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Furious dad confronts cops over law that allows adults to walk around naked in front of kids in Oregon



Furious dad confronts cops over law that allows adults to walk around naked in front of kids in Oregon

An Oregon man raged at a police officer during a disagreement over state laws permitting public nudity in front of children.

Thomas Collins, a father from Bend, Oregon, filmed the heated confrontation after a naked stranger allegedly walked onto his property in front of his two-year-old son.

The video, which racked up more than 800,000 views since it was posted on June 4, begins in the middle of Collins’ conversation with Officer Jeremy Avery of the Bend Police Department.

‘You’re saying in the state of Oregon, someone can walk up to your two-year-old kid completely bare naked and that’s not a crime, even if it’s on your property?’ Collins demands.


‘Correct. Well – so, it’s trespassing, but what I’m saying is there’s no laws against the actual nudity portion of it,’ Avery responds.

Thomas Collins filmed his heated confrontation with a Bend, Oregon police officer after a naked stranger allegedly walked onto his property in front of his two-year-old son

Collins professed that police 'literally do nothing' and insisted that public nudity was a crime

Collins professed that police ‘literally do nothing’ and insisted that public nudity was a crime

As Collins continues to press him, Avery clarifies that people can ‘walk around in public, naked, on private property’ as long as they aren’t ‘doing it for sexual gratification.’ 

Collins then steps into frame.

‘On private property – this is where I live, and someone just came and exposed themselves to my two-year-old boy, and this officer’s saying that it’s not a crime,’ the father seethes.

He asserts that a bare-naked stranger approached his two-year-old son before he ‘ran over to him and covered his eyes so he wouldn’t see.’


‘My obvious thought is to call 911, as someone’s indecently exposing themselves to my child on my property,’ Collins continues.

‘At what point did this become a normal and acceptable thing to do? The cops will literally do nothing about it.

‘They’re basically saying we have to wait for that person to do something more serious to your kid before we can intervene.’

Collins said he was forced to run over to his son and '(cover) his eyes so he wouldn't see'

Collins said he was forced to run over to his son and ‘(cover) his eyes so he wouldn’t see’

Despite Collins' fury, public nudity is broadly legal under Oregon state law, which takes precedence in the city of Bend

Despite Collins’ fury, public nudity is broadly legal under Oregon state law, which takes precedence in the city of Bend

Public nudity is broadly legal under Oregon law, but different cities and counties may have their own regulations.

In Portland, for example, Title 14 of the city code makes it illegal for ‘any person to expose his or her genitalia while in a public place…if the public place is open or available to persons of the opposite sex.’


However, the conversation doesn’t stop there, as the city hosts an annual nude bike ride that is legally permissible.

Nudity as a form of protest is guarded under state law, and organizers insist they are striving to draw attention to the issues of bike safety and pollution.

Municipal code in the city of Eugene closely mirrors Portland’s public nudity law, with a specific stipulation barring any person eight years of age or older from exposing their genitalia in public.

However, the city of Bend does not have a particular ordinance against nudity, meaning Oregon law is Bend law.

As Avery explained, simply walking around without clothing is not considered public indecency – rather, it is a person’s behavior that matters.


To be held in violation of Oregon state law, a person must engage in sexual intercourse, masturbation, or expose their genitalia ‘with the intent of arousing the sexual desire of the person or another person.’

Officer Jeremy Avery conceded that trespassing was a crime, although public nakedness was not

Officer Jeremy Avery conceded that trespassing was a crime, although public nakedness was not

Some viewers pointed out that cops like Avery simply enforce the law as it is written.

‘Brother calling him worthless but the dude can’t just falsely arrest a person,’ one user remarked.

Others encouraged Collins to read up on local laws and lobby lawmakers to make a change.

The Bend man landed in the news last year for a viral video in which he argued that skyrocketing prices couldn’t be explained simply by inflation.


In a clip posted January 9, 2023, Collins claimed the prices of products like bulk lentils, flour, and butter had swelled by more than 50 percent since he purchased them a year prior. 

Much of his newer content centers on the proliferation of AI bot accounts on Facebook and Instagram.

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Oregon Parks and Recreation considers changes to e-bike rules



Oregon Parks and Recreation considers changes to e-bike rules

Woman riding a Class 2 e-bike (throttle-assist, 20 mph top speed) on the Historic Columbia River Highway State Trail. (Photo: Jonathan Maus/BikePortland)

Oregon Parks and Recreation Department (OPRD) has launched a project to consider new rules for electric bike use in campgrounds, beaches and other parks facilities.

The effort comes as e-bike use has skyrocketed statewide and a new law that clarified e-bike types was passed by the Oregon Legislature last session.

You’ll recall in 2017 we reported on an unfortunate wrinkle in OPRD rules that meant bikes with battery motors were technically not allowed on the popular bike paths throughout the State Park system. That legal glitch was cleared up in 2018 when the State Parks Commission approved a new administrative rule that allowed e-bikes to be ridden on trails and roads wider than eight feet unless otherwise posted.

Now they seek to re-evaluate the rules to account for different types of e-bikes and different trail types. According to OPRD, the resulting change in rules is expected to be made later this year and could, “expand, limit or continue where e-bikes can be used.”


(Keep in mind, Oregon parks are managed with Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR), not the Oregon Vehicle Code.)

House Bill 4103 passed the legislature earlier this year. It brought Oregon in line with national standards and adopted a three-class system: Class 1 includes bikes that can go up to 20 mph with only pedal and battery power; Class 2 includes bikes that can go up to 20 mph with a throttle; and Class 3 includes bikes that can go up to 28 mph with only pedal-assisted power.

“OPRD’s current e-bike rules do not account for these differences between e-bike classes, so now is an ideal time to revisit current regulations and assess whether changes are appropriate,” reads an OPRD webpage.

A new survey is the first step in the public outreach process that will help inform which new rule(s) OPRD ultimately adopts. The survey asks respondents what type of activities they do in parks, how often they encounter e-bikes, and whether, “e-bikes on trails impact your recreational experience.” Another question: “Do you have any concerns about e-bikes sharing trails?” makes it clear that this process will tilt heavily toward ameliorating complaints from some park users that some e-bike riders don’t ride with respect to others.

I sincerely hope OPRD does not over-regulate e-bikes. They should focus on regulating behaviors, not bicycle types, just like they do with other types of vehicles. Any type of blanket exclusion of a particular type of e-bike could risk limiting access t recreational activities for many Oregonians.


The survey is open through August 31st. Take it here.

Stay tuned for the public comment period and any other news on this front.

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Oregon’s unemployment rate remained higher than the national average in May



Oregon’s unemployment rate remained higher than the national average in May

The Oregon Employment Department reported 4,000 more jobs




PORTLAND, Ore. (PORTLAND TRIBUNE) — Oregon’s economy continues to add jobs as the statewide unemployment rate held steady at 4.2% in May.

The Oregon Employment Department reported a gain of 4,000 last month after a revised gain of 2,400 in April. It released its monthly report on Thursday, June 20.

The unemployment rate remained at 4.2% for the fourth consecutive month; the national average for May was 4%. Oregon’s monthly unemployment rate has been at 4.2% or less since October 2021.


Health care and social assistance gained 1,900 jobs in May, for a total of 16,200 (5.7%) in the past 12 months. All four components in this category have shown growth. But private-sector jobs overall have gained a net of just 3,500 — for .2% growth — as manufacturing dropped 3,700 jobs, retail trade 3,400, and construction 2,200.

Retail trade (800) and construction (400) led job losses for May.


The Portland Tribune and its parent company Pamplin Media Group are KOIN 6 News media partners


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Are Meta, Google, and Amazon the Monsters of Oregon’s Deep Blue Sea? | Essay



Are Meta, Google, and Amazon the Monsters of Oregon’s Deep Blue Sea? | Essay


In 2020, Edge Cable Holdings, a Facebook subsidiary, was burying a new fiber-optic cable into the seabed near Tierra Del Mar, Oregon. Working beneath a rugged mixture of basalt rock mounds, unconsolidated sands, and sandstone bedrock, the company’s drilling operation went awry. Stalled out, they ditched their metal pipes, drilling fluids, and other construction materials in the ocean: Out of sight, out of mind.

When Oregon’s Department of State Lands learned of the abandonment, they ordered Edge Cable Holdings and Facebook (now Meta) to pay a fine. But the damage was done. Two sinkholes formed along the installation path and most of the materials will remain lodged in the seafloor forever. These items, and thousands of gallons of drilling fluid, pose an ongoing risk to the surrounding seafloor ecosystem. Despite public outrage, the company returned to complete the cable in 2021, with debris from the first attempt still lodged in the seabed.

The cable was not the first to slither into Oregon’s stretch of the Pacific Ocean, and it’s by no means the last. Big technology companies including Amazon, China Mobile, and Google are flocking to Oregon’s coastline to land transpacific fiber-optic cables. Most recently in August 2023, the Department of State Lands approved a 9,500-mile fiber-optic cable connecting Singapore, Guam, and the United States.

What has transformed Oregon into an undersea cable hotspot—and how is the installation process affecting a vibrant ocean ecosystem? The explanation resides in tax breaks, swift permitting processes, cheap energy, vast amounts of open land for data centers, and a historical carelessness for the environment shared by the state and tech companies alike.

Fiber-optic cables transmit data with pulses of light through thin glass fibers. In 2022, they provided over 98 percent of the world’s internet services and international phone calls. There are more than 745,000 miles of submarine fiber-optic cables in operation around the world—that’s enough cable to wrap around the Earth’s equator more than 29 times. It’s the work of cables, not satellites, that connect us on a global scale.


Although undersea cables seem to be torn from the pages of a futuristic science fiction novel, they aren’t a new technology. The first functional telegraph cables crossed the Atlantic seabed in the 1860s.

The Pacific, a wider and deeper ocean basin and therefore more difficult to wire, received its first transoceanic cable in 1902. By the early 1900s, the global seafloor hosted around 200,000 miles of telegraph cables. And by the 1950s, that number reached nearly 500,000 miles of telephone and telegraph cables, with fiber-optic cables first joining the mix in the 1980s.

What has transformed Oregon into an undersea cable hotspot—and how is the installation process affecting a vibrant ocean ecosystem?

Back then, many transpacific cables landed in California, Washington, and British Columbia, where they could link up with transportation hubs and industrial centers on land. That began to change in 1991, when Oregon landed its first transpacific fiber-optic cable. Called the North Pacific Cable, the privately owned line connected Oregon to Alaska and Japan. In the three decades since, the state has welcomed a new fiber-optic cable every four or five years, in tandem with new data centers—large, high-security buildings that store rows of servers. These servers host the internet’s millions of websites.

There are significant onshore incentives for cable owners to land their lines in Oregon. Oregon’s “enterprise zones” tax-exemption program allows individual towns to negotiate property tax breaks for big construction projects, thereby saving companies millions of dollars each year. In exchange for the tax breaks, tech companies provide a small influx of jobs and tax revenue to small communities hurting from the decline of the timber industry. In 2015, Oregon lifted its cap on enterprise zones to attract even more data centers, just as more cables arrived along the shoreline.


Consider Meta, which owns a 4.6 million square foot data center complex in rural Prineville, Oregon. Although it’s far from the ocean in a former timber town, this data center connects to a network of underground fiber-optic cables, including the controversial undersea cable installed near Tierra del Mar. In 2015, the Oregonian reported that the data center complex received $30 million in tax breaks that year alone.

For Meta, as well as Amazon, Google, and Apple, Oregon offers a win, win, win.

So who exactly is losing?

The coastal ecosystem. During installation, it’s standard practice to bury cables multiple feet into the seabed to avoid snags by fishing vessels. The most common burial method is plowing, during which a remotely operated vehicle cuts a ditch into the seafloor and inserts the cable into the trough. Another method, jetting, uses high-pressure fluids to liquefy sediments on the seafloor, easily slicing a clean line into the seabed in which the cable can burrow. Companies also use directional drilling to bore diagonally into the seabed from the shore. All of these methods squish or displace any worms, crabs, sea stars, urchins, anemones, corals, or sponges living within the trenching path.

Once installed, submarine cables settle into the seafloor ecosystem. In search of hard substrate to call home, marine life will colonize the cable’s exterior. After a few decades of service, cable owners have historically abandoned their lines in the ocean, a decision that is both cheaper for companies and often results in less disturbance for colonizing species. Inert but not biodegradable, most dead cables will sit in the ocean indefinitely, hidden from the public who is usually none the wiser.


The 2020 Facebook/Edge Cable Holdings abandonment prompted Oregon to pass a 2021 law instituting firmer planning and decommissioning regulations for new undersea cable projects. Still, the increasing scrutiny doesn’t appear to be slowing the big tech companies. As Amazon builds its recently approved line to Guam and Singapore, the tech giant is also building another data center in Umatilla, Oregon, a small town on the Columbia River.

Data centers are no better for terrestrial environments than submarine cables are for marine. The buildings suck significant amounts of power from the grid. Oregon’s renewable energies, like hydroelectric dams on the Columbia River, can’t cover data centers’ growing energy demands, meaning utility providers must tap into fossil fuels and increase their greenhouse gas emissions. Despite Oregon’s efforts to decrease the state’s carbon footprint, some regions are moving backward in the fight against climate change. Big tech companies, and their big buildings, are spurring that reversal.

Across Oregon, communities and ecosystems are confronting the physical impacts of a world that runs on internet—impacts that our regulatory systems have yet to reckon with.

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