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What happens to the 1,000 lbs. of butter used in the PA Farm Show sculpture?



What happens to the 1,000 lbs. of butter used in the PA Farm Show sculpture?

Harrisburg, Pa. — Consider what number of slices of toast may very well be buttered from PA Farm Present’s thirty second 1,000 pound butter sculpture. 


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103-year-old WWII veteran credits soda and dark chocolate for his longevity as he celebrates birthday



103-year-old WWII veteran credits soda and dark chocolate for his longevity as he celebrates birthday

A Pennsylvania World War II veteran celebrated his 103 birthday earlier this month, calling it the greatest day of his life, while he shared the secret of his extraordinary longevity.

Frank Pugliano Sr., dressed in his WWII veteran jacket and hat, enjoyed the birthday festivities along with his family and friends at Boyce Park, outside of Pittsburgh, PA. last weekend where tables were decorated with tiny American flags.

“The greatest day of my life,” he told WTAE. “I never thought I’d be here at 103, going from what I went through. You never know. A lot of my friends never made it, but I made it.”

Pugliano credits Coca-Cola and dark chocolate as the reason he made it to 103, he told the outlet.

World War II Army veteran, Frank Puggliano Sr. celebrated his 103rd birthday earlier this month. Facebook

The Italian-born soldier immigrated to the US when he was only 6 years old and graduated from Penn Hills High School in 1942, according to the Tribune-Review.

Pugliano enlisted in the US Army and served for three years in the Pacific theater, where he survived a Japanese torpedo attack while he was deployed on a convoy mission to Luzon in the Philippines.

He says he saw a lot of young men lose their lives during the attack.

Pugliano was honorably discharged from the Army in 1945.

Pugliano attended his birthday party at Boyce Park outside of Pittsburgh last weekend. Facebook
A birthday cake decorated “Happy 103rd Birthday Frank” was waiting for Pugliano at the party. Facebook

Following his return home, Pugliano married his high school sweetheart, Mary Strough, and the couple were married for 65 years until she died in 2011.


He became a diesel mechanic after his military service, specializing in heavy equipment.

At the time of his centennial milestone, Pugliano credited “good Italian genes” and staying active as the reason he reached triple digits.

“The doctor told me, ‘Whatever you’re doing, do it,’” Pugliano told the newspaper, boasting about his excellent health except for bad knees.

“His health is remarkable and he doesn’t look his age. His frame of mind, everything … it’s absolutely incredible,” Pugliano’s son, Frank Pugliano Jr. said at his father’s 100th birthday.

The 103-year-old says he cuts his grass and maintains his home to keep active.


The Greatest Generation member still keeps up with the times, using his iPad daily and running his own Facebook account.

“That’s how I keep in touch with my relatives,” Pugliano said.

At the time of his centennial milestone, Pugliano credited “good Italian genes” and staying active as the reason he reached triple digits. Facebook
The 103-year-old says he cuts his grass and maintains his home to keep active. Facebook

He most recently worked at a 55-and-over residential community, maintaining the clubhouse until he was 98 years old.

Pugliano said his favorite dishes include three eggs, bacon, hash browns, toast and coffee at Kings Family Restaurant and pasta fagioli at his favorite restaurant, The Olive Garden, according to the Tribune.

In March, Vincent Dransfield, a former New Jersey volunteer fire chief and great-grandfather of seven turned 110.

Pugliano enlisted in the US Army and served for three years in the Pacific theater until he was honorably discharged in 1945.
Following his return home, Pugliano married his high school sweetheart, Mary Strough, and the couple were married for 65 years until she died in 2011. Facebook

Dransfield is one of the few men in the group of 110-plus-year-olds and has lived a healthy life all those years with just some knee pain to complain about, according to “Today.”

He lives alone with no home aide or extra help, cooks simple food for himself, walks up and down his three-level house and drives “pretty good” daily with no issues.

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Heat advisory issued for Pennsylvania for Tuesday



Heat advisory issued for Pennsylvania for Tuesday

On Sunday at 3:47 a.m. a heat advisory was issued by the National Weather Service valid for Tuesday between 10 a.m. and 10 p.m. for Carbon, Monroe, Berks, Lehigh, Northampton and Bucks counties.

“Heat index values up to 103 degrees expected,” states the weather service. “This is the start of a prolonged period of excessive heat with high temperatures in the mid to upper 90s through the week. The early season heat combined with the prolonged nature of the heat may cause heat related impacts that exceed anticipate heat illnesses or on heat sensitive infrastructure normally associated with a Heat Advisory.”

“Heat related illnesses increase significantly during extreme heat and high humidity events,” says the weather service.

Hot weather safety: Weather service tips for staying safe and healthy

  • Stay hydrated: Remember to drink plenty of fluids.
  • Seek shelter: Stay indoors in an air-conditioned room to keep cool.
  • Avoid sun exposure: Avoid direct sun exposure, protect yourself and check on vulnerable relatives and neighbors.
  • Child and pet safety: Never leave young children and pets unattended in hot vehicles – car interiors can reach lethal temperatures in a matter of minutes.
  • Caution outdoors: Take extra precautions if you work or spend time outside.
  • Optimal timing: If possible, move strenuous activities to early morning or evening for more favorable conditions.
  • Recognize heat-related issues: Recognize the warning signs and familiarize yourself with symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke.
  • Dress comfortably: Wear lightweight and loose-fitting clothing to stay cool.

Additional tips for outdoor workers:

  • For outdoor workers, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recommends regular rest breaks in shaded or air-conditioned areas.
  • If someone succumbs to the heat, promptly relocate them to a cool, shaded location.
  • In emergency situations, dial 911 for immediate assistance.

These NWS heat safety recommendations are vital for your well-being during periods of high temperatures. Stay informed and take the necessary steps to protect yourself and others from the heat’s potentially dangerous effects.

Advance Local Weather Alerts is a service provided by United Robots, which uses machine learning to compile the latest data from the National Weather Service.


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