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Divided states of America: From Oregon to Louisiana, campaigns for secession are taking place at local and state levels – and some are succeeding



Divided states of America: From Oregon to Louisiana, campaigns for secession are taking place at local and state levels – and some are succeeding

In an increasingly divided United States of America, a radical solution to resolve fraught political differences is gaining momentum: secession.

Be it the campaign for Texas to quit the US and form its own republic or efforts by red counties in Oregon to join Idaho, movements are gaining support at both local and state levels.

In nearly every case, the campaigns have been formed in conservative areas by voters eager to break away from the progressive leaders who govern them.

Some are a pipe dream. Texas is unlikely to depart the union any time soon, despite the optimism of those leading its ‘Texit’ independence campaign.


But several localized efforts have succeeded – or gained enough support to be taken seriously. recently reported that voters in thirteen counties of eastern Oregon now support secession from the state to join Idaho by redrawing state lines.

More than 2,000 miles away in Louisiana, the new city of St George was recently incorporated after wealthy residents controversially voted to separate from Baton Rouge over claims of crime issues and a poor education system.

Here, explains some of the most prominent and longstanding secession campaigns in the country. 

East Oregon

Travel 200 miles south east of Oregon’s uber-progressive capital, Portland, and you’ll reach Crook County, a picturesque and sparsely populated region where agriculture and livestock drive the local economy.


The way of life is vastly different from that of Portland’s metropolis, which has been blighted in recent years by crime, drug use and homelessness. 

Earlier in May, Crook County became the 13th county in eastern Oregon to formally support starting the process of redrawing the state’s border to create a Greater Idaho. 

More than a dozen fed-up liberal counties in eastern Oregon have voted in support of measures to start negotiations to secede from the state and join conservative Idaho

More than a dozen fed-up liberal counties in eastern Oregon have voted in support of measures to start negotiations to secede from the state and join conservative Idaho 

Crook County became the 13th to approve the Greater Idaho Measure following a vote

Crook County became the 13th to approve the Greater Idaho Measure following a vote 

Supporters say they’re disillusioned by the state’s Democratic leaders, whose efforts to decriminalize drugs and defund police have backfired spectacularly. They want their counties to be absorbed into a ‘Greater Idaho’, essentially joining the neighboring state which is overwhelmingly Republican.

‘The Oregon/Idaho line was established 163 years ago and is now outdated,’ according to the movement. ‘It makes no sense in its current location because it doesn’t match the location of the cultural divide in Oregon.

‘We want an economy that is not held back by Oregon regulations and taxes, including environmental regulations.


‘We’ll still have federal and Idaho regulations, and that’s plenty. Idaho knows how to respect rural counties and their livelihoods.’

The recent vote by Cook County is largely symbolic but indicates majority support in eastern Idaho to open negotiations for the Greater Idaho project.

Campaigners say their wishes can no longer be ignored.

St George, Louisiana

St George became Louisiana’s newest incorporated city in April after a years-long fight which started as a campaign to create a new school district.

The predominantly white, wealthy area has seceded from Baton Rouge, Louisiana’s capital.


The seismic – and highly controversial – victory means St George residents are no longer Baton Rouge taxpayers and will take control of many public services. 

Supporters of the new city claimed that Baton Rouge’s city-parish government is poorly run, with high crime rates and bad schools. 

Opponents labeled their campaign ‘racist’ and said it creates a ‘white enclave’. St George’s population is around 70 percent white, while an estimated 52.4 percent of Baton Rouge are black and African American. Supporters vehemently deny that race is a factor.

The predominantly white, wealthy area of St George has seceded from Baton Rouge, Louisiana's capital

The predominantly white, wealthy area of St George has seceded from Baton Rouge, Louisiana’s capital

The campaign initially started as an attempt to create a new school district for St George. It later became a bolder effort to create the new city. 

In April, after years of legal wrangling, the Louisiana Supreme Court ruled the City of St George could be incorporated, separating it from Baton Rouge.


Their success has given hope to other similar localized campaigns – but also highlights the political and economic consequences of such a radical move.

A 2014 study by the Baton Rouge Area Chamber found that the effects of the partition would be economically devastating for the remainder of Baton Rouge, immediately creating a $53 million budget shortfall.


The ‘Texit’ movement to withdraw Texas from the United States and form an independent sovereign state has simmered for decades.

Advocates for this radical campaign claim it has been boosted in recent years by broader political divisions in America – not least surrounding the migrant crisis.

But unlike other secession campaigns at a local or state level, breaking away from the United States entirely could prove impossible. Many scholars argue that the constitution does not allow any state to quit the union.


Polling has found growing support in recent years for an independent Texas. 

In 2009, a Rasmussen Reports survey found only 18 percent of people supported secession. A separate poll by Redfield & Wilton Strategies in February 2024 found the total had increased to 33 percent.

Texas independence gained traction after the federal U.S. Border Patrol cut down razor wire along the Texas-Mexico border, only for the state to erect new fencing in defiance

Texas independence gained traction after the federal U.S. Border Patrol cut down razor wire along the Texas-Mexico border, only for the state to erect new fencing in defiance

The leader of the Texas Nationalist Movement (TNM), Daniel Miller, told in February that political tensions at the border with Mexico ‘highlighted the broken relationship’ between Austin and Washington, D.C.

His comments came amid a stand off between Texas Governor Greg Abbott and President Joe Biden over security measures at the Mexico border.

Miller also made the ambitious claim that independence could be achieved in three decades. His campaign points out that out that Texas has the 8th largest economy in the world, valued at more than $2.4trillion by the IMF, and was a net contributor to the U.S. economy


But experts say it’s unrealistic to expect that Texas could simply withdraw from the US and maintain its economic power.

Joshua Blank, research director of the Texas Politics Project, said supporters of secession didn’t like to think of the downsides, like how federal dollars that paid for public education, transportation, or border security would be replaced.

‘Essentially, the belief is that you can have the same government you have now, but just remove the relationship to the federal government and stop paying federal taxes, and just live in Texas,’ Blank said. ‘That’s just an impossibility.’

Lost Creek, Texas

Secession campaigns in Texas aren’t confined to the statewide attempt to leave the union.

Earlier this month, the wealthy Austin neighborhood of Lost Creek voted to leave the city in response to issues with crime and public services.


Lost Creek was forcibly annexed by Austin in 2015. The controversial measure, which also included the annexation of several other neighborhoods, meant residents became city taxpayers.

But on May 4, Lost Creek and two other areas voted to disannex, which removes them from the city limits and overhauls their taxation and the delivery of certain public services including policing.

Lost Creek, a rich enclave in the west side of Austin, voted with a whooping 91 percent to break away from Austin during a May 4 election

Lost Creek, a rich enclave in the west side of Austin, voted with a whooping 91 percent to break away from Austin during a May 4 election 

Like St George in Louisiana, Lost Creek is a wealthy area which has separated from a city where average incomes are lower and the demographics are more diverse.

‘What an FU to the Mayor and Council of Austin,’ tweeted local retired judge and attorney Bill Aleshire on election night.

Following the vote, Lost Creek’s law enforcement and fire response will now be handled by Travis County. Some public services will still be managed by the city. 


Austin is understaffed by 483 officers after the former mayor and city council went to war with the police in 2020, slashing the department’s budget by a third.

‘We are our own little community, and I think that’s how we should be treated,’ said Lost Creek resident Rachel Cole.

‘State of Jefferson’

The movement spanning swathes of Northern California and southern Oregon to create a ‘State of Jefferson’ epitomizes the view in many rural communities that they are neglected – and misunderstood – by elected leaders in urban capitals.

Efforts to create a State of Jefferson date back to the late 19th, making it one of the oldest secession campaigns of its kind in America.

Today, the movement involves rural, majority conservative areas in Northern California and southern Oregon seeking to create their own state free from their currently liberal-minded leaders.


Like attempts to remove Texas from the US, the likelihood a state of Jefferson will ever be created is tiny – but that has not dampened the efforts of some campaigners.

As recently as 2017, a lawsuit was filed aiming to enlarge California’s legislature, arguing that the senate and assembly were too small for a state of 40 million people. The lawsuit, which gained national attention but was unsuccessful, was intended to force lawmakers into looking at splitting the state.

A year earlier during the 2016 presidential election, California counties inside the proposed state of Jefferson voted overwhelmingly in favor of Donald Trump, while the rest of the state supported Hilary Clinton. The difference was touted by State of Jefferson supporters further credibility for their campaign.

The State of Jefferson already has its own seal which consists of two Xs which represent a ‘double cross’. The seal is intended to illustrate the regions inside the proposed state have been left behind by California and Oregon’s leaders.

Buckhead, Georgia

The campaign to split Buckhead from the city of Atlanta has echoes of the secession efforts in St George and Lost Creek.


Buckhead is an affluent area at the heart of Atlanta’s economy and has more conservative and white residents than many other parts of the city.

Efforts to separate Buckhead from Atlanta date to around 2008 but were delivered a catastrophic blow in March last year when Georgia lawmakers – including several Republicans – voted to reject the movement.

Supporters of secession argued that Buckhead should be a city in its own right because it is responsible for 40 percent of Atlanta’s tax revenues, despite making up less than one fifth of its population.

Bill White, former CEO of the Buckhead Exploratory Committee which campaigned to split the area from Atlanta. White quit the campaign after the idea was rejected by lawmakers

Bill White, former CEO of the Buckhead Exploratory Committee which campaigned to split the area from Atlanta. White quit the campaign after the idea was rejected by lawmakers

Buckhead is an affluent area at the heart of Atlanta's economy and has more conservative and white residents than many other parts of the city

Buckhead is an affluent area at the heart of Atlanta’s economy and has more conservative and white residents than many other parts of the city

They argued that should give them control over their own public services – particularly the police force.

But their arguments also worked against them. Allowing Buckhead to become its own city would be devastating for Atlanta due to the loss of its main commercial area and the tax revenues which come with it.


There was also fierce criticism of an attempt to essentially allow a richer, majority-white neighborhood to divorce itself from the poorer, mostly black city at the heart of the Deep South’s largest urban area.

‘If we jerk the heart out of the city of Atlanta, which is Buckhead, I know our capital city will die,’ said Georgia Senator Frank Ginn, a Danielsville Republican, last year.

Weld County, Colorado

Weld County in the far north of Colorado is touted as one of the richest agricultural areas east of the Rocky Mountains, leading the state’s production of cattle and grain.

But some residents there think state’s Democratic leaders take their contributions for granted.

In the words of one: ‘The state of Colorado is at war with three major economic drivers for Weld County: small businesses, agriculture, and oil and gas.’


That sentiment is a driver behind the ambitious campaign to separate Weld County, which has voted Republican in every presidential election since 1968, from Colorado and join Wyoming to the north.

All states have at least some support for secession from the country, according to a recent poll

All states have at least some support for secession from the country, according to a recent poll 

Leaders of the campaign have registered a political committee named ‘Weld County Wyoming’ to try and get a referendum on the idea.

But the efforts have come up against fierce opposition, even within the county itself. 

Tommy Butler, a councilmember in Weld County’s most populous city, Greeley, said: ‘I absolutely love living in Colorado. For those that don’t love living here, there are certainly less ridiculous ways of moving to Wyoming.’

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Tropical rainstorm to bring deluge of rain to Texas, Louisiana



Tropical rainstorm to bring deluge of rain to Texas, Louisiana

This AccuWeather Enhanced RealVue satellite image shows the strengthening tropical rainstorm over the Yucatan Peninsula late on Sunday, June 16.

After a tropical rainstorm brought heavy rainfall to portions of Florida last week, AccuWeather hurricane experts warn that yet another tropical rainstorm is expected to impact the southern U.S. in the coming days.

In addition to the tropical rainstorm, two other areas in the Atlantic Basin are being monitored for tropical development later this week. It is possible that one of these areas could strengthen into Alberto, becoming the first named storm of the season.

AccuWeather began to highlight portions of the western Gulf of Mexico as a high risk on Thursday afternoon. A tropical rainstorm developed late on Sunday and is forecast to steer toward the border between Mexico and Texas early this week. The storm is expected to drift north-northwestward into Wednesday, bringing with it rounds of heavy rain.

“Very warm waters in this area of the Gulf, as well as low wind shear will make this a conducive environment the tropical rainstorm to strengthen,” said AccuWeather Senior Meteorologist Dan Pydynowski.

Given these factors, the rainstorm is forecast to strengthen into a tropical depression, then a tropical storm right before making landfall along the northern Gulf Coast of Mexico. Should the storm produce sustained winds of 39 mph or greater prior to any other development in the Atlantic Basin, it would be given the name Alberto.


A tropical storm is likely to bring widespread gusts to the Mexican states of Tamaulipas and Nuevo Leon, as well as portions of South Texas. Some storm surge can also be expected along the coast north of the storm’s landfall. For both Mexico and the United States, given the risk for damaging winds, storm surge and flooding rainfall, this storm is a 1 on the AccuWeather RealImpact™ Scale for Hurricanes.

Given the limited time over water and close proximity to land, the tropical system will need to intensify quickly in order to reach tropical storm strength before landfall late on Wednesday.

“Even if the tropical storm falls short of reaching tropical storm status, a plume of rich, deep tropical moisture is expected to surge into Mexico, Texas and Louisiana into the middle of the week,” Pydynowski explained.

Heavy rain is forecast to extend well north of the center of the storm, beginning as early as Monday.

A wet Monday morning commute is expected along the Interstate 10 corridor from New Orleans to Houston, as downpours threaten to slow travel, reduced visibility and cause flooding. Rain is forecast to continue into Wednesday before some of the heavier downpours shift north up the Mississippi River Valley and westward into more of Texas.

The ample supply of tropical moisture could allow rainfall totals to add up quickly, bringing the risk for over half a foot of rain across parts of the Texas and Louisiana Gulf Coasts. An AccuWeather Local StormMax™ of 30 inches is possible in the hardest-hit areas, resulting in road closures.

The Houston area has already received over 6 inches of rain through the first half of June, which is an amount more typical for the entire month. This new round of heavy rainfall to the already drenched area could bring renewed flooding woes for southeastern Texas.

Other zones along the Gulf Coast could use the rain. Brownsville, Texas, has only had 0.17 of an inch of rain so far in June, 14% of the historical average. In New Orleans, only 10% of the month’s typical rain fell in the first 15 days of June. In these areas, the soil may be so dry from the lack of recent rain that flash flooding could occur in the heavier downpours.



Behind this wave of tropical rainfall, it’s not out of the question that another tropical system could form near the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico late in the week.

“With warm waters and low shear still present in the southern Gulf of Mexico and northwestern Caribbean next weekend, yet another opportunity for tropical development may present itself,” warned Pydynowski.

Depending on the wind pattern in the atmosphere, any moisture from this area may again funnel into the Gulf Coast for the last week of June. Given the expected rain in the coming week, the risk for localized flooding may increase.

As the middle of the week approaches, yet another area could see a developing tropical system, according to AccuWeather meteorologists.

“This appears to be a quick-moving and compact low pressure area that will be moving westward into northeastern Florida or perhaps as far north as southeastern Georgia on Thursday,” said Pydynowski.

A stronger storm could bring gusty winds, especially to coastal locations. But even a less-organized storm would bring rough surf and downpours from the northern Bahamas to the Southeast Atlantic Coast.


Heavy tropical rainfall may hit some of the same areas that were drenched with last week’s tropical rainstorm. The highest rainfall totals are likely to miss to the north of Miami, which had over 11 inches of rain, and the town of Aventura, where 20 inches of rain fell. Instead, locations from Melbourne, Florida, to Charleston, South Carolina, may be more at risk for the heavy rain.

The zone currently primed for the heaviest rain has had very little rain so far this month, including Jacksonville, Florida, which only has reported 0.64 of an inch.

Forecasters will continue to monitor the development potential of all three areas throughout the week.

Want next-level safety, ad-free? Unlock advanced, hyperlocal severe weather alerts when you subscribe to Premium+ on the AccuWeather app. AccuWeather Alerts™ are prompted by our expert meteorologists who monitor and analyze dangerous weather risks 24/7 to keep you and your family safer.

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Two toddlers found unresponsive at swimming pool in Louisiana apartment complex



Two toddlers found unresponsive at swimming pool in Louisiana apartment complex

METAIRIE, La. (WVUE/Gray News) – Two toddler girls were found unresponsive at a community swimming pool at an apartment complex in Louisiana, according to authorities.

The Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office said the incident happened at the Lemon Tree Apartments in the Metairie suburbs.

Emergency dispatchers received a call about the unresponsive children shortly before 9:55 a.m. on Sunday.

Initial reports indicated a pair of 2-year-olds had fallen or jumped into a pool.


The sheriff’s office says deputies arrived on the scene and began CPR efforts.

After paramedics arrived to continue treatment, deputies formed a rolling blockade of intersections along Causeway Boulevard to accelerate the safe transport of the children the hospital.

The sheriff’s office said the children arrived at the hospital at 10:24 a.m., but there was no indication from authorities that they ever regained consciousness.

Two toddler girls were found unresponsive early Sunday at a community pool of the Lemon Tree Apartments in Metairie, the Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office said.(WVUE-Fox 8)

Authorities have not disclosed the children’s identities. WVUE reported it is confirmed the children are both young girls.

“Our initial investigation indicates that the victims were outside their apartment unit playing with siblings, before entering the gated common pool area,” JPSO spokesman Sgt. Brandon Veal said in a statement. “This investigation is in its early stages. The identity of the victims are being withheld at this time.”


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What Food Is the FDA Recalling in Louisiana?



What Food Is the FDA Recalling in Louisiana?

The Food and Drug Administration has issued a recall of popular items due to concerns over Salmonella contamination.

When you eat food contaminated with Salmonella can really take a toll on your body. It triggers salmonellosis in which you can get stomach cramps, diarrhea, and fever. It would not make a pleasant time. Between 12 hours through 72 hours after eating something contaminated with Salmonella you’ll start experiencing these issues.

Some of the items sold at Sam’s stores and Costco stores are being elevated in their risk level according to Newsweek.

While most people feel terrible they will eventually recover, but for older adults, and those with compromised immune systems, it may require a hospital stay.


If you love cookies then you need to check your refrigerator to see if you have any of the following cookie dough and don’t use it:

Stores like Sam’s, Costco, Panera Bread and more have the following items that are being recalled:

Costco Chocolate Chunk Frozen Cookie Dough, Net Wt. 33lb (14.97kg)

1.6 oz dough pucks Member’s Mark Chocolate Chunk, Net Wt. 14.85lb (6.74kg)

144/1.65 oz dough pucks/case Panera Chocolate Chipper Cookie


Net Wt. 41.25 lb (18.71kg), 220/3 oz dough pucks/case Rise Baking Jumbo Chocolate Chunk

Net Wt. 37.5 lb (17.01 kg), 240/2.5 oz dough pucks/case Mini Chocolate Chip Cookie

Net Wt. 16.87 lb (7.65 kg), 600/0.45 oz dough pucks/case Mini Chocolate Chip Cookie

According to the FDA, they are recalling 30,000 cases of cookie dough to make sure no one consumes the products.

If you have any of the products above with the following lot codes, you should not consume them:

  • 4109N1
  • 4110N1
  • 4106N3
  • 4107N3
  • 4108N3
  • 4109N3
  • 4110N3
  • 4116N1
  • 4117N1
  • 4109N4
  • 4110N4
  • 4115N1

READ ON: See the States Where People Live the Longest

Read on to learn the average life expectancy in each state.

Gallery Credit: Hannah Lang

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