In a groundbreaking experiment, surgeons in Switzerland successfully performed an endoscopic procedure on a pig 5,780 miles away in Hong Kong. This innovative feat was accomplished...
Gamers hoping to spend an evening in front of their PlayStation 5 or PlayStation 4 may be out of luck unless they enjoy single-player experiences (have...
Amazon offered some pretty good deals ahead of its Prime Big Deal Days sale last week and continues to do so, but admittedly, we’ve seen most of these...
Ever found yourself in a pinch, needing to check your email or print a document while you’re out and about? Maybe you’re traveling and need to...
Autumn is here, and once again, warnings are going up about the spread of the covid-19 virus — along with the flu and RSV, or respiratory...
San Francisco is taking a bold step in its fight against crime by deploying three new mobile surveillance cameras. This initiative is part of a larger...
You know how Marvel and DC have held joint ownership over trademarks for “Super Hero” for decades? That time is apparently mostly over, as the US...
California Governor Gavin Newsom vetoed the Safe and Secure Innovation for Frontier Artificial Intelligence Models Act (SB 1047) today. In his veto message, Governor Newsom cited...
You’d think an app listed on the Play Store would be safe to download. That’s what Google wants you to believe, and it’s true to a...
Hi, friends! Welcome to Installer No. 54, your guide to the best and Verge-iest stuff in the world. (If you’re new here, welcome, so psyched you...