way too few calories, and you’re at risk for undernutrition and a host of health concerns.

So, losing weight is a balancing act. A Goldilocks scenario of taking in and putting out not too much and not too little, but juuuuuust right. And it’s different for everyone.

Get the right number of calories

We each have different calorie needs. So, what may suffice as a filling diet for one person may be too much, or not enough, for someone else.

The right number of calories for you can depend on a host of factors, including:

  • Your current weight.
  • Your goal weight.
  • Your height.
  • Your age.
  • Your muscle mass.
  • How physically active you are.

How do you know that you’re getting the right number of calories for weight loss?

Dr. Creel offers up a rough idea of what may be healthy for some people. “When we know how many calories you’re burning, we might suggest getting about 500 calories a day fewer than that. That will typically yield about a pound of weight loss per week. But really, it should be a more individualized approach.”


A visit to a healthcare provider, like a registered dietitian, is going to be your best bet to determine how many calories you should be taking in when you try to lose weight.

If you’re looking for a more down-and-dirty DIY estimate of your calorie needs, The U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) MyPlate Plan or the NIH body weight planner can suggest how many calories would be appropriate for you to maintain your weight or lose weight.

Examples from the MyPlate calculator:

5 feet, 9 inches
Current Weight (pounds)
Activity level
Calories to maintain weight
Calories to lose weight
5 feet, 3 inches
Current Weight (pounds)
Activity level
Calories to maintain weight
Calories to lose weight
6 feet
Current Weight (pounds)
Activity level
Calories to maintain weight
Calories to lose weight
5 feet, 8 inches
Current Weight (pounds)
Activity level
Calories to maintain weight
Calories to lose weight
6 feet, 2 inches
Current Weight (pounds)
Activity level
Calories to maintain weight
Calories to lose weight

Some smartwatches and wearable fitness trackers can also tell you how many calories you burn, both through exercise and your regular biological processes. That can give you a good starting point to know what you need to maintain or lose weight. Subtract about 500 calories a day from that number to give you an estimate of how many calories per day you should take in.

When you know how many calories to aim for, it can help to keep a food journal, either on paper or in an app. That can help you keep track of when you’re eating and when. And it will give you a good idea of the health benefits of the foods you’re eating.


3. Follow a manageable weight-loss diet

The backbone of a healthy diet for weight loss is to eat more natural foods and fewer processed foods.

That’s the basic tenet of the Mediterranean diet — largely considered to be the healthiest eating pattern around. It stresses eating:

Hitting the right number of calories isn’t enough. The quality of those calories is also important.

Think of it like this: A can of soda has about 150 calories. An apple has about 95 calories. A difference of just 55 calories.

But the calories in an apple come with nutrients that you don’t find in soda. Like fiber and antioxidants. What’s more, the apple will fill your belly and satisfy your hunger in a way that soda can’t.


“You can have a soda and a refill (300 calories) and still eat a full meal,” Dr. Creel illustrates. “But if you were to drink water and have three apples (285 calories) with your meal, you’re going to consume way fewer calories overall because those apples will be much more filling.”

In short, natural and less-processed foods fill your body with what it needs — without the stuff it doesn’t.

Some people swear cutting out carbs can help aid weight loss (the keto diet). Others will tell you carbs are fine in moderation. Both can be true — though a no-carb diet can be tough to keep up long term.

Although people can lose weight with lower-fat or lower-carb eating, Dr. Creel says that the types of carbs and fat are most important. Healthy fats tend to come from plants, nuts and seeds rather than animals. And healthier carbohydrates are less processed.

In broad strokes, try these swaps to get started with cleaning up your diet:

Less of this
More of this
Chicken, turkey, fish and nuts
More of this
Olive oil
Cakes, cookies and candy
More of this
Fruits and vegetables
Soda, lemonade, juice, sweetened tea and alcohol
More of this
White bread and pasta
More of this
Whole-wheat bread and pasta
White rice
More of this
Brown rice

Remember, weight loss is a marathon, not a sprint. Depriving yourself of your favorite foods and labeling them as “off limits” is a recipe for discouragement, backsliding and guilt.

Rather than vowing never to eat another slice of cake or have a soda, work them in sparingly. And remind yourself that an occasional treat is OK. It’s not a reflection of your willpower or your worth as a person.

4. Get cardio exercise

Remember, losing weight comes down to expending more calories than you’re taking in. And exercise is an important factor in burning those extra calories.

The American Heart Association recommends getting at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio exercise each week. That’s the kind of exercise that gets your heart pumping and makes you breathe faster than usual.

Although people lose weight in a variety of ways, those who keep it off tend to exercise regularly, Dr. Creel explains.


“I’ll typically advise people who are looking to lose weight to ratchet up their workouts to something more like 250 to 300 minutes per week — or an hour-long workout four to five days per week,” he says. “But there are no hard-and-fast rules that are right for everyone. If you have a very active lifestyle, like a physically taxing job, you probably can get by with less. If you have a desk job, you may need more.”

Now, chances are you’re not going to go from limited amounts of exercise to hitting the gym for an hour five days a week immediately. Your body isn’t ready for that. And your life isn’t set up to accommodate that major of a shift. So, ease into it.

“This is about making a lifestyle change — not trying something for a bit and burning out. So, start slowly and build up,” he encourages. “Find activities that you enjoy and that fit into your life on a regular basis.”

Try these aerobic workouts to get your heart pumping:

  • Walking, hiking and slow running.
  • Swimming.
  • Cycling.
  • Cardio machines, like treadmills, ellipticals and steppers.

How do you know if your exercise is too intense? Or too cozy?

Try talking when you’re exercising. If you need to pause your conversation here and there to catch your breath, that’s moderate-intensity exercise. You’re right on track.


If you can carry on a conversation easily, it’s time to push a little harder. If you’re gasping for air, ease up.

5. Maintain or build muscle

Muscle is imperative for losing weight. That’s because muscle works to burn more calories, even when you’re not doing much of anything. So, when you build muscle, you’re making your body composition work in your favor.

“Muscle is metabolically active. Your muscle burns through calories much faster, even if you’re just sitting on the couch,” Dr. Creel explains. “The more muscle mass you have, the quicker you burn calories.”

What’s more, when you work to lose weight, what you really want to lose is fat, not muscle.

There are two important elements to maintaining muscle mass as you lose weight:


1.) Eat plenty of lean protein. Healthy sources of protein help to build and repair muscle. So, protein is a critical component of healthy weight-loss eating. How much protein you need depends on a variety of factors. But most people will be well served to make protein count for around 25% to 30% of the calories they eat each day. On a 1,600-calorie diet, that would equal 100 to 120 grams of protein per day.

2.) Engage in strength-training exercise. That can be activities like yoga, Pilates, barbells, free weights or calisthenics, all of which help to tone and strengthen muscle. Aim for at least 20 minutes of strength-training exercise twice per week.

“Strength training doesn’t usually burn as many calories as cardiovascular exercise. But the benefits of maintaining muscle are of utmost importance,” Dr. Creel clarifies. “And if cardio exercise is hard for you, strength training is sometimes an easier gateway into physical activity.”

6. Check in with your emotional well-being

Emotional eating is real. It’s a natural coping mechanism for some people to turn to food when they’re feeling stressed, bored, frustrated or any number of emotions.

Here’s why: Strong emotions, like stress, release the hormone cortisol. And cortisol can heighten our cravings for sugar, fat and salt. It’s a biological response that’s trying to protect you by fueling your body to prepare to fight off tigers or other threats to your life.


But for most of the stresses we feel in our modern lives, downing a pint of ice cream isn’t going to solve the problem. We may know that intellectually … but your body reacts the same way regardless.

What can you do when you feel that pang to reach for food — not for hunger, but strictly for comfort? Step away from the fridge and try some quick relaxation strategies:

  • Take a walk.
  • Do some breathing exercises.
  • Try some meditation.

Food journaling can also help you understand patterns in your emotional state and how they relate to eating.

“I like to encourage people to keep track not just of what they’re eating, but also how they’re feeling at mealtimes or when they reach for that snack,” Dr. Creel recommends. “That can help you to see patterns and gauge whether you’re eating because you’re hungry or if you’re turning to food for comfort.”

7. Sleep well

While they may not seem related, sleep and weight loss go hand in hand.

“If we aren’t getting good rest, your hunger hormones (ghrelin and leptin) can get out of whack. You actually feel hungrier when you’re not well-rested,” Dr. Creel shares.


Aim to get enough sleep (between seven and nine hours a night for most adults). And keep to a regular sleep schedule.

8. Expect to change course

Often, you can see results from your weight loss efforts quickly. Then, it stalls. And you wonder if your scale is working. You might even question whether it’s worth it to keep it up.

That’s all part of the process.

It’s easy to get discouraged if the number on the scale doesn’t reflect your hard work. And sometimes, it won’t. Weight doesn’t always reflect the effort you put in.

It can be tempting to lose hope. To throw in the towel and head to the nearest drive-thru.


Resist the temptation. Chances are you’re doing great.

There are a few reasons you’re not seeing the results you expect.

For starters, weighing yourself between daily and weekly is important for you to understand how your efforts are working. But rather than focus on the day-to-day numbers, which can be emotionally charged, focus on trends.

Has it been a week since you lost a pound? That’s nothing. Has it been a month? That might be a sign that your weight loss has hit a wall. But there’s hope.

Weight loss plateaus are all part of the process. A crummy part to be sure. But still normal.


“We call it metabolic adaptation. It’s your body trying to hold on to weight by slowing down your metabolism,” Dr. Creel explains. “We know it’s healthy for us to lose excess weight, but your body doesn’t. It’s trying to protect you.”

It can be hard to push through. But the best response to hitting a plateau is to increase your efforts. Add in some additional exercise. Recalculate your calorie needs. (Chances are they’ve changed because of the weight you’ve already lost.) Be patient. Don’t give up.

And talk with a weight loss specialist or registered dietitian. They can help you find interventions that could make a big difference. That may include things like new diet or exercise strategies.

Or they may recommend anti-obesity medications or bariatric surgery in addition to a healthy diet and exercise program. Those strategies can help overcome your body’s natural instincts to defend against weight loss.

Bottom line?

Losing weight isn’t rocket science. But that doesn’t mean it’s simple. Humans are complex creatures. What we eat, how much we move and the inner workings of our minds all contribute to how we gain and lose weight.


Trust the process. And don’t hesitate to ask for help. Your health is worth it.

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Fitness instructor shares exercise that provides ‘easiest’ method to lose weight



Fitness instructor shares exercise that provides ‘easiest’ method to lose weight

While many associate weight loss with gruelling spin classes, marathon runs and hour-long dance sessions that leave you drenched in sweat, one fitness instructor has revealed a simpler approach.

TikTok user @alexx.fitt shared her secret to easy weight loss on the platform, encouraging followers to incorporate one particular exercise into their daily routine for optimal results.

“Walking is the easiest way to lose weight”, she declared while demonstrating the activity herself. “I don’t care what you do, just start going on walks.”

She explained that walking doesn’t induce the same level of hunger as more intense workouts like running or HIIT, leading to reduced food intake and subsequent weight loss.

Additionally, walking primarily burns fat rather than carbs, resulting in faster fat loss.


“When I tell you my legs have leaned out so much from walking it’s insane”, she added, attributing her slimmed-down legs to regular walks.

The NHS supports this advice, stating: “A daily brisk walk can give your body a boost, lift your mood and make everyday activities easier.

“Walking is simple, free and one of the easiest ways to get more active, lose weight and become healthier. Sometimes overlooked as a form of exercise, walking briskly can help you build stamina, burn excess calories and make your heart healthier.”

Health gurus advocate for “150 minutes of weekly exercise” for individuals aged 19-64, suggesting that incorporating brisk walking into this routine can significantly contribute to overall fitness.

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Influencer Holly Dolke in Two-Piece Workout Gear Shares “The Best Form of Exercise”



Influencer Holly Dolke in Two-Piece Workout Gear Shares “The Best Form of Exercise”

Holly Dolke, a fitness coach and influencer, is dedicated to helping others achieve their health and fitness goals. She regularly shares tips and workout routines with her followers on Instagram. In a recent post, Dolke highlighted the key to staying consistent with exercise: making it fun and enjoyable. “Seriously though, I always tell clients that the way to stay consistent is to make fitness fun and enjoyable,” she wrote. From mixing up workouts to focusing on mindset, Dolke emphasizes a balanced approach to wellness. Here’s a closer look at how she keeps fit and maintains a confident, positive mindset.

Dolke likes to do a variety of different things to keep herself in shape. In her Instagram post’s caption, she revealed that this is what helps her stay consistent with her workouts. “Who actually wants to stay consistent with a workout if they dread and hate it? So try different things, see what your body responds to and even switch it up!

Dolke makes sure to work her shoulders. In this Instagram video, she is seen doing arm circles, arm to waist pull downs, and pull downs. Dolke captioned the post, “Yes these 3 moves are my go to and no equipment needed. I’ve noticed since adding these into my arm circuits, my shoulders have become more defined 💪 Want more like this? Sign up for my coaching that’s 1:1 with me and I’ll create you a whole plan! Link in bio.”

Dolke likes to practice yoga to keep herself in shape. She shared this video on Instagram of herself doing poses with her sister. Dolke captioned the post, “In moments of stress, I actually turn to movement. Currently I’m packing up my apartment… shocker, I’m moving again! So in the morning, I’m doing yoga with my sister. Stretching, relaxing and calming the F out 😂 before the chaos begins. I really feel moving is helping keep me in a relaxed state and focused on what needs to be done.”


Dolke makes sure to do ab workouts. One thing she likes to do are reverse crunches. She shared this video on Instagram of herself doing them. Dolke captioned it, “Reverse crunches can seem quite easy to be honest but they aren’t if done correctly. Before I had my babies, I used to actually just through my legs up and be done 😅When I learnt how to engage my core and pelvic floor better, then reverse crunches became more intense and harder but the results were great!”

Dolke is all about having self-confidence. She talked about this in the caption of this Instagram post. “The mind and body are connected. And to get results PHYSICALLY, we have to embrace and work the MIND. That’s why in my coaching I don’t just give you everything you need for workouts and nutrition, but I give you unconditional support, alongside powerful mindset tools that I’ve personally used along my journey to conquer body image struggles. Confidence and self love comes from within us and we have to learn how to get there. Sign up now in my bio for a free call, and we’ll see how we can work together and give not only the body transformation you want but the mind to go alongside it.”

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The ‘disgustingly small’ amount of exercise each day that slashes the risk of cancer: fitness expert



The ‘disgustingly small’ amount of exercise each day that slashes the risk of cancer: fitness expert

Exercising a “disgustingly small” amount per day can lower the risk of cancer, according to a fitness expert.

Nutritional scientist and professional bodybuilder Dr. Layne Norton claimed that “four minutes of vigorous activity a day” will greatly reduce an individual’s cancer risk.

“Exercise is one of the only things that you can do, independent of weight loss, that will improve all your health parameters,” Norton told host Dr. Rhonda Patrick on the FoundMyFitness podcast last week.

Nutritional scientist and professional bodybuilder Dr. Layne Norton said that “four minutes of vigorous activity a day” will greatly reduce an individual’s cancer risk. FoundMyFitness/YouTube

Citing a study published last year in JAMA Oncology, Norton said that researchers found that “vigorous physical activity” done “cumulative” throughout the day can lower the risk of cancer by 20%.

“I got in trouble because I called it a disgustingly small amount, but it really is,” the fitness expert shared.


He went on to reveal that the study found that exercising for “10 minutes” daily dropped the risk of cancer by 30%.

The study also found that just three short bursts of exercise per day can lead to a 40% reduced risk of cancer and cancer death and a 50% reduction in heart disease death. 

“If you just go walk vigorously for 30 minutes in a day you’re killing it,” the nutritional scientist said.

Norton said that researchers found that “vigorous physical activity” done “cumulative” throughout the day can lower the risk of cancer by 20%. Donson/ –

While some may question the findings because it was a “cohort study,” Norton quickly pointed out that “randomized control trials” have found similar indications to exercise and cancer risk.

“We have randomized control trials looking at very short bursts of exercise, seeing improvements in glucose metabolism, blood lipids, inflammation, and then now the cognitive stuff too,” Norton shared.


The fitness guru also shared that short periods of exercise have been shown to improve mental health.

He explained that the “randomized control trial” found that men with “major depressive disorder or general anxiety disorder” who did two 25-minute sessions of resistance training a week for eight weeks saw “significantly improved symptoms.”

“The effect size for major depressive disorder was 1.7,” Norton said, citing a study released last year in Psychiatry Research.

“For those who aren’t familiar with effect sizes, .2 is a small effect size, 0.5 is modest, and 0.8. Anything above 0.8 is considered large, 1.7 is massive,” Norton said.

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) — a class of drugs that are commonly prescribed to treat depression — usually fall between 0.3 to 0.8, and “the best you see is about 0.8,” he shared.

He went on to reveal that the study found that exercising for “10 minutes” daily reduced cancer risk by 30%. FoundMyFitness/YouTube

The professional bodybuilder clarified he wasn’t suggesting people should stop taking their SSRIs instead of working out but to consider other additional options to add to treatment — like exercising.

“I’m not saying we should get rid of SSRIs and have everybody exercise because sometimes maybe someone needs an SSRI just to get out of bed and actually go exercise,” Norton said. “But if we’re looking at how powerful that lever is, that’s amazing.”

However, nutritional scientists understand that getting started with routine exercise can be challenging and suggest that listeners consider it like “brushing your teeth.”

The fitness guru also shared that short periods of exercise have been shown to improve mental health. Rido –

“Do you feel motivated to brush your teeth? No, you do it because you know if you don’t brush your teeth, they’re going to go to crap,” Norton said. “The same thing happens with your body if you don’t exercise.”

According to Johns Hopkins cardiologist Dr. Seth Martin, the average resting heart rate is between 60 and 100 beats per minute (BPM).


The “sweet spot” for exercise depends on a person’s age, and the target heart rate is “usually between 50 percent and 85 percent” of their maximum safe heart rate.

For a 50-year-old, it’s crucial to calculate the maximum heart rate, which can be obtained by subtracting the age from 220. In this case, it’s 170 BPM, Martin shared.

If someone aims for a 50% exertion level, their target should be 50% of that maximum, 85 BPM.

However, if a person wants to push themself to 85% of the maximum, their target should be 145 BPM.

The target heart rate that a 50-year-old should aim for during exercise is 85 to 145 BPM.


Martin noted that it’s important not to “get overly fixated on numbers” and instead just strive to exercise regularly.

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