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Denver, CO

Colorado veterinary professionals push for creation of new position to address staffing shortage



Colorado veterinary professionals push for creation of new position to address staffing shortage

DENVER — A veterinary scarcity is impacting Colorado and the USA. A examine discovered that with none options, by 2030, the U.S. could have 15,000 fewer veterinarians than it wants, leaving 75 million pets with out correct care.

“We have now a extreme workforce disaster,” stated Dr. Apryl Steele, president and CEO of the Dumb Pals League. “There’s lengthy wait occasions, whether or not it is routine or emergency. Veterinary hospitals aren’t accepting new sufferers.”

Steele says it boils right down to many causes, together with a scarcity of employees within the veterinary trade and excessive price of care. Many individuals find yourself taking their pet to locations just like the Dumb Pals League Veterinary Hospital at CSU Spur, a donor-subsidized clinic that permits pet homeowners — no matter earnings — to get the care their pet wants.

“We are sometimes a final cease for folks. They’ve typically been priced out of care,” stated Dr. Arik Smith, lead veterinarian on the Dumb Pals League Veterinary Hospital.


Smith says burnout the veterinary area is actual.

“Each time you may have staffing shortages, you possibly can solely see so many a day,” stated Smith.

The Vet Care Coalition is pushing for the creation of a mid-level veterinary skilled affiliate, like a doctor assistant in human drugs. That individual would work beneath the supervision of a veterinarian.

“Colorado is main the way in which on this dialog, and we have now nice help to go forward and transfer ahead with this,” stated Steele. “By doing that, we’re opening up a complete new realm of individuals offering this care.”

The Dumb Pals League says CSU is within the course of of making a mid-level skilled affiliate program for veterinary college students. Nonetheless, they are saying they can not do it the correct manner with out laws. As of publication, a invoice to create such a place has not been proposed.


Lawmakers have launched a invoice that might renew the funding for the state’s veterinary schooling mortgage reimbursement program. It might additionally improve the quantity or reimbursement veterinarians can obtain and increase this system to supply the repayments to 6 folks as a substitute of 4.

Denver7 is a proud sponsor of the Dumb Pals League.

The Comply with Up

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Denver, CO

Ask Amy: Exiting with some well-worn wisdom



Ask Amy: Exiting with some well-worn wisdom

Dear Readers: Since announcing my departure from writing this syndicated column, I have heard from scores of people across various platforms, thanking me for more than two decades of offering advice and wishing me well in my “retirement.” I am very touched and grateful for this outpouring of support.

The thing is — I don’t think of myself as retiring.

I have led a constant, reliable life. I will read even the worst book to the last page. I have never voluntarily left a relationship, an obligation, or any employment.

(I can barely stand to leave a room!)


But I’m leaving this seven-day-a-week commitment — because I want to, and because it’s time.

My intention is to move on and to do other meaningful work.

Writing this column has given me a glimpse into thousands of lives.

The insight I have gained has inspired and empowered me to listen to my own counsel, to be authentic in my actions, and to — basically — be in charge of my own life, as much as possible.

Showing myself the door at this moment reflects the privilege of good health, strong relationships, years of steady employment, and some prudent financial choices. I’m very aware of how lucky I am.


My favorite way to envision this work is to picture families reading these columns together at the breakfast table and weighing in with their own points of view before reading mine.

And yes, there are still parents and grandparents out there who clip the newspaper and send pertinent columns to kids in college or summer camp, or tape it to refrigerators and bathroom mirrors.

I’ve heard from healthcare workers, police officers, firefighters and office workers who say they discuss the issues raised in the column in the break room.

I love knowing that, and I’ll miss having coffee with you.

The questions raised in this space have been used as teaching tools in middle schools, memory care units, ESL classes and prisons. These are perfect venues to discuss ethical, human-sized dilemmas.


On my last day communicating with you in this way, I feel compelled to try to sum up my experience by offering some lasting wisdom, but I’ve got no fresh insight. Everything I know has been distilled from wisdom gathered elsewhere.

Boxer Mike Tyson famously said, “Everybody has a plan, until they get punched ….” Punches are inevitable. But I do believe I’ve learned some universal truths that might soften the blows.

They are:

Show up for people.

Be gentle with yourself — and with others.


Lead with kindness, and recognize kindness when you receive it.

Reserve your harshest judgment. Sit on your worst thoughts about other people and consider the consequences before expressing them.

Be of service by finding something, or someone, to take care of.

Find creative ways to express your feelings.

Admit to your faults and failings, and resolve to do better.


Ask for forgiveness.

Work hard not to be defined by the worst things that have happened to you.

Recognize even the smallest blessings and express gratitude.

Be kind to receptionists, restaurant servers, dental hygienists, and anyone who needs to physically touch or serve you in order to do their job.

Understand that there are times when it is necessary to give up.


Spend time in nature.

Identify, develop, or explore your core ethical and/or spiritual beliefs.

Recognize and detach from your own need to control someone else.

Respect boundaries — yours and others’.

Seek the counsel of people who are wiser than you are. Ask their advice, and listen.


I sometimes supply “scripts” for people who have asked me for the right words to say, and so I thought I would boil these down to some of the most important statements I believe anyone can make.

They are:

I need help.

I’m sorry.

I forgive you.


I love you, just as you are.

I’m on your side.

You’re safe.

You are not alone.

Now that I’m near the end of my movie, I hope you’ll pay attention to the end credits.


Many thanks to Chicago friends and colleagues, including Jim Warren, who found me, Ann Marie Lipinski, who hired me, Steve Mandell, who represented me, and editors Mary Elson, Bill O’Connell and Carrie Williams. Thank you to “Gentleman Jack” Barry, who softened my exit.

And especially to Tracy Clark, a talented novelist who has helped to correct my faulty thinking and grammar for many years.

Finally, much gratitude to faithful readers, who can find me on social media and through my regular newsletter.


(You can email Amy Dickinson at or send a letter to Ask Amy, P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY 13068. You can also follow her on Twitter @askingamy or Facebook.)


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Denver, CO

Coloradans get tattoos, help raise funds for Denver Animal Shelter



Coloradans get tattoos, help raise funds for Denver Animal Shelter

DENVER (KDVR) — People have a wide range of feelings when it comes to tattoos — some love them and cover their bodies with the art, while others hate them and would never get one.

Oftentimes, if someone commits to putting ink on their skin forever, they have strong feelings for what it is. Something else people tend to have strong feelings for are pets.

So, it seems a perfect match for Denver Animal Shelter to team up with Think Tank Tattoo for their latest fundraiser, Tats for Tails.

“Pets are a universal thing that bring people together, so, hopefully, we’ll see a lot of great turnout today,” Lindsay Wells of the Denver Animal Shelter said Saturday morning. “Last year we saw a 30% increase in the amount of animals that we saw, so, we had 8,700 animals come through our doors last year. And we’ve been extremely full, and the summer is always our busiest time of year.”


Think Tank Tattoo’s Jake Bray started tattooing 16 years ago. He is also an animal lover, having a dog of his own. 

“We’ve done benefits in the past, and we’ve donated to the shelter,” said Bray. “Lindsay hit me up this year and was like, ‘hey we should collab together,’ and I was like absolutely, yeah, let’s do it.”

On Saturday, people got tattoos choosing from animal-inspired designs for $200. All of the proceeds went to the Denver Animal Shelter. 

“Our entire foster program is funded through donations,” said Wells. “We also have a community engagement program that is fully funded through donations. We’ve built play yards with donations, we do enrichment like kongs and bones, things to keep the dogs’ and cats’ minds busy.”

Bray hopes to grow the event in the future.


“Just trying to make it bigger, and make it an annual thing. That’s what we’d like to do,” said Bray.

Anyone wishing to help can also donate to the cause online.

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Denver, CO

1 dead in single-vehicle crash in Denver



1 dead in single-vehicle crash in Denver

DENVER (KDVR) — One person died after a single-vehicle crash in northeast Denver Sunday morning, according to the Denver Police Department.

The crash happened in the area of Green Valley Ranch Boulevard and North Salida Street.

The driver was taken to a local hospital and later pronounced dead.

The cause of the crash was under investigation.


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