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How astronauts exercise to stay fit and healthy in space



How astronauts exercise to stay fit and healthy in space

Space, the final frontier…for human exercise and fitness? That might not be the catchphrase you’re used to, but it’s increasingly relevant as astronauts set sights on the Moon, Mars, and beyond. 

A pressing question hangs in the air (or rather, the vacuum of space): How do we keep astronauts healthy and strong in the face of microgravity’s bone and muscle-weakening effects?

Thankfully, the International Space Station (ISS) has become a unique laboratory for research in this area. And what they’re learning isn’t just helping astronauts; it could revolutionize how we approach fitness right here on Earth.

Why astronauts need to exercise

Before we strap on our space boots and hit the cosmic gym, let’s understand the challenge. On Earth, gravity constantly provides resistance, keeping our bones and muscles strong. 

But in space, that resistance vanishes. The result? Bones become brittle, muscles atrophy, and astronauts risk returning to Earth weaker than when they left.


The solution is exercise, but not the usual jog around the block. In space, exercise equipment has advanced from simple elastic bands to sophisticated machines that simulate weightlifting and cardio in a weightless environment.

ARED: Space station’s weightlifting wonder

One such marvel is the Advanced Resistive Exercise Device (ARED), the ISS’s very own weight room. Using a clever piston and flywheel system, ARED simulates the resistance of lifting weights on Earth.

And the benefits are clear. Research shows that preflight training with ARED improves astronauts’ performance in space, similar to how athletes train for competition. 

Results have shown that preflight exercise training improves an individual’s performance while on the space station just as pre-season training helps athletes in later competition.

CEVIS: Pedaling astronaut exercise

Next, we have CEVIS, the Cycle Ergometer with Vibration Isolation and Stabilization System. This high-tech stationary bike uses friction and resistance to provide astronauts with a challenging cardio workout. It’s like a Peloton for the cosmos.


However, data from CEVIS has also raised several questions. It suggests that even with current exercise countermeasures, up to 17% of astronauts could still experience muscle, bone, and heart health issues on future missions. 

The researchers note that this highlights the need to further refine current regimens, add other interventions, or enhance conditioning preflight.

This revelation emphasizes the ongoing need for innovation and improvement in astronaut fitness regimes.

Sprint: High-intensity revolution

In the early days of space exploration, astronauts spent hours each week on low-intensity exercise, with disappointing results. 

Despite spending up to 10 hours per week exercising, astronauts continued to lose muscle mass and bone density.


Then came a game-changer: the Integrated Resistance and Aerobic Training Study (Sprint). This study showed that short, high-intensity workouts were just as effective as longer, low-intensity ones. 

The bonus? Less wear and tear on the equipment and more time for astronauts to focus on their mission.

Measuring the microgravity impact

To understand the true impact of space on the body, scientists have delved into the molecular level. The VO2max investigation revealed that long-duration spaceflight significantly decreases astronauts’ aerobic capacity. 

These results have important implications for future long-duration space missions, adding to the evidence that current countermeasures may not be adequate.

Meanwhile, the Muscle Biopsy study identified a potential biomarker for muscle health. The findings suggest that current exercise protocols are effective in preventing muscle de-conditioning.


They also support improvements in countermeasures to protect crew health and performance on future deep space exploration missions.

Future of astronaut exercise

As we plan for longer missions to the Moon and Mars, astronaut fitness remains a top priority. Research continues to refine the ideal combination of diet, exercise, and medication to keep astronauts healthy in space and upon their return to Earth.

While current exercise programs appear to moderate changes in musculoskeletal systems, individual results vary. 

In addition, current regimens cannot directly transfer to longer exploration missions due to space constraints, environmental issues such as removal of heat and moisture, device maintenance and repair needs, and the challenges of finding time for exercise and avoiding interference with the work of other crew members.

But the benefits extend beyond the cosmos. The lessons learned from astronaut fitness research could help people on Earth who suffer from bone and muscle loss due to aging, illness, or sedentary lifestyles.


Space fitness is Earth fitness

So, while astronauts are pushing the boundaries of human fitness in the extreme environment of space, their efforts are benefiting us all. 

The next time you hit the gym, remember that the exercises you’re doing might have been inspired by research conducted hundreds of miles above your head.

Whether you’re an astronaut preparing for a mission to Mars or a couch potato looking to get in shape, the message is clear: Exercise is essential for maintaining a healthy body, no matter where you are in the universe.


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7 health and longevity secrets to borrow from Amitabh Bachchan – Times of India



7 health and longevity secrets to borrow from Amitabh Bachchan – Times of India
Ever wondered what keeps Bollywood’s megastar Amitabh Bachchan so healthy and fit at the age of 81?
Amitabh Bachchan, one of India’s most iconic actors, has maintained his health and vitality well into his 80s. His enduring career and active lifestyle offer valuable insights into maintaining health and longevity. Here are seven health and longevity secrets we can borrow from Amitabh Bachchan.
Consistent exercise routine
Amitabh Bachchan is known for his disciplined approach to fitness. Despite his hectic schedule, he ensures regular physical activity is a part of his daily routine. He incorporates a variety of exercises, including walking, yoga, and light strength training, which help maintain flexibility, strength, and cardiovascular health.
A consistent exercise routine that includes a mix of aerobic activities, strength training, and flexibility exercises is good for longevity. Experts suggest at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity most days of the week.
Always opt for a neat and clean diet
Bachchan follows a balanced diet that emphasizes nutritious, wholesome foods. He focuses on eating fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Being a vegetarian, he ensures he gets all necessary nutrients through a well-planned diet, avoiding junk food and maintaining portion control.
Adopt a balanced diet rich in nutrients. Include a variety of foods to ensure you’re getting a wide range of vitamins and minerals. Avoid processed foods and excessive sugar, and pay attention to portion sizes.
The Shehenshah’s breakfast includes coconut water, amla juice, dates, banana, and tulsi leaves or almonds as mid-morning snacks. His lunch menu includes dal, sabzi and chapatis.
Did you know that Amitabh Bachchan is fond of chaats?
Amitabh Bachchan’s love for chaat is known to all. He loves having chaats at Bengali Sweet House in New Delhi’s Bengali Sweet House. Chaat is a popular Indian street food known for its vibrant flavors and diverse textures. It typically includes a mix of crispy fried dough, tangy tamarind chutney, spicy chili, cooling yogurt, and fresh herbs. This savory snack offers a delightful blend of sweet, sour, spicy, and savory tastes.

World Blood Donor Day: Importance of blood donation and its life saving impact

The catch here is that you eat to your heart’s content.
Eating to your heart’s content, when done mindfully and healthily, offers numerous benefits. It promotes emotional well-being by allowing enjoyment and satisfaction from meals, reducing stress and feelings of deprivation. Mindful eating encourages better food choices, leading to improved nutrition and digestion. It helps develop a positive relationship with food, preventing overeating and fostering a balanced diet. Savoring meals can enhance social connections during shared dining experiences, further boosting mental health. Embracing this approach supports overall health and happiness, aligning dietary habits with physical and emotional needs.
Make sure to have an adequate amount of water
Staying hydrated is a crucial part of Amitabh Bachchan’s health regimen. He understands the importance of drinking plenty of water throughout the day to maintain optimal bodily functions and energy levels.
Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily. Hydration supports digestion, circulation, and temperature regulation. Carry a water bottle with you to ensure you’re drinking enough throughout the day.
However, he avoids having tea, coffee and caffeinated beverages.
Mental fitness and lifelong learning
Bachchan keeps his mind sharp by engaging in activities that challenge his intellect and creativity. He reads extensively, writes blogs, and is always open to learning new things. This mental stimulation helps keep cognitive functions strong and reduces the risk of age-related mental decline.
Engage in activities that challenge your mind. Read books, solve puzzles, learn new skills, or take up a new hobby. Lifelong learning keeps the brain active and healthy.
Regular health check-ups
Amitabh Bachchan advocates for regular medical check-ups and preventive care. He believes in monitoring his health closely to catch any potential issues early, which is essential for maintaining long-term health.
Schedule regular health check-ups and screenings. Early detection of health issues can lead to more effective management and treatment. Follow your doctor’s advice and stay on top of your health metrics.
Positive attitude and stress management
Bachchan’s positive attitude and ability to manage stress play a significant role in his longevity. He practices mindfulness and remains optimistic, which helps him navigate the challenges of life and maintain mental well-being.
Cultivate a positive attitude and practice stress management techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, and yoga. Mindfulness practices can help reduce stress and improve overall well-being.
Quality sleep
Recognizing the importance of rest, Amitabh Bachchan ensures he gets adequate sleep. Good quality sleep is essential for physical and mental health, helping the body recover and rejuvenate.
Prioritize good sleep hygiene. Aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night. Establish a regular sleep schedule, create a restful environment, and avoid screens before bedtime to improve sleep quality.

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“Give This One a Shot”: Jay Cutler Names a Versatile Exercise to Grow Your Triceps



“Give This One a Shot”: Jay Cutler Names a Versatile Exercise to Grow Your Triceps

Bodybuilding legend with four Mr. Olympia titles, Jay Cutler, continues to impart his wisdom on effective workout techniques. Recently, Cutler highlighted a powerful exercise aimed at boosting triceps development: the skull crusher, also known as the French press.

In an Instagram video post, Cutler encouraged his followers to integrate this exercise into their arm workouts, emphasizing its potential to enhance triceps size and strength. “If you’re hitting arms today, make sure to give this one a shot to really help get those triceps growing!” he said.

In his instructional video, Cutler highlighted that the skull crusher can be done with variations using different equipment such as straight bars, cambered bars, dumbbells, and cables. He explained how the focus was on extending the triceps, describing it as essential to incorporate stretching movements into triceps training routines.


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“I can do this with either a straight bar, cambered bar, dumbbells, or cables,” Cutler said, explaining how there were different ways one could engage in the skull crusher. During his demonstration, Cutler remarked, “This is my first set, and I’m gonna use a cambered bar.”

Cutler used 80 pounds during his first set, highlighting the challenge and dedication required to achieve optimal results in triceps development. Cutler’s advice is not only for gym-goers but also for beginners looking to refine their arm workouts. His emphasis on proper technique and equipment variety is a valuable guide for anyone striving to enhance their fitness journey.

As he discussed the versatility of the skull crusher, the 50-year-old also talked about the Smith machine.


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Jay Cutler sheds light on the Smith machine’s benefits

Earlier, Cutler praised the Smith machine as a valuable addition to one’s workout routine. “Don’t be afraid to work some Smith machine exercises into your routines to switch things up a little bit!” he wrote, highlighting the Smith machine’s versatility compared to free weights or other equipment where movement is more unrestricted.

According to Cutler, the Smith machine offers a controlled path for exercises, like squats, bench presses, shoulder presses, and upright rows, providing precision and safety. This guided motion is beneficial for beginners and those recovering from injuries, minimizing the risk of improper form.


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Additionally, each Smith machine may vary slightly in design, offering options like horizontal or inclined movement. This diversity allows for customized workouts that cater to individual goals. Cutler also prefers using dumbbells over heavy bench presses but recommends the Smith Machine Press for targeted muscle work on chest days. It focuses on shoulders, triceps, and chest muscles, with adjustable angles for better pec activation and reduced stability demands compared to a free bar, as per the Comeback Kid.


So, the next time you hit the gym, try incorporating skull crushers for the triceps. On top of that, you could also use the Smith machine for additional gains and target multiple muscles in one exercise.

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How to exercise when you suffer from hay fever



How to exercise when you suffer from hay fever

It’s nature’s cruel joke: from May to July, just when we’re eager to exercise outside, grass pollen counts peak, making exercise sneezy, wheezy work for the one in four adults who experience hay fever.

It might be tempting to lock yourself in a gym or medicate yourself up to the eyeballs, but there are other options. In fact, taking meds might interfere with your workout: a 2021 study found that antihistamines slashed the exercise-induced increase in blood flow to muscles by 35 per cent, which impacted performance and recovery.

No wonder a study by Allergy UK found that 49 per cent of people with hay fever spend less time outside because of their symptoms — causing about a third of them to gain weight.


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