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Board of Fisheries meeting begins in Anchorage



Board of Fisheries meeting begins in Anchorage

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (KTUU) – The Alaska Division of Fish and Sport has began the Alaska Board of Fisheries assembly on the Dena’ina middle on Monday, discussing points and laws that take care of the Alaska Peninsula, the Aleutian Islands, and the Chignik areas pinfish.

One of many details of dialogue is the Alaska Peninsula and Aleutian Islands Administration Space, or Space M, which is a industrial fisheries space. Proposial 140 targets Space M, and is made to restrict industrial fishing within the space, to advertise salmon populations and subsistence fishing within the state.

“With any state-managed fishery, there’s, there needs to be expectations that it’s going to be managed in a manner that’s going to, you realize, decrease results to non-target species and, you realize, shares which are certain for different areas,” stated Affiliation of Village Council Presidents Pure Sources Program Supervisor Jennifer Hooper.

Space M has generally been known as an intercept fishery, that means that fish from different areas of Alaska cross by way of as they migrate by way of the ocean, leaving them open to industrial fishing earlier than reaching their spawning area.


“Coastal western Alaska, from Bristol Bay all the best way up, you realize, north previous Bering Strait area, shares are identified emigrate by way of this space,” Hooper stated.

The board will proceed into Tuesday when public testimonies will probably be held, practically half of the registered testimonies are to be on the matter of Space M. Proposal 140 is scheduled to be mentioned by the board on Wednesday.

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Gardening Tips: Successfully cultivating red rhubarb in Alaska



Gardening Tips: Successfully cultivating red rhubarb in Alaska

FAIRBANKS, Alaska (KTVF) – Among the wide world of vegetables, a popular one to grow in the Alaskan Interior is rhubarb.

Glen Risse, Co-Owner of Risse Greenhouse, said, “Rhubarb is something we enjoy growing, and our customers can’t get enough of. We grow a variety called the Canadian Red, which gives you red stalks and makes your pies much prettier than the green stalks.”

These particular rhubarbs are grown using a technique called separation. “They develop plants underground, and we separate them and put them in pots, and over time, they develop much larger plants,” said Risse.

Separation can be done using a shovel, as long as some of the main stalk is in each half. “We’re going to cut this plant right in half. So, attached to the bottom of this plant are these big, long, brown, underground stems, and what you can do… if you just remove some of the larger leaves so the plant isn’t trying to support a bunch up top, this is a great start right here. You put that in the ground, and it will grow.”


While rhubarbs can be planted year round, spring is the best season to separate them.

Risse noted that the leaves on rhubarb are poisonous. “It also is a high consumer of a minor element called molybdenum, so if you can, what’s best is to take your leaves and tear them up and put them back around the base of your plants. This will ensure that you have the molybdenum you need for your plants to grow healthy.”

When picking rhubarb, Risse recommends going all the way down to the bottom of the stalk for a clean grab. “You don’t want to snap it off in the middle, because that will give you a place where the plant could rot.”

Seed pots, meanwhile, can be torn out from the bottom as well and reintroduced into the soil.

While the color of the rhubarb doesn’t affect its flavor, many prefer a red tint for aesthetic reasons when making rhubarb pie. “If your rhubarb isn’t as red as you like, you can take and get a little bit of some ash out of your wood stove and sprinkle it around the base of your plant. That potash will change the PH and your rhubarb will turn red,” Risse advised.


He added, however, that too much ash can kill the plant.

Risse recommends planting individual rhubarb plants about three feet apart, and cutting rhubarb about an inch away from the leaf.

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Alaska implements limits on cruise ship passengers after record footfall



Alaska implements limits on cruise ship passengers after record footfall

While many businesses benefit from tourist spending, residents are increasingly troubled by noisy helicopters, congested streets and trails, and environmental damage. To address these issues, Juneau has struck a deal with the Cruise Lines International Association in Alaska. The agreement sets daily limits of 16,000 passengers from Sundays to Fridays, and 12,000 on Saturdays
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Alaska’s capital city Juneau located on the Gastineau Channel, is taking action to manage the influx of cruise ship tourists, amid rising worries about the impact on local life.

This came also after city saw a record 1.65 million cruise passengers last year, marking a 23% increase from previous highs.

While many businesses benefit from tourist spending, residents are increasingly troubled by noisy helicopters, congested streets and trails, and environmental damage. To address these issues, Juneau has struck a deal with the Cruise Lines International Association in Alaska. The agreement sets daily limits of 16,000 passengers from Sundays to Fridays, and 12,000 on Saturdays.


Alexandra Pierce, Juneau’s tourism manager, highlighted city’s stance on managing growth within its current infrastructure limitations. She highlighted the importance of balancing economic benefits with residents’ concerns and preserving local livelihoods.

Despite this effort, longtime critic of the cruise industry, Karla Hart, remains skeptical. She fears that even with the agreed limits, the city could still see record-breaking arrivals during the 22-week cruise season. Hart is advocating for a local referendum proposing “ship-free Saturdays” to protect community quality of life.

The global cruise industry, rebounding strongly post-pandemic, continues to grow with increasingly large ships. For instance, the Icon of the Seas, launched in January, accommodates over 7,000 passengers and boasts the world’s largest onboard waterpark.

Juneau’s concerns echo those of other cities worldwide grappling with social and environmental impacts from cruise tourism. Venice has banned large cruise ships from its lagoon, while Barcelona and Amsterdam have implemented restrictions and taxes to mitigate these effects.

Hart highlighted ongoing concerns about emissions, ship strikes, and climate change attributed to cruise ship and urged further measures to safeguard Juneau’s environment and community well-being.


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YMCA of Alaska and Alyeska Ski Resort break down new development plans



YMCA of Alaska and Alyeska Ski Resort break down new development plans

The Supreme Court on Friday struck down a Trump-era ban on bump stocks, the rapid-fire gun accessory used in the 2017 Las Vegas mass shooting that killed 60 people — including the gunman — and wounded more than 400. Alaskans reacted to the ruling Friday, many expressing mixed reactions.

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