Tennessee families are in crisis. Our East Tennessee communities are reeling from storm-damaged homes, closed businesses and displaced families struggling to get back on their feet. At this very moment, families across the state are in desperate need of clean, direct relief. And yet, in the face of this urgent crisis, Gov. Bill Lee is pushing a voucher program that won’t help a single storm victim or improve the lives of struggling families.
This isn’t a time for political games or distractions. Tennessee families can’t afford a voucher scam that takes taxpayer dollars away from the schools our children rely on. They need real solutions now.
The real crisis
In counties across Tennessee, public schools are the backbone of our communities. They provide more than just education – they are aid distribution centers, community gathering spaces and local economic engines. These schools are a lifeline, especially in rural areas where private school options are non-existent. In places like Johnson County, where there are no private schools, public schools are the largest employer in more than half the counties in the state, the heart of local economies, and the places where families come together for school events and activities.
The voucher scam Gov. Lee is championing threatens these vital community resources. It diverts much-needed funds away from our public schools and funnels them into private institutions that don’t have to serve every child, don’t have to accept students with disabilities, and don’t have to be held accountable to taxpayers. That’s not school choice; it’s the school’s choice!
The math doesn’t work
Let’s talk numbers. The average private school tuition in Tennessee is around $12,000, but the voucher program offers only $7,075. This means that families would have to come up with the remaining $4,925 out of their own pockets – not to mention the additional costs for transportation, supplies and uniforms. Real families simply can’t afford this scam.
Not only will this harm K-12 spending, but it will also divert money from our state’s lottery scholarship and put college funding at risk. The math doesn’t lie: The voucher program could send Tennessee’s budget into a negative balance, ultimately harming every student, regardless of where they go to school.
Failed programs; proven results
We’ve seen voucher programs fail in other states. In places where they’ve been tried, the results are clear: lower test scores, less accountability and further damage to public schools. Tennessee can’t afford to follow this same misguided path.
Our public schools are already underfunded and overburdened. They’re stretched thin trying to recover from recent storms and other challenges, yet they continue to serve every student who walks through their doors. They should be receiving more support, not less. Instead of pushing vouchers, the governor should be focused on providing the clean, direct relief that Tennessee families need.
Protect schools, protect kids
We need to protect our public schools and make sure every child, no matter their Zip code, gets the education they deserve. Private school vouchers do nothing but threaten to dismantle the very institutions that hold our communities together. These aren’t just political issues – these are real emergencies facing Tennessee families right now.
Any serious elected official should agree: “Clean relief now, no voucher scams, no hidden agendas. Every dollar should help Tennessee families.”
The time for political games is over. It’s time for real solutions. Gov. Lee, help Tennessee families rebuild, support our schools and stop this harmful voucher scam policy today!
Clean relief can’t wait.
Yusuf Hakeem, a Democrat, represents District 28 in the Tennessee House of Representatives.