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Schumer’s anti-Netanyahu speech strengthens Bibi in Israel's war to defeat Hamas



Schumer’s anti-Netanyahu speech strengthens Bibi in Israel's war to defeat Hamas

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JERUSALEM Having seen his lowest levels of support in months, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s popularity has gotten a bounce in the polls, which some say is partly due to the Biden administration and Democrats’ growing criticism against the Jewish state.  

Criticism grew this week from across the political spectrum after New York Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer’s speech calling for new elections.  


“As a lifelong supporter of Israel, it has become clear to me: The Netanyahu coalition no longer fits the needs of Israel after Oct. 7,” Schumer said Thursday on the floor of the Senate. “The world has changed, radically, since then, and the Israeli people are being stifled right now by a governing vision that is stuck in the past.” 

Israel’s Channel 14 published a survey Wednesday, a day before Schumer’s broadside against the Jewish state, noting the chance Netanyahu’s conservative bloc could garner an additional six seats in the parliament after Minister-without-Portfolio Gideon Sa’ar ended his partnership with Benny Gantz’s National Unity Party.  


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, right, poses for a picture with Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York on Capitol Hill in Washington Feb. 15, 2017. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta, File)

Polling shows Netanyahu would secure 56 seats in the Israeli Knesset to form a new government. A bloc of parties needs 62 mandates.  


Mideast expert Caroline Glick told Fox News Digital this dynamic is playing out. 

“Schumer spoke about Netanyahu, but Netanyahu is simply acting in accordance with the demands of the public. As a result, calls from Schumer and the White House for Netanyahu’s ouster only strengthen him politically,” Glick said. 

The law of unintended consequences also might help Netanyahu. The Israeli Prime Minister’s support could solidify and he could gain new followers due to Schumer’s efforts to dislodge a sitting head of state.  

The New York senator is the highest-ranking Jewish politician in Congress.  

Schumer’s anti-Netanyahu speech sent shock waves throughout the Jewish state as it aims to root out the last vestiges of the Hamas terrorist organization in Rafah, Gaza, as part of its ongoing self-defense war. 

Biden and Netanyahu

President Biden meets with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in New York Sept. 20, 2023.  (AP Photo/Susan Walsh, File)


“Charles Schumer, like the Biden administration, fundamentally misunderstands the war, and, as a result, cannot understand Israel’s behavior,” said Glick,  a former adviser to Netanyahu. “This is not a counterterror operation. This is a conventional war. Hamas did not carry out a terrorist attack on Oct. 7. 

“Hamas invaded Israel with the strength of a division. That division of terror soldiers seized villages, bases and kibbutzim as Hamas carried out a massive cyberattack against Israeli critical infrastructure and first response team and pummeled Israel with thousands of rockets.

“This is not a tactical battle. This is a strategic contest for survival. Either Israel survives or Hamas survives. Israelis overwhelmingly understand this, which is why 75% of Israelis demand the conquest of Rafah and oppose Palestinian statehood.” 


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks during a gathering of Jewish leaders at the Museum of Tolerance in Jerusalem Feb. 18, 2024.  (AP Photo/Ohad Zwigenberg)



Israelis fired back at Schumer’s call to oust Netanyahu.  

“Regardless of my opinion of Netanyahu and his fitness to serve, Senator Schumer’s call for new Israeli elections is deeply disrespectful of our democracy and sovereignty,” Michael Oren, the former Israeli ambassador to the U.S. during the Netanyahu administration, wrote on X. 

“Israel is an ally, not a vassal state. Along with the U.S., we’re one of the few countries never to have known a second of non-democratic government, and the only democracy never to have known a moment of peace. We certainly deserve that respect.”

On the streets of Jerusalem, Israelis had mixed views. Seated outside with his family at the Aroma café in the German Colony neighborhood, Dov Fox told Fox News Digital, “I don’t think foreign politicians should be dictating how foreign countries should vote.” 

He recognized that Schumer “has done a lot for Israel” but described his speech an “overstepping of boundaries.” 



“Due to the [Israel] special relationship with the United States, Chuck Schumer is a very central actor there,” Avi Kay told Fox News Digital. “We need to pay attention to what is being said. Whether one agrees or disagrees with Chuck Schumer, I believe he has the best interests of Israel at heart.” 

Kay, who used Netanyahu’s nickname Bibi, taken from his full name Benjamin, said, “Bibi is more interested in staying in power and that is not advantageous.” 

Netanyahu, Israel’s longest-serving prime minister, is facing the ultimate test of his leadership after the Hamas massacre of 1,200 people Oct. 7. His legacy and his very political survival are on the line.

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RFK Jr Questions Trump's Recent Pro-Crypto Tone as the Two Vie for Votes



RFK Jr Questions Trump's Recent Pro-Crypto Tone as the Two Vie for Votes
By Stephanie Kelly NASHVILLE (Reuters) – Independent U.S. presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr on Friday questioned Republican nominee Donald Trump’s recent pro-cryptocurrency stance, as the two vie for votes in November’s election from crypto-holders at the Bitcoin 2024 conference. Trump is …
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Mastering 'the art of brainwashing,' China intensifies AI censorship



Mastering 'the art of brainwashing,' China intensifies AI censorship

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China has once again extended its policy of censorship and surveillance as it looks to keep artificial intelligence (AI) models in check even as it races to advance the ever-expanding technology.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has introduced more regulative measures to make sure its home-based tech companies adhere to the party’s ideological rules. 


All AI firms are required to participate in a government review which analyzes the companies’ large language models (LLMs) to ensure they “embody core socialist values,” as first reported by the Financial Times last week.

A man walks past a photo of Chinese President Xi Jinping at the Museum of the Communist Party of China in Beijing on March 3, 2023. (Greg Baker/AFP via Getty Images)


China has long worked to suppress information accessible over the internet through the use of its “Great Firewall” — which has been used to block a litany of items perceived as bad for the CCP, such as information surrounding the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre or memes comparing Chinese President Xi Jinping to Winnie the Pooh. 

This firewall is being extended to the AI arena as China rushes to advance its technologies while still governing the content it creates. 


China’s Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) is now requiring AI companies like ByteDance, Moonshot and 01.AI to take part in a review process that analyzes how effectively their programs are censoring the LLMs they are building.

Chatbot systems are being developed to not only collect sensitive keywords but to also block information on questions relating to banned topics, often involving queries relating to human rights. 

The AI systems in turn spit out responses like “try a different question” or “I have not yet learned how to answer this question. I will keep studying to better serve you.”

But in a move to prevent the chatbots from blocking too many questions, CAC policies dictate that LLMs should not reject more than 5% of all questions, according to the Financial Times report. 

Woman and AI image

Chatbot systems are being developed to not only collect sensitive keywords but to also block information on questions relating to banned topics. (Getty Images)



Instead, blanket answers deemed politically correct have been created to answer specific types of questions, though controlling LLMs responses is an uphill battle for developers. 

China’s continued pursuit to control the narrative among its own population speaks to a greater threat, AI expert Arthur Herman, senior fellow and director of the Quantum Alliance Initiative with the Hudson Institute, told Fox News Digital.

“That is the future that China has charted for its own citizens,” Herman said. “This is also how they see… being able to control the world of others.”

Herman pointed to China’s burgeoning relationship with the global south, where social media platforms like WeChat have taken off.

“There will inevitably be a social control, a mind control, element that goes into those programs… and to shape a world that looks more and more like China wants it to look,” he said.


Herman also warned that these strategies are not only playing out on internet platforms in authoritarian nations, but anywhere that the platforms are accessible, including the U.S.

“They have mastered the art of brainwashing through TikTok,” Herman said. “Chinese engineers have found a way to create a social media platform which is highly addictive, and which is also highly geared towards brainwashing its users to see the world in a certain way and to respond to visual and audio cues in a certain way.”


Chinese President Xi Jinping is seen leading other top officials pledging their vows to the party during a gala show ahead of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party in Beijing on June 28, 2021. (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)

Herman said China’s use of TikTok technologies is just a “foretaste” of how Beijing can use AI applications to manipulate populations beyond its borders.

“China sees AI as a means by which to change people’s minds,” he said. “AI’s ability to enhance those kinds of brainwashing and mind control applications is so powerful…that even when you’re not actually under a surveillance camera, even when you’re not actually listening to or watching government-inspired propaganda… there are other subtler ways in which your mind is being changed and adjusted simply by your interaction with things that are taking place in daily life — which are more and more directed by how the Communist Party wants you to see the world.”

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Where are the world’s millionaires and how is wealth divided globally?



Where are the world’s millionaires and how is wealth divided globally?

The world has at least 58 million US dollar millionaires, accounting for 1.5 percent of the global adult population, according to the 2024 UBS Global Wealth Report (PDF), which sampled 56 markets that account for 92 percent of global wealth.

The United States has the highest number of millionaires, with some 21.95 million individuals having wealth in seven figures or more. China comes at a distant second with some 6.01 million millionaires, followed by the United Kingdom (3.06 million), France (2.87 million) and Japan (2.83 million).

UBS defines wealth as the value of financial assets and real assets minus debts held by a household.

Global wealth, in dollar terms, grew by 4.2 percent in 2023 after a decline of 3 percent in 2022, according to UBS.


“If you think of millionaires or the wealthy in general, there’s kind of an indigenous, core of millionaires that has a strong attachment to the country. Then there is a more mobile element that globally [is able to] fairly easily switch domiciles,” Samuel Adams, an economist at UBS, told Al Jazeera.

By 2028, the UK is expected to lose the most millionaires – nearly one in six of its millionaires will lose that status. The Netherlands is another country set to lose 4 percent of its millionaires by 2028.

“The point here with the Netherlands and the UK that we’re making is that both of these countries already have a lot of millionaires – they have a growing core. But then you have a very mobile [element] working around that. And it might be that, in the global competition for wealth, they could see some outflows of the more mobile element of the wealthy. Which doesn’t necessarily mean the economy isn’t working. There’s still wealth being created in those countries. It’s just that the people who are mobile might consider all the places that they want to domicile to.”

How is wealth divided globally?

Almost half of the world’s wealth, 47.5 percent or $213 trillion, is held by just 1.5 percent of the global adult population, according to the Global Wealth Report. These are households that hold more than $1m.

In contrast, those with a wealth of less than $10,000 hold just 0.5 percent ($2.4 trillion) of global wealth, but make up 39.5 percent of the world’s adults.


Households with a wealth of between $10,000 and $100,000, representing 42.7 percent of adults, account for 12.6 percent of global wealth or $56.2 trillion.

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The fastest-growing millionaires (2000-23)

In terms of wealth per adult, the world’s population has made substantial progress since the beginning of the millennium. The percentage of adults whose wealth exceeds $1m tripled from 0.5 percent to 1.5 percent.

Since 2000, Qatar saw the greatest increase in the number of millionaires, which rose from 46 to 26,163. China saw the second largest increase, from 39,000 to 6,013,282 millionaires, followed by Kazakhstan (918 to 44,307).

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“I think it’s important to appreciate that in general, wealth grows kind of proportionate to economic growth, as well as kind of vaguely to asset price growth,” Adams said.

“Emerging market economies such as China, especially if we think back to the 2000s, which was in a very different stage, Russia equally, tend to see more wealth growth in general, and then it also helps if you have a certain concentration in a sector, for example, that sees particular growth. So commodity exporters – thinking of Russia, but also some Middle Eastern countries – tend to see very fast accumulation of wealth, particularly in the top 10 percent of the wealth bracket, which supports millionaire growth.”


UBS said over that the 15 years that it has published its report, the Asia Pacific region has posted the biggest growth in wealth, up almost 177 percent, followed by the Americas at nearly 146 percent, while Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA) was up just 44 percent.

The highest share of millionaires

The US hosts 38 percent of the world’s millionaires, Western Europe 28 percent and China 10 percent.

By country, in percentage terms, Switzerland has the highest share of millionaires, with 12 in every 100 people having a wealth of more than $1m. This is followed by Hong Kong, where eight in every 100 people are millionaires, Australia (seven in 100), the Netherlands (seven in 100) and the US (six in 100).

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Explore the table below to see how millionaire wealth has changed in different countries.

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