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A Look At The Diet And Exercise Routine Of Shilpa Shetty That Keeps Her Fit



A Look At The Diet And Exercise Routine Of Shilpa Shetty That Keeps Her Fit

“Swasta raho, mast raho,” actor Shilpa Shetty is often seen saying this phrase. It is her mantra to live a healthy and happy life. The 47-year-old actor is an inspiration to people because of her exercise and diet routine.

She promotes her fans to opt for healthy options when it comes to eating. She eats everything, gorges on her Sunday binges, and makes delicacies at home during holidays.

As the actor is turning 48 on June 8, here is a look at her fitness routine and diet that keeps her healthy.


Shetty is a big believer in the meditative power of Yoga and practises it almost every day. She often posts videos acing some of the most difficult poses. In her latest reel on Instagram, the actor showed her fans how to do Prasarita Padottanasana Prathirupam.

This exercise stretches the hamstrings, glutes, calves, and lower back. It can improve flexibility of hips, and give the body much-needed stretch early in the morning. “However, people suffering from slip-disc, high blood pressure, vertigo, and migraines should avoid this pose,” her caption warned.



The actor appeared on ‘What Women Want’, hosted by Kareena Kapoor Khan, a couple of years ago and talked about her fitness. She said that since she had been a volleyball player in school and learnt Karate, she imbibed the fitness culture from there.

“Mai khati hoon aur main khush hoke khaati hoon, jab bhi khaati hoon (I eat, and I eat happily),” she said on the show when Khan joked that Sunday binge is only for Instagram, otherwise, Shetty does not eat all those delicacies.

She confessed that she never followed any fad diets. She talked about her YouTube channel, where she posts cooking videos and encourages people to find healthy alternatives for oily and fatty food. It can help them cook delicious delicacies without compromising taste.

She said people should not avoid eating ghee (clarified butter). They should focus on what they are eating, how they are eating, why they are eating the particular dish, when they are eating, and how much they are eating.

Sharing her postpartum (Postpartum Yoga For Women) journey of weight loss, the actor said she put on around 32 kg and opted for a low-carb and no-carb diet ‘nuskha’ (trick), which worked like magic for her. She told Bebo that she eats carbs throughout the day, but she picks the items mindfully. “Don’t eat fried potatoes, eat baked sweet potatoes,” she added.

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Taking Care Of Mental Well-Being


Khan asked Shetty how she takes care of her mental well-being. The actor replied that she does Pranayam. She added, “Yoga has changed rather aligned my mind, body, and self. The way I breathe has really changed my perspective on life.”

She said she spends 12 minutes every night meditating. She encouraged people to reach out to professionals if they think they are suffering from mental health issues. “You need someone with an unbiased opinion,” she added.

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Apart from yoga, the actor also spends time in the gym. She exercises with machines and performs Aerobic Dance. On March 27, 2023, she posted a reel on Instagram. “Aerobics Dance is a cardiovascular exercise, which is a lot of fun as well. It conditions your heart and lungs and burns fat when performed for 20 minutes and more. This type of aerobic activity burns fat efficiently as you have to move your arms and legs in coordination, for which the brain has to work too,” he caption read.

Stay tuned to HerZindagi for more stories on yoga, fitness, and diet.



Lazy exercise is still exercise. How to make the most out of your workout by doing the least.



Lazy exercise is still exercise. How to make the most out of your workout by doing the least.

There are some people who can’t get enough when it comes to exercise — the ones who are up at the crack of dawn for a jog, who squeeze in a class during their lunch break and prioritize boot camps over brunch on the weekends.

And then there are the rest of us. We know we need to exercise — for at least 150 minutes per week, plus two days of muscle-strengthening activities, per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — but we don’t necessarily want to. Or maybe we struggle to find the time (not to mention the energy), get easily bored or feel out of our element (and out of shape) at the gym.

Enter: lazy exercise. Yes, there are ways to incorporate movement and exercise into your life without doing the whole no-pain-no-gain thing, or pushing yourself too far out of your comfort zone. Here’s how.

Many people aim to walk 10,000 steps per day. Though you don’t actually have to hit this specific number, you can at least focus on beating your weekly average step count (which your smartphone or fitness tracker can measure). Walking comes with all sorts of health benefits, and it’s a simple way to ensure you’re spending less time sitting around (which is not so great for you).

The good news about people who dread exercise? Walking is pretty low-key and easy to work into your day. If you hate how much time exercise takes in your busy life, try getting in some extra steps while you’re busy doing errands (like, say, at the mall); sneak in some laps while your kids play at the park; walk to the store to grab stuff for dinner instead of taking your car; or take work phone calls while pacing around your office.


Does a 45-minute class feel like too much of a time commitment? Kira Jones Matousek, founder and CEO of the fitness app Cacti Wellness, tells Yahoo Life that her app features short workout videos — all under 20 minutes — in order for people to build exercises into their life in sustainable ways.

“My big mindset around wellness and working out is that it’s all about consistency and building habits that you can actually stick to,” Matousek says. “If you’re more likely to do 10 minutes of core every day than going just once a week to a really hard workout class, when you are then sore and don’t have the energy to go back … then it becomes a lifestyle.”

Look for apps or YouTube videos that offer shorter workouts that are simple to squeeze in — like when you need a break between Zoom meetings or are waiting for your dinner to cook.

TikToker Hope Zuckerbrow introduced the world to “cozy cardio” when she shared her morning routine, which includes waking up early, making herself a fun beverage (like a protein coffee) and then using a walking pad while watching her favorite TV show. Zuckerbrow didn’t even change out of her fuzzy socks in order to get her steps in.

Research says that associating walking with something that makes you feel good (like, say, watching the latest episode of Vanderpump Rules) is an example of pairing — and it can help the habit stick. So, if you can only catch up on your reality TV drama when you’re on the walking pad, that might just be the incentive you need to keep it up.


If much of your job is answering emails and Slack messages, consider doing it from a treadmill, says Matousek. She says you should walk at a pace where you are putting a little effort in, but can very comfortably keep up a conversation. “Then up the incline a little bit,” she says. Doing so is a “sneaky way to recruit your muscles,” such as your glutes, calves and posterior chain. Since you’re likely focused on sending out emails and communicating with co-workers, you might find that the workout (and work day) flies by.

You don’t need to do a formal workout class in order to benefit from this form of “lazy” exercise. Try what’s called “exercise snacking,” which are short bursts of activity throughout your day. Maybe that means a few rounds of push-ups in between meetings, and then a couple of sets of squats when your day is done.

These exercise snacks can spike your heart rate (important, considering how we do need those 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week) but they’re way easier to fit into your life than a sustained cardio workout.

While you may not feel like you’re getting a full workout in, these snacks add up, breaking up sedentary time and helping you burn calories and build muscle.

Sometimes, you find yourself in the gym with almost no motivation to move your body. David Mason, sports coach and founder of travel fitness website Barbells Abroad, tells Yahoo Life that when he feels that way, he aims for the “Lazy 45,” in which he picks three or four different cardio machines (like the stair climber, elliptical, treadmill or rower) and switches them up every 10 to 15 minutes. “The beauty is if you’re feeling a little sluggish, the time slots are short enough to know each one is almost over as soon as you start,” he explains.


Exercise that involves standing up? Don’t bother on extra lazy days. If you want to relax while still working out, why not aim for a mat workout instead?

Maeve McEwen, director of programming and head trainer at Pvolve, tells Yahoo Life that getting closer to the ground can encourage you to connect more with your muscles and overall feel more supported. Plus, McEwen says you can also “use props like the wall, balls, pillows or the ground to help alleviate fatigue and support your form,” she says.

There are a bunch of different workouts that involve lying down, including mat Pilates and stretching. Matousek’s Cacti Wellness has a side lying series, in which participants use resistance bands for leg exercises. “You can put your head in your hand, and it’s not going to make it less of a workout for your lower body,” she notes.

You don’t have to plan for lazy exercise all the time — which makes it the most convenient of all. Just tweak your basic routine to be a tiny bit more active or challenging. Here are some examples:

  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator

  • Use a resistance band to do some thigh work during a long work meeting

  • Make your chores more active, like putting some extra muscle into scrubbing your bathtub

  • Carry your kid’s backpack while walking home from school (it’s basically rucking)

  • Balance on one foot while brushing your teeth or cooking

  • Play an active video game

  • Add wrist or ankle weights while walking the dog

🏋🏽‍♀️ Fitness

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What Shilpa Shetty Wants You To Know About Health And Fitness: 'It's A Balance'



What Shilpa Shetty Wants You To Know About Health And Fitness: 'It's A Balance'
Shilpa Shetty posted a video on Instagram, in which she shared some nuggets of wisdom. (Photo: Instagram/@theshilpashetty)

The reason that actor Shilpa Shetty manages to look this great is that she has found the balance between health, fitness, diet and rest.

Written by Prerna Mittra |Updated : September 26, 2024 9:01 PM IST

Shilpa Shetty fitness and health: Shilpa Shetty continues to maintain a healthy and fit body at the age of 49, thanks to her dedicated exercise routine. The actor’s fitness and wellness regimen includes regular Ashtanga and Iyengar yoga, eating a balanced diet, doing a combination of cardio, strength training and Pilates regularly, meditation and deep breathing exercises, sleeping for 7-8 hours, staying hydrated, relaxation with self-care, and of course, a lot of self-love. Not only does she love doing all this, Shetty also enjoys sharing her routine with her fans and followers on social media, where she is very active.


Every now and then, the actor floats a video in which she talks about the importance of health, and how big of a role physical fitness plays in it. According to her, one must employ a holistic approach that focuses on nourishing the body, mind and spirit, in order to stay disease-free.

Recently, Shetty posted another video on Instagram, in which she shared some nuggets of wisdom, as to what constitutes a healthy body. “Discipline is the ultimate motivation. Consistency in keeping that discipline is the key to opening the doors to excellence,” she wrote in the caption alongside the video. Take a look here.

The mother-of-two was seen doing some exercises while sharing her knowledge with the world. “What is health? It is a relationship between you and your body,” the actor said while working out in her gym. She added that health is about finding that ‘sweet spot’. “…it is a balance between how much you eat and how you move.”

While gently doing some leg and balancing exercises — in which she folded her elbows and placed her arms on top of each other — Shetty urged her followers to not follow diets, but instead nourish their bodies with healthy foods.

She also suggested creating healthy habits, instead of imposing restrictions on yourself. Many people tend to follow punishing diets that stop them from eating certain foods. While everything should be consumed in moderation, one can eat all kinds of foods if they manage to develop healthy habits, such as exercising every day.

In the video, Shetty displayed her leg strength by lifting her legs with weights placed on them.


“Eat in awareness,” she said, asking people to consume their meals in a mindful manner, without distractions.

Finally, she said that the mantra is ‘discipline over motivation’. “Your health is in your hands; don’t just wish for health. Go work for it.” Often, when one feels demotivated, they must still push themselves to work out. It need not be a strenuous routine, but one simply has to move.

What do you think of this advice?


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Extreme exercise and the potential cardiovascular risks – Times of India



Extreme exercise and the potential cardiovascular risks – Times of India

Exercise is one of the most effective ways to improve cardiovascular health, but it doesn’t mean you need to run marathons to see the benefits. Moderate exercise spread over a lifetime is linked to good cardiovascular outcomes. However, it is essential to understand the right balance of volume and intensity for maximum benefit. According to the American Heart Association (AHA) guidelines, 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week has been proven to significantly benefit heart health.
Exercise not only strengthens the heart but also helps in reducing triglyceride levels, increasing HDL (“good” cholesterol), lowering inflammatory markers, reducing body weight, and improving glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity. It also helps lower blood pressure, highlighting the many positive effects of physical activity.
Safe limits for physical activity
Determining the precise “cutoff” limit for physical activity is still being studied. While there is no definitive answer yet, it is clear that the benefits of regular exercise far outweigh the risks of a sedentary lifestyle. The key takeaway is that inactivity is riskier than exercising, regardless of the level of intensity.
Essential guide to safe and effective exercise for heart health
When starting an exercise program, it’s important to begin with a light routine and gradually increase intensity based on your body’s response. A baseline heart evaluation is recommended before engaging in any exercise regimen, especially for those with pre-existing heart conditions. It’s also vital to include proper warm-up and cool-down phases to allow the body to adjust to the activity and reduce the risk of injury or cardiac events.
For most people, moderate-intensity exercise for 5 to 7 days a week provides significant cardiovascular benefits. However, individuals with heart issues should consult their doctor before beginning any exercise program. The message here is simple: regular exercise is more beneficial than no exercise at all.
While there are concerns about extreme levels of physical activity, such as in professional athletes or endurance sports participants, these risks are generally associated with those who are unaccustomed to such intense training or have underlying heart conditions. Data has shown that long-term, excessive exercise can lead to structural and functional changes in the heart, including enlargement of the cardiac chambers and the release of certain biomarkers, which could indicate heart stress.
Though these biomarkers typically return to normal within a week, repetitive strain on the heart over months and years can cause scarring (myocardial fibrosis) and increase the risk of arrhythmias, such as atrial fibrillation, which raises the likelihood of stroke.
Bottom line
While regular moderate exercise greatly enhances cardiovascular health, it’s crucial to avoid extremes. Finding balance and consulting healthcare professionals ensures long-term benefits while safeguarding heart health against risks.
(Author: Dr. Rockey Katheria, Interventional Cardiologist, Manipal Hospital Varthur)

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