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Texas guards pepper spray migrants at US border



Texas guards pepper spray migrants at US border

Footage has emerged showing Texas National Guard troops firing pepper spray at a group of migrants who had been attempting to breach the U.S.-Mexico border using wire cutters on Monday.

In the footage published by Reuters, a small group of migrants can be seen trying to break through a razor wire fence, including one using wire cutters. They disperse as National Guard soldiers arrive on the other side of the fence and fire pepper spray.


This is a breaking news story and will be updated.


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Newsweek is committed to challenging conventional wisdom and finding connections in the search for common ground.

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GALLERY: 2024 Texas Shrine Association Parade



GALLERY: 2024 Texas Shrine Association Parade

SAN ANGELO, TX – The Texas Shrine Association paraded through downtown San Angelo this morning.

The parade featured Shriners with all the clowns, go-karts, bands, vehicles, mounted units, antique vehicles, and marching units typically associated with Shriners.

Shriners Hospitals for Children® was founded in 1922 to provide medical care for children without financial burdens on their families. More than 1.4 million children have been treated.


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Hot, sunny weekend, return of rain next week in North Texas



Hot, sunny weekend, return of rain next week in North Texas

Sunny Saturday before rain chances return late Sunday in North Texas


Sunny Saturday before rain chances return late Sunday in North Texas



NORTH TEXAS – Check off another 90°+ day in the books as our high temperature reached 95° on Friday.


Thanks to an area of high pressure sitting over Texas, we are cloud-free and will have a lot of sunshine this weekend. Grab the sunscreen and hats because the UV index is in the very high category for your weekend. However, this is the first dry weekend we’ve had in a few weeks so take advantage and soak up some sunshine.


You will notice though that the dewpoint is a bit higher this weekend so yes that good ole humidity is back and so are feels like temps near 100°.


 The rain doesn’t stay away for long as a cold front approaches North Texas late Sunday and then stalls over North Texas on Monday. The rain coverage increases to 50% Monday and Tuesday and a few storms can’t be ruled out. I don’t think we will see widespread heavy rain so I am not as concerned for flash flooding. Over a three-day period parts of North Texas could see near 0.10″ up to 1.00″.


The rain comes to an end on Wednesday as the frontal boundary lifts out of North Texas and we see a return to drier air and sunshine. The First Alert forecast shows the cooler air along with the cold front Monday doesn’t last long either as the sunshine returns in full force toward the end of the week. 


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“We’re a border state”: Gov. Pillen discusses trip to Texas, looks ahead to special session



“We’re a border state”: Gov. Pillen discusses trip to Texas, looks ahead to special session

LINCOLN, Neb. (KOLN) – Gov. Jim Pillen says what happens 1,000 miles away from here, in Del Rio, Texas, still hits close to home.

“I believe we’re a border state,” Gov. Pillen said. “I believe securing and keeping our people safe is the highest calling of government and what’s going on at the border is just a humanitarian crisis.”

That’s why he sent a group of 35 Nebraska National Guardsmen there in April to bolster efforts to deter drug and human trafficking through the U.S.-Mexico border. Pillen visited the deployed unit earlier this week.

Pillen said states are stepping up where the federal government has failed, though he acknowledged the federal government is footing most of the 90-day expedition’s bill, leaving Nebraskans saddled with about $1.5 million to pay.


Two state lawmakers, Speaker of the Legislature John Arch and State Sen. Tom Brewer, joined Pillen on the trip this Wednesday.

“If you are slowing, because I don’t think you’ll ever stop, the transfer of drugs out of Mexico into the United States, it hits here,” Brewer said. “I mean, how many times do you hear about fentanyl overdoses?”

The state leaders said the guardsmen were in high spirits, and they will return after three more weeks on border watch.

“I thought it was important to go down and show that the legislature supports the troops,” Arch said. “They have a sense of duty, and they are serving us.”

The mission is about deterring the cartels, not immigration per se. Pillen separates the vast majority of migrants seeking a better life from criminals.


“Folks from Latin America and Mexico that have immigrated over the last 30 years, they’ve enriched our communities,” Pillen said.

On the home front, Pillen will have a busy summer, rallying support for his promise to axe property tax bills by 40%. He said it’s still his plan to call a special session.

“Certainly the goal is to be able to have the session before school starts,” Pillen said.

It’s an issue made more pressing as property valuations roll in.

“There will be a big jump in assessed values, and we have to deal with that,” Arch said.


Pillen said, in his recent series of town halls, he’s heard many stories of people being priced out of their homes.

“Time is killing us,” Pillen said. “This ‘Nebraska nice’ is killing us. It’s time that we listen to the people and not the lobbyists. The people in Nebraska are outraged everywhere I go.”

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