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Parkway Fire in Post Falls Idaho Now 50% Contained, Cause Determined



Parkway Fire in Post Falls Idaho Now 50% Contained, Cause Determined

POST FALLS – Investigators from the Idaho State Fire Marshal’s Office have revealed that the cause behind the devastating Parkway Fire, which has scorched approximately 80 acres just outside Post Falls, is an unattended campfire. The fire, which led to temporary evacuations of nearby residents, serves as a stark reminder of the imperative to exercise responsible fire management.

As of the latest report, the wildfire, previously responsible for the evacuation of local residents, has now been successfully contained to 50%. This encouraging development was achieved through the combined efforts of fire officials and personnel, who took advantage of favorable weather conditions to create a fireline and hose perimeter around the blaze. These significant strides have paved the way for a comprehensive mop-up operation in the forthcoming days.

Following two days of intensive air attacks, today saw a shift in strategy, with no aircraft deployed. Nonetheless, a team of 110 dedicated personnel remained steadfast in their efforts to quell the fire’s progress.


According to Parkway Fire incident commander Nate Rogers, the decisive use of air support on previous days played a pivotal role in safeguarding structures and facilitating ground-based containment efforts. Rogers noted, “The relief offered by the weather allowed us to strategically reassign these airborne resources to areas where their impact could be maximized for the benefit of North Idaho.”

Communities can breathe a sigh of relief as no structures have fallen victim to the blaze. Prioritizing the safety of citizens and firefighters, Rogers emphasized ongoing initiatives to eliminate hazard trees within the Post Falls Community Forest.

In response to a surge of social media alerts urging caution near Riverside Drive, alongside the closure of the Community Forest and Q’emiln Park by the vigilant Post Falls Police Department, officials have observed a significant decrease in traffic activity within the vicinity.

As a precautionary measure, authorities reiterate the need to exercise caution and avoid Riverside Drive, the Community Forest, and Q’emiln Park to ensure the safety of all concerned.

“The Parkway Fire had the potential to unleash a catastrophe, but thanks to the tireless dedication of our state, federal, and local partners, disaster was averted,” Rogers acknowledged. “We extend our heartfelt gratitude for their unwavering support.”


Among the collaborators who joined forces to combat the incident are:

– Avista Utilities

– City of Post Falls

– Idaho Department of Lands

– Idaho State Police


– Kootenai County 911 Dispatch Center

– Kootenai County Emergency Management

– Kootenai County Fire & Rescue

– Kootenai County Sheriff’s Office

– Post Falls Police Department


– Post Falls Highway District

– U.S. Forest Service

– Numerous dedicated individuals and businesses that generously volunteered their support

For more updates on the Parkway Fire, visit or Follow Big Country News Connection on Facebook.

Additionally, you can view the exact location of the Parkway Fire on IDL’s Idaho Fire Map.


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As Idaho's new library law goes into effect, questions remain



As Idaho's new library law goes into effect, questions remain

Seven-year-old Patrice Droesch comfortably sat with her legs folded beneath her, lingering on the pages of Brian Lies’ “Bats at the Library,” a children’s book about bats that have a grand time when they find a window at their local library has been left open one night.


Patrice’s mom, Elizabeth Droesch of Coeur d’Alene, sat at a nearby table in the Seagrave Children’s Library at the Coeur d’Alene Public Library, researching different titles.

“I was just going through all of these and reading reviews and making sure what I choose is appropriate for my kids,” she said. “It takes time.”

Droesch has three children ages 7-13 whom she homeschools.

She said their family will be impacted by House Bill 710, the “Children’s School and Library Protection Act,” when it goes into effect Monday.

“It impacts me in two ways,” she said. “I think one is there are materials in the library or in the kids’ section I don’t agree with maybe, especially under the realm of gender or gender identity. That’s not something I think should be so accessible for children, especially without an adult to help them process their thoughts or have conversations.


“However, I think it’s really controlling to fine librarians for something that seems to be very relative,” she said.

Droesch said she reads her Bible and she believes in raising children to know the Lord.

“But I don’t believe that we’re out here to control,” she said. “We’re not here to come and put our hands on everything and decide what’s right for everyone. I think everyone should have the freedom to choose and that parents should be involved in helping their children choose. That’s what I think.”

In Idaho, a state where freedom is a sacred right, this new law is celebrated in some circles and bemoaned in others.

House Bill 710


Following years of attempts by some Idaho legislators to impose more restrictions on library materials, Gov. Brad Little finally signed the most recent iteration of the bill into law April 10, declaring, “I signed that stinking bill.”

“Gov. Little signed House Bill 710 because he shares the Legislature’s desire to keep truly inappropriate library materials out of the hands of children,” Little’s press secretary, Madison Hardy, said in a statement to The Press. “He said in his transmittal letter for House Bill 710 that he will be watching the implementation and outcomes of the bill very closely.”

According to the Children’s School and Library Protection Act — which was supported by all of Kootenai County’s elected officials — school and library staff members who provide youths with materials deemed harmful to minors can be fined $250. Patrons may now request relocation of materials to adults-only areas, and libraries will have 30 days to fulfill the request. If they fail to comply, they will incur fines and may face “any other relief available by law,” which could include “injunctive relief sufficient to prevent the defendant school or public library from violating the requirements.”

A similar 2023 bill would have allowed schools and libraries to be sued for $2,500, but Little “vetoed a bill that would have created a library bounty system so egregious that smaller libraries would have been forced to close their doors to minors altogether.”

What is obscene?


According to Cornell Law, obscenity is a category of speech unprotected by the First Amendment. But definitions of pornography and obscenity can often vary.

A report released by the Boise-based Idaho Family Policy Center, however, offers insight into definitions that might apply under HB710. 

The policy center released a report in 2023 in which it found three libraries in Kootenai County — Coeur d’Alene, Post Falls and Spirit Lake — to have “obscene” materials that kids could access: “Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic” by Alison Bechdel; “All Boys Aren’t Blue” by George M. Johnson; “Dreaming in Cuban” by Cristina García; and “It’s Perfectly Normal” by Robie H. Harris. These books contain themes of sex, LGBTQIA+ sexuality, gender roles, emotional abuse, dysfunctional family life, suicide and other mature concepts.

That same year, the Idaho Family Policy Center drafted language upon which HB710 was built.

Morgan MaGill, communications manager for the center, said they were approached in 2021 and 2022 by parents who were concerned children they knew had “accessed pornographic books at their local school or community library.”


“At first, we were skeptical,” she said, “but as we researched the issue, we learned that children’s access to library pornography has been a widespread problem for years now.”

MaGill said the Children’s School and Library Protection Act does not ban any books. She said the law’s purpose is to ensure children will not have access to pornographic materials while using taxpayer-funded schools and libraries.

“No one should distribute pornography to children — especially not public schools and community libraries,” she said. “Parents should trust that their children will not encounter harmful pornography while making use of materials, services and programs provided by public schools and community libraries.”

Preparing for the new law

Coeur d’Alene Library Director Michael Priest said it’s difficult to predict what kind of impact this new law will have on library services, given that it has sparked varying legal opinions.


“The (Coeur d’Alene Library) Board of Trustees have opted to take a flexible approach, updating the policies that the statute requires and discussing other measures the library may take in the future,” he said. “We will be in a better position to assess the situation and make adjustments after July 1.”

The library’s board updated its Material Review Policy, Material Review and Relocation Request Form and Materials Selection and Collection Development Policy to comply with the Children’s School and Library Protection Act, Priest said.

In the last five years, two books have been challenged at the library. After thorough review, neither book was removed.

For the East Bonner County Library District, drafting the changes took dozens of hours of staff time, and their work was reviewed by the district’s attorney. Still, questions remain.

“It remains to be seen how costly the impacts of this legislation may become, depending on factors such as potential court cases and the renovation of library facilities to create restricted areas with adult access only,” Vanessa Velez, interim director, said in an email to board trustees. 


Each request for removal needs to be assessed on its own merits without sweeping changes to library collections, spaces or procedures, she said.

“We also need to be wary of the potential for violating citizens’ First Amendment rights if we were to start preemptively sequestering or removing materials based on their subjective potential to be claimed as ‘harmful to minors,’” Velez said.

She said an in-house committee is being formed to explore possible responses to the varied situations that the district may face.

“There are too many factors involved to be able to perfectly plan our response to all of them ahead of time, including potential court cases, if it comes to that,” she added.

Velez said district officials don’t believe its library have any materials that are harmful to minors, “but since the language in the law is vague and at times contradictory, it’s hard to predict the outcome of any future court decisions,” she said. “So for now, we are complying with the law via our updated policy and form.”  


Elsewhere, the Community Library Network finalized a new policy as well, a process that generated two new forms: Request for Reconsideration of Material, which allows customers to request the library evaluate a specific item; and Request for Relocation of Material, which is for an item the customer believes contains material harmful to minors as defined by Idaho Code. There is a statutory time limit of 60 days from receipt of the form to completion of the review process. Both forms allow library patrons to appeal to the board of trustees should they not agree with the library’s determination, Assistant Library Director Lindsey Miller-Escarfuller said.

“CLN staff have been provided with copies of the policies and forms, and staff have received training from their managers on implementing the new policies,” Miller-Escarfuller said. “As with most changes, some staff are feeling a bit unsure of exactly what to expect when a customer turns in one of the forms. With that said, our staff are well equipped, and I know that they will do their absolute best.”

The Community Library Network has taken steps to guide customers in selecting library materials, she said.

“We have age-appropriate collections identified within the library,” Miller-Escarfuller said. “In addition, we provide parents and legal guardians with the option to obtain limited access cards which ensures children are not able to check out certain materials. The use of library materials is an individual matter. Responsibility for children’s use of library materials rests with their parents or legal guardians.”

The CLN has received 14 requests for reconsideration of materials since 2021. Five of those items were relocated within the library. An example of this would be relocating a children’s fiction book to the teen fiction section, Miller-Escarfuller said.


“We have not removed books in response to a request for reconsideration,” she said.


The grassroots Library Alliance of North Idaho, previously known as the Community Library Network Alliance, was formed to preserve and protect North Idaho’s libraries. Its members, which number in the hundreds, believe in freedom of speech and fighting against censorship in all its forms. 

Their battle cry: “Help save our libraries.”

Steering committee member Naomi Strom, who was raised in a conservative Christian household in Hayden and works as the lead circulation specialist at the Hayden Library, said libraries are already doing what they are supposed to do.


“The purpose of our libraries is to provide free access to information and resources,” she said, speaking on her own behalf and not on behalf of the library. “Libraries are for everyone, but not every book is for everyone. We should all be allowed to decide for ourselves what we want to read.”

She said freedom of speech and free access to information is essential to the survival of democracy.

“Censoring books is un-American,” she said. “Free people read freely.”

Some people have said the implementation of HB710 won’t affect libraries if they are doing what they are supposed to be doing. Strom said that is built on a false premise.

“What they really mean is, ‘Libraries have nothing to worry about if they do what we demand,’” she said. “It’s a threat — ‘Do what we want, or we bury you in lawsuits. If you don’t remove the books we don’t like, we’ll take away your funding.’”


She said those who support this new law like to ask, “Do you think kids should have access to porn?”

“They say this because it is a conversation-ending argument,” Strom said. “Of course nobody wants that. But the assertion that libraries are providing porn to kids, and that librarians are pedophiles and groomers, is simply not true.”

Josiah Mannion, also a Library Alliance of North Idaho member and Hayden librarian speaking on his own behalf, said it is a librarian’s duty to maintain “an ecosystem of open knowledge that is not hermetically sealed into a closed system. That’s the point of libraries.”

He said the alliance’s goal is to generate support from the public to maintain an open system so people can check out whatever they want.

“An open library system is the ability to connect through difference, and the books and the resources libraries provide are that connection of difference for a lot of rural communities that don’t have access to other kinds of knowledge ecosystems, knowledge of the outside world,” he said. “One of the underlying principles of 710 that is being operated on in its implementation is trying to close up and seal off that openness.”


In Kootenai County, some community members will spend Monday delivering handwritten notes of appreciation and home-baked cookies to local librarians. These tokens of gratitude will serve as a reminder of the invaluable contributions of librarians to their communities, according to a Tuesday news release from the Kootenai County Democrats.

“Residents are encouraged to participate by writing thank you cards to their local librarians,” the news release said. “Whether it’s sharing cherished memories of time spent in the library, acknowledging the profound impact libraries have had or simply stating, ‘Thank you, we support you,’ these messages will uplift and encourage librarians during this critical time.”

    “What Makes Us Human” by Victor D.O. Santos is among the stacks in the children’s library at the Coeur d’Alene Public Library.

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UPDATE Traffic resumes on I-15 following serious crash Saturday afternoon – East Idaho News



UPDATE Traffic resumes on I-15 following serious crash Saturday afternoon – East Idaho News


The car crash on I-15 has been cleared, and southbound traffic is back to normal, the Bingham County Sheriff’s Office reports.


SHELLEY — A “serious crash” involving multiple vehicles has closed I-15 southbound after the Shelley exit.


The original crash occurred at mile marker 98 around 3:30 p.m. Saturday, Bingham County Sheriff Jeff Gardner said.

He reports at least one individual was taken by an air ambulance from the scene.

A second crash occurred later when an individual failed to slow down, but that car wreck has been cleared up, Gardner said.

Idaho State Police are currently taking measurements of the crash. Bingham County Sheriff deputies are assisting with traffic congestion.

“They’re (performing) accident reconstructions — taking measurements of the crash — so they can show the details of crash, speed, direction, travel, all that kind of stuff,” Gardner said.


In the interim, all southbound traffic on I-15 is advised to take Highway 91, travel south to Blackfoot and get back on the freeway on exit 89 (just past Blackfoot) to ease congestion on the interstate which is significantly backed up, Gardner said. will update this story as additional information is made available.

A second vehicle involved in the I-15 car wreck. | Courtesy Ben Fuhriman
I-15 crash | Courtesy Ben Fuhriman
Idaho State Police troopers investigating at the scene of the crash. | Courtesy Ben Fuhriman

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Washington on-guard for troublesome mussel found in Idaho • Washington State Standard



Washington on-guard for troublesome mussel found in Idaho • Washington State Standard

Washington is upping efforts to keep an invasive freshwater mussel from gaining a shell-hold in the state’s rivers and lakes, using tactics ranging from DNA testing to shellfish-sniffing dogs.

Quagga mussels can cause major problems as layers of them crust over components of hydroelectric dams and locks, or clog drinking water or irrigation systems. Fisheries and fish ladders that allow salmon to bypass dams could be disrupted, too. The mussels can also outcompete native species, throw off water quality, and otherwise degrade ecosystems.

They were found last year in Idaho, stoking new worries about their threat to the region.

Washington’s Invasive Species Council cites estimates that it will cost $100 million annually to keep the state’s power and water infrastructure running if quagga mussels or non-native zebra mussels were to invade. That amount doesn’t factor in the cost of harm to habitat or fishing.


Even taking the potential problems for dams out of the equation, Justin Bush, aquatic invasive species policy coordinator at the state’s Department of Fish and Wildlife, said the mussels would have “a devastating, catastrophic impact to our environment and our economy.”

The Columbia River Basin for years has been the last major U.S. watershed free of the invasive mussels. But last September Idaho officials said they’d detected quagga mussels near Twin Falls in the Snake River, which runs into the Columbia. 

So what’s to be done in Washington? The Department of Fish and Wildlife has some new money to deal with the shellfish. The Legislature approved $1.81 million for the fiscal year that begins July 1 to combat invasive mussels and the Army Corps of Engineers is providing an equal sum, for a total of $3.6 million.

“We’re significantly increasing efforts,” Bush said this week during a meeting of the Invasive Species Council.

Monitoring for quagga mussels

The main way the mussels tend to spread is on recreational boats moved between bodies of water. When grown, they’re 1 to 2 inches and easy to spot but larvae, known as veligers, are microscopic. 


Fish and Wildlife wants to fully staff watercraft inspection stations, Bush told the council. 

The agency is turning to a variety of techniques to detect mussels in the water. These include measuring calcium levels (the bivalves rely on calcium to build their shells), using a grabber device to pull up and check material from lakebeds, and looking for traces of mussel DNA.

Bush said the department will also add a monitoring crew to three two-person crews it has had.

And he said the department is looking to bring on another mussel-sniffing dog. The dog would join Fin, a canine already doing this work. Puddles, a dog that had been, is retired, Bush said.

Fin, a mussel-sniffing dog, inspects a jetski. (Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife)

More public outreach is also planned to remind people to clean, drain, and dry boats and other gear that’s been in the water and could spread the mussels.


It’s unclear if Idaho’s attempt last year to kill quagga mussels in the Snake River worked. The $3 million project involved treating a 16-mile stretch of the river with a copper-based chemical to kill the mussels. There was collateral damage as thousands of fish died, too.

Idaho Department of Agriculture Director Chanel Tewalt told state lawmakers that it was the largest operation of its kind ever attempted in the U.S.

Along with zebra mussels, quagga mussels were first documented in the U.S. in the 1980s in the Great Lakes, having made it there in the ballast water of ships. They’ve spread since.

In addition to detection and monitoring, Washington Fish and Wildlife officials are also preparing to respond if the mussels aren’t stopped and become a fixture in state waters.

“We’re planning for the very worst, but we’re hoping that Idaho was successful in eradicating this problem,” said Bush.


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