Practically every Vermonter knows of Revolutionary War hero Ethan Allen. Far fewer are likely familiar with Ethan’s youngest brother and one of Vermont’s founders, Ira Allen...
Sixteen-year-old Donald “Tré” Bishop lives by the motto, “Go out every day and change the world.” That motto helped earn him the honor of being a...
Ken Dooley | Guest columnist Ken Dooley is a member of the board of directors of the Heritage Harbor Foundation. Her Irish friends would agree that...
Jeff Frenkiewich | Guest Columnist On September 19, 1796, George Washington published his Farewell Address. In it, America’s “founding father” announced his retirement and explained his...
Bethel Park renamed after Stanley Strader, south side leader and advocate The Indy Parks and Recreation board hears public comment in 2023, on renaming Bethel Park...