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Hawaii Governor Signs Bill To Create New State Fire Marshal



Hawaii Governor Signs Bill To Create New State Fire Marshal

Numerous other bills have been signed into law by Gov. Josh Green in the last few days. And Green and Honolulu Mayor Rick Blangiardi updated reporters on a housing project.

Hawaii soon will no longer be the only state without a fire marshal, thanks to legislation that was signed into law Friday.

But it may take up to a year to set up an Office of the State Fire Marshal and hire for the position, Hawaii County Fire Department Chief Kazuo Todd said at a press conference in Honolulu at the State Capitol.

That’s in part because the county fire departments are preparing for the peak of Hawaii’s fire season next month.


Todd, one of many people involved with the crafting of Senate Bill 2085, called the fire marshal position “crucial.”

Hawaii County Fire Department Chief Kazuo Todd discusses the about-to-be-signed law for a new state fire marshal Friday, July 5, 2024, in Honolulu. The four bills stem from the Aug. 8 fire which destroyed Lahaina and Upcountry Maui. (Kevin Fujii/Civil Beat/2024)
Hawaii County Fire Department Chief Kazuo Todd discusses the new state fire marshal Friday at the State Capitol. (Kevin Fujii/Civil Beat/2024)

“This has been something that we’ve been lacking for almost four decades now,” he said. “This position will make a difference in our local situation by allowing us to have someone at the state level focused in on these problems that are currently plaguing our state.”

The bill signing in the governor’s fifth floor ceremonial room was one of two press conferences Friday that saw nearly 20 bills enacted. On Wednesday Gov. Josh Green approved 12 bills regarding agriculture, biosecurity and land management.

This week’s flurry comes ahead of Wednesday’s deadline for the governor to sign, veto or let bills from the 2024 Legislature become law without his signature.

The fire marshal bill along with several related measures were very much top of mind as the state nears the one-year anniversary of the Aug. 8 wildfires that killed at least 102 people on Maui. Green noted that, at one point, the state had more than 3,000 households living in area hotels due to the loss of homes.

“This morning it was four households and 13 people,” he said. “So that’s 99.99%.”


Green also said that, of the 4,000 properties and other structures that were destroyed, 88% of the debris has now been removed from residential lots.

Gov. Josh Green and Rep. Linda Ichiyama hold bills signed into law Friday, July 5, 2024, in Honolulu. The four bills stem from the Aug. 8 fire which destroyed Lahaina and Upcountry Maui. (Kevin Fujii/Civil Beat/2024)Gov. Josh Green and Rep. Linda Ichiyama hold bills signed into law Friday, July 5, 2024, in Honolulu. The four bills stem from the Aug. 8 fire which destroyed Lahaina and Upcountry Maui. (Kevin Fujii/Civil Beat/2024)
Gov. Josh Green and Reps. Linda Ichiyama and Rose Martinez hold bills signed into law Friday that stemmed from the Aug. 8 fires which destroyed much of Lahaina and parts of Upcountry Maui. (Kevin Fujii/Civil Beat/2024)

The fire marshal bill was one of four fire-related fire bills. A second gives law enforcement and fire officials more authority to inspect premises to ensure compliance with the state’s Fireworks Control Law.

A third bill establishes a language access coordinator so that emergency management officials can help people whose first language is not English.

And a fourth fire bill creates the offense of charitable fraud during a state of emergency to crack down on deceptive acts or practices. Civil Beat reported on possible fraudulent fundraising efforts after the fires.

The governor said that anyone found violating the new law would be penalized harshly.

Sen. Angus McKelvey, who represents Lahaina, championed the bill.


“I can’t reiterate what the governor said enough — that if you come into Hawaii with fraud as an intention, you will pay the price,” McKelvey said. “We’ve seen so many families who have suffered so much absolute hell. And when people give money, they’re relying on the fact that the money they give is going to be in the hands of the very victims, not elsewhere. It’s not going to enrich those for other purposes.”

McKelvey, who lost his home in the fire, said charitable fraud ends up diminishing the fundraising work of reputable groups because it makes some donors think their contributions would be wasted.

Public Safety

At a second bill-signing event, Green approved two measures relating to traffic and public safety.

House Bill 2526 increases to a class C felony a third or subsequent offense involving unauthorized driving or operation of motor vehicles. The vehicle used in the offense could also be subject to forfeiture. 

HB 2526 was inspired by the 2023 traffic death of a McKinley High School student. But last month the governor said he might veto it because it could increase caseloads for prosecutors, law enforcement, the Judiciary, the Hawaii Public Defender’s Office and the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation without providing additional funding for enforcement.


Green said he changed his mind after speaking with the author of the bill, House Speaker Scott Saiki.

Saiki said at the press conference that some 9,000 people a year are believed to drive in Hawaii without licenses.

“Sadly, there are just too many people in Hawaii who die or are seriously injured while they are a passenger in a vehicle, on a sidewalk, or even in a crosswalk,” said Saiki, who represents the district where the fatality occurred. “This year, the Legislature made it a priority to work on pedestrian and traffic safety. We know that something has to change in Hawaii.“

Green also signed Senate Bill 2347, which establishes the offense of habitual violent crime. It was opposed by the Public Defender’s Office, the Community Alliance on Prisons and the American Civil Liberties Union of Hawaii, which generally argued the bill was unnecessary.

Not so, said Sen. Sharon Moriwaki.


She said that many of her Waikiki constituents have complained about multiple assaults in her district.

Kauhale Updates

The Friday flow of press conferences began with Green and Honolulu Mayor Rick Blangiardi holding a media briefing on an emergency shelter and housing facility on Kapiolani Boulevard.

Waikiki Vista, a former educational facility, was purchased by the City and County of Honolulu two years ago for $37.5 million. Blangiardi said it was the largest acquisition in the history of the city.

Honolulu Mayor Rick Blangiardi announce new affordable housing and beds to help alleviate the homeless issue at Waikiki Vista on Friday, July 5, 2024, in Honolulu. The 19-story building will house an emergency shelter, transitional family housing and studio apartments. Behind Mayor Blangiardi is a building on the Ewa side which is already occupied.(Kevin Fujii/Civil Beat/2024)Honolulu Mayor Rick Blangiardi announce new affordable housing and beds to help alleviate the homeless issue at Waikiki Vista on Friday, July 5, 2024, in Honolulu. The 19-story building will house an emergency shelter, transitional family housing and studio apartments. Behind Mayor Blangiardi is a building on the Ewa side which is already occupied.(Kevin Fujii/Civil Beat/2024)
Honolulu Mayor Rick Blangiardi announced updates at the Waikiki Vista building on Friday. The 19-story building, which is to the mayor’s right, houses an emergency shelter, transitional family housing and studio apartments. (Kevin Fujii/Civil Beat/2024)

But the mayor said his administration recognized the property’s potential to develop both emergency and workforce housing.

In addition to being home to the Royal Hawaiian Band, Waikiki Vista has provided emergency shelter and transitional housing to 21 families including 37 adults and 41 children.

Housing Solutions is the property manager for the building, and manages five floors of affordable housing studio units. And Catholic Charities Hawaii administers a program known as Hale Imi Ola, meaning “to seek life,” in offices on four floors.


Full occupancy is expected by the end of the summer.

State and city officials said more help for the homeless is coming later this year, including a new facility on North King Street to provide medical triage services and a kauhale village of tiny homes.

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Hāmākua Sugar Days Festival Starts This Weekend



Hāmākua Sugar Days Festival Starts This Weekend

Historical images of cane truck drivers during the plantation time, courtesy the Honokaʻa Heritage Center

(BIVN) – Three decades ago, the last local sugar plantation closed in Hāmākua. For the next two weeks, Honokaʻa town will host Hāmākua Sugar Days Festival in reflection on that era. 

From the Honokaʻa Heritage Center news release promoting the event:

The 2024 Hāmākua Sugar Days Festival, is a community-driven heritage event that will honor the stories and people who built the economy and culture of the Hāmākua Coast. Timed to mark the 30th anniversary of the 1994 closure of the last local sugar plantation, the Festival will salute surviving plantation workers, highlight the contributions of each of the various ethnic groups that immigrated to work on the plantations, showcase sustainable agricultural initiatives with promise for the post-sugar era, and explore the roots of resilience in the local community as it confronted the economic and social impacts of the closure.

The Honoka‘a Heritage Center is working closely with local community groups to organize and host a diverse lineup of fun, family-friendly events across Honoka‘a Town over a two-week period (Oct. 5-20, 2024). The Festival is expected to attract at least 6,000 attendees, from around the island and state, as well as from overseas.


Festival highlights include:

Recognizing the Sugar Workers Luncheon – Sat., Oct. 5 (Invite only)

If you or a family member worked for Hamakua Sugar Company, please contact (808) 437-1947 for tickets to this free luncheon saluting the sugar workers.

Screenings of New Documentary Film, “Roots of Resilience: Stories of Hāmākua Sugar” (Free to attend)
Throughout the festival, attendees can view free screenings of the Honoka‘a Heritage Center’s new film based on its 2023 oral history project. Roots of Resilience: Stories of Hāmākua Sugar is a one-hour documentary that features compelling first-person stories of local sugar workers, their families, and community members, capturing the profound impact of the sugar plantation era on the Hāmākua Coast. Screenings at the Honoka‘a People’s Theatre on Oct. 11 (5 pm and 7pm), Oct. 12 (2 pm) and Oct. 13 (5pm and 7pm).

Softball Tournament – Sun., Oct. 6, 9 am (Free to attend)
An Intergenerational Softball Tournament at Honoka a County Park will bring back the friendly competition of the old “camp against camp” games. Refreshments available for purchase.

Photo of final harvest parade, courtesy the Honokaʻa Heritage Center


Family Friendly Fun at the Hāmākua County Fair – Sat., Oct. 12, all day (Free to attend)
The Hāmākua County Fair promises a day full of excitement for everyone:10:00 a.m.: Parade through Honoka a Town ʻ11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.: Live music on the main stage at the Honoka a Park Complex (Hālau Kuaunu, Ryan Hiraoka, Kingside, Pas & Sala, Hui Hoʻokani, the Honokaʻa Jazz Band, Kalapana Awa Band and more!)

All Day:

Vendors throughout the Honoka‘a Park Complex, including local food and artisanal crafts.

Keiki activities: Pumpkin patch, costume contest, races, STEM games, face painting, and bounce house.

“Sugar Town” inside the county gym features vendors of all things sweet, student art show, sale of festival merchandise, lucky number drawings, demonstrations, and commemorative Pogs.

Hāmākua Energy Agriculture and Sustainability Expo, with exhibitors offering information, demos, games, and giveaways focused on sustainable agriculture and ranching. Attendees can explore traditional and modern farming techniques and learn how to incorporate sustainable practices.


On Māmāne Street, visitors can enjoy the Mutt Contest and Poi Dog Pageant at the former Bank of Hawaii parking lot; and a Cultural Village at the Honokaʻa Heritage Center with cultural exhibits and demonstrations. The Plantation Worker Hub at the Honokaʻa Union Hall will be a place for workers and their families to gather, share stories, and even record oral histories.

Cultural Heritage Events – Oct. 14-17 & 20 (Free to attend)
Cultural Heritage Events will celebrate some of the diverse ethnic groups who immigrated to work on the plantation, put down roots, and contributed to the unique “local” culture that characterizes Hawai‘i today:

Japanese Night: Oct. 14, 5 p.m. – Presentation by Dr. Patsy Iwasaki about Katsu Goto, plus food, followed at 7 p.m. by the film “Picture Bride” at the Honokaʻa People s Theatre.

Portuguese Night: Oct. 15, 5 p.m.-7 p.m. – Portuguese games, food, demos and exhibits at the Honoka‘a Heritage Center.

Filipino Night: Oct. 16, 5 p.m.-7 p.m. – Guest speaker on Filipino contributions to the labor movement, with refreshmants at the Honoka‘a People s Theatre.

Puerto Rican Night: Oct. 17, 6 p.m.-10 p.m. – Dance to Katchi Katchi music at the People’s Theatre; meet master cuatro maker John Guzman; food and exhibits.


Hawaiian Night: – Postponed; date TBA

Plantation Night at Honokaʻa High School Football Game – Oct. 18, 6 p.m. ($4 Seniors, $8 General admission)

Join us to root for the home team while honoring the Sugar Workers during the halftime show.

Golf Tournament – Oct. 20 (Paid player registration required, free to watch)

The festival will conclude with a Plantation Golf Tournament at the historic plantation-era Hāmākua Country Club.


Thank You to Our Sponsors

The Honoka‘a Heritage Center is deeply grateful to the County of Hawai‘i for seed financial support and logistical assistance. We also wish to thank the many generous corporate sponsors whose donations have make the Hāmākua Sugar Days Festival possible. To date, the list (still in formation) includes: Sugar Legacy Sponsor: Hāmākua Energy; Sugar Mill Sponsors: Honokaʻa Hospital and Skilled Nursing, KTA Super Stores, CPB Foundation, Kualoa Ranch, and Turo; Sugar Harvester Sponsor: Hamakua Macadamia Nut Company; Sugar Cane Sponsors: HFS Federal Credit Union, Isemoto Contracting Co., Creative Arts Hawaii, Hawaii Affordable Properties, Honua Ola Bioenergy, Dodo Mortuary, Inc., Big Island Mechanical and Construction, Hawaii Johns, HPM Building Supply, Walmart, R. Sakata Insurance, and Bank of Hawaiʻi; and Sugar Planter Sponsors: Kuwaye Trucking, Donna’s Cookies, Kuhio Grille, Hawai‘i Community FCU, Kolea Hop Water, and I Luv Dumplings.

A growing number of community partners have provided generous in-kind support throughout the planning of the Festival. They include Hāmākua-Kohala Health, Waiākea Hawaiian Volcanic Water, Canada-France-Hawai‘i Telescope, Honoka‘a People’s Theatre, Hawai‘i Community College, and Honoka‘a Public House.

The full schedule of events can be found at the Hāmākua Sugar Days website. 

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‘Shrek the Musical’ makes Hilo debut tonight



‘Shrek the Musical’ makes Hilo debut tonight

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Kamehameha graduate learns he's the third Native Hawaiian to become a Navy admiral



Kamehameha graduate learns he's the third Native Hawaiian to become a Navy admiral

HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) – 51-year-old Rear Admiral Ryan Mahelona, a native of Kāneʻohe and reserve deputy commander for the U.S. Navy’s 10th Fleet in Maryland went back to middle school Thursday at Kamehameha Kapālama.

It’s where he started in 7th grade focusing on academics and athletics with hopes of becoming an engineer. He ended up working in cyber security in San Diego.

Doing online research, Mahelona discovered he’s the third Native Hawaiian to become an admiral in the U.S. Navy. The first was the namesake of the USS Chung-Hoon, Gordon Paiʻea Chung-Hoon and the second was Robert Kihune who will preside over Mahelona’s promotion ceremony onboard the USS Missouri Saturday.

“It’s crazy. It’s hard to believe, right,” Mahelona told Hawaii News Now.


He spoke to students interested in Native Hawaiian leadership and government. A graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, he didn’t think he would be breaking barriers.

“I got more senior, I started to realize that, hey, you know, it’s not that far off. It’s something that is achievable,” said Mahelona.

“You set your mind to what you want to achieve and that’s what happened to me,” he added.

Mahelona stresses the importance of education, culture and aloha.

“I think it was very inspiring and powerful,” said Alazel Antonio, a Kamehameha 8th grader.


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