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Abortion rights supporters and foes assess the political moment – Maryland Matters



Abortion rights supporters and foes assess the political moment – Maryland Matters

People attend the annual March for Life rally on the National Mall on Friday. Photo by Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images.

Falling snow and flight delays thinned this year’s anti-abortion March for Life in Washington, D.C., on Friday, but did not deter the most impatient activists in the movement, those unsatisfied until the entire U.S. map is red with abortion bans.

“I’m not OK with abortion states and non-abortion states. I want an abortion-free America,” said Right to Life of East Texas director Mark Lee Dickson, standing outside the White House the day before, at a sparsely attended protest organized by the Christian Defense Coalition, where activists held signs of aborted fetuses.

Nearly two years into a post-Roe America, the battle over abortion rights is being waged primarily at the state level, but this year holds multiple opportunities for abortion opponents to effect a national ban. Beyond the two major abortion cases headed to the U.S. Supreme Court lies a pivotal presidential election. Many anti-abortion groups have galvanized around former President Donald Trump, who despite his more recent mixed messaging on abortion in the face of GOP election losses, personally takes credit for overturning Roe v. Wade. Dickson is among activists confident that Trump would try to fast-track national abortion restrictions through executive orders and by enforcing archaic laws like the Comstock Act, as part of the Project 2025 plan drafted by far-right groups.

“If we got Donald J. Trump back in the White House, he could end abortion in every single state in America, by enforcing the Comstock Act,” Dickson said in an interview.


Dickson, who is one of the architects behind Texas’s controversial SB8 abortion ban, which empowers private citizens to sue abortion providers or those who assist abortion seekers, has been helping to pass local ordinances that make it a crime for an abortion to be performed on residents of specific cities. He said many anti-abortion activists are working to enforce these ordinances by spending time outside of clinics in neighboring abortion-access states like New Mexico and asking traveling Texans where home is.

“The pro-life movement is very interconnected,” Dickson said. “There are people outside of the abortion facilities in Albuquerque. What are they doing? They’re reaching out trying to save lives. And in that process, as those discussions are happening, it’s very easy to imagine a situation where someone a sidewalk counselor is ministering and the person says, ‘Where are you from?’ And they say, ‘I’m from Abilene, Texas.’ ‘Well, abortion facility, you’re in violation of the law of Abilene, and you can be sued if you perform an abortion on this Abilene resident.’”

He said his group has been shutting down sections of major roads in Texas saying “if you cross this road then you could be sued into oblivion if you are assisting in abortion trafficking.”

It’s in this atmosphere that has deeply impacted access to abortion around the country but especially for people of color and undocumented immigrants, said National Latina Institute for Reproductive Justice Executive Director Lupe M. Rodriguez, speaking at a media briefing earlier this week organized by abortion-access advocates.

“Roe never made abortion care accessible for communities of color,” Rodriguez said. “Anti- abortion politicians have been working for decades to make abortions difficult to get. And these attacks have fallen hardest and continue to fall hardest on Latinas and Latinx and other communities of color in the U.S. who may work multiple jobs that provide no sick days or insurance coverage and often live in underserved communities. Since Roe was overturned, access to care has absolutely gone from bad to worse.”


Since the Dobbs ruling overturned federal abortion rights under Roe, patients across the country alleging they’ve been denied emergency pregnancy care have been filing lawsuits and jumping into politics. The New Yorker recently published a high-profile story about Yeniifer Alvarez-Estrada Glick, who reportedly died of pregnancy-related causes and was not offered the option to terminate her dangerous pregnancy.

Abortion opponents have largely dismissed concerns about people being denied emergency medical care because of abortion bans. At this year’s March for Life, headlined by former NFL tight end Benjamin Watson, none of the rally’s speakers brought up the issue. The theme this year was “With every woman, for every child,” focused on helping people facing crisis pregnancies.

“Roe is done, but abortion is still legal and thriving in too much of America,” said Watson, during a pre-march rally Friday, ahead of what would have been the 51st anniversary Monday of the Roe v. Wade decision. “Roe is done, but even so in the cold and the snow you have continued to travel from around the nation to this place to recognize that the fight for life is not over. … With uncommon courage we must do justice not only by protecting innocent people in life, but by correcting injustice and rebuilding opportunities so that mothers and fathers can flourish.”

But the policy prescriptions offered at the rally focused largely on public funding for anti-abortion pregnancy centers, which are largely staffed by conservative Christian volunteers and offer certain baby items. Many of these centers have a record of spreading misinformation about abortion, disrupting online searches for abortion seekers, and sometimes serving as abortion-law enforcers.

New U.S. Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (R-La.) touted two bills the House passed last week, one that would require colleges to inform students about the rights of pregnant students and one that would require the federal government to fund anti-abortion pregnancy centers.


“I am myself a product of an unplanned pregnancy in January of 1972,” said Johnson, who has fought abortion and contraceptive rights most of his career and previously worked as a lawyer for Alliance Defending Freedom. The conservative Christian legal firm is involved in both lawsuits to be heard by the Supreme Court this year, which could impact the future of receiving emergency medical care in states with abortion bans, and access to an abortion drug commonly used for first-trimester abortions and to manage miscarriages. “Exactly one year before Roe v. Wade, my parents who were just teenagers at the time, chose life. And I am very profoundly grateful that they did. … We have to build a culture that encourages and assists more and more people to make that same decision.”

But some abortion opponents think political leaders are not doing enough to address the root causes of abortion in policy.

Catherine Glenn Foster, a constitutional lawyer and a longtime leader in the anti-abortion movement, said current state abortion bans are not adequately providing support to pregnant people, and she noted concern about stories of being denied emergency medical care. Foster drew criticism shortly after Roe was overturned when during a congressional appearance she said terminating a pregnancy for a young child should not be considered an abortion. Having previously led the anti-abortion policy organization Americans United for Life and worked for ADF, Foster is now an independent speaker and writer and currently assisting Terrisa Bukovinac’s long-shot presidential campaign as an anti-abortion Democrat.

The divorced mom has spoken often about an abortion she had as a college student that she now regrets and felt pressured into. She said in a phone interview on her way to speak at a March for Life event that she leans progressive in a movement whose leadership is overrepresented by far-right conservatives. Foster’s is one of the quieter voices advocating for making birth free.

“I think we need to just take a step back and look at our policies of how we handle life in America, how we’re supporting pregnant people and parenting people and families and partners and make sure that we’re there for them, things like make birth free, things like parental leave, things like workplace protections, resources, taking care of people’s financial and relational needs, and just empowering them.”


Notably, Foster said states should not enact bans and restrictions without passing policies that address economic instability, which is a common driver of abortion.

“Really, I don’t think we should be introducing any kind of ban without coordinating a corresponding joint effort to simultaneously provide resources and support – even beyond the issue of abortion,” Foster said.

But she opposes the growing movement around the country to enshrine abortion rights in state constitutions and supports attorneys general fighting these efforts. While at Americans United for Life, Foster helped push model legislation passed in states all over the country that reproductive rights activists say limited abortion and reproductive care access long before Roe was overturned. These activists are now capitalizing on the momentum from the previous two elections where voters have demonstrated broad support for abortion access.

“Abortion is not a controversial issue; it’s a gerrymandered issue,” said Jennifer Driver who spoke at Wednesday’s abortion-landscape media briefing. The senior director of reproductive rights for the State Innovative Exchange (SiX), which she said does not endorse candidates, said the abortion rights movement needs to focus on the states this year and highlighted her home state of Alabama, whose lawmakers have proposed prosecuting pregnant people who have abortions for murder.

“People are being robbed of their freedom, sometimes their fertility, because they do not have timely access [to abortion],” said Nourbese Flint, the vice president of All* Above All Action Fund. Their new national political action committee Flint said is the first founded by women of color and will focus on funding candidates that support reproductive justice. “This is our rallying cry. … It is deeply important that we need to be bold, courageous in our fight for our ability to control our bodies and our future.”


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Maryland elections officials deal with threats of violence, turnover concerns ahead of presidential election



Maryland elections officials deal with threats of violence, turnover concerns ahead of presidential election

BALTIMORE Since the last presidential election, Maryland has seen a concerning rise in turnover among our state’s election officials—with almost half new to their positions—according to research from the Bipartisan Policy Center. 

As of January 2024, Maryland saw turnover in 11 voting jurisdictions.

Turnover is also on the rise nationally according to a CBS News investigation. 

What is driving the exodus? Some blame an increasingly hostile environment, fueled by citizens who do not trust the election system. 


Documenting Threats in Harford County

Stephanie Taylor oversees elections in Harford County.

“Love and Not So Much Love Notes”   

Mike Hellgren

She gets a lot of correspondence from the public—and keeps all of it in a binder with the title “Love and Not So Much Love Notes” on the cover.


“These are our nice letters, and these are our nasty letters,” she showed WJZ Investigator Mike Hellgren

Taylor with the book

Mike Hellgren

“There’s a lot of cursing. We’ve been called Nazis,” Taylor said. “We’ve been accused of cheating, changing voter turnouts, changing the results, which is very hurtful to us because we take great pride in our job that we do here.”

Hellgren asked her what that says about where Maryland stands right now. “There are a lot of angry people who do not trust the election process. I don’t know how to get through to them,” she said.


Since the 2020 presidential election, Maryland has seen a 46 percent turnover rate among election officials. That is larger than the 36 percent national average.

“Have you had people leave because they could not take it?” Hellgren asked. 

“Yes,” Taylor admitted. “One person who was with the office for quite a long time. She had a key role in this office. Just the stress of it—she’s just like, ‘I’m done.’ And she quit.”

To make sure her staff members feel safe, Taylor has used grants to dramatically increase security at their office and warehouse in Forest Hill.

“This is one thing everyone in the office said we needed to enclose this after all the craziness started happening after January 6th,” Taylor said as she showed WJZ the public entrance area. 

Taylor and Hellgren in office vestibule 

Mike Hellgren

She had bullet- and bomb-deflecting glass installed that will not shatter.

“We have changed the whole look of this office. We used to have an open reception area. We put walls up. We put glass in. It is not bulletproof glass, but it will change the direction of a bullet. We have coating on our windows that if someone were to put a bomb outside, this coating would catch it and it would just drop it so there wouldn’t be shards,” Taylor said.

There are also new cameras and stronger locks. 


“Now, if it’s unlocked, it has a high-powered magnet and you have to be buzzed in,” she said at a secondary door to the board room. 

“We have our own FBI contact. I never in my life thought I would say that I have my own FBI contact. It just never even crossed my mind,” Taylor told Hellgren. 

“They were being disruptive, calling us names. We got a threat in one of the meetings that we got on tape. I did turn that in to the FBI and the sheriff’s department. It’s just the way the world looks at us now. It’s so different,” she said.

New Law Means Stiffer Penalties 

Earlier this year in Annapolis, the General Assembly took action to protect poll workers, election judges and their families from threats which have been on the rise across the country. 


Citing the turnover, Governor Wes Moore’s administration advocated for and and won changes to the law. There are now tougher penalties against those convicted of threatening election workers, with fines increasing from $1,000 to $2,500

“It is becoming harder to recruit election judges. It is becoming harder to recruit elections administrators, and we need to respond to that,” said Eric Luedtke, the governor’s chief legislative officer at a hearing on February 21st. 

Violators could also get up to three years behind bars.

During that hearing about the legislation, Baltimore County’s elections director revealed she, too, had been threatened. 

“After receiving a threat firsthand, I was overwhelmingly thankful for the protection from my county, the FBI and homeland security,” Ruie Lavoie, the director of Baltimore County elections, told lawmakers. 


WJZ asked Maryland’s state elections administrator Jared DeMarinis whether the new law does enough to deter people from threatening election workers. “I hope so. I think time will tell on that, but I think you have to have the first step and I think this was a great first step,” DeMarinis said. 

State Safeguards the Vote

DeMarinis took over as elections administrator from Linda Lamone last year.

She had served in that position for more than 35 years, but DeMarinis also worked in that office for almost two decades. 

“Yes, I’m a new person, but it’s not like I don’t know the electoral process,” DeMarinis told Hellgren.


On the threats, DeMarinis acknowledged “those types of incidents really shake you to the core.”

He said, “This is really trying to take it to a new level where you’re trying to inflict bodily harm or even death upon you know a person just doing their job and making sure that our democracy works.”

He made it a priority to stamp out misinformation and added a “rumor control” section to the state elections website.

“Before, there was a trust. There was an understanding in the process here, and there’s a segment of the population now that just doesn’t believe in any of that,” DeMarinis said.

DeMarinis is also pushing young people to get involved as election judges and poll workers.


He is aware that when elections officials leave, so does their experience and knowledge of the process. That is why he is partnering more experienced elections officials with newer ones to lessen the impact of any turnover.

And DeMarinis believes that turnover is not always a negative. 

“Turnover brings new blood, new ideas, new points of view to the process. It helps streamline things. But yes, there is a concern about losing a lot of institutional knowledge,” he said. 

A Veteran in Charge in Baltimore City

“I just don’t want to believe that people are not interested in an important process as this,” said Armstead Jones, Baltimore City’s election director 

Baltimore has one of the longest-serving elections directors in the state.


Armstead Jones said in the city, the problem is not threats, but getting enough people motivated to staff the polls.

“At one time, we’d have as many as 3,200 election judges working Election Day and those numbers have dropped over the years,” Jones said. “I believe in this last election, we may have had about 1,500 judges to work. Maybe 2,100 trained, 600 did not show so those numbers are getting lower each time.”

The state remains committed to smooth and transparent elections, despite the challenges. 

“Having that full confidence in the system is the underpinning of everything that we do with good, solid elections,” DeMarinis said.

Staying Despite Challenges

“I love the job. I love the people I work with,” said Taylor of her Harford County position. “If you’re in a polling location, it’s so much fun to be there and you see people coming in and taking part in democracy.”


She told Hellgren she has no plans to leave and be part of the turnover despite uncertainty about the future. 

“Do you see it getting any better?” Hellgren asked. “I’ll let you know after this election. It depends on what happens after this election,” she said.


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Sunny, beautiful start to Maryland’s workweek

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