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Nevada man turns the tables on squatters — by ‘squatting’ himself



Nevada man turns the tables on squatters — by ‘squatting’ himself

A Nevada handyman turned the tables on squatters who invaded his mom’s California house, after native officers stated they may provide no help getting them out.

Flash Shelton, govt director of the Las Vegas-based United Handyman Affiliation, stated in a YouTube video that the difficulty started after his father died and his mom might not reside within the household house — which was then put up for hire.

A lady who recognized herself as a jail guard reached out to Shelton seeking to hire the Northern California home, however couldn’t provide any cash or credit score.

Shelton turned the lady down, however she was apparently undeterred.


“She ended up having a truck of furnishings, and actually moved into the home,” Shelton stated. “I began listening to from Realtors …. saying that there’s this girl and other people in the home and a home stuffed with furnishings.”

“I then began getting experiences from neighbors,” who had observed lights on at evening and vehicles within the driveway, he continued.

“She ended up having a truck of furnishings, and actually moved into the home,” Shelton stated of the squatting jail guard.
YouTube / United Handyman Affiliation âHandyman Answersâ

Native police and the sheriff’s division stated there was nothing they may do to assist. “They stated, ‘I’m sorry, we are able to’t enter the home and it seems like they’re dwelling there. You should undergo the courts’” — a doubtlessly prolonged course of.

Shelton then had an thought on the right way to beat the cons at their very own recreation.

“All I wanted to do at that time was do the identical factor they did, and occupy the home,” he stated. “If they’ll take a home, I can take a home.”


He wrote up a “lease settlement” together with his mom, making him the authorized tenant of the property.

Furniture stacked outside the house.
The squatters bolted after being confronted by Shelton.
YouTube / United Handyman Affiliation âHandyman Answersâ

The he loaded up his automobile, packed a gun “simply in case” and set off on a 12-hour drive.

He arrived round 4 a.m., waited for the squatters to go away the house for the day, after which entered whereas they had been out.

When the squatter and her granddaughter returned, he confronted them, telling them they needed to be out with all their stuff ASAP.

The dialog was well mannered and the nameless vagabond apologized for the inconvenience.

The prison guard and her granddaughter were squatting in the house.
A jail guard and her granddaughter had been squatting in the home.
YouTube / United Handyman Affiliation âHandyman Answersâ

“I’m actually sorry about all this,” she might be heard saying in his recording. “It’s a nightmare and past.”

The squatters bolted a day later.


“I feel simply the truth that I used to be there was sufficient,” he mused. “It was truly enjoyable to do it. I gained’t lie about that. I’m glad it was profitable.”

Shelton drew up an agreement making himself the house's resident.
Shelton stated he had a well mannered dialog with the lady who squatted in his mom’s house.
YouTube / United Handyman Affiliation âHandyman Answersâ

In a follow-up video, the handyman cautioned others towards taking his strategy.

“Not everybody ought to stroll by way of that door not realizing what you’re gonna discover,” he stated. “It’s not all the time going to be peaceable like that.”

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Magnitude 4.1 earthquake in central Nevada



Magnitude 4.1 earthquake in central Nevada

AUSTIN, Nev. (KOLO) –6:10 P.M. UPDATE: The magnitude of the earthquake has been revised to 4.1. Its depth is now 2.9 miles.

The location is now 19 miles closer to Austin, putting it about 10 miles east of Austin.

ORIGINAL STORY: A magnitude 4.3 earthquake struck central Nevada Saturday afternoon less than 2 miles north of U.S. 50 about halfway between Eureka and Austin.

The Nevada Seismological Laboratory said the quake happened about 4:35 p.m. north of Summit Mountain.


The depth was listed as a tenth of a mile.

A seismologist has reviewed the report.

Sarah Hruby, owner of Grandma’s pizzeria in Austin, said they did not feel it.

“Our building was built in the 1870s, and if it had been shaken it very hard, it would not have been good,” Hruby said.


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Nevada Trump loyalists hopeful he can finally take the state after Biden’s disastrous debate



Nevada Trump loyalists hopeful he can finally take the state after Biden’s disastrous debate

LAS VEGAS — Sin City Republicans felt a rare emotion this week as President Biden rambled on during a shambolic 90-minute debate performance — optimism that Nevada will pick former President Donald Trump come November.

It’s been 20 years since a Republican won the Silver State’s electoral votes. In 2004, President George W. Bush claimed the state’s five electors, now standing at six. Trump lost Nevada to Hillary Clinton eight years ago and to Biden in 2020, as the state became more and more blue.

Gathering for a state GOP watch party at the Italian American Club, one of the city’s oldest eateries, the ex-prez’s supporters were at first hopeful but guarded, a mood that was not helped by initial glitches in getting the video and audio of the CNN-hosted debate working properly.

GOP crowd gathers at the Italian American Club, one of Las Vegas’s oldest restaurants, to watch the June 27 debate between President Biden and former President Donald Trump. Mark A. Kellner

But as the match wore on, Biden’s clear issues answering questions by turns shocked and saddened the crowd.


“I could not understand even two sentences [of] what he was trying to say,” noted Cristiane Mersch, a Summerlin resident and development manager for a crisis pregnancy center. “It worries me. I think he needs a medical, mental exam because he’s not capable to be a president right now.”

Joe Burdzinski, a Las Vegas resident, said “the look at times” on the president’s face was concerning.

“He had a blank expression on his face, his eyeballs would be bulging sometimes,” he said. “His words, especially in his closing statement, he mumbled in his last two minutes.”

Burdzinski said Biden’s comment about more “fentanyl machines” being needed to combat the influx of the deadly synthetic opioid bewildered him.

“During the debate, when he was talking about machines, I couldn’t figure out what kind of machines he was talking about as related to drugs. I don’t know where that fit in or how that worked,” the local said.


Burdzinski, who’s been involved with GOP efforts for 49 years, said he was “feeling the same type of momentum, if you will, that Ronald Reagan experienced in 1980 against Jimmy Carter.”

He added, “I think the economy is a key issue in this election. And under Donald Trump, the economy was doing better gas prices, lower food cost and so on were lower and that will make a big difference here with Democrats and independents.”

Mersch, who heads the local Moms for Liberty chapter and spoke at the June 9 outdoor Trump campaign rally, said the ex-prez’s promise to end taxing of tips offers “a great potential of Trump winning here.”

She said, “I see a lot of people, especially in the culinary industry,” moving toward the presumptive GOP nominee over tax-free tipping.

“Those Latinos, the hard-working families, are being affected by Biden’s policies,” she said.


Political consultant Zachary Hayes said he believes Trump “will probably take the state,” having “come close” in 2020, when he lost to Biden by 33,606 votes.

“I think Biden’s lost too much ground in the state, and the state is getting more favorable to the GOP over time, because it’s more blue collar and working class,” Hayes said. “And the demographic, the changes in how the electorate is voting based on class lines favors the GOP.”

Linda Cassaro, a Buffalo, New York, native who’s lived in Las Vegas for 40 years, believes Biden’s debate disaster should be a wake-up call for Nevada’s Democrats.

“I’m not sure who they would put in his place, but they should be worried.”

She thinks Trump will “definitely” win the state and is “gonna do good things for the country like he did the first time he was elected.”


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Echoes From Our Past: Is it Nevada City or City of Nevada?



Echoes From Our Past: Is it Nevada City or City of Nevada?

During recent public meetings leading up to the Nevada City Council’s decision to pay themselves and future councilmembers $500 a month, reference was made several times to the town having been incorporated in 1856 –– an oft-repeated misstatement of local history that needs clarification. A related frequent misstatement is the claim that in order to avoid confusion, the town of Nevada became Nevada City in 1864 when the new state to the east was admitted to the Union and appropriated the name Nevada.

It seems logical that a name change would have taken place in 1864 –– or perhaps earlier, in 1861, when the Nevada Territory was carved out of a portion of the Utah Territory. Logical, but not accurate.

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