Meiyazhagan Movie Synopsis: A man who returns to his home town after 22 years, carrying the emotional baggage of leaving the place in bitter circumstances runs...
Tweet The Wild Robot is a wonderful, emotional tale following the journey of an unlikely mother and child as they evolve and learn to love and...
For fans of gory, jumpy, full of “sneak attacks” and blood horror movies, Beezel delivers. Have you ever lived in an older house? Were there strange...
Echoes of Folk Horror, “The Babadook,” and even “Under the Skin” weave through Benjamin Barfoot’s chilling study in the denial that often unfolds after the sudden...
The Wild Robot, 2024. Written and Directed by Chris Sanders.Featuring the voice talents of Lupita Nyong’o, Pedro Pascal, Kit Connor, Bill Nighy, Stephanie Hsu, Mark Hamill,...
Roadside Attractions Too many people have never heard of Lee Miller. In the past decade or so, the model turned war photographer began to get a...
There’s an abundance of horror movies lately that underestimate the emotional intelligence of their viewers, choosing to pound home their metaphors instead of leaving them with...
Coralie Fargeat’s The Substance takes a gross, gruesome bite out of modern beauty standards in outstanding fashion. “Is she pretty on the inside?/Is she pretty from...
The Substance, starring Demi Moore, has launched into theaters and we boldly went in to see if it is indeed everything it was hyped to be....
I have loved Full Moon pictures for a long time, and Charles band turned an expectation upside down with his originality here. Death Streamer is an...