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A mega-gift for an HBCU college fell through. Here's what happened — and what's next



A mega-gift for an HBCU college fell through. Here's what happened — and what's next

Florida A&M University announced a “transformative” donation earlier this month — but the school said it ceased contact with the donor after questions arose about the funds.

Jeffrey Greenberg/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

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Jeffrey Greenberg/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

Florida A&M University announced a "transformative" donation earlier this month — but the school ceased contact with the donor after questions arose about the funds. Image shows shrubbery and landscaping around a large sign for the college in Tallahassee, Fla.

Florida A&M University announced a “transformative” donation earlier this month — but the school said it ceased contact with the donor after questions arose about the funds.

Jeffrey Greenberg/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

Transformative financial donations don’t come along often in higher education. So when a donor promised a $237.75 million gift to Florida A&M University, school officials were understandably excited.

The donor was Gregory Gerami, a 30-year-old businessman from Texas who said he wanted to make sure the historically Black school’s windfall would help students who needed the money most. Funds were also designated for FAMU’s athletics department.


“This is more than $100 million more than we have currently in our endowment,” FAMU President Larry Robinson said as he unveiled the donation at the school’s spring commencement ceremony in Tallahassee, Fla. “This is just incredible.”

But amazement at the large gift soon gave way to shock as questions arose about Gerami’s donation. And as word of the surprise donation spread, FAMU leaders were confronted with news reports that linked Gerami to an earlier transformative gift to another school — a donation that never came to fruition.

In an interview with NPR, Gerami refused to confirm or deny his role in that earlier donation to a university in South Carolina. As for FAMU, Gerami says he fulfilled his part of the arrangement.

But FAMU’s Robinson now says it was a mistake to accept Gerami’s gift — and the school’s board wants to know why Robinson and a small circle in his administration agreed to keep the donation a secret.

The fallout has begun: Robinson said last Wednesday that Shawnta Friday-Stroud, who as the vice president for university advancement played a key role in the donation, was resigning from that post. She will retain her job as dean of the school of business and industry, he said.


Mysterious graduation speaker announces a massive gift

Gerami announced the donation during a May 4 commencement ceremony, in an elaborate event where he delivered a fairly standard graduation speech — before giving Robinson a belt buckle and saying he should buckle up for what was coming.

As a gigantic nine-figure check was brought onto the stage, the PA system played a montage of songs, including The O’Jays’ “For The Love of Money” and “Grateful” by Hezekiah Walker.

About the $237.75 million donation, Gerami told the crowd: “By the way, the money is in the bank.”

Friday-Stroud later said that Gerami’s speech was his idea. And last week, Robinson, the university president, apologized for the event, saying it’s something that should not have happened.

The university has removed the video of the commencement from its YouTube page, along with other mentions of the donation from its website and social media channels.

Gregory Gerami stands with Florida A&M University President Larry Robinson and other leaders at a commencement ceremony on May 4, unveiling a large donation. Robinson now says the announcement shouldn't have happened.

Gregory Gerami stands with Florida A&M University President Larry Robinson and other leaders at a commencement ceremony on May 4, unveiling a large donation. Robinson now says the announcement shouldn’t have happened.

FAMU/Screenshot by NPR

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FAMU/Screenshot by NPR


Gregory Gerami stands with Florida A&M University President Larry Robinson and other leaders at a commencement ceremony on May 4, unveiling a large donation. Robinson now says the announcement shouldn't have happened.

Gregory Gerami stands with Florida A&M University President Larry Robinson and other leaders at a commencement ceremony on May 4, unveiling a large donation. Robinson now says the announcement shouldn’t have happened.

FAMU/Screenshot by NPR

How the events unfolded

After the May 4 commencement, skeptics such as Jerell Blakeley, writing for the Education News Flash Substack on May 6, raised questions about Gerami, highlighting news reports connecting him to at least one earlier big college donation that fell apart.

FAMU then put the donation on pause, with Kristin Harper, chair of the board of trustees, stating in a public meeting on May 10 that “serious concerns have been raised regarding the validity of the gift, the adequacy of the due diligence processes and whether the foundation board and board of trustees have been provided ample oversight opportunity.”

Last week, Robinson said engagement with Gerami had “ceased,” and he began referring to the gift as a “proposed donation” that was stopped in its tracks.


As the school’s foundation and board of trustees held public Zoom meetings to discuss the matter, more details about the donation emerged:

  • While Gerami said the money was “in the bank,” Friday-Stroud said the donation was made in the form of 15 million shares of stock in Batterson Farms, Gerami’s privately held company.
  • As for the gift amount of $237.75 million, Friday-Stroud told FAMU’s foundation on May 9 that the sum reflected the stock being valued at $15.85 a share. But in that board meeting, it also emerged that FAMU did not have a third party analyze the valuation.
  • When asked why FAMU hadn’t independently verified the stock’s value during discussions about the donation, Friday-Stroud said a decision was made to hold off on a third-party valuation of the stock until the university’s annual financial audit, scheduled for early summer.
  • Friday-Stroud said that she and Robinson were among the people who signed nondisclosure agreements requiring them to keep the donation secret from other leaders. She also cited donors’ rights to privacy and confidentiality under state law.
  • Robinson says he didn’t tell the chair of either the school’s foundation or board of trustees, who have legal and financial oversight for the institution, because he was worried that doing so might “jeopardize this transformational donation.”

Friday-Stroud told the foundation board that Gerami contacted the university in the fall of 2023 about making a donation. After an initial wealth screening review, she said, “a more expansive second screening” of Gerami made the small circle of FAMU officials aware of potential concerns — “pretty much all of which is what has been put out now in social media,” she said, seemingly referring to reports alleging Gerami was linked to failed donations to South Carolina’s Coastal Carolina University and another school.

But around the same time officials became aware of those allegations, Friday-Stroud said, Gerami’s stock certificates were transferred to the university’s account. She and Robinson discussed the matter and chose to move forward, she said. The school recently released the gift agreement it signed with Gerami, listing the transaction as taking place in April.

“I wanted it to be real and ignored the warning signs along the way,” Robinson told the board of trustees on May 15. But it wasn’t until after the donation was announced, he said, that he decided “engagement with Mr. Gerami should cease.”

“I take full responsibility for this matter and ensuing fallout. I apologize,” Robinson said.


Board members are now seeking an investigation into how the donation became a debacle, including the university president’s failure to disclose the deal to the board before commencement, the nondisclosure agreements, the donor-vetting process, and other questions about who knew what about the deal, and when.

Gerami responds to the allegations

“The stock was transferred [to FAMU] and that’s really all that I have to say,” Gerami said in an interview with NPR, adding that his gift agreement with FAMU was made public.

He also said he’s the subject of stories that are inaccurate, without identifying any information that was incorrect.

His remarks to NPR are in reference to news stories that emerged in 2020, when Coastal Carolina University in Conway, S.C., announced a $95 million donation pledge. But within a few months, the school said it had “ended its relationship with an anonymous donor who …. has not fulfilled an early expectation of the arrangement.”

In an email to NPR, the university refused to confirm or deny the donor’s identity. But The Sun News in Myrtle Beach, S.C., reported that the donor was Gerami, citing data gained from a Freedom of Information Act request, its own research and multiple interviews with him.


“Gerami reluctantly confirmed he was the donor,” the paper reported last June, adding that in Gerami’s telling, he pulled the plug on the deal because he felt disrespected by some Coastal Carolina officials, alleging racism in one instance.

When NPR asked him about the Coastal Carolina University donation, Gerami acknowledged knowing about the gift, which he called “a planned gift.”

He also gave NPR conflicting accounts of what his ties to the gift were. At one point, he said “I don’t know who the donor at Coastal is” and “There’s no documentation to show that I’m the donor at Coastal.” Moments later, he said “I’m not going to confirm or deny that I’m the donor at Coastal.”

Coastal Carolina’s initial statement about the proposed gift, which is no longer on its website, said its new donor was also a supporter of Miles College, a private HBCU in Alabama. But, The Sun News reported last year, “Gerami said a planned donation to Miles College was also never made.”

Officials from Miles College did not reply to NPR’s requests for comment.


When NPR asked Gerami why — if he wasn’t the donor at Coastal Carolina — he didn’t seek a correction to last year’s Sun News article, Gerami replied, “that story did not carry much weight … it didn’t pick up much traction. … So why would I feed into that traction? … I didn’t feel like I needed to jump in there.”

“I have no issues with Coastal,” he said. Later, he added, “I don’t have any issues with anyone that is out there. So no, I’m not going to touch on things just because somebody writes a story.”

When asked how he feels about FAMU ending its plan for a donation from him, Gerami replied, “Things are being taken out of context.” He ended the conversation shortly afterward.

What we know about Gerami’s business

In his speech at FAMU, Gerami said he had overcome “formidable challenges,” including being born with an opiate addiction and fetal alcohol syndrome and diagnosed with cerebral palsy and ADHD. He was raised by a foster family, he said, after being born to “a single mother who was 24 with eight kids,” according to NPR’s transcript of the now removed video.

In portions of their commencement-day remarks that closely echoed each other, Gerami and Robinson mentioned two mentors: an unidentified Merrill Lynch banker; and a former Arlington, Texas, mayor named Robert Cluck (who did not reply to NPR’s requests for comment).


In 2015, Gerami ran for public office, challenging an incumbent city council member in Arlington, Texas. He finished a distant fourth, trailing a university student and a part-time mail carrier.

Then, in recent years, came reports linking him to eye-popping college donations.

At FAMU, Gerami didn’t go into much detail about how he purportedly accrued a fortune. He said only that he had harnessed his “entrepreneurial spirit, transforming a small lawn care business into a successful property management company” before becoming the founder and CEO of Batterson Farms Corp.

Batterson grows industrial hemp in warehouses, using hydroponics, Gerami said during this speech. The venture also researches bioplastics and “cultivating industrial hemp for cancer research,” he added.

Batterson Farms has a website, but it offers few details about the company’s scale. The only available product it lists is HempWood, a composite material produced by a company in Kentucky that says all its hemp fiber is grown within 100 miles of its location in that state. NPR reviewed Batterson Farms’ public Facebook page and records from the Texas Department of Agriculture to learn more about Gerami’s company.


On its Facebook page, Batterson Farms displays its license as a hemp producer in Texas. The company also says it operates multiple Texas locations, including in Van Horn; the Dallas area; Austin; San Antonio; Houston; and El Paso. In April 2023, Gerami was featured in a news story in Lubbock, Texas, saying his company had taken control of seven warehouses on 114 acres of land to grow hemp there.

In response to a records request from NPR, the Texas Department of Agriculture Hemp Program said on Monday that it has a contact address for Batterson Farms in San Antonio, and a business address in Austin, and that there is “no registered hemp production” at those locations.

The state agency confirmed that Batterson Farms has a current hemp producer license (the first step in the state’s commercial hemp licensing process), and a lot crop permit, both of which are tied to an address in Paradise, a small town in Wise County, northwest of Fort Worth.

“A Hemp Producer is required to purchase a lot crop permit anytime they plan to grow hemp under the TDA Hemp Program. A lot crop permit is good for one hemp crop,” according to the Texas agriculture department, which also confirmed that this location is registered to grow hemp.

“Batterson Farms Corp does not have any other license or permit with the TDA Hemp Program,” the agency said. The company isn’t on the state’s most recent list of hemp processors, for instance.


The agency also said that it “does not have any information for [Batterson Farms] locations in Van Horn, TX; Dallas County, TX; Houston, TX; or El Paso, TX.”

The available information provided few details about whether Gerami’s company is operating at a scale making its stock worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

At the time of publication, Gerami had not responded to NPR’s request for more information about his donation and his business.

What does this mean for Florida A&M University now?

It’s an embarrassing setback for FAMU, at a time when its leaders are touting the school’s successes as one of the country’s top HBCUs and in fundraising and sports.

HBCU institutions have been getting more money as donors realize their importance in preparing Black Americans for success, Amir Pasic, the dean of Indiana University’s Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, told NPR. In his view, it makes sense to invest in a school like FAMU.


“Spelman in particular just a few months ago got a $100 million gift,” he said. “And Mackenzie Scott has been investing in HBCU and community colleges as well.”

But, Pasic added, the school should have been alerted to a potential problem due to how quickly the mammoth gift proposal took shape, in only about six months.

“It is rare that these gifts aren’t part of a long-term conversation that donors have had over multiple years and sometimes even decades with the university,” he said, particularly from a first-time donor.

Pasic said he agrees that the now-canceled donation would have been “transformative” for FAMU. He also has ideas about the fallout for FAMU and what its leaders should do now.

“It’s something of an embarrassment. But on the other hand, I think the silver lining for them is that it demonstrated their ambition and that they really want to do more and achieve more for their students, faculty and staff,” he said.


“So I think they should just embrace that.”

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EU capitals to back new term for Ursula von der Leyen



EU capitals to back new term for Ursula von der Leyen

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EU leaders plan to approve Ursula von der Leyen for a second five-year term as president of the European Commission on Monday evening, as the bloc’s capitals choose continuity over change amid the war in Ukraine, tensions with China and political uncertainty in key countries. 

The heads of the EU’s 27 member states will use a private dinner in Brussels on Monday evening to give political backing to von der Leyen remaining in office, diplomats and officials from across the continent said, ahead of a formal rubber-stamping later this month.

“Nobody is discussing any other outcome,” said a senior EU diplomat who has spent the past week in discussions with key capitals. “For her, the die is cast.”


Von der Leyen would then need to win a majority of the newly elected European parliament to remain as the EU’s most powerful official through 2029, running the bloc’s executive branch with the power to regulate the world’s largest single market, propose new legislation and steer the continent’s policy direction.

Her supporters are quietly confident of securing parliament’s assent, given the victory of her centre-right European People’s Party (EPP) in the EU elections this month, and the majority held by centrist parties in the chamber despite a surge in support for the far right.

Von der Leyen is respected for her leadership of the EU through the Covid-19 pandemic and the bloc’s response to Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. But she has irked some capitals and many in her own commission with her centralised decision-making and a record of pushing the limits of her institutional powers. 

Her campaign stressed the value of stability, and played up the dangers of a change in leadership given the war in Ukraine and the uncertainty in the US-EU relationship that would result from a potential Donald Trump victory in US elections in November.

Her supporters have reinforced that message in the light of the political chaos unleashed in France by President Emmanuel Macron’s decision to call a snap election — a move that startled EU allies who worry about the future influence of the far-right in Paris.


Monday’s private dinner will also feature discussions on who to select for president of the EU Council — the official who chairs meetings of bloc leaders — and for high representative, the bloc’s chief diplomat. 

Officials said Portugal’s former premier António Costa was the clear frontrunner for the former, succeeding Charles Michel, while Estonia’s Prime Minister Kaja Kallas was the most likely choice for the latter, taking over from Josep Borrell.

They cautioned, however, that on the eve of the meeting, neither choice was as definite as von der Leyen.

Von der Leyen, a former German defence minister who was an unheralded choice for the post in 2019, received a boost last week from the bloc’s three most powerful members — France, Germany and Italy — offering their tacit acceptance at the G7 summit.

Following the summit on Italy’s Apulian coast on Friday, French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said they believed a deal would be struck at Monday’s dinner, while Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said she believed the EPP had the right “to propose a commission president”.


The private dinner has been arranged as a prelude to a formal summit on June 27 and 28 at which a final agreement is due. A parliamentary vote on the next commission president is set for the week of July 15.

“Everyone wants to use [Monday] night to send a crystal clear message . . . so there’s no doubt over what the final decision will be,” said a second senior EU diplomat involved in the negotiations.

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A fast-moving wildfire spreads north of Los Angeles, forcing evacuations



A fast-moving wildfire spreads north of Los Angeles, forcing evacuations

Firefighters work against the advancing Post Fire on Sunday in Gorman, Calif.

Eric Thayer/AP

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Eric Thayer/AP

A wildfire northwest of Los Angeles has burned more than 14,600 acres and forced the evacuation of about 1,200 people, California fire officials said.

The fast-growing blaze, which began around 2 p.m. on Saturday in Gorman, in Los Angeles County west of the I-5, was moving southeast toward Pyramid Lake, CalFire said on Sunday.

Fueled by strong winds and low humidity, the so-called Post Fire exploded overnight. It spread into Ventura County to the west, burning 2,000 acres there, largely in the Los Padres National Forest, LAist reported.


The fire was 2% contained as of Sunday evening.

Complicating firefighting efforts, strong winds that had picked up on Sunday were expected to last until at least Monday. Wind gusts had reached 55 mph in the region and were forecast to reach up to 70 mph at night, the National Weather Service said Sunday afternoon, before decreasing throughout Monday.

"Conditions will be favorable for rapid rates of fire growth and spread, especially [Sunday night]," the NWS said.

Evacuation orders were in place for Hungry Valley Park — where state park officials evacuated some 1,200 people — and Pyramid Lake, which has been closed.

The cause of the fire is under investigation, according to CalFire. No injuries were reported.

California’s wildfire season is off to an aggressive start. This year so far, fires have consumed about 41,900 acres, higher than the average of 27,100 acres burned during the same period for the past five years, according to CalFire data.

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Rachel Reeves to seek ‘improved’ UK-EU trade terms if Labour wins election



Rachel Reeves to seek ‘improved’ UK-EU trade terms if Labour wins election

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Shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves would seek to break down EU trade barriers and secure billions of pounds through an early international investment summit if Labour wins the general election.

Reeves, in an interview with the Financial Times, signalled an ambitious push to revisit parts of Boris Johnson’s Brexit deal, including seeking closer alignment with EU rules in areas such as the chemicals sector and a better deal for workers in the City of London.

“We would look to improve our trading relationship with Europe, and do trade deals around the world,” she said, as she vowed that an incoming Labour government would “reset” Britain’s global image.


Her comments signal that Labour wants to go further than previously thought in seeking better trade terms with the EU, tackling head-on the “adversarial” Conservative post-Brexit relationship with Brussels and ditching a Tory fixation on regulatory divergence.

“I don’t think anyone voted Leave because they were not happy that chemicals regulations were the same across Europe,” Reeves said. “When my constituency voted leave it was purely because of immigration.” 

Labour has been reluctant to talk about Brexit in the election campaign, but as polling day approaches — and with the party 20 points ahead of the Conservatives — Reeves and Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer have given more glimpses of what they hope to achieve.

She also said Labour would take risks and was willing to “upset some people” to unlock the potential of the British economy, adding that she would use her political capital by pushing for growth rather than “having a fight about different taxes”. 

Ahead of the July 4 election, the Conservatives have warned of a Labour “tax trap”. But Reeves insisted the party could fund its priorities without resorting to tax rises on the wealthy, adding: “We’re not seeking a mandate to increase people’s taxes. We’re seeking a mandate to grow the economy.”


On Brexit, any attempt to reopen what Starmer has called Johnson’s “botched” 2020 trade deal with the EU would be highly complicated; there is little appetite in Brussels for a renegotiation and long-standing opposition to the idea of Britain “cherry-picking” parts of the single market.

Reeves talked about a “bespoke” arrangement for the chemicals industry, which is in talks with the government about a new regulatory system intended to avoid £2bn of extra costs associated with having to register products with a new UK regime. 

She reiterated Labour’s existing red lines in the area, saying there would be no rejoining the single market or customs union, and that freedom of movement and a deal on youth mobility were off the cards. These will limit the scope of any future EU deal.

Reeves stressed the importance of seeking greater mutual recognition of professional qualifications with the EU, pointing to the benefits this would entail to the services sector, including financial services.

“The majority of people in the City have not regarded Brexit as being a great opportunity for their businesses,” she said, arguing that services and financial services were “pretty much excluded” from Johnson’s Brexit deal.


But she said that Labour’s manifesto promise to seek a mutual recognition deal for professional qualifications with the EU, along with a veterinary deal and improved touring rights for UK artists were “examples” of what she wanted to achieve. “That’s not exclusive,” she said.

Reeves said she accepted the Office for Budget Responsibility’s assessment that Brexit would lop 4 per cent off Britain’s productivity potential.

The shadow chancellor, who on Monday will host senior business leaders at a meeting of her new “shadow” British Infrastructure Council, said she wanted a Labour government to hit the ground running and exploit the fact that the world would be looking afresh at the UK after election day. 

Among the further steps in the first 100 days of a Labour government would be an investment summit that aimed to lure in foreign investors who had been deterred by political instability in the UK, she said.

Reeves said she had spoken that morning to a business leader in the City who had said their global chief executive had been reluctant to come to a recent UK investment summit organised by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s government. 


“They said ‘What’s the point, we’re just getting a bit tired of what’s happening in the UK. Do I have to come to this?’,” Reeves said. “This is a real reset moment to a different way of doing government.”

She added: “It’s not just inviting businesses in for a summit, but really bringing them into the centre of government. I want to make the Treasury not just a tax-and-spending department but a department for growth.”

Reeves said there was “a role for investment” from countries including China and Saudi Arabia, but added that it was right that Sunak’s government had excluded Chinese investment from the rollout of broadband and future nuclear projects. 

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