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Fall Family Day in Canaan raises money for Make-A-Wish Maine



Fall Family Day in Canaan raises money for Make-A-Wish Maine

CANAAN, Maine (WABI) -On Saturday, a local farm hosted their 14th annual Fall Family Day.

The Ring Family Farm has been celebrating fall and raising money for the Maine Make-A-Wish Foundation since 2010.

They are collecting proceeds from selling pumpkins, corn stalks, mums, and much more at the event.

In light of the weather the community came together to enjoy all the fun activities and support a great cause.


“We have popcorn, we have pumpkin carving, we have Geez Louise here. We have Borderline Express coming later. We have Canaan Public Library here doing wooden pumpkins. We have the chainsaw carver, Pasco. A blacksmith. Every memory is a smile. That’s our slogan.” said Tyler Ring, Ring Family Farm.

There were even unlimited wagon rides, drawn by horses, for the kiddos.

Widows Sons also made a significant donation to the foundation, presenting it on a giant check.

To make a donation, you can send it directly to Make-A-Wish Maine or stop by the farm.

1833 Hill Road, Canaan, ME, United States


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Henry, A Dog’s Life in Maine



Henry, A Dog’s Life in Maine

Tuckerman shows off his cone. (Courtesy photo)

It all started one fine summer afternoon. My mom has a couple of doggie clients that she lets out to run around and do their “business” several days a week while their people are at work. One particular set are the duo of Tuckerman, a year-old retriever and his very opinionated bud Piper, (affectionately called Pipes by my mom, who has said she loves this guy way too much) a 15-year-old Pug.

The adventure started with a text from Tuc’s mom informing her that he had been tutored. Excuse me, I heard that wrong, he had been neutered. (I have some experience with that, although it is a vague memory now.) Tuc would be wearing a cone. This is where the fun started.

Mom arrived to find the very excited and happy duo. The cone was a large plastic piece and Tuc, in his excitement was doing his very best to navigate around. He crashed into the wall, the doorway, the kitchen counter, Piper, (who rolled with it, literally,) and eventually my mom. She managed to get them both outside, but not without waiting for Tuc who tried several times to pick up one of his toys. If you have ever had a dog that needed to wear a cone, you know how difficult it is for them to pick up anything off the floor. Now, while all this was going on, he was blocking the door. Piper was not having it and very vocally let my mom know. Tuc finally was able to snag his toy and out they went.


Once outside, the adventure of Tuc and the cone began. It happened rather quickly, and to this day Mom says she is still both perplexed and in awe of the physicality of said event. Tuc ran around the lawn in circles. The speed was most incredible. If you have ever watched a plane take off, you can get the idea of the combination of the speed and liftoff; this was Tuc.

The lawn has a hill and he rolled down it with the exuberance typical of a puppy. In this case, a very large puppy – all legs and tail. Mom watched him come bounding back up, happy, cone flapping up and down, fazing him not in the least.

What happened next, she says, will be forever burned in her memory. She had a bit of difficulty explaining the event because it seemed quite surreal.

On his final roll of the afternoon, Tuc went down the hill backward. Mom described it as a whirlwind of dog butt, legs, and tail lifted in the air as if he were taking off, disappearing momentarily down the hill. Worried he was hurt, she ran down to check him and was met with a bounding, racing, (with the cone faced inside out and backward) blur of fur, grass, and dirt. Yes, a sight unlike Mom has ever seen, and to this day is still in wonderment.

As she went to fix said cone, Tuc took this as an invitation to play bet you can’t catch me. He was right.

Tuckerman, a 1-year-old retriever (Courtesy photo)

Tuckerman, a 1-year-old retriever (Courtesy photo)

While all this mayhem was happening, Piper sat on the sidelines, commenting loudly on Mom’s ineptitude to cease running around and dispense with her treats. If you have you have ever owned a pug, you know how that is. Tuc decided that he would now be rid of this large bulky plastic appendage, shaking his head until it became loose. Somehow, he stepped on it, pried it off, leaving it dangling by the string that was attached to his collar.

All the while, mom was chasing him around the lawn to no avail. She decided to give up and grabbed the treat container. Thinking that if she shook it, he would come to her. Well, this gave Piper more ammunition and gave Mom a real “what for.”

Tuc, who seemed exhausted at this point, finally caved and came crashing into the house. The cone was torn in half, dangling and tripping Tuc as he ran up the step, crashing into Piper who, once again, literally rolled with it.

Mom managed to untie the string and yanked what was left of the cone off Tuc’s head. She texted his mom to inform her of the series of events. She said she was laughing so hard it took her a few attempts to text. Luckily there was duct tape in a drawer in the kitchen. Dad refers to duct tape as a divine gift to the universe.


Mom was able to tape the sad remains of the collar and somehow tackle Tuc, hold him in place with her knees, and return the plastic appendage to its former state on his head. Treats were dispensed and all was well. Tuc was not exactly thrilled, but luckily seemed super tired out and went crashing on to the sun porch for a nap, Piper at his side snoring away.

Mom laughingly drove home, dignity intact, ever grateful these two are in her life.

Mom read somewhere that dogs are sent without wings so that no one will know they are angels. She believes this with her whole heart.

Hugs and love to all, and please remember if we can’t go into stores with you, leave us home. A car can heat up fast, up to 10 degrees higher.




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Maine Open Farm Day set for July 28



Maine Open Farm Day set for July 28

AUGUSTA — Maine Open Farm Day, a free event set for 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday, July 28, is an opportunity for families, educators, and anyone curious about agriculture to connect with farmers and explore Maine’s vitally important agricultural community.

Attendees can discover the daily operations of a working farm, meet the animals, and learn about crop production. They can gain insights into sustainable farming practices, the importance of local agriculture, and the food journey from farm to table.

There are activities for all ages, from farm tours and demonstrations to hands-on experiences and local food tastings.

For more information and a list of participating farms, visit


Check out other upcoming area events!


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Alleged Ringleader of a Violent 7-State Drug Gang Lives in Maine



Alleged Ringleader of a Violent 7-State Drug Gang Lives in Maine

A violent crime syndicate that allegedly uses dating sites and fentanyl to rob from unsuspecting victims allegedly has a base in Maine.

4 People With Ties to Maine Face Charges, Including the Alleged Leader of the Group

According to the U.S. Attorney’s Office, three people with ties to Maine have been arrested in connection with the crimes:

  • Samuel P. ‘Sam’ Jordan
  • Christine Deann ‘Jamie’ DiCarlo
  • Dylan Wilson ‘Tooley’ Small
  • Amanda Marie Correa

Correa is allegedly the ringleader of the group. All of the suspects have ties to Maine, while the BDN reports Correa lives here, in a Gardiner apartment.

READ MORE: Only One Other State Has a Worse Infrastructure Than Maine

Officials Say Dating Sites Like ‘Plenty of Fish’ Were Used to Lure Victims

The gang is known as the F.R.G., or Fentanyl Robbery Gang. According to the U.S. Attorney’s Office, the F.R.G. would use dating websites to connect with individuals interested in hiring prostitutes. Members and associates of the F.R.G. would arrange ‘dates’ at the victim’s location but with the actual intent of robbing them. 


If the Victims Weren’t Knocked Out By the Fentanyl, Things Turned Violent

When the gang members arrived at the agreed-upon location, they would allegedly offer narcotics to the victim, which they were told was cocaine but actually contained fentanyl. If the victim refused the drugs, they would be given them forcibly or surreptitiously. The drugs would incapacitate the victim and the crooks would go about robbing them. If the victim wasn’t incapacitated, it would become a home-invasion robbery where more F.R.G members would arrive and rob the victim’s home at gunpoint or by other violent means, including beatings and aggravated assault. Items typically stolen included firearms, cash, cellular phones, forms of ID, debit and credit cards, drugs, and other things of value.

Four victims of these crimes have died by overdosing on fentanyl. There were three deaths in Pennsylvania and one in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Seven suspects are in custody, four of whom have ties to Maine. Anyone with information about these crimes is asked to contact the FBI at 570-344-2404.

20 Maine News Stories that Have Shocked Us Since the Year 2000

These 20 news stories, from the past 21 years, had an impact felt around the state. Here are the stories that captured our attention are listed in no particular order.

Gallery Credit: Cindy Campbell

19 Items Absolutely Banned from Checked Bags at Maine Airports

You may be familiar with what you can and cannot pack in your carry-on. But how familiar with items banned from your checked luggage? These are 19 of the more than 50 items that can’t fly in your checked bag according to the TSA.


Gallery Credit: Michelle Heart

Time to Clean Your Wallet, Maine, and Take Out 7 Dangerous Items

Some of these you may be carrying right now but, after you read this, you’ll want to store them in a safe place at home.

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