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Maryland’s big-dollar primary features tighter races, hot words and a sea of ads



Maryland’s big-dollar primary features tighter races, hot words and a sea of ads

Maryland’s primary on Tuesday features a wildly expensive U.S. Senate election, a rematch for Baltimore mayor that pits incumbent Brandon Scott against former Mayor Sheila Dixon, and a hotly contested 3rd Congressional District race for a rare open seat.

Despite the drama and a relentless sea of campaign ads, analysts say overall voter turnout will likely lag behind other presidential election years — which often attract peak interest. That’s because the 2024 Democratic and Republican chief executive nominees are all but decided on. President Joe Biden is the presumed Democratic nominee, while former President Donald Trump is the anticipated Republican pick.

“People vote for the top of the ticket. When there is no presidential race at the top, turnout goes down precipitously,” said University of Baltimore professor John Willis, who was secretary of state in the administration of Democratic Gov. Parris Glendening.

“Senate, Congress and mayor will have some impact, but they’re not driving massive numbers,” he said.


Willis said statewide turnout may pale compared to the 2020 primary, when 48.7% of Democrats and 35.6% of Republicans voted. Biden had not quite clinched the nomination at the time of Maryland’s primary in June 2020. Meanwhile, a record number of mail-in ballots used by voters because of the pandemic particularly drove turnout that year.

Evidence of less enthusiasm this year was present in preliminary turnout numbers for mail-in voting and the state’s eight-day early voting period, which ended Thursday.

As of Thursday, just 151,503 Marylanders had cast ballots at early voting locations — just over 4% of the state’s nearly 3.7 million eligible active voters. Voting by mail, which has remained a frequently used option since the pandemic, has proved again to be a popular choice. As of 6 p.m. Thursday, local election boards across the state had received 275,529 mail-in ballots, although that was a little less than half of the 593,155 mail-in ballots delivered to voters.

Jared DeMarinis, Maryland’s election administrator, said it’s too soon to fully analyze turnout, but the state board continues to see voters shifting their voting habits, particularly since the pandemic. Early voting may be slow this year, but the state is on pace to see record use of mail-in ballots, he said.

Lisa McKay feeds her ballot into a machine at Mount Pleasant Church on Radecke Ave on the last day of early voting for the 2024 primary election. (Jerry Jackson/Staff)

For the 2022 gubernatorial general election, Maryland sent out 640,000 ballots, the most ever. As of Thursday, Maryland had 637,000 requests for mail-in ballots, he said.


“It’s getting close,” he said. “We’re definitely going to shatter it in November.”

DeMarinis cautioned that the sluggish return of those mail-in ballots, however, could mean slower election results. Only 120,000 mail-in ballots have been counted, or canvassed, so far, he said, because election officials switched gears to run early voting operations from May 2 through Thursday.

While voters may be slow to cast their ballots, it’s not for a lack of action in some contests. The pace of the U.S. Senate race, in particular, has quickened as each candidate increasingly challenges the other’s credentials.

David Trone, a third-term U.S. representative who is largely self-funding his campaign, has generated voter attention by spending $57 million so far in the Democratic primary — a massive sum for a state Maryland’s size.

“Certainly the deluge of Trone ads may increase turnout, if nothing else, just by reminding more people when Election Day is,” said Flavio Hickel, an assistant political science professor at Washington College on the Eastern Shore.


While early polls showed Trone ahead, the race has become close, according to a poll released Thursday.

The May 6-8 survey by Emerson College Polling/The Hill/DC News Now found 42% of 1,115 registered voters supported Prince George’s County Executive Angela Alsobrooks, while 41% supported Trone. Twelve percent were undecided. The margin of error was plus or minus 2.9 percentage points.

That’s compared with Emerson College’s February poll, which showed Trone leading Alsobrooks 32% to 17%.

Alsobrooks has slammed Trone for having donated money to Republicans, including Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas, which has one of the nation’s most restrictive abortion bans. Trone, co-founder of the Total Wine & More retail chain, says the contributions were for business rather than political reasons and that he has contributed heavily to Democrats.

On April 29, Trone lent his campaign an additional $3.1 million, according to Federal Election Commission records, and he has since stressed in the strongest terms yet that he believes he has a better chance of being elected in November than Alsobrooks.


Either Trone or Alsobrooks is expected to face Republican Larry Hogan, a former two-term governor, in the November election.

“Trone will beat Larry Hogan,” Trone’s campaign said in a recent mailer to voters. “Alsobrooks will lose,” it said.

The rising tensions have led to fears that the party will have a harder time uniting after the primary, when “the real unpredictability starts” in the matchup against Hogan, former Maryland Democratic Party Chair Yvette Lewis said. She is one of four former state party leaders backing Alsbrooks. On Wednesday, those former leaders called out Trone during a Montgomery County event for what they see as divisive campaign tactics.

Hogan, a former two-term governor, was a surprise entry into the race in February after Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell encouraged him to run. He is expected to easily win in a seven-candidate GOP field.

With majority control of the U.S. Senate hanging in the balance in November, Hogan’s entry “may be inducing Democrats to pay more attention to the primary than they might have otherwise,” Hickel said.


Alsobrooks would be Maryland’s first Black U.S. senator. There are no women among Maryland’s congressional delegation of two senators and eight representatives.

Trone, Alsobrooks and Hogan are vying for the seat being left open by the retirement of Democratic Sen. Ben Cardin, who did not endorse in the Senate primary.

The 3rd Congressional District race has also heated up as the election draws nearer.

It pits Harry Dunn — a former U.S. Capitol Police officer who helped defend the building when supporters of Trump stormed it on Jan. 6, 2021 — against a wide field that includes two state senators and three delegates.

Dunn, author of a book about his Jan. 6 experiences, has raised more than $4 million. State Sen. Sarah Elfreth, an Anne Arundel County Democrat, has raised $1.5 million, the second-highest total in the race. Dunn has attracted national media attention and been endorsed by former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, but he has not sought elected office before. The district is split between Howard and Anne Arundel counties, with a piece of Carroll County, as well.


Like the 3rd District race, the outcome of the contest between Scott and Dixon — at the head of a 12-person field — is difficult to predict.

The leading pair are in a rematch of sorts of the 2020 mayoral race, when they also vied for the office. Scott topped Dixon in the primary that year by about 3,100 votes amid a crowded field of 24 Democrats that included an incumbent mayor.

2024 voter guide

This time, the field is half that size and even the upper tier of candidates has shrunk. Former prosecutor Thiru Vignarajah dropped out of the race last week. A poll conducted in April for The Baltimore Sun, University of Baltimore and FOX45 showed Scott and Dixon to be the top contenders. Of likely voters surveyed, Scott had 38% to Dixon’s 35% — with the margin of error at plus or minus 4.3 percentage points.

Roger Hartley, dean of UB’s College of Public Affairs, said the smaller field makes the matchup feel fresh, particularly given that Scott won last time with just 29.6% of the vote.


“It’s a two-person race versus being a 12-person race,” Hartley said. “That can make it very, very different than the last one where they faced each other.”

As is often the case with Baltimore mayoral races, the 2024 contest is heavily focused on crime. Scott touts the city’s reduction in homicides in 2023 — fewer than 300 people were killed for the first time in nearly a decade. Dixon argues Scott has allowed quality-of-life crimes to go unaddressed. Democratic State’s Attorney Ivan Bates joined Dixon’s cause, endorsing the former mayor and calling Scott out for what Bates said was a lack of partnership between the prosecutor’s office and Scott’s City Hall.

Scott has led in fundraising and spending, dropping almost $1 million on the contest since the start of the year. Dixon has spent $653,100 since January. A PAC supporting Dixon’s campaign (funded in large part David Smith, a co-owner of The Baltimore Sun and chairman of Sinclair Broadcasting Group) supplemented Dixon’s effort, running ads that try to paint Scott as an inexperienced leader. Scott’s ads seek to remind residents of Dixon’s criminal past. She was forced to leave office in 2010 after an embezzlement conviction.

Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott, left, talks with Karen Stokes, right, in the parking lot as he visits the early voting center at The League for People With Disabilities in northeast Baltimore. (Barbara Haddock Taylor/Staff)
Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott, left, talks with Karen Stokes, right, in the parking lot as he visits the early voting center at The League for People With Disabilities in northeast Baltimore. (Barbara Haddock Taylor/Staff)

For Lisa McKay, 52, a city resident casting an early ballot Thursday, Dixon’s conviction was less of an issue than McKay’s concerns about juvenile crime in recent years. Baltimore suffered its worst mass shooting last summer when two people were killed and 28 more wounded, many of them children. McKay, a Maryland Transit Administration claims adjuster, listed addressing crime as one of her priorities.

“Even with the gift cards, I thought she was a pretty good mayor,” McKay said, referring to the scandal that led to Dixon’s removal. “I know we have to give the candidates time, but I haven’t seen the changes I was hoping for with Scott.”

Renee Johnson, another early voter at Mount Pleasant Church and Ministries in Northeast Baltimore, said she voted for Alsobrooks in the Senate race, but was more focused on the mayoral matchup. The nursing assistant, who lives in the Northeast Baltimore neighborhood of Belair-Edison, said she voted for Scott due to the connection she’s had with him since he worked as a liaison for then-Council President Stephanie Rawlings-Blake.

Baltimore Mayoral candidate Sheila Dixon, left, got in some campaigning for early voters at The League for People with Disabilities. (Kevin Richardson/Staff)
Baltimore Mayoral candidate Sheila Dixon, left, got in some campaigning for early voters at The League for People with Disabilities. (Kevin Richardson/Staff)

“He did a lot for the district,” she said. “He’s a positive person. He still does a lot. When I can’t get ahold of him, his secretary always sends a message to him for me.”

Baltimore voters saw the race for mayor likely tighten May 1 with Viganrajah’s exit. Running his fourth campaign for citywide office in the last seven years, Vignarajah threw his support to Dixon, granting her a much-talked about endorsement one day before the start of early voting.

Hartley said the movement of Vignarajah’s voters will be a factor, but is one of several likely to impact the mayoral race. He also pondered how turnout efforts, including those driven by the up-ballot Senate candidates, could potentially sway Baltimore voters.

Voting may have gotten off to a slow start, but the election is now in the spotlight, he said.

“I do think city voters are paying attention as much as in any primary,” he said. “It’s a tight race and certainly with the movement of endorsements and everything else, you’ve got a lot more city residents taking a look at this election.”

Baltimore Sun reporter Lia Russell contributed to this article.


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Maryland to launch workforce program for those with cannabis-related criminal offenses



Maryland to launch workforce program for those with cannabis-related criminal offenses

MARYLAND (DC News Now) — Maryland Gov. Wes Moore announced Thursday that he would be launching a program to help those with cannabis-related criminal offenses enter the workforce.

This comes just over a week after Moore pardoned thousands of people with marijuana convictions.

The Cannabis Workforce Development Program is the nation’s first workforce development initiative developed and administered by a cannabis regulator agency, according to a release from the Governor’s Office.

The program will be offered for free to eligible applicants in order to reduce barriers to employment and create paths to sustainable jobs in the cannabis industry.


“This groundbreaking collaboration will support Marylanders interested in joining the state’s growing cannabis industry and prioritize individuals and communities directly impacted by the War on Drugs,” Gov. Moore stated in a release. “For decades, cannabis policy has been used as a cudgel. Together, we prove how cannabis policy can be used as a valuable tool to leave no one behind.”

Participants will have access to eight instructor-led, self-paced courses taught by industry experts, licensed operators and college professors. After attendees complete 100 cumulative hours of virtual coursework and instruction, they can enroll in a two-day intensive course with 16 hours of hands-on occupational training.

“Through this program, individuals adversely impacted by cannabis criminalization will be able to receive real-time, hands-on experience and access to job placement,” Maryland Cannabis Administration Director Will Tilburg stated, in part.  

Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis starting on Monday, July 1.

Anticipated locations and dates for the initial roll-out of the Cannabis Workforce Development Program include:

  • November 2024: Baltimore Region
  • December 2024: Anne Arundel County
  • January 2025: Southern Region
  • February 2025: Prince George’s County
  • March 2025: Eastern Region
  • April 2025: Western Region

The program was jumpstarted with a $122,000 grant from the Maryland Department of Labor’s Employment Advancement Right Now (EARN) Program.

For more information about the program, click here.

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Nine years after Obergefell, number of same-sex marriages has jumped in Maryland – Maryland Matters



Nine years after Obergefell, number of same-sex marriages has jumped in Maryland – Maryland Matters

Same-sex couples could already get married in Maryland before the U.S. Supreme Court extended the right nationwide nine years ago, but the numbers have risen sharply since the ruling was handed down in Obergefell v. Hodges.

The U.S. Census Bureau estimates that there were about 4,400 same-sex married couples in Maryland in 2012, the year before the state made it legal. That number grew to 10,388 by 2015, when the Supreme Court called marriage “a fundamental right inherent in the liberty of the person” that could not be denied to same-sex couples.

Since that June 26, 2015, ruling the number of same-sex married couples in Maryland has climbed to about 16,500, according to Census estimates, or 69% of all same-sex couples, up from 33% in 2012.

Despite members of the LGBTQ+ community still facing discrimination and other challenges, overall acceptance has grown over the years as some states such as Maryland work to pass laws that aim to uplift the community.


“I would say that’s the biggest difference … I see people really thriving in their authenticity in themselves. Getting back to … being all open and honest about who you are, and being able to say it out loud and proud,” said  Sen. Mary Washington (D-Baltimore City and Baltimore County) who was the first openly LGBTQ+ African American elected to state office in Maryland.

Sen. Mary Washington (D-Baltimore City and Baltimore County). File photo by Bryan P. Sears.

“Like, I can say ‘my wife,’” she said. “And I say that more often than I say I’m a lesbian … I could just say ‘my wife’ and that says it all.”

She believes that Maryland was “on the right side of history” by legalizing same-sex marriages before Obergefell.

But the change was a long time coming.

Same-sex marriage was banned in most states in 2003, when Massachusetts became the first state to allow it. Acceptance grew slowly. By 2013, when Maryland’s law took effect, 33 states still had same-sex marriage prohibitions, 29 of which were voter-approved bans set in the states’ constitutions.


Maryland law banned same-sex marriages until 2012, although the state did recognize the validity of such marriages from states where they were legal. But in 2012, the General Assembly narrowly voted to put the question to voters on the November ballot.

The change was approved that fall by 52.4% of voters, and same-sex marriages were officially recognized in the state starting in January 2013.

Meanwhile, overall attitude and acceptance of same-sex couples have increased over the years.

According to surveys from Gallup, a public opinion research group, about 69% percent of people in 2024 believe that “same-sex couples should … be recognized by the law as valid, with the same rights as traditional marriages.” That is actually slightly lower than the year before, when 71% agreed with the statement, but it’s much higher than in previous years.

In May 2015, a month before the Obergefell ruling, 60% believed that same-sex marriages should be legal. In 2013, 53% agreed with that statement. But prior to 2011, most people said that same-sex marriages should not be legal.


In recent years, the Moore administration and state lawmakers have attempted to bolster protections for the LGBTQ+ community, at a time when other states are going in the opposite direction.

This year, the General Assembly passed a bill that placed “gender-affirming care” under the state’s category of legally protected care.”  The intent is to keep medical information of persons who seek gender-affirming care in Maryland from being shared across state lines, and potentially with law enforcement in states that are more hostile to transgender people.

While some advocates and lawmakers say that Maryland was ahead of the game when it comes to protecting the rights and dignity of its LGBTQ+ community, there are still challenges that gay, lesbian, transgender residents may struggle with.

“So for some, marriage was the only thing they really needed,” Washington said. “But there’s still health care access, there’s housing, access to employment, discrimination.”


The state’s Commission on LGBTQIA+ Affairs affirms her concerns. According to a 2023 report, while significant progress had been made over the last decade, “formidable challenges remain.”

The commission said in its 2023 report that nationally and in Maryland “LGBTQIA+ individuals continue to face challenges related to access to affirming housing, healthcare, education and employment, along with increased risks of discrimination, harassment, and violence.” The commission also reported that 78.8% of transgender people experienced verbal insults or abuse at least once in their lives, and that 46.1% had experienced physical and or sexual assault in their lives.

Just Tuesday, the Maryland Department of Health released survey results of high school students evaluating risk behaviors among LGBTQ+ kids compared to their straight counterparts. Based on 2023 data, students who identified as gay, lesbian, bisexual or questioning said they faced bullying at a higher rate than the rest of the student population. They were more likely to experience verbal or physical abuse from their parents.

Just over 50% of gay, lesbian or bisexual high school students surveyed reported that “their mental health was most of the time or always not good,” compared to 20% of the straight students reported.

Washington reflected on the advances from the time she was first elected to the House of Delegates in 2010, to the legalization of same-sex marriages in Maryland in 2013 and the Obergefell decision in 2015, but said there’s still more to be done.


“It was a time when it was really important for the public to see that we are human. That we are Marylanders,” she said of her 2010 bid for office. “Us being able to say, ‘I am the same as you,’ was really important. And I think now we should be able to take the space … those differences are what makes us special.”

“We’ll just evolve and see what the next challenges are,” she added.

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Hope floats: The new face of ‘Maryland Tough, Baltimore Strong’ | STAFF COMMENTARY



Hope floats: The new face of ‘Maryland Tough, Baltimore Strong’ | STAFF COMMENTARY

Maryland knows a thing or two about big-time swimmers. Michael Phelps, the most decorated Olympian of all time, was Baltimore-born and Towson-raised. Bethesda’s Katie Ledecky, 27, the owner of seven Olympic gold medals, recently qualified for the 2024 Olympics and has said she plans to compete in 2028 as well. A 200-meter sprint through a chlorinated pool is one thing, but endless hours in open water is another. And so let us add to the honor roll of Maryland’s greatest aquatic performers the name of Katie Pumphrey of Baltimore, who on Tuesday swam from Sandy Point State Park near the Chesapeake Bay Bridge to Baltimore’s Inner Harbor, a distance of 24 miles, in slightly more than 14 hours.

The summer swim team crowd will instantly recognize the herculean effort required — and not just because the final destination still has some, shall we say, serious water quality issues. As last Sunday’s Harbor Splash featuring 150 brave souls plunging into the Harbor demonstrated, pollution has become more manageable (although kids take note, it’s not yet up to public pool standards either). No, the real challenge is sheer exhaustion. Ever try swimming for an hour straight, let alone 14 times as long? Check out “Nyad,” the 2023 biographical movie about famed long-distance swimmer Diana Nyad, now on Netflix. Good thigh and shoulder muscles are one thing; self-discipline and drive are really what you need.

And so we would humbly call attention to Pumphrey, a 2009 Maryland Institute College of Art grad, for whom open water ultra-marathon swimming is just another day in the park (and the Patapsco). She is the living embodiment of the mantra popularized after the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse: “Maryland Tough, Baltimore Strong.” Oh, and did we mention she’s done the English Channel (twice) and circled Manhattan? And that, at least to our knowledge, she hasn’t grown fins or gills?

One part resilient, two parts pluck, a heaping portion of mental toughness and can-do spirit, we could scarcely offer a better example of what Baltimore needs — and maybe, just maybe, already has shown quite a bit of this year — than Katie Pumphrey. In becoming the first person to make this Maryland swim, she has provided a welcome road map (well, nautical chart anyway) for a post-Key Bridge recovery.


Baltimore Sun editorial writers offer opinions and analysis on news and issues relevant to readers. They operate separately from the newsroom.


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