Thangalaan is a historical drama set in the 18th century, directed by Pa Ranjith. Starring Vikram in the lead role, the film depicts the struggles of...
By Janani Okay: Going into Ponniyin Selvan: Half 2 after being mindblown by the primary half makes you marvel if Mani Ratnam’s epic adaptation would stay...
Nagarjuna’s The Ghost first film opinions out KEY HIGHLIGHTS Nagarjuna Akkineni’s The Ghost launched in the present day The movie has clashed with GodFather Early opinions...
Launch Date : September 30, 2022 Score : 2.5/5 Starring: Vikram, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Karthi, Jayam Ravi, Trisha, Shobita Dulipala, Aiswarya Lekshmi, Prabhu, Jayaram, Vikram...
Plot: Vikram, a tough and hard middle-class man, falls in love with Trisha, an ahimsa-loving Jain lady. When issues appear to be going their means, Vikram’s...