Now that Teton Pass has been temporarily repaired and commuting life is back to normal, motorists have moved on while they putter up and over the...
“WyoFile is an independent, member-supported, public-interest news service reporting on the people, places and policy of Wyoming. The organization incorporated in 2009 as a Wyoming 501(c)3...
Will 2024 be the year the Wyoming Freedom Caucus gains control of the state House? State Rep. John Bear, R-Gillette, chairman of the growing Republican group,...
Election season is upon us. Like manure in a barn, mailers, social media ads and billboards are beginning to bury our view shed in piles and...
The Central Wyoming Rodeo kicked off in Casper on Tuesday night and one of the more entertaining events is the Mutton Bustin’. The young boys and...
Real estate and housing costs in Jackson, Wyoming, have become unaffordable to many, even those who would be considered wealthy in most other places. It’s causing...
Former state legislator Tyler Lindholm is well-known at the Wyoming Capitol, easily recognizable by his tall frame and frequent presence in the halls. His organization, Americans...
Swaths of sagebrush and sunflowers blanket the Kelly Parcel, where a local rancher regularly grazes his horse herd. Wyoming lawmakers left the legislative session in March...
Yellowstone National Park rangers likely saved a number of lives in an Independence Day shootout with a contract worker who reportedly took a woman hostage and...
With six weeks to go before the Aug. 20 primary, political advertising campaigns are starting to hit overdrive around Wyoming. Last week, the first entirely out-of-state-based...