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Federal investigators will look into Bayou Lafourche crude oil spill • Louisiana Illuminator



Federal investigators will look into Bayou Lafourche crude oil spill • Louisiana Illuminator

A federal agency is sending investigators to south Louisiana to look into the cause of a crude oil spill that has tainted a portion of Bayou Lafourche, a spokesman for the company where the accident took place said Monday.

As the third day of cleanup following the Saturday morning spill progressed, officials overseeing the cleanup calculated that 34,440 gallons of crude were released from a storage tank near Raceland. The oil originated from the Crescent Midstream Crude Oil Facility, spilling through a protective dike into a stormwater canal and eventually through a culvert under Highway 308 that flows into the bayou.

Michael Smith, public information officer for Crescent Midstream and the Unified Command overseeing the spill response, said the 34,440 gallons of oil — or 820 barrels — includes the amount spilled on the grounds of the facility. The accident does not involve the large cylindrical storage tank on the property, which Smith said was empty before Saturday.

Officials from the federal Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration will be on site within the next few days, Smith said, confirming Crescent Midstream representatives had spoken with the agency Monday. They will begin an official investigation, taking over the informal work of the Unified Command, which is composed of state and local officials along with Crescent Midstream.  


Meanwhile, work continues to capture the crude from the bayou. An advisory to conserve water remains in place for residents and business along Bayou Lafourche from south of the Louisiana Highway 182 bridge to Port Fourchon, a stretch that covers 55 miles. However, drinking water remains safe to consume, Lafourche Parish President Archie Chaisson said.  

Our news partners at WVUE-TV Fox 8 report that Lafourche Parish Water District No. 1 has issued a water conservation notice for all customers in the parish.

Chaisson reported Thursday evening that a fish kill was spot in the incident area. No immediate information was provided on the type or number of fish affected.

An update on the wildlife impact increased the death toll to 17 salamanders, in addition to the previously reported three turtles and one crawfish. Cleanup crews were able to capture one of three oil-covered ducks on the bayou. It was taken to a rehabilitation center for cleaning and care.

A black sheen trailing down the bayou remained visible Monday from aerial photographs. Crews were washing oil from the banks of the bayou and collecting it with skimmers, boom and vacuum trucks for disposal. More than a mile of boom — 6,800 feet — has been deployed on the bayou so far, according to Monday afternoon’s update from the Unified Command. 


Smith stressed that oil dispersants, which are not approved for inland water use, are not among the methods being used to contain the oil. 

Use of oil dispersants has been under added scrutiny since the deadly BP Deepwater Horizon explosion in 2010 just off the coast of Louisiana. The chemical Corexit has been blamed for sickening cleanup workers who responded to the manmade disaster. Medical issues ranging from skin rashes to cancer have been detailed in thousands of lawsuits.  

Cleanup crews are pumping water from the bayou to remove oil from the bayouside, Smith said. As a result, it’s causing some oil to flow upstream, which could find its way back to shore if it can’t be collected from the water with booms or skimmers. 

“It could get worse before it gets better,” Smith said in an interview. “You could see oil cleaned up in front of your house one day, only to see it back again the next day.”

The bayou remains closed to boaters from the Highway 182 bridge in Raceland to the Lockport Bridge, with the Lafourche Parish Sheriff’s Office handling enforcement. 




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Some Louisiana justices will take the money and run



Some Louisiana justices will take the money and run

Louisiana lawmakers this year decided to give judges a one-time pay bump, similar to what they gave public school teachers, but with one significant distinction: Teachers will get a $2,000 stipend; judges will get from roughly $15,000 to almost $17,700 each.

Lemme say right up front that I believe the vast majority of Louisiana’s judges, like the vast majority of teachers, deserve better pay.

Ah, there’s the rub.


Clancy DuBos


The recent stipend that legislators gave to judges was intended to be paid out over the course of the current fiscal year, as the money is earned — similar to how teachers have received their non-recurring stipends in recent years.

But six of the seven Louisiana Supreme Court justices decided to take their stipends in one lump sum — in advance — this week. Worse, the six justices (all except Chief Justice John Weimer) decreed that all other judges must do likewise or forfeit the stipend altogether. And most galling of all, two of the justices will leave the court in the coming months, and thus pocket a full year’s stipend for no more than a half year’s work. 

The decision to jam the lower court judges came in response to a request from several of them to do the right thing and take the stipend incrementally, after it is earned, which is what common sense and the Louisiana Constitution require.

In effect, the six justices are forcing lower court judges to join their money grab in order to give themselves cover, the law be damned.


Public opinion of the judiciary is already low. The six Supremes’ decision to take the money and run will only make things worse.

One-time “bonuses” to Louisiana public employees are outlawed by our state constitution — unless the payments are made after future services are rendered. They cannot be extra compensation for past services already rendered and paid for. 

That’s not my opinion. It’s from a 2010 Louisiana Attorney General’s opinion, citing a landmark Louisiana Supreme Court decision known as the Cabela’s case. It’s why teachers get their stipends periodically, typically after each semester.

It’s also what lawmakers intended when they voted to give the judges a pay bump.

“The legislative intent was to spread it out over the year, but I guess we should have been more specific in the language,” state Rep. Jack McFarland, R-Winnfield, told The Times-Picayune | The Advocate. McFarland chairs the House Appropriations Committee and authored the bill that included the stipend.


Lawmakers also added a condition for judges receiving the stipend: participation in a “workpoint study” designed track the workloads and output of judicial districts and potentially individual judges. The study would help lawmakers decide which courts need to be expanded and which should be reduced in size.

Which explains why some judges don’t want to see such a study happen.

State Rep. Jerome “Zee” Zeringue, R-Houma, has pushed for a workpoint study for years, to no avail. Zeringue, who previously chaired the appropriations panel for four years, confirmed McFarland’s comment on legislators’ intent regarding the stipend being paid out periodically.

The justices are not the only ones flouting the clear legislative intent, however. Gov. Jeff Landry line-item vetoed the workpoint study requirement — but left the stipend intact.

That means taxpayers will foot the roughly $6 million cost of the judicial stipend, but we’ll never know which judges actually earn the extra dough. We can, however, identify some who definitely won’t earn it.


Associate Supreme Court Justice James Genovese will pocket $15,280 up front but leave the court by mid-September, when he will become Landry’s hand-picked president of Northwestern State University in Natchitoches. By leaving early, Genovese will technically earn less than 20% of the stipend. He’ll also will get a handsome pay raise at Northwestern, plus housing and other perks, on top of his enhanced judicial retirement.

Associate Justice Scott Crichton likewise will take the same $15,280 in advance but not serve past Dec. 31, when his current term expires. Crichton has already reached the mandatory retirement age of 70. He’ll earn only half of his stipend.

Several other judges likewise are set to receive the full stipend but only work half a year.

It’s a shame that the avarice of a few jurists will reflect badly on all judges, most of whom work hard to uphold the notion of an independent judiciary. They deserve better.

The Legislature, through the Joint Legislative Budget Committee, should correct this abuse by ensuring that judges who rightly decline to take the up-front money still get it periodically, as the law requires, after they’ve earned it.


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Importance of protecting your skin during the hot Louisiana summer



Importance of protecting your skin during the hot Louisiana summer

BATON ROUGE, La. (WAFB) – Skin protection is important, but it is especially critical when living in a warm state like Louisiana.

The summer months in the Pelican State are smothered in warm temperatures and the lasting humidity.

Baton Rouge General Hospital recommends wearing sunscreen, hats, long sleeves and staying inside during the hottest part of the day, to best avoid exposure to the heat. SPF of 30 and above is suggested. And one spray is only just the beginning, experts say reapplication every two hours is necessary if staying outside for long periods of time.

It is also important to monitor the UV index, a number from 1-11 that says how intense the UV rays from the sun are. UV light is what burns the skin, thus raising your risk for skin cancer.


Keeping hydrated, and limiting exposure to the extreme heat will keep you and your family safe and healthy.

SPF of 30 and above is suggested.

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Cleanup continues for Bayou Lafourche oil spill • Louisiana Illuminator



Cleanup continues for Bayou Lafourche oil spill • Louisiana Illuminator

More than 100 workers spent Sunday continuing the cleanup of a crude oil spill in Bayou Lafourche near Raceland, hoping to protect the drinking water supply and wildlife.

So far, the drinking water quality has not been compromised, Lafourche Parish President Archie Chaisson said. Still, residences and businesses from south of Louisiana Highway 182 to Port Fourchon have been advised to conserve water as a precaution.

In Sunday evening update, Chaisson said cleanup crews reported recovering 20 dead animals from the bayou — 17 salamanders, two turtles and one crawfish. Four ducks and three alligators were also seen covered with oil, but none were able to be captured.

The public is asked to call (832) 514-9663 to report any oil-covered animals rather than try to catch and clean them on their own.     


Any residents or businesses that want to report personal or property damage from the oil should call 833-812-0877.

The source of the oil leak was a tank at the Crescent Midstream Crude Oil Facility at the intersection of LA 182 and Highway 308 in Raceland. An still-undetermined amount of oil leaked into a stormwater canal and then flowed into the bayou. The leak was contained Saturday, a company spokesman told reporters. 

A dark sheen of crude could still be seen Sunday along a long stretch of the bayou between the Highway 182 and the U.S. 90 overpass. 

There were 117 workers, 28 boats, seven vacuum trucks, five drum skimmers and three wash pumps being used to clean and contain the spill, in addition to 4,300 feet of containment boom, Chaisson said. Crews are pumping water from the bayou to flush oil from vegetation on the banks into the containment boom so it can be recovered with skimmers for disposal. 

Cleanup work has paused at nightfall out of safety concerns and will resume at daybreak.


Bayou Lafourche remains closed to boat traffic from the Highway 182 bridge to the Salt Water Control Structure in Lockport. 

Officials have also placed the area from LA 182 to Highway 654 off limits to aircraft, one mile in either direction from Bayou Lafourche. The airspace precautions are being taken so helicopters and drones can safely monitor the spill from overhead.

WVUE-TV Fox 8 reported residents near the spill can smell the oil. Air quality in the area is being monitored out of an abundance of caution, Chaisson said. 

“Results have been well below actionable levels,” he said.




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