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Russian airstrike on Sumy apartment building kills 9, including two children, Ukraine authorities report



Artefacts are moved to storage in case of doable injury from shelling on the Andrey Sheptytsky Nationwide Museum on March 7 in Lviv, Ukraine. (Dan Kitwood/Getty Photographs)

The partitions of Lviv’s Nationwide Museum stand naked. Elaborate gold lacquered panels, on show after being recovered from seventeenth century Baroque church buildings, have been bundled up and hidden within the basement in a race to avoid wasting the town’s cultural treasures from doable Russian assault.

“Right this moment we see how Russia is shelling residential areas (and) even folks which are evacuating,” says Nationwide Museum Director of Lviv, Ihor Kozhan. “They assured they would not however now we will not belief them. And we have to maintain our heritage as a result of that is our nationwide treasure.”

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has already destroyed a museum containing works by famend Ukrainian painter Maria Prymachenko, whose vivid and imaginative artwork was admired by each Pablo Picasso and Marc Chagall.

Now, the town of Lviv, usually dubbed Ukraine’s cultural capital, is racing to guard its wealthy assortment of historic artwork.

Historic artifacts in cardboard packing containers: The frenzy to avoid wasting its books, work and different artifacts has left little time to attend for specialised packing supplies. As a substitute, volunteers make do by unexpectedly nailing collectively crates from no matter wooden is accessible.

On Monday, volunteers unexpectedly packed historic manuscripts into cardboard packing containers initially meant for transporting bananas to supermarkets. Amongst them was a thousand-year-old bible adorned with gold thread.


At spiritual websites, individuals are additionally making ready for the worst. The Armenian Cathedral of Lviv eliminated a medieval wood sculpture, depicting the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, for protected storage. Having survived World Warfare II, the enormous stained-glass home windows of Lviv’s Latin Cathedral have now been boarded up with metal plates. Most of the metropolis’s landmark statues are actually swaddled in bubble wrap.

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Museums race against time to save Ukraine's cultural treasures
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Joe Biden vows to stay in fight with Trump as pressure to quit mounts



Joe Biden vows to stay in fight with Trump as pressure to quit mounts

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4 killed, 9 injured after vehicle crashes into Long Island nail salon



4 killed, 9 injured after vehicle crashes into Long Island nail salon

Four people were killed and nine others were injured after a minivan crashed into a Long Island, New York, nail salon Friday afternoon.

The vehicle slammed into Hawaii Nail & Spa on Grand Boulevard in Deer Park shortly before 5 p.m.

A witness told NBC New York that the van plowed through the front of the business and almost came out through the back of the salon.

All of those killed or injured were inside the salon at the time, according to Lt. Kevin Heissenbuttel. Some people were trapped in the salon and had to be extricated by emergency services, he said.

A witness said the vehicle had been racing through a parking lot across the street before crashing and “seemingly in a rush,” NBC New York reported, adding that others said the van was trying to get around another vehicle when it drove into the building.


The van was seen racing though a parking lot across the street, NBC New York reported. A witness said it was trying to pass another vehicle when it drove into the building, the station reported.

Photos from the scene showed a gaping hole in the storefront.

The Associated Press reported that a witness said he heard a speeding car and then a “shattering” noise.

“It was a sound that I never heard before,” he said.

The vehicle’s driver was among the injured and transported to a hospital.


The Deer Park Fire Department chief said it was not clear what caused the vehicle to crash into the business.

About 150 firefighters and EMS personnel responded to the scene.

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Trump-Biden debate draws smaller audience as voters tune out US election



Trump-Biden debate draws smaller audience as voters tune out US election

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Thursday night’s US presidential debate was watched by 48mn television viewers, a sharp drop from the numbers that tuned in to the clashes between Joe Biden and Donald Trump in the 2020 campaign.

CNN, the Warner Bros Discovery-owned network which hosted the event, said just over 9mn viewers had watched on its own channels, narrowly ahead of Fox News and ABC News, with cable rival MSNBC drawing about 4mn viewers. Another 30mn people tuned in on CNN’s digital channels or YouTube, it added.

The combined television audiences were well below the totals for previous presidential debates, however, extending a pattern of US media outlets reporting less interest in their election coverage this year.


Trump and Biden drew 73mn viewers for their first debate in 2020, while Trump and Hillary Clinton pulled in an audience of 84mn for the opening showdown of their 2016 contest.

With full control over the style, content and format of the debate, CNN inserted rules that are atypical for US political events, such as foregoing a live audience and muting each candidate’s microphones unless it was their turn to speak.

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The debate was also a stark departure in tone from last year’s CNN town hall event with Trump, when a studio audience filled with the former president’s supporters prompted comparisons with his raucous rallies. CNN’s own media commentator slammed the town hall as a “spectacle of lies”, and Chris Licht resigned as CNN’s chief executive just a few weeks later.

By comparison, Thursday’s night’s debate was restrained. With microphones muted, there were no shouting matches, and with no audience or press in the room, it was quiet. The moderators played a background role, leaving the debate largely a back-and-forth dialogue between Trump and Biden. 


However CNN was criticised for one significant choice: moderators Jake Tapper and Dana Bash largely avoided fact-checking the candidates in real time. The format seemed to favour Trump, who was allowed to make a series of unsubstantiated claims without being challenged during the 90-minute programme. 

The debate was a big test for CNN — the network that pioneered the dramatic, ultra-competitive cable news format in the US in the 1980s, but whose audiences have dwindled in recent years. It was easily the biggest moment yet for CNN chief executive Sir Mark Thompson, who took over as leader of the channel last year and has been tasked with turning around its business and restoring its brand.

CNN landed the sponsorship of the debate in May, beating out competitors including Fox News. The network seized on the moment, promoting the event heavily and forcing its rivals, who simultaneously broadcast the debate, to display CNN’s logo prominently on their screens.

The event was unique for a number of reasons. It was the first presidential debate in decades that was not organised by an independent commission, after Biden and Trump chose to bypass the tradition. It was also scheduled far earlier than usual in the election cycle. In previous years, the initial match-ups between presidential candidates took place in September or October. 

CNN has a fraught history with Trump, who frequently attacked the channel during his presidency. But on Friday morning, the Trump campaign blasted an email out to his supporters titled: “I love CNN . . . Because they gave me the opportunity to wipe the floor with Joe Biden.”

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