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Port: PERS board chair at the center of pension drama lobbied lawmakers against reforms



Port: PERS board chair at the center of pension drama lobbied lawmakers against reforms

MINOT — Earlier this year, Gov. Doug Burgum asked for the resignation of the chair of the board overseeing North Dakota’s public workers pension.

Given the actions and machinations of the chair, whom he appointed in the first place, he was right.

North Dakota’s political leadership has decided to end our state’s defined-benefit public worker’s pension, with its nearly $2 billion in unfunded liabilities, and replace it with the sort of defined contribution retirement plan that most of us in the private sector enjoy.

They passed legislation to do that earlier this year. The transition will keep employees vested in the current pension whole while moving new hires over to the new plan.


But our elected leaders — including Burgum and a majority in the Legislature — are not confident that the board charged with overseeing the Public Employees Retirement System will faithfully carry out the reforms.

Mona Tedford Rindy, the current chair of the PERS board, disputed this in

a recent letter to the editor

responding to my reporting on this issue. “Any assertion that the PERS board and staff are somehow dragging their feet or sabotaging the pension closure process is blatantly false,” she wrote.

“The PERS board (led by me) and PERS staff (led by Executive Director Scott Miller) are ‘all in’, and have been ever since the legislation to close the pension passed,” she continued.


This isn’t accurate.

Immediately after the pension reform legislation passed and was sent to Burgum for his signature, Miller, who Tedford Rindy would like us to believe is “all in” on executing it,

said this to the Bismarck Tribune:

“At over $4 billion difference, HB 1040 is about to be the most expensive mistake in the history of the state of North Dakota.”

“All in,” indeed. Tedford Rindy didn’t mention those comments in her letter.


There is also good reason to doubt Tedford Rindy’s own commitment to the pension reforms. During the legislative session, she lobbied to defeat the reforms.

“I urge you to thoughtfully consider the complexities and downfalls of these proposed bills, and not succumb to the more knee-jerk-type reaction that the best way to fix an underfunded [defined benefit] plan is to close it,” she wrote in a January 13, 2023, letter sent to lawmakers.

That letter was provided to me by several lawmakers (I’ve redacted Tedford Rindy’s personal contact information).

Not only did Tedford Rindy take no action to rein in Miller, who has cultivated a toxic relationship with reform-minded lawmakers, but she now falsely claims that both she and Miller support the reforms.

There is nothing wrong with Miller and Tedford Rindy opposing the decision to close the defined-benefit pension, whatever you or I might think of their position.


But, simultaneously, there is also nothing wrong in thinking that Miller and Tedford Rindy might not be the right people to carry out those reforms, given their openly expressed hostilities toward pension reform.

Under the leadership of Tedford Rindy and Miller, the PERS board has not been “all in” on following the Legislature’s directives. They have been opposed to pension reform. They even initiated a lawsuit against the Legislature over changes made to the PERS board makeup.

The Legislature, wanting more oversight to ensure that the pension reforms are carried out, created two more positions for lawmakers on the board.

The PERS board sued, making a separation of powers argument, and got a victory from the state supreme court, albeit on an unrelated issue — lawmakers have been blatantly violating the state constitution’s prohibition on multi-issue bills for years,

and the courts have finally called them on it.


Lawmakers must now convene in a costly special session to address this — that’s their own fault — but Miller and Tedford Rindy aren’t likely to be successful in the long run in their separation of powers argument.

In a concurring opinion, Chief Justice Jon Jensen wrote that the reforms to the PERS board “do not violate the separation of powers between coequal branches of government.” When the court gets around to ruling on that issue, specifically, it’s probable they’ll come down on the Legislature’s side.

But even if the courts do happen to conclude that the Legislature violated the separation of powers provisions of the state constitution by putting four lawmakers on the PERS board, there is no legal challenge to the pension reforms themselves.

Whatever happens in the courts, we still need leadership at the PERS board we can count on to carry out those reforms.

That’s not Mona Tedford Rindy, and certainly not Scott Miller.


This is not a new problem. Former state Rep. John Dorso, a Republican who served as majority leader in the 1990s, told me the current headaches with the PERS board mirror those he and his colleagues faced previously.

“I gave up because I couldn’t see a way to overcome [PERS board’s] ability to get their way,” Dorso told me.

“I hope the Legislature can not only make the change to the retirement plan but undo the seemingly impossible situation the state has to endure with the laws concerning this board,” he continued, referencing the fact that the governor, who appoints members of the board, cannot remove them, even when they’re actively opposed to his agenda.


Burgum and the Legislature support pension reforms. They’ve made those reforms law. They want to ensure that the government board in charge of overseeing those reforms carries them out in good faith.

Tedford Rindy refused Burgum’s request that she resign from the position he appointed her to.

That’s arrogance unbefitting a public servant.

We cannot abide a situation that allows bureaucrats and appointees to thwart the policies set by elected leaders.

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North Dakota

West Fargo, two North Dakota tribes awarded $28 million



West Fargo, two North Dakota tribes awarded $28 million

WASHINGTON (KMOT) – The U.S. Department of Transportation awarded more than $28 million to West Fargo, Spirit Lake Tribe and the Three Affiliated Tribes.

The majority of the funds went to West Fargo for the installation of a road-rail separation with pedestrian, bike and ADA accommodations.

The Tribes were given partial of the funds to design road maintenance and address drainage issues, road widening, and parking accessibility for all.

The money comes from the Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity, or RAISE, grant program.


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North Dakota

North Dakota University System Chancellor moving to another job



North Dakota University System Chancellor moving to another job

BISMARCK, N.D. (KFYR) – North Dakota University System Chancellor Mark Hagerott will be moving to other job opportunities.

The chancellor released this statement about his work for the state: “It has been wonderful to be the chancellor and lead the North Dakota system for almost a decade. I am proud of the work we have done as a system during my tenure. I look forward to ensuring the continued success of the students we serve by assisting the Board during the upcoming legislative session.”

Hagerott said he will continue to serve the state of North Dakota as a professor of artificial intelligence and human security.

State Board of Higher Education Chair Tim Mihalick said the State Board of Higher Education is thankful for his leadership: “He has provided a systemwide vision to higher education that is student-centric and fiscally responsible. We look forward to continuing our work together through the next year and a half, to include the upcoming legislative session, and persisting in our shared systemwide higher education goals.”


He said his transition to teaching will be beneficial to the state in the future.

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North Dakota

Doug Burgum net worth: How North Dakota governor made his millions



Doug Burgum net worth: How North Dakota governor made his millions

Analysts think Doug Burgum could be named as former President Donald Trump’s running mate, sparking widespread interest in the North Dakota governor’s life, career, background and finances.

The 67-year-old has governed the state since 2016, but before entering politics he was a well-known businessman and led a software company that was acquired by Microsoft for more than $1 billion. Other business interests boosted his bank balance too; he spent millions on his own White House bid last year, briefly trying to run against Trump before dropping his plans and throwing his weight behind the former president.

Now Burgum’s name has been cited by several political commentators compiling lists about who may be chosen as Trump’s for Republican vice presidential candidate and bookmakers have said the odds are firmly in his favor. Being awarded the role would automatically create a favorite for the 2028 Republican nominee for president if Trump were to win and complete his second allowed term.

North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum visits “The Big Money Show” at Fox Business Network Studios on June 13 in New York City. Burgum could be named as former President Donald Trump’s running mate, sparking widespread…

Steven Ferdman/Getty Images

With just weeks to go until the GOP convention, political news outlet The Hill said Burgum was in the top three “most likely” contenders, along with senators J.D. Vance of Ohio and Marco Rubio of Florida.


Business magazine Forbes estimated last November that Burgum is a worth $100 million “at least.” The magazine said he is worth much more than his financial disclosures would suggest, though, because some of his riches are likely to have been disbursed in trusts for his three grown children.

The governor had relatively humble beginnings, working in his family’s grain elevator business through school and college at North Dakota State University, then becoming a chimney sweep before entering an MBA program at Stanford University.

Following the $1.1 billion sale of Great Plains Software in 2001 to the tech giant, Burgum became a senior vice president at Microsoft and was awarded more than 1.7 million Microsoft shares, which then were worth roughly $100 million, according to Forbes. He later left the firm and over the coming decades sold stock regularly as well as undergoing a costly divorce from his first wife, meaning that today the Microsoft stock is just a tiny fraction of his overall portfolio and is worth up to a $1 million.

But Burgum branched out into a string of other business ventures. He has also worked in real estate development and venture capital.

Some analysts have said money is a key factor playing to Burgum’s advantage because he appears to have been modeled in Trump’s own image. He has “two things Trump wants: a fat wallet and thick hair,” Bloomberg columnist and former political reporter Patricia Lopez joked in an opinion piece on Sunday.


While the Associated Press said: “Trump likes rich people. North Dakota’s two-term governor is most definitely rich.” Burgum and his wife, Kathryn, who are said to be extremely friendly with Trump and his team, would bring “money and rich friends to the table.”

Burgum has remained tight-lipped about the VP situation, but he has been a regular face on TV screens as he campaigns for Trump.

Trump told reporters in Philadelphia this weekend that he had chosen who he wanted to join him on the Republican ticket for November’s election but added that he had not yet revealed his choice to anyone.

Newsweek has reached out to Burgum via the governor’s office seeking further information and comment.


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Newsweek is committed to challenging conventional wisdom and finding connections in the search for common ground.

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