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Latino voters want more action on climate and clean energy in Arizona, new poll finds



Latino voters want more action on climate and clean energy in Arizona, new poll finds


In Arizona, the 2020 Latino vote was decisive.

And this November, Arizona’s Latinos may be more motivated than ever by climate and clean energy issues, a new poll by the environmental justice organization Chispa AZ suggests. More than 70% of the poll’s 520 registered voter respondents expressed concern about climate change and 60% support Arizona increasing clean energy requirements for electric utilities.


Those views could make a difference, analysts say, in a state where fewer than 11,000 votes pushed President Joe Biden across the finish line in 2020 to beat incumbent Donald Trump and become the first Democrat to win the state since 1996. Only Georgia had a narrower margin in the popular vote count in that first matchup of this year’s presumptive presidential candidates.

A report by the University of California Los Angeles’s Latino Policy and Politics Initiative determined much of that 2020 nudge of Arizona’s political lever from red to blue came from high-density Latino precincts. That demographic has only grown in the state since, and nonpartisan voter registration efforts seek to further amplify the Latino voice.

Latinos are expected to cast more than 855,000 votes in Arizona this election cycle, according to the NALEO Educational Fund, a 57% increase over 2016 numbers. With the intervening eight years also bringing dozens of broken heat records, skyrocketing heat-associated deaths, worsened drought and higher energy demands to the state — all exacerbated by the heat-trapping influence of greenhouse gases emitted primarily by burning fossil fuels — that increase comes with a shift in priorities.

More for Latino voters: Latino voter campaign ramps up in battleground Arizona and Nevada

Polling ahead of the 2022 midterms by Univision in collaboration with Arizona State University and Northern Arizona University suggested that inflation, abortion, jobs and gun safety were top issues for Latino voters in Arizona the last time they headed for national polls. A majority of those surveyed favored liberal candidates’ solutions.


Now, following Arizona’s boom in solar installation jobs and escalating impacts of climate change like heat and asthma that disproportionately affect low-income and minority communities, the Chispa AZ poll indicates Arizona’s Latino vote may align even more with what Democrats are offering.

With Latinos making up nearly a quarter of expected voters in this key battleground state, that means the selection of the next leader of the free world could hinge on policies related to Arizona’s scorched and sunny climate.

Arizona’s Latino voters show strong support for climate and clean energy

Working with Embold Research, Chispa AZ advertised its 27-question poll in April to registered voters who live in Arizona and identify as Latino via text messages and social media posts. Of the 520 people who participated, 55% identified as Democrats, 32% as Republicans and 13% as Independents. A majority were between the ages of 18 and 34. The research was funded by donations to Chispa AZ, a 501(c)(4) branch of the League of Conservation Voters, and by pro-democracy groups, said Nuvia Enriquez, the organization’s communications director.


The primary motivation for the poll, Enriquez said, was to gauge awareness within this demographic about the actions and relevance of the Arizona Corporation Commission, the state’s five elected utility regulators who vote to approve new gas or renewable energy projects, set statewide goals for energy efficiency and clean electricity generation and determine incentives like the “value of solar,” or homeowner buyback rates for rooftop solar energy.

Regulators reconsider solar incentives: Corporation Commission reopens ‘value of solar’ rate discussions despite strong opposition

Only 36% of people surveyed indicated they were familiar with the ACC. After then reading short descriptions of the entity’s recent actions, a majority opposed regulators’ 2022 decision to halt a rule that would have required Arizona utilities to generate 15% of electricity from clean sources by 2025, their 2023 addition of a monthly charge to residential rooftop solar customers and recent rate increases at the state’s largest electricity provider.

These responses align with values Arizona Latinos expressed in answer to other poll questions, including 63% who view the state’s reliance on coal and gas as a serious problem, 63% who are concerned about pollution from electricity generation and 59% who feel the state is moving too slowly toward cleaner options like wind and solar.


When asked about specific energy sources, from 84% to 67% of people surveyed indicated support for rooftop solar, solar farms, hydroelectricity and wind farms, in that order. Support for fossil fuel-based energy sources was somewhat lower, with 64% to 34% of respondents indicating support for natural gas, nuclear plants, coal and methane (which is the main ingredient of natural gas — that distinction was left unclear in poll questions).

The poll’s strongest consensus was a 93% agreement that the rising cost of electricity is a serious problem. This is despite Arizona’s lower-than-average electricity costs compared to other states, according to recent data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

Enriquez said the results will be used to inform Chispa AZ’s upcoming communication efforts, which she said will “continue as long as the (Arizona Corporation Commission) is making bad decisions.”

“A key aspect of this awareness campaign is to just make sure people know who is having power over their lives,” she said.


Who will voters give power over Arizona’s power sources?

This year’s presidential race will determine who has power over future power generation between two candidates who could arguably not be further apart on climate and clean energy issues. The same divide is true farther down the ballot.

Trump has repeatedly used the phrase “drill, baby drill” to affirm support for burning more of the fossil fuels scientists (and oil companies) have long understood to be causing rising average temperatures and costly drought, crop failures and wildfires, including at the Republican National Convention earlier this week.

The former president is also under investigation by the U.S. Senate Budget and Finance committees for alleged promises to oil companies to roll back environmental regulations and climate policies to streamline drilling access in exchange for $1 billion in donations to his campaign. His previous administration weakened at least 74 environmental protections, as tabulated by the nonpartisan research organization the Brookings Institution.

The Biden administration, on the other hand, has taken historic action on climate and environmental justice issues with the passage of the $369 billion Inflation Reduction Act in August 2022 which has brought more than $10 billion and 14,000 jobs to Arizona in climate and clean energy investments as of March, according to the research and advocacy organization Climate Power. While not all Arizonans support this priority in the White House, some youth groups in the state feel Biden could be doing even more to address the consequences of climate change that will impact them most.


Beyond that top race, the candidates running for the U.S. Senate seat left open by Sen. Kyrsten Synema, I-Ariz., also vastly differ on climate and energy issues.

Republican candidate Kari Lake has echoed Trump’s enthusiasm for drilling and cutting environmental safeguards while accepting large campaign donations from the oil and natural gas industries.

In contrast, her Democratic opponent, Rep. Ruben Gallego, voted for Biden’s IRA and lists the environment as a priority for his campaign, though his website does not spell out many details and his response to recent questions from The Arizona Republic about his top issues mentioned abortion and immigration but not climate or clean energy. Green party candidates Mike Norton and Eduardo Quintana were the only ones to mention climate in their responses to The Republic. Lake did not provide answers.

Both Lake and Gallego recently courted the Latino vote in Arizona with targeted campaign events, though Lake’s Latino-themed event did not appear to attract many Hispanics.


Democracy is a two-way street

With more than three months to go before election day and the Democratic presidential candidate not yet officially confirmed, a lot could still shift in what the world will see from Arizona voters, perhaps especially from the state’s Latino communities.

Stephen Nuno-Perez, a professor of politics and international affairs at Northern Arizona University who helped direct the polling with ASU and Univision ahead of the 2022 midterms, will track it closely. He plans to head into the field after the primary in late July to survey Latinos and perhaps also non-Latinos, depending on funding, about the issues most important to them.

Nuno-Perez is particularly interested in understanding how attitudes about climate change have evolved over the last two years. He told The Republic he was not surprised by the results of Chispa AZ’s poll and thinks unclean water, heat and asthma are consistent concerns for Arizona’s Latinos even if they don’t always associate them with a warming climate.

“One of the reasons we’re doing more survey work on climate change is because it’s an identifying issue for Democrats,” Nuno-Perez said. “It used to be immigration where the Democrats could say ‘Clearly we’re on your side, clearly we are different than Republicans.’ In the last four years, climate change and the environment has become one of those issues where Democrats can go to Latinos and say ‘We are the party for you.’”

Our latest energy investigation: In sunny Arizona, a relocated gas plant ignites questions over who profits and who pays


With Latinos now also broadly supporting abortion rights and working solar installation jobs, Nuno-Perez thinks this demographic could be heard in a big way in November, not because the system has done a better job of integrating and listening to them, but “more just the fact that there are more Latinos than there have been.”

“I think one of the things that makes Latinos so pivotal is that they’re an emerging group,” Nuno-Perez said. “Even though Arizona has a long relationship with Latinos in the United States and Latinos have been here before Arizona (was a state), it’s one of the groups that tends to be less engaged, largely because the system is less engaged with Latinos. Our democracy is not a one-way street.”

Joe Garcia, Chicanos Por La Causa’s director of public policy and leader of the nonpartisan organization’s “Get out the vote” campaign, aims to increase Latino engagement by going after “low propensity voters” to help get that traffic of the democratic process flowing in both directions so it can better address the needs of all Arizonans.

Speaking to The Republic from the Unidos Conference in Nevada, the other swing state where CPLC has launched a Latino voter registration campaign, Garcia said he views getting more Latinos to vote as part of Arizona’s “maturation process” toward becoming representative of its residents.


“You look at the state Legislature now, there are so many Latino-elected officials, whereas one time only a couple of decades ago, there’s just a couple,” he said.

CPLC’s nonpartisan efforts to register more Latino voters regardless of how they might vote could shake things up beyond what current polling of already-registered voters can predict. Garcia doesn’t think this would be because Latino communities diverge much culturally from white communities, but because they tend to be younger and to therefore align with the issues important to people who are not yet established and are more concerned about the future. That may be why the Latino vote, when activated, often buoys Democrats.

Read our climate series: The latest from Joan Meiners at azcentral on climate change

Like Chispa AZ, Garcia wants Arizona’s Latinos to be more informed about murkier governmental entities like the Arizona Corporation Commission, to talk about the issues and to feel less intimidated about the ballot. He acknowledged that many Latinos, and young people in general, are feeling disillusioned by the options for president, causing them to think “I’m not going to vote. I’ve seen this movie, and I don’t like either of them.”

That’s why he thinks it’s critical to raise awareness about down-ballot contests and propositions rather than focusing on individual candidates, which, as a nonpartisan organization, they avoid discussing anyway. With that approach, both parties will be forced to listen to what younger people want for their children and grandchildren, he said, which is important because issues like climate change “will be here for a long, long time.”


“The trick is not letting them become so jaded that they decide not to vote at all,” Garcia said. “That’s the danger.”

Joan Meiners is the climate news and storytelling reporter at The Arizona Republic and Before becoming a journalist, she completed a doctorate in ecology. Follow Joan on Twitter at @beecycles or email her at Read more of her coverage at

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Arizona getting creative to fill school resource officer shortage, but is it working?



Arizona getting creative to fill school resource officer shortage, but is it working?

PHOENIX (AZFamily) —With the start of the new school year upon us, the safety of our students is at the top of our minds.

The state is pushing to add more school resource officers or SROs, but as Arizona’s Family Investigates has reported, the police officer shortage has made that challenging.

The Arizona Department of Education said it has more school resource officers this year and is using off-duty police officers to fill some of those positions through a new initiative.

Dozens of school districts across the state that couldn’t get an SRO because of the shortage are instead using school safety officers or SSOs. These are off-duty police officers who sign up for the assignment.


The Phoenix Union High School District—one of the largest high school districts in the country—brought back SROs following an incident in September 2022. Reports of an active shooter on the campus of Central High School sent students and staff running. Fortunately, no active shooter was found.

However, it took several months for the Phoenix Police Department to come up with officers to give them.

Arizona’s Family Investigates asked Mo Canady, the Executive Director of the National Association of SROs, about that shortage.

“That’s a real problem. It’s easy for me to advocate for an SRO in every school in the country, which I believe we should have,” he responded.

His group held their annual conference in Phoenix this week.


He explained SRO’s do more than security, they serve as informal counselors and build relationships with kids.

But this shortage has impacts. It meant some SROs in our state had to cover more than one school.

Arizona’s Family Investigates asked Canady if he believed that “they can be effective in that situation.” He answered, “It’s better than no SRO at all. But it’s very difficult to be effective when you’re having to move around to different schools.”

Craig Avery, an SRO at South Valley Junior High in Gilbert, knows that all too well. When he started in that position eight years ago, he was assigned to three junior highs and 30 elementary and charter schools.

“It’s good just to be within a specific set of admin, a specific set of board directors and faculty, kind of focus my efforts and not be spread so thin,” Avery said. “Way beyond just the safety of the school, being able to educate these kids,” he continued.


To combat the shortage, state lawmakers approved using off-duty police officers. These SSOs could be at a school one or two days a week and don’t have as much training as SROs.

The state tells us it’s starting the school year with 301 SROs, up from 214 last year. They’ve also got nearly 700 SSOs.

“With the implementation of the school safety officer program, it’s given other officers the opportunity to see what it’s like to be on school campuses,” Steve Dieu, the President of the Arizona SRO Association, said. He hopes it could lead more of them to consider the position full-time.

The Phoenix Union High School District said it would have four SROs and two SSOs for this upcoming school year. They’ll each be assigned to two schools, and the district explains that these SSOs will likely be different every day.

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Legal fight continues with appeals over proposed immigration initiative for Arizona Nov. 5 ballot



Legal fight continues with appeals over proposed immigration initiative for Arizona Nov. 5 ballot

PHOENIX — The fight to keep a proposed border initiative off Arizona’s Nov. 5 ballot is not over yet.

Immigrant advocates kept the issue alive this week by filing notice to the state Supreme Court that they will appeal the judge’s ruling.

A Maricopa County Superior Court judge on July 12 rejected an effort by the advocates to keep the proposed initiative off the ballot. The advocates argue that the measure breaks the rules because it deals with more than a single subject.

Attorney Andy Gaona, who represents some of the groups, said Friday he was working on legal briefs in the cased that were due later in the day. The Legislature will have until July 26 to respond, he said.


“We do think that single subject provision was violated,” Gaona said. “We hope that the court agrees.”

Supporters of the initiative argue that it deals with a single subject: the border.

The GOP-controlled Legislative in early June voted to allow to proposal to be placed on the ballot, asking voters if local law enforcement should be allowed to arrest migrants who cross illegally from Mexico into Arizona between ports of entry. The measure would also give state judges the power to order people convicted of the offense to return to their countries of origin.

A vehicle drives along the U.S. side of the US-Mexico border wall in Nogales, Ariz. on Tuesday, June 25, 2024. Immigrant advocacy groups this week appealed a judge’s ruling to allow the proposal to allow local law enforcement to arrest migrants who cross illegally from Mexico into Arizona between ports of entry to stay on the state’s Nov. 5 ballot. Credit: AP/Jae C. Hong

It is similar to a Texas law that has been put on hold by a federal appeals court while it is being challenged.


Unlike the Texas law, Arizona’s proposal would also make it a felony punishable by 10 years of imprisonment for selling fentanyl that leads to a person’s death. Also included is a requirement that some government agencies use a federal database to verify a noncitizen’s eligibility for benefits.

The Republican-backed proposal bypasses Democratic Gov. Katie Hobbs, who had vetoed a similar measure in early March and has denounced the effort to bring the issue to voters.

Supporters of the bill said it was necessary to ensure security along the state’s southern border, and that Arizona voters should be given the opportunity to decide the issue themselves. Opponents say the legislation would lead to racial profiling and create several millions of dollars in additional policing costs that Arizona cities, counties and the state can ill afford.

A group of migrants walk to a van as hundreds...

A group of migrants walk to a van as hundreds of migrants gather along the border Tuesday, Dec. 5, 2023, in Lukeville, Ariz. Immigrant advocacy groups this week appealed a judge’s ruling to allow the proposal to allow local law enforcement to arrest migrants who cross illegally from Mexico into Arizona between ports of entry to stay on the state’s Nov. 5 ballot. Credit: AP/Ross D. Franklin

The measure would go before voters in a state expected to play a crucial role in determining which party controls the White House and the U.S. Senate — likely razor-close races in Arizona. Republicans hope it will focus attention on the border, which they accuse Biden of mishandling, and dilute the political benefits Democrats seek from an abortion-rights initiative.

Disorder on the border is a top motivator for many Republican voters who former President Donald Trump hopes will vote in big numbers.


President Joe Biden in early June unveiled plans to restrict the number of migrants seeking asylum at the U.S.-Mexico border.

This isn’t the first time Republican lawmakers in Arizona have tried to criminalize migration.

When passing a much-debated 2010 immigration bill, the Arizona Legislature considered expanding the state’s trespassing law to criminalize the presence of immigrants and impose criminal penalties. But the trespassing language was removed and replaced with a requirement that officers, while enforcing other laws, question people’s immigration status if they were believed to be in the country illegally.

The questioning requirement was ultimately upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court despite the racial profiling concerns of critics. But courts barred enforcement of other sections of the law.

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5 times Arizona took center stage at Republican convention, from fake bandages to Kari Lake



5 times Arizona took center stage at Republican convention, from fake bandages to Kari Lake

Former President Donald Trump took the stage at the 2024 Republican National Convention Thursday, capping off four days of speeches, parties and more.

Arizona played a part in the convention. Forty-three delegates voted to formally nominate Donald Trump as the Republican presidential candidate. Three “everyday Americans” and a U.S. candidate from Arizona spoke at a convention in Milwaukee, highlighting immigration issues and the drug crisis.

Here’s everything you need to know about all the Arizona moments from the 2024 Republican National Convention.


Fake ear bandages: ‘The newest fashion trend’

Among the sea of people wearing the distinctive red “Make America Great Again” hats on Monday and Tuesday, several attendees sported makeshift bandages on their ears, the latest fashion accessory some are using to showcase their loyalty to former President Donald Trump after he wore one during his convention appearance Monday.

Joe Neglia, a 63-year-old delegate from Tempe, said the prop he wore on his right ear was an homage to the presumptive Republican presidential nominee. In an interview with CBS News, he called it “the newest fashion trend” and added that he crafted the fake bandage while on the bus to the second day of the convention.

“It’s just in sympathy with Donald Trump,” Neglia told The Guardian. “I saw that man get shot; I thought that man has almost given his life for his country; he deserves some respect for that.”

‘Americans are waking up to the truth’

Kari Lake, a Trump-endorsed Senate candidate, will be on Arizona’s 2024 ballot. A name already familiar to many Arizona voters after she lost the 2022 race for governor, Lake was at the convention to show support for the former president and promote her own campaign.


Lake began her address by calling out the media members in the venues. The former Fox 10 anchor claimed the media has been lying about ‘everything,’ but most importantly, Trump and his supporters.

“The really good thing is that every day, more and more people are turning off the fake news,” Lake said. “And Americans are waking up to the truth about the disastrous Democrat policies pushed by Joe Biden and his favorite congressman, and my opponent, Ruben Gallego.”

She blamed Gallego for allowing criminals and drugs to cross the U.S.-Mexico border, a topic frequently discussed during the convention. She also took aim at “indoctrination” in schools and “Bidenomics,” pledging to eliminate both when she and Trump take office.

 ‘Who doesn’t miss the Trump days?’

Sara Workman is a single mother who feels the pressure of rising gas and grocery prices. She told the audience that going to the gas pump makes her wonder, ‘Who doesn’t miss the Trump days?’


“But it’s not just the economic pain we’re all feeling under Joe Biden. It’s how they’re destroying the American spirit,” Workman said.

Many “everyday American” speakers shared that inflation during Biden’s term has caused them to struggle to provide their families with basic needs. But Workman also shared how Democratic border policies have contributed to her husband “falling victim” to the drug epidemic, leaving her to take care of their son by herself.

“While the left is trying to divide us with identity politics, we are here tonight because we believe that America is always, and should be, one nation under God,” she said.

Echoing the hopes of other Republicans at the convention, Workman said she will be voting for Trump to restore the economy and preserve the American family.


‘Small towns like mine bear the brunt of the chaos’

David Lara, a Yuma-based business owner, shared the story of his hometown of San Luis. His small city sits approximately 70 miles from the Mexican border and has been directly affected by the difference between Biden’s and Trump’s attitudes toward border security.

His community has seen schoolchildren being exposed to drugs and hospitals being overwhelmed by migrant care. During Biden’s term, Lara said the president had never visited his town or properly addressed the severity of the border crisis.

“San Luis wasn’t always this way. And Joe Biden, Kamala Harris do not care,” Lara said. 

Lara remembers Trump in San Luis while on a trip to the U.S.-Mexico border. This memory and the former president’s promise to prioritize increased immigration security is why Lara said he will vote for him in November.

‘It’s chemical warfare’

Jim and Sue Chilton, a couple married for 60 years, own a ranch in Arivaca that lines 5.5 miles of the U.S.-Mexico border. According to Jim Chilton, thousands of illegal immigrants have entered the family ranch claiming economic asylum, leading to death and violence on their land.


“Every time Jim leaves the ranch house, I have to worry that he won’t come back alive,” Sue Chilton said.

Agreeing with many other Republican speakers like Lara and Workman, the Chiltons condemned the flow of drugs into the U.S. and attributed the increased crime and violence in their community to weak border security.

“The cartel drug smugglers are crossing our nation’s borders every day. They are bringing lethal drugs into our country,” Sue Chilton said. “This is chemical warfare.”

The two ranchers said they were voting for Trump so the border wall that fences their ranch can finally be completed and ranchers along the Arizona border can feel safe again.

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