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Jewish charities aid Ukrainians from all walks of life in Russia’s war



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Ukrainians from all walks of life are in search of shelter from the violence, and plenty of Jewish charities have stepped as much as assist.

The endeavor comes amid the uproar over Russian President Vladimir Putin’s acknowledged objective to “de-Nazify” the Ukraine’s authorities — a suggestion observers have scoffed at, particularly since its president, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, is Jewish.

“We’re individuals of religion, and it’s of crucial significance that we flip to God in prayer at this second of upheaval for the world order,” mentioned Rabbi Moshe Hauer, govt vp of the Orthodox Union (OU), one of many largest Orthodox Jewish organizations in the USA. “We pray for peace, and particularly that God endow the leaders of the free world the braveness and knowledge to behave decisively to stop additional destruction.” 

The OU has raised over $1 million to date, and its affiliated synagogues have raised hundreds of thousands extra to assist Ukrainians of their hour of want. The help, Hauer defined, goes to Jewish and non-Jewish individuals alike.



“Now we have centered our help on efforts to evacuate individuals from Ukraine to neighboring international locations, relocation to safer zones inside the nation when evacuation is impractical, help for refugees, and help for communities and people remaining of their properties and communities,” Hauer mentioned. These embody provision of transportation, safety, shelter, meals and clothes for 1000’s of individuals at prices which might be extraordinarily inflated attributable to wartime.

Following the Holocaust and, many years later, the breakup of the previous Soviet Union, the place organized non secular exercise was all however unlawful, a Jewish renaissance in Ukraine came about. But with estimates of between 200,000 and 350,000 Jews in Ukraine, the nation’s inhabitants is dwindling rapidly, as some 2.5 million Ukrainians to date have escaped to hunt shelter in neighboring international locations.

Rabbi Mendel Cohen praying in Moldova.
(Orthodox Union)

With hundreds of thousands of {dollars} to date raised by Jewish organizations, many teams in Ukraine and surrounding international locations are working across the clock to systematize the assistance.


In a name organized by the OU with journalists on Wednesday, a number of charities and religion leaders spoke of their work and experiences.

Tzvi Sperber, the director of the charity JRoots, mentioned his group mobilized rapidly to assist. “We considered the teachings that have been realized, and that we realized most from the Shoah [Holocaust] itself: We could not sit and never do something. In order that’s why we acquired on planes and we began to mobilize as rapidly as we might.”

His group managed to discover a property in Krakov, Poland the place they’re housing round 100 individuals. As well as, he has additionally procured a lodge in the identical metropolis to assist with the rising refugee disaster. “We will solely do our small little half right here. We’re serving to Jews and non-Jews.”

“Sadly, within the final 13 days, our metropolis is beneath siege,” mentioned Rabbi Mendel Cohen. He is the chief rabbi of Mariupol, the besieged metropolis on the Sea of Azov. “The Jews of our group sit in shelters with no meals, no water, no drugs, no telephone, no web. They can not exit; the retailers are empty. There’s theft within the streets and sadly, the Russians are taking part in psychological warfare with the individuals of Mariupol as a result of they can’t take town.”



Cohen has now managed to flee the carnage and is working issues for his group on the Ukrainian border with Moldova. He spoke of how two households tried to get out and ended up getting shot and killed for his or her courageous efforts.

“I see the images of the members of my group or setting my desk for Shabbat [Sabbath.] We have fun collectively Purim and Pesach, and I am pondering: Are they alive? The children who got here to my kindergarten, the children that study in my faculty, the place are they now? Have they got meals? And I see the images, I see our bodies within the streets of Mariupol [and] I am asking myself many times: Did I [do] essentially the most I can?”

In a single outstanding story, Rabbi Refael Kruskal, who runs an orphanage in Odesa, mentioned he and his staff have been capable of get out round 700 civilians overseas into Moldova. He mentioned his group included orphans, college students, workers and households of alumni from the middle. They’re now staying in motels on the bordering nation.

Ukrainians from all walks of life look to get shelter from the violence and many Jewish charities have stepped up to help.

Ukrainians from all walks of life look to get shelter from the violence and plenty of Jewish charities have stepped as much as assist.
(Orthodox Union)

“We’re engaged on getting additionally our psychological workers from Odesa,” Kruskal mentioned. “The children have been by way of an amazing quantity of trauma. As resilient as they’re, they have been by way of an amazing quantity of trauma.” 

He continued: “An important issues for us is to try to convey some type of semblance of normality again to their lives, by beginning faculty [and] by beginning classes.” The rabbi mentioned it took them some 31 hours to get to Moldova and mentioned they’re sending free buses again as he vowed to do his finest to assist these left behind. “We’re engaged on many fronts with a purpose to save and get out as many individuals as doable.”


Kharkiv’s Chief Rabbi Moshe Moskowitz described his first six days of the warfare earlier than he and his spouse have been capable of depart. He confirmed what hundreds of thousands have witnessed on their tv screens.

“As daily goes, the bombing is getting stronger. Each day there was […] bombing within the heart of town, subsequent to our home, subsequent to the synagogue. There have been tanks going,” he recounted.

He and his spouse, Miriam, mentioned they fear about these left behind, particularly the aged, and spoke of the valiant volunteers serving to to save lots of individuals and produce them to rescue. They mentioned for the previous 32 years, they’d fear concerning the religious and bodily well-being of their group, however now they’ve to fret concerning the survival of the complete group and saving as many lives as doable.

“We really feel that we’re not alone, and all people cares about what’s taking place, [that] is extraordinarily encouraging.”


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Cars? Pork? Perfume? China has many options if a trade war breaks out with Europe



Cars? Pork? Perfume? China has many options if a trade war breaks out with Europe

BEIJING (AP) — Now that Europe has announced tariffs on China-made electric cars, the continent is bracing to see if the other shoe drops.

Will China retaliate with tariffs on European cars, taking aim at German makers such as BMW and Mercedes? Would it put tariffs on agricultural products, targeting Europe’s politically influential farmers? Or luxury goods from Italy and France?

Analysts warn that an escalating trade war could break out, raising prices for consumers and hurting exporters and their workers on both sides. Both are major markets for each other — China, a rising economy of more than 1-billion people, and Europe with its relatively well-off population of more than 400 million.

“It’s a little bit like seeing a slow motion traffic accident unfolding,” Jens Eskelund, the president of the European Chamber of Commerce in China said earlier this year. “The accident has not happened yet and … it is still possible to find an off-ramp. It is getting urgent.”

The Chinese government has said it will take “all measures necessary to protect our legitimate rights and interests” in response to the tariffs on electric vehicles but it hasn’t specified what those might be.


China launched an anti-dumping investigation into European brandy exports in January, a warning shot aimed at French cognac. France was a supporter of the European Union investigation that resulted in Wednesday’s EV tariff announcement.

The EU is also investigating subsides given to Chinese wind and solar companies and whether China is unfairly restricting access to its market for medical devices, a long-running complaint of European manufacturers.

The European Union said it had reached out to China to discuss the findings of the EV investigation, and that the tariffs would take effect on July 4 if the two sides fail to resolve the issue. The tariffs would be provisional and finalized only after four months.

China’s Global Times newspaper has reported that Chinese companies are planning to ask the government to launch an anti-dumping investigation into certain EU pork products and an investigation of subsidies for some dairy products.

The state-owned paper has also quoted a leading Chinese auto industry expert calling for raising the tariff on imported vehicles with larger engines to reduce carbon emissions, a move that would hit high-end German exports from Mercedes and BMW.


Volkswagen expressed concern that the EU tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles could result in an escalation of trade conflicts and said the European Union is promoting an ongoing trend toward protectionism, nationalism and isolationism.

“The negative effects of this decision outweigh any potential benefits for the European and especially the German automotive industry,” VW said in a statement.

Research firm Sanford C. Bernstein noted that the impact on German makers would be muted by the fact that most of their cars sold in China are made locally. Only 2% of Volkswagen’s China sales are imports vulnerable to higher tariffs, along with 15% for BMW and 19% for Mercedes-Benz.

China could also impose retaliatory tariffs on French and Italian luxury goods, cosmetics, wine, chocolate or furniture, wrote Gabriel Wildau, a China analyst at the Teneo consultancy, in an analysis ahead of the announcement.

While Germany fears retaliation against its automakers and chemical producers, France and Italy have been the primary advocates within the EU for tariffs on electric vehicles, he wrote.


How big an impact the provisional tariffs would have on Chinese EV sales is unclear. Some Chinese companies might still be able to sell at a profit, even with duties as high as 30%.

The provisional tariffs range from 17.4% to 38.1%, depending on the carmaker, and come on top of an existing 10% tariff on vehicles. The new rates would pose a serious market barrier to Chinese EV exports, the China Chamber of Commerce to the EU said.

Calculations by the Rhodium Group found that that five of six models from BYD, China’s largest EV maker, would earn a profit with a 30% tariff, while a made-in-China Tesla Model 3 would sell at a loss.

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Country's food police recall various types of instant noodles for being too spicy



Country's food police recall various types of instant noodles for being too spicy

The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration announced the recall of three types of South Korean spicy instant noodle products because the capsaicin, or chili pepper extract level is so high it could pose a health hazard.

Seoul-based Samyang Foods — considered one of the South Korea’s largest companies — makes the noodles which are sold around the world.

The Danish authorities have recalled Buldak Samyang 3 X Spicy & Hot Chicken noodles, Buldak Samyang 2 x Spicy & Hot Chicken, and Buldak Samyang Hot Chicken Stew.

The Associated Press reported that the authorities say the products contain an overly high dose of capsaicin, which is an active ingredient in chili peppers. But capsaicin is also a chemical that can be considered a neurotoxin and poses a risk of “acute poisoning.”



Packets of Samyang noodles imported from South Korea have been recalled by food authorities in Denmark over possible risks for “acute poisoning.” (AP Photo)

South Korean products have gained popularity on social media as children and teenagers in Denmark have been daring each other to eat “a strong bowl of noodle soup,” the Danish administration said.

“The noodle dishes marketed as extremely strong must no longer be sold because consumers and especially children risk acute poisoning,” the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration said. “The capsaicin content is so high that it can pose a health hazard.”

Henrik Dammand Nielsen of the agency said those at risk include children, frail adults and elderly individuals, who could all experience burning and discomfort, nausea, vomiting and high blood pressure.



Food authorities in Denmark have recalled three types of Samyang spicy instant noodle products imported from South Korea. (AP Photo)

“That is why we are now demanding shops remove the products from their shelves,” the agency said.

In a statement provided to the media in South Korea, Samyang Foods said they understood the recall came because of the spiciness of the product, not because of the quality.


Fox News Digital has reached out to Samyang Foods for comment.

Spicy food challenges are nothing new and have been around for years. Sometimes the challenges include local chili pepper eating contests, while other times the challenge may be to make it onto a restaurant wall of fame by completely consuming extra spicy dishes.


A Massachusetts teen with a congenital heart defect participated in a spicy tortilla chip challenge on social media back in September, but ultimately died from eating a large quantity of chili pepper extract.

The Associated Press obtained the autopsy report, which showed the 10th grader died after eating the Paqui chip as part of the manufacturer’s “One Chip Challenge.”

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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What's Le Pen planning for the EU Commission and Parliament?



What's Le Pen planning for the EU Commission and Parliament?

The French far-right Rassemblement National (National Rally) will be the biggest national delegations at the European Parliament, together with the German Christian Democrats (CDU).


A new super group of the right in the European Parliament? Marine Le Pen has been in Brussels celebrating her electoral success with far-right colleagues. With her National Rally now one of the chamber’s largest delegations, we spoke to its head Jean-Paul Garraud to find out how it’s trying to flex its power.

On the other side of the political spectrum, the Party of European Socialists’ secretary general Giacomo Filibeck spoke exclusively to Euronews on party strategy ahead of the new European Parliament mandate.

Many in Brussels may be hooked on politics, but we also talk about the increase in narcotic addiction affecting Europe: consumption and sales of drugs are on the rise across the continent, according to a report by the European monitoring centre for drugs and drugs addiction.

Radio Schuman is hosted and produced by Maïa de la Baume, with journalist and production assistant Eleonora Vasques and audio editing by Zacharia Vigneron. The music is by Alexandre Jas.

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