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‘Renewable’ geothermal energy boosted by bill passed by New Mexico House



‘Renewable’ geothermal energy boosted by bill passed by New Mexico House


Geothermal energy would be incentivized using state money by a New Mexico House bill that passed the full chamber this week, and moved on to the Senate for further consideration in the final week of the 2024 Legislative Session.


House Bill 91 would send $25 million from the State’s General Fund to two newly-created funds to finance geothermal projects.

Geothermal energy uses heat pulled from underground to the surface, generating electricity and viewed as a renewable energy and alternative to fossil fuels.

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The first fund created by the bill would be a non-reverting Geothermal Projects Development Fund that would be administered by the Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department, appropriated by the Legislature.

It would be able to offer up to $250,000 grants for studies of proposed geothermal projects, and grants for financing such projects.


Recipients must be political subdivisions of the state, like municipalities or counties, along with state universities, indigenous tribes or pueblos.

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The other fund created by the will would be the Geothermal Projects Revolving Loan Fund, also administered by EMNRD to provide loans to the same groups as the grant fund for financing the projects.

Another $600,000 would be appropriated for added staff and operating expenses at EMNRD to aid in carrying out the bill’s provisions. Any funds left from that provision would revert back to the General Fund in Fiscal Year 2025.


The bill passed the House on a bipartisan 60-5 vote and was sent to the Senate Finance Committee for further discussion and action. The bill must pass both chambers before they can be signed into law by Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham.

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Before the full House vote, HB 91 passed unanimously from the House Energy and Natural Resources and House Administration and Finance committees.

The session ends Feb. 16, about 10 days after HB 91 passed on the House Floor.

In its analysis of the bill EMNRD, the agency argued the “non-recurring” appropriation to pay for staff for carrying out the bill was inadequate to create a long-term regulatory environment for the growing geothermal industry in New Mexico.


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The agency said it would aim to hire three full-time employees with a total annual salary of $325,000, if the $600,000 was added to its recurring base budget.

Language in the bill also called on EMNRD’s Energy Conservation and Management Division (ECMD) to apply for federal grants for geothermal projects, but the department’s analysis contended those grants usually go to universities, not state agencies.

“While the division may be able to assist those institutions and organizations with grant proposals, the chance that the division would be eligible for federal funding under existing programs could be limited,” read the report.

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EMRND also voiced concerns about the $250,000 grant cap, offering a $10 million cap would be more helpful to projects exploring for geothermal resources underground, developments EMNRD argued could exceed “seven figures.”

“The grant cap amount is a very low incentive for high temperature geothermal projects where one exploration or temperature gradient well can exceed seven figures,” read the report. “Only actual exploration will provide the data needed to measure future development.”

What is geothermal energy? Where does it come from in New Mexico?

A geothermal project, as defined in HB 91 is one that used the heat of the earth more than 100 degrees farenheit to generate electricity for industrial, commercial or residential purposes.

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Sponsor Rep. Patricia Roybal Caballero (D-13) of Albuquerque said geothermal energy is already produced in New Mexico, and the bill would help the state bolster what she called “clean energy” from this source.


“Geothermal is now a reliable renewable energy option for many homes and businesses in New Mexico,” Roybal Caballero said. “This bill would allow us to take advantage of our unique geology to help make geothermal energy more available statewide, while supporting our clean energy and climate goals.”

Last year’s version of the legislation House Bill 365 passed both the House and Senate during the 2023 Legislative Session, but was pocket vetoed after Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham took no action to sign it into law ahead of the deadline.

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During the Jan. 23 meeting of the House Energy and Natural Resources Committee, which ultimately granted the bill a “do pass” recommendation, Roybal Caballero who also sponsored last year’s geothermal bill said it enjoyed support from both sides of the aisle.


She said she expected such support this year.

“We’re attempting to open opportunity and access as much as we can in the renewable energy world,” Roybal Caballero said.  

Thomas Solomon, a retired electrical engineer and member of the New Mexico Geothermal Working Group, served as an expert during the meeting, explaining New Mexico’s strong geothermal resources were around the Rio Grande Rift.

He said the rift gradually pulled the earth apart over time, bringing more the subsurface to the surface.

“Meaning the drilling cost to access those geothermal resources is lower here in New Mexico because you don’t have to drill so deep,” Soloman said. “That’s what makes geothermal resource potential in this state so attractive.”


Adrian Hedden can be reached at 575-628-5516, or @AdrianHedden on the social media platform X.

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New Mexico

Tanques Wildfire Update



Tanques Wildfire Update

Friday, July 26, 2024

Location: Northwest corner of the Santa Fe National Forest in the Cuba Ranger District, approximately 27 miles north of Cuba, NM.

Start Date: July 18, 2024

Size: 2,745 acres with a planned perimeter of 7,000 acres

Percent completed: 35 %

Cause: Lightning


Vegetation: The wildfire is burning in ponderosa pine, pinyon-juniper, and oak.

Resources: 36 personnel including aerial resources

Overview: Santa Fe National Forest will manage the fire as a Type 3 incident with a confine and contain strategy.  This means crews will manage the fire within a predetermined area (confine) and use points to stop the fire’s spread (contain). To accomplish this strategy, crews will conduct firing operations using aerial and hand ignitions within a 7000-acre planned perimeter as early as July 25 and use roads, hand lines, and natural barriers as containment lines.

The fire is burning in the Moya National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) project area and a landscape that has been thinned and treated with prescribed fire in the past. The primary objectives for the Tanques Wildfire are to provide for firefighter and public safety and improve wildlife habitat.

Highlights: Fire held within the fire perimeter overnight. Today, aerial ignitions, conducted by a helicopter, continue within the project area. Crews are managing fire activity and preparing for thunderstorms later this evening.


Weather: After a relatively calm night Thursday night, an uptick in afternoon thunderstorm activity in the fire area is forecast Friday through the weekend.

Closure Order: A temporary area and road closure is in effect to protect the public’s health and safety during firefighting operations for the Tanques Wildfire. The closure order is available on the Santa Fe National Forest’s website – Closure Order 03-10-02-24-11 .

Safety: The health and safety of firefighter and the public are always the highest priority. Please avoid the area while crews manage the Tanques Wildfire. Drones and firefighting aircraft are a dangerous mix and could lead to accidents or slow down wildfire operations. If you fly, we can’t.

Smoke: Smoke may be visible from communities along Highway 112 including El Vado and Llaves, NM and from the Jicarilla Apache Nation Indian Reservation. View an interactive smoke map on AirNow Fire and Smoke Map. To learn more about smoke impacts visit Wildfire and Prescribed Fire Smoke Resources (

Fire Information:


Contact Claudia Brookshire, Public Affairs Officer, Santa Fe National Forest

Phone: 505-607-0879 (available from 8:00 am to 7:00 pm)


Links: Santa Fe National Forest website, New Mexico Fire Info, Inciweb, and Santa Fe National Forest social media (Facebook and X).

Tanques Wildfire updates will be provided weekly.



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New Mexico

Cruisin' with New Mexico social media star Johnny James



Cruisin' with New Mexico social media star Johnny James

Johnny James has become popular for showing off the quirks of New Mexico’s culture but who is he? We took a cruise and got to know him more.

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — There’s a local man who’s been skyrocketing to stardom, simply by making videos about New Mexico’s unique culture.

Phrases and things only New Mexicans know. Johnny James is sharing with the world:

  • “Down here in New Mexico, we got our own way of doing things. And we DEFINITELY got our own way of saying things.”
  • “You wanna go check out that new chicken place that just opened up real quick, errr what?”
  • “The classic New Mexican phrase…ombers.”

Johnny James is an unintended influencer, having some fun with his own culture. He started making videos on social media during the pandemic. There’s a certain unfiltered authenticity that has garnered him hundreds of thousands of followers.

“I started making videos from a real point of view, from us down here, for us down here. And it just cracked off,” he said.


Johnny’s life hasn’t always been something you’d want to share online.

“Totally fair to say. Straight up, I’ll be all the way honest… from like 13 to when it was done, I grew up in the streets selling dope,” he said. “I got kicked out of school in the 11th grade. Had my ‘jito when I was 16. I always kinda credit him for shifting my trajectory.”

Now, at 39 years old, Johnny has four boys and has a career in music, podcasting, cannabis and, one that he hates to admit, influencing.

He knows having an influence can be a good thing.

“If I can be like, look… we have similar backgrounds but if you take a different route, look where we are now,” he said.


Johnny is using it good. Recently, he started a GoFundMe to raise money for people affected by the Ruidoso fires and flooding. As expected, New Mexicans have turned out, raising more than $70,000.

People know Johnny. When we cruised Central with him in his ’64 Impala lowrider, many people spotted him from a mile away so we had to stop a few times.

See the full cruise and story in the video above.

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New Mexico

PRC approves NM Gas Co. rate increase agreement – NM Political Report



PRC approves NM Gas Co. rate increase agreement – NM Political Report

The New Mexico Public Regulation Commission approved a stipulated agreement which is expected to result in a rate increase for customers.  The stipulated agreement is between New Mexico Gas Company and various consumer and environmental advocates. The gas utility initially asked for the ability to collect nearly $49 million in additional revenue from customers. The […]

The New Mexico Public Regulation Commission approved a stipulated agreement which is expected to result in a rate increase for customers. 

The stipulated agreement is between New Mexico Gas Company and various consumer and environmental advocates. The gas utility initially asked for the ability to collect nearly $49 million in additional revenue from customers. The stipulated agreement reduced that to $30 million.

The rate increase will go into effect in October.


Commissioner James Ellison said he supports the stipulated agreement. He also expressed concerns that this is at least the fourth time in eight years that a rate case involving NM Gas Co. has been resolved through a stipulated agreement.

“I do think it’s also reasonable to ask how many stipulations in a row would we like to see before we’d like to have a litigated case,” he said.

He said the advantages of a stipulation is that it provides a mutually acceptable resolution, especially in cases where there are multiple intervening parties. That makes it unlikely that any party will appeal the ruling.

“But I do think with the litigated case, there is more scrutiny,” he said.

Commission Chairman Patrick O’Connell said he believes there’s value in both litigated cases and in stipulated agreements.


“If you just settle, settle, settle, who knows what’s buried in the trajectory there,” he said.

He said the best way to learn all the details is to have the transparency that a litigated process brings.

“Having said that, I think probably, if we have concerns about that, I think we’ll want to somehow signal that ahead of when they file their next case,” O’Connell said.

Ellison said that NM Gas Co. has indicated that the lower increase in revenue will mean that some of the projects it is undertaking, such as replacing meters, will be done more slowly. However, he said, the utility is not canceling any projects required for pipeline safety or compliance with federal regulations.

“I do take the company at its word here that they’re going to replace the 90-year-old uncoated steel pipeline first, and if they need to delay something, they’re going to delay projects that are more discretionary like the meter replacements,” he said.


Commissioner Gabriel Aguilera said that there is not 100 percent visibility about which projects will be performed using the $30 million additional revenue and which ones are going to be delayed because of the reduced amount in the stipulated agreement.

“But I received some assurance from the explanation that the projects that are needed for reliability and safety will be the ones that will be pursued here,” he said.

At the same time, Aguilera said that he does not anticipate that the projects NM Gas Co. initially requested money for will go away. He said those projects will now be delayed due to the smaller revenue increase.

“I anticipate that they will be back before us with similar if not the same projects,” he said.

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