A haunting new video has emerged that shows the panic and chaos aboard the boat in the Bahamas moments after an 18-year-old Louisiana star high school...
Seven children living in ‘deplorable’ conditions have been rescued from their Pennsylvania home, as their parents face a slew of child endangerment charges. Pennridge Regional police...
A New Mexico man, 30, has been charged with murder after three people were killed in a biker gang shootout. Jacob David Castillo was arrested in...
Silicon Valley’s high-earning tech workers are increasingly opting to leave the US for London – with Americans involved in half of all prime central property deals...
An Arkansas pastor’s two young daughters were tragically killed when their truck was hit by a train on Thursday, also badly injuring the preacher and his...
A Maryland father who was beaten to death outside his own home while trying to protect his 14-year-old son had posted a heartbreaking message on Facebook...
Between their respective careers as singer-songwriters and television personalities, along with their roles as parents, Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton have to take advantage of every...
A Pennsylvania nurse has been accused of administering lethal doses of insulin that resulted in the death of two patients and the hospitalization of a third...
Arizona man heroically saves two toddlers moments before the vehicle engulfed by flames EXPLODED on a remote highway Sam Heiler, 30, had been traveling for Memorial...
Louisiana teenager, 18, is missing after he ‘was dared’ to jump overboard on sunset cruise in the Bahamas during graduation trip Cameron Robbins, 18, had been...